No Tan Lines


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"Good morning," I said, yawning, awake now, spooned by his body, his arms around me, his breath warm against the top of my head, and my head was pillowed on one of his arms, his hand on my boob, and his erection was pressing against my butt, an unfamiliar hardness that felt so good, and I could feel 'No Tan Lines' rocking in the wind, and the rain was beating down against the hull.

"Sore?" he breathed.

"No," I murmured, and I wasn't, and I wanted what I could feel pressing against me, and his arms turned me and his hands caressed me and he mounted me and rode me and I lost myself in him taking me and making love to me, and know I knew why they called it making love, because it was. The two of us, together, and he was in me, part of me, moving on me and in me and my thighs cradled him, his arms held me, his body took me and loved me, and my body returned that love, giving him everything, and when I climaxed, it went on and on and on and when at last he came in me, I climaxed again.

"I don't want to go anywhere today," I said, afterwards, half lying on him with his arm around me. "Maybe tomorrow. How about we just stay here..." I lifted my head and smiled while my hand reached down and cupped his balls. "...and we can play pirates, and you can ravish me mercilessly."

I batted my eyelids at him. "Would you like to ravish me mercilessly?"

Turned out he did like that, and he did, and he was merciless, and afterwards, we lay together and slept through the morning, and in the afternoon we made love again and again, until at last we looked at each other.

"Mercy," he pleaded, and I giggled, rolling over to lie on top of him, and his naked body against mine, his hands on me, mine on him, knowing he was mine and I was his, that was everything I wanted. Everything!

"I'm sore now," I said, kissing him. "Deliciously sore," I added. "How many times did we do it?"

"Six? Seven?" he said. "I lost count."

"So did I," I said. "Okay, rest now, old man. I'm going to, because you've exhausted me."

I slid down onto the bed and, nestled in his arms, I slept, and it was dark when I woke up. He still held me in his arms, but he was awake.

"Did you sleep?" I asked, smiling, and just seeing his face next to mine, I glowed with happiness.

"Yes," he said, smiling. "For hours. Haven't slept like that in years."

"Let's go to the restaurant and have dinner," I said, stretching. "I'm starving." I hadn't been this hungry or felt this good for months.

"Let's take a shower first," he said, watching me stretch.

* * *

"It's the prodigal niece." Aunt Suzy looked up as I walked into the kitchen, holding Dave's hand. "Never thought I'd see you holding hands with my niece," she added, a bit too sharply, and I swallowed.

Dave squeezed my hand, smiled at me.

"Oh god," I said, contrite. "I'm sorry. I forgot we were supposed to be coming over for breakfast."

"Guess it was good weather for fishing," she said.

"We didn't go fishing," Dave said, and I blushed.

Auntie Suzy looked at him, then at me, and then she laughed and shook her head. "You two go eat dinner," she said.

"Okay, sure, Aunt Suzy," I said, smiling, "Hi, Uncle Wayne."

"Hi Jenny." He waved. "Hey Dave, you take care with my niece huh, she's way too young for you. No funny business or you're going into the buffet. As ingredients."

"Uncle Wayne!" I squealed.

"Hey, Wayne," Dave waved, stood and walked over. He and Uncle Wayne shook hands. "I was planning to spend the day with Jenny tomorrow if that's okay."

"Sure it's okay. Good for her to get out," Uncle Wayne said. "Come and help me get this stuff out. If your dating my niece, that means you're family and I can put you to work for free."

Dave laughed, and next second they were carrying out the big serving dishes from the kitchen out back to the food warmers along the buffet counter and talking away, where I couldn't hear what they were saying.

"Go eat, Jenny," Aunt Suzy said.

"Uh..." I said hesitantly.

"We can talk after you've had dinner," she said. "You did want to talk to me, didn't you? About him?"

"Yeah," I said.

"I can tell, it's the look on your face," she said. "Go on, eat."

"I better stay here at Aunt Suzy's tonight," I said, reluctantly, after we'd eaten. "I'm going to talk to her about you and me."

"You sure?" he asked, holding my hand across the table.

"I can't keep staying overnight with you and not talk to her about it," I said. "I'm supposed to be staying with her and Uncle Wayne. If I'm going to keep on staying overnight with you, I need to at least talk to her about it before I talk to my Mom."

I thought about that, and swallowed. Nervously. "Definitely before I talk to my Mom."

"Okay," he said, accepting that I needed to do this, and his hand squeezed mine.

"I'll walk down tomorrow morning," I said, leaning across the table and kissing him, not caring who saw me. "You sleep in, I'll walk down. I want to see you in bed when I get there."

"You do?" He kissed me back. A long, slow, gentle kiss.

"Yeah," I said. "Because I know what we're doing tomorrow."

"You do?" he said.

"I do," I replied, smiling. Excited just thinking about him and me. "Stay in bed and you'll find out." I giggled. "Just be prepared to stay in bed all day. Again."

"Jenny," he said, and that was all he needed to say, and I didn't want him to leave, but the sooner I talked to Auntie Suzy and then slept, the sooner I'd wake up and walk down to the marina and see him again.

* * *

"Jenny," Auntie Suzy looked up as I walked back of the counter. "We should talk if you're going to be with him all the time. Your Mom sent you down to stay with Wayne and I and relax and get better and enjoy yourself, not..." She hesitated. "... I don't think they expected you to start dating some guy way older than you. I'm not sure what they'd say about this, about you staying with him like this."

"They wouldn't approve at all," I said. "They'd probably be really upset with me." God, they would, they'd probably say I couldn't see him at all, and I started to breathe faster, suddenly short of breath, feeling a little faint at the thought, and I swayed and I had to reach for the counter.

"Are you okay, Jenny?" Aunt Suzy asked, as I fumbled for my inhaler, pushing the cartridge in, holding it, breathing in, and it helped right away. One breath, two, another dose and I relaxed, feeling a little faint but I was still shaking.

"You okay, Jenny?" Aunt Suzy asked. "What's that? You didn't have that with you before."

"Inhaler," I said. "It's for my breathing." I took a deeper breath and it worked. "He's a really nice guy, Auntie," I said. "He's not taking advantage of me." I half smiled. Definitely he wasn't. "I mean, I told him I'd been sick and everything, and you know what he did when he took me to his medical center?"

"What?" Aunt Suzy asked.

"He took me to his Doctor and he had them do a full medical check on me," I said. "He paid for everything, he wouldn't tell me what it cost." I eyed the inhaler. "They said I had chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and they were really surprised the hospital back home or the doctor didn't pick up on it. They've got me on this medication, and this inhaler for if I have any problems, and I feel so much better already."

I looked up at her. "He really looks after me and he makes me so happy, Auntie, he really does. Don't tell Mom and Dad about him, not yet." I thought about it. "I'm going to tell them myself when I've made up my mind about him and me."

"You're spending all your time on his boat, Jenny," Aunt Suzy said. "That's serious, and you're only eighteen. He's a lot older than you."

"We talked about that, Auntie. He knows how old I am, he knows lots about me, I told him what happened, and I like him a lot. We're just going to date, Auntie. I'm enjoying myself with him, I really am." I couldn't help saying, smiling. I'd never been more relaxed and happy either, but I wasn't going to say that. Not yet.

"I can see that," she said. "But really, you should ask yourself if your Mom and Dad would approve. He's a little old for you, isn't he, Jenny?"

"Yeah, maybe he is," I said, feeling that glow I got every time I thought about him. "Twelve years older than me," I said. Might as well get it out into the open, it wasn't like she didn't know Dave. It wasn't like she hadn't seen him kissing me goodnight either, and I wasn't going to hide anything from her. I was kind of thinking about that myself anyhow, and it was hard to put into words.

"I really like him, he's... I don't know, he's a man, not a boy, and okay, I know he's way older than me. You don't have to tell me that, but he's not a boy, Auntie. He knows me, he understands."

I shrugged. "The guys I know back home, they're just boys. Dave's been there, done that, and he knows how to look after me, Aunty. He knows what I want before I know, and he just does it. He's... he enjoys making me happy, and he looks after me, and he doesn't ask for anything, he says me enjoying everything is all he needs, and he knows I'm not a boat bunny..."

I smiled again, thinking that yeah, well, he enjoyed making me happy but I sure enjoyed making him happy too. I'd enjoyed that very much last night, and the day before, and the day before that, and it seemed as if I'd known him for far longer than a few days. "He cares, he really does, and I like him a lot."

"I hope you do," she said. "He's wealthy you know. You don't just like him because he's throwing money around do you, Jenny?"

"Of course not!" I said. "I'm not that kind of girl."

"There's a lot that are," Auntie Suzy said. "Maybe he's taking advantage of you. You're only eighteen, Jenny. And he's a gweilo, you know what some of those older gweilo guys are like over Chinese girls."

"Oh." Yeah, well, I did. Younger gweilo guys too. I think my old boyfriend had been like that, coz that girl he started dating after I went into hospital, she'd been American-Korean.

"I don't think it's anything to do with me being Chinese for him, Auntie. He just likes me." I smiled, and his returning smile made me glow with happiness.

"Yeah, I can see the way you two look at each other. He makes you happy and he looks after you, I guess, but I needed to hear you say that for yourself, Jenny. It's so easy for a young girl like you to be impressed by a guy like that."

"It's not that," I said. "I like him for him." I grinned. "The boat's fun though, it really is, but I wouldn't care if he didn't have it. That's just how we met, that's all." I thought about it. "Although without the boat, I doubt I'd have hooked up with him to start with."

"So you are hooked up with him?" she said.

"Of course I am, Auntie," I said. "Seriously hooked up. I wouldn't still be staying on his boat with him if I wasn't."

"Girlfriend boyfriend hooked up?" She looked at me. "He's bit old to call your boyfriend."

"Yes," I said. "He is, but that's what he is." I'd never been more sure of anything in my life.

"This all sounds serious, Jenny. You're only here for a few months and then you're going home to go back and finish High School."

"Yes," I said, not wanting to think about that. "I am, but I'm going to stay here with him until it's time to go back, and after that, we'll see. We're talking about that."

"It's like that, is it," she said, and she suddenly looked older. "Ah well, I was your age once, Jenny. I hope you're not making a big mistake."

"I don't think I am, Auntie," I said. "I know he's very special to me, and we've talked. I'm not stupid. He's not pulling one over me."

"No, no-one ever said you were, Jenny," she said. "Well, it is what it is." She smiled. "And if he's taking you out on his boat all the time, you're going to have a great time here."

"I'm going to move in with him on his boat, Auntie," I said, dreamily, pouring myself a cup of tea. "He's asked me if I'd like to, and I would, while I'm staying here, and he's really special."

"I'm not sure that's such a good idea, Jenny," she said, pouring herself a cup.

"You might be right," I said, sipping. "But if I don't, I'll never know. And I am eighteen. I'm nineteen in a few weeks."

"You better tell your Mom and Dad," she said. "I'm not going to lie to them for you."

"You don't need to, Auntie," I said. "I'll tell them. I just need to be sure he's the right guy. Just give me some time to make up my mind for sure."

"You're a bit young to move in with someone," she said. "Let alone a guy his age. He really is a lot older than you, Jenny. And you've only known him a few days. A week. What if it's a mistake?"

"I'm going home at the end of summer," I said, not wanting to think about that. "I still have to redo twelfth grade, but I want to move in with him while I'm here, I really do." I held her gaze. "I'm serious about him, Auntie, and he's serious about me."

"Are you sure about that?" she asked. "It's really quick. It's not like you've known him very long. A few days. A week."

"I know." I nodded. "But we've talked. A lot. And we both feel the same thing, and we both want to see if it works. And I know it's really fast, but if it doesn't work out, I'll come back and stay with you and Uncle Wayne, okay."

"Aiiiyah," she said. "Well, you're eighteen, Jenny, and I was eighteen once myself. I know what it's like." She smiled, and lowered her voice. "Moving in with him is pretty serious though. A lot more serious than I thought. I want you to be sure it's something you want to do."

"I'm sure, Auntie," I said, and I was, and I was sure she could see that too.

She nodded, slowly. "Okay, I'm not going to say anything else, Jenny. It's your decision, and he's a nice guy, I'll give you that, even if he is way too old for you, but if you change your mind, you come straight back here. And you have to talk to your Mom and Dad about this soon, okay."

"Thank you, Auntie," I blurted out. "Just, don't tell Mom and Dad about him, okay. Not yet. I can do that myself once I'm sure about this. Really sure." I was kind of thinking it already was serious enough, for me anyhow, but I didn't know about him. What did he really think? Was I really that serious for him? I kind of hoped I was, but I'd have to go home eventually too, and...

"Okay, okay," Auntie Suzy said. "You go move in with him, but you need to come back here every couple of days for breakfast or dinner, tell me where you're going, and tell me everything you're doing, okay. We need to know you're safe."

I giggled. "Not everything, Auntie."

"Jenny!" she said, and then she giggled. "Okay, okay. Not everything. You just be careful, okay Jenny. I don't want you getting hurt."

"He won't hurt me," I said confidently. I knew that about him already. Thinking about going home to Minnesota and leaving him behind, that did hurt, but I pushed that away. Eight months was forever.

"You have to tell your Mom and Dad," she said. "Remember that, okay. If you're just having fun, that's one thing, but I don't want to have to explain things to them."

"Okay," I said.

"So what's your plans for tomorrow."

"Going fishing," I said. "We're leaving early, but we'll bring any good fish back for Uncle Wayne."

"Great," Uncle Wayne's voice said from behind me. "Bring as much mahi-mahi as you can."

"Sure," I said, happy now, but I missed Dave, and he'd only been gone half an hour. "I better go to bed. I need to get up early to make it to his boat and I need to take some things from upstairs."

"I thought you were moving in with him?" Aunt Suzy said.

"Yes," I said, surprised. "Tomorrow."

"You might as well stay with him tonight," she said. "You miss him already, don't you?"

"Yes," I admitted.

"Then off you run," she said. "Stop moping around. Ant out there lives on his boat down in that Emerald River marina. I'll ask him to give you a ride and walk you to Dave's boat."

"Ant?" I said. "I know him."

Yeah, it was him. "Sure, Suzy," he said. "Of course I can. Met Jenny already." He grinned. "Hi Jenny."

"Hi Ant," I said, joining him at his table. "Thanks."

"This is Jim," he said. "And the old guy here is Ken. You'll see them around the marina too." He stood up. "Cover me will 'ya, huh, Jim. I'll run Jenny down now. You guys come over to the boat for a beer when you get back."

"Sure," Jim said. "Nice meeting 'ya, Jenny. Staying with Dave, we'll be seeing you around."

"For sure," I smiled.

* * *

"Hi," I said, leaning against the door to his cabin. Our cabin now. If he really wanted me, and now I was sure that he did. "Miss me?"

"Hi yourself," he said, and he'd been watching a movie. "I went to bed," he added.

"I can see that," I said, going weak at the knees just looking at him. He was in bed alright, and he was lying on his back, naked, and as he looked at me his cock engorged, swelled, grew until it was erect. Hugely erect and I shivered at the sight of him. I'd been thinking of him since I left the restaurant with Ant.

"What happened?"

I smiled. "I talked to Auntie Suzy about moving in with you."

"From that smile, I guess it went well," he said.

"You guessed right," I said, still smiling. "She told me it was okay, as long as I talked to Mom and Dad sometime in the next week or two. And I have to tell her where we're going, and everything we're doing, and we have to go see her and Uncle Wayne every couple of days."

"Everything?" he said, raising one eyebrow.

"Not quite everything." I giggled. "But she told me not to mope around, and she asked Ant to give me a ride down here, so he did and he walked me down the dock to the boat."

"Guess I owe him a beer," Dave said.

"Guess you do," I said. "Tomorrow, not now." Coz now I was shivering with excitement. I was here, on his boat, with him, and Aunt Suzy had given me the okay to move in with him, not that it would have made any difference if she hadn't. "Do you really want me to move in with you?"

"Yes," he said.

"Until the end of summer?" I asked, that black hole inside me expanding, because that was months away.

"Yes," he said.

"Okay," I said. "I've moved in with you. Officially. Until the end of summer. And from the look of that thing sticking up, you better take me to bed right now." I was already peeling my t-shirt off over my head, dropping it on the floor, and my bra followed. My skirt was next, and I didn't even bother with the dresser. I unhooked it, unzipped it, and let it fall to my ankles.

"Take your panties off for me," he said, watching me as I peeled them down and stepped out of them, and I was melting. Hot and slippery and my nipples were aching and swollen.

"Don't move," I whispered, shivering with excitement as I crawled onto the bed and over him, straddling him, looking down at him, and then I took him in one hand, and stroked him slowly, guiding him to me as I lowered myself a little until he touched me where he would enter me, and then I eased myself down on him, all the way down, and he groaned, his hands resting on my hips, and mine were on his chest.

"I like this," I gasped, full. Impaled, and it felt like it was all the way up to my heart inside me.

"Ride me," he said, and he smiled, and I rode him until I couldn't anymore, and then he rolled me onto my back and it went on and on and on until I was sobbing and crying out and bucking wildly beneath him because it was so good, and afterwards, we lay together, and I couldn't let go of him, and I slept in his arms.

* * *

"I'd rather stay in bed with you all day," I said, the next morning, enjoying his weight on me, afterwards, cradling him with my thighs, and it felt so good when he was inside me, lying on me afterwards, and we were together.

"Stay there," I added, my hands stroking his head, his shoulders. "I like feeling you in me like that."
