Northern Closure


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Sales slowed in the winter months and Chris enjoyed a more relaxed pace. He worked on refining his designs and building a web-based decision support system to automate the design. When he got it done, the easy to use web page provided customers with a list of parts, a completed order form that would automatically go to the general store once the user approved and diagrams on building the system based on components that their input had indicated they needed. If it got too complicated, they were automatically referred by e-mail to Chris with all of their input provided as an attachment to save them specifying it all over again.

His e-mails to Megan went largely unanswered but he somehow felt that she read every one. He kept sending them, keeping things light and upbeat with pictures of the lake, Encore and animated descriptions of his work. On April 1st he sent Megan a picture of Encore wearing a birthday hat that had a big "2" on it.

After a month of silence, he got a huge surprise. Megan's message just said, "I've got an idea on how to make the charge controller twice as efficient."

You could have pushed Chris off his chair with a feather when he read that. Megan had replied from her home e-mail as usual but had added an FYI with her work e-mail signature; she worked for the company that manufactured the charge controller.

A week later, the store owner e-mailed him. "There's a package here, hand addressed to you." Chris told him he would be in town tomorrow and would stop by then to pick it up.

When Chris entered the store, he noticed right away that the place had been recently updated with antique fixtures adding to the general store look and feel. The whole place had an air of prosperous new oldness. Chris was reminded firsthand that the partnership was profitable for everyone and the web-based decision support system was really driving up orders.

After discussing developments and a couple of big custom design orders, Chris took his package and headed home. Back at the cottage, he opened it and found a charge controller that looked just like his. Over the logo was a small sticker that read "Encore Energy Systems" and a handwritten note from Megan.

"Dear Chris," he read. "I don't think I ever told you that I worked for the company that makes your charge controller. I found your system design website and was amazed by what you had done in such a short time. That must have stirred my entrepreneurial spirit because I started thinking about efficiency of energy management. Our products work fine but no one has ever been interested in making them more efficient. My VP has been pushing us hard to produce the same products cheaper and I'm sick of it. We should be making our products better and increase the energy efficiency to reduce the operating overhead. I'm sure people who are motivated and enlightened enough to buy a renewable energy system will be easy to convince that quality and efficiency will pay for themselves quickly. The end result of that is the prototype I sent you. Although I used an enclosure and some of the standard parts from our products, the rest is my design. In testing, it reduced the charge controller draw by 48% but I want you to try it in your system and see what you think. Love Megan XOXO"

Well that was refreshing. Megan had burst back on the scene, showing a spark that had been missing for a long while.

Chris immediately went to his control center and off-lined all the inputs after reading the meters on the system. Disconnecting his charge controller, he replaced it with the one from Megan. Bringing everything back on line, he noticed immediately the readings were far better. Pretty soon, he also realized the lack of an electrical hum and the lower heat output of the new device.

He sprinted to his computer and fired off an e-mail about the amazing differences.

He paced about absent-mindedly eating leftover pizza as he waited for her reply. Because of the time difference, it was well past midnight Chris' time that the reply came. It was very cryptic.

"Would the device sell? Could it be part of a standard Encore Energy Systems setup? What would the volumes be? What was the turnaround time on the rest of the order for a system?"

Chris answered all of her questions with his best estimates based on their current sales. "Wait a week and I'll get back to you" was all the reply he got.

"What the . . ." thought Chris. What was the significance of a week, what was he waiting for, why all the questions? Chris mulled all this over in his mind and came up with nothing. It sounded like questions you would ask while building a business model but Megan's note had suggested she hadn't been happy with her company's approach for quite a while. At least Megan was sort of talking to him again, he thought.

Without anymore ideas about Megan's message meant, Chris slipped back into his routine and before long a week had almost gone by. This was a bad spring for bugs so he was barricaded indoors watching TV one night when he heard a frantic rapping on the kitchen door. He quickly got up to see a flustered Megan swatting everywhere and banging on the door as she danced around futilely trying to avoid the biting insects. He stood there in shock as she quickly got very frustrated with the delay. Finally, he lunged forward and opened the door to let her in. Megan burst into the kitchen cursing and swearing, swatting at the last of the bugs. Encore ran to the kitchen growling and barking but slid to a stop as soon as she realized it was Megan. The slide was switched to a leap and Megan was almost bowled over by the exuberant mutt. As she patted the happy dog, she realized the bugs had abandoned their hunt for her blood in favor of freedom. They were all crawling on the inside of the door and the windows looking for a way out.

"Blackflies don't like to be inside," Chris said by way of explanation.

"Thank goodness, I can't imagine what a cottage would be like if they did. Bloodsucking parasites," said Megan as she dabbed a tissue at the trickle of blood oozing behind each ear.

"They take a chunk out of you and it takes a while to stop bleeding," said Chris as he got out the bite ointment.

"So is this the end result of your cryptic wait a week message?"

"Yup. I quit my job, turned my condo over to a realtor, packed a few things in the car and left. Say hello to your new charge controller supplier. That is, if you'll buy my obviously superior product in sufficient quantity."

"How, what, where . . ." spluttered Chris.

"I'm going into business making charge controllers. The sales numbers you quoted me can be met by one person in a small workshop. I'll contract out the enclosure stamping so they don't look like the one I sent and I'll assemble the components myself in a small shop. Since that small shop can be anywhere, I chose to locate my new business by a quiet lake. The overhead will be low enough that I can make a small profit with one exclusive distributor. With my investments and a little luck, I'll have enough money to live on."

"Wow," Chris replied.

"Ouch," came Megan's response as Chris slipped and dabbed on a little too much bite ointment.

The pair burst out laughing. "The last time we carried on a single syllable conversation the circumstances were quite different," Chris said.

"About that" Megan said, "I need a shower in the worst way. I drove the last eight hundred or so miles today and I need to freshen up."

"Wait here," said Chris and he went off to fill the bathtub. Rooting around under the sink he found some bath salts and grabbing some candles from the cupboard made his best attempt at a soothing, romantic spa. When it was ready, he fetched a fluffy towel and led Megan to her private spa.

"Wow," was her response when she saw the bath.

Quickly and without ceremony, she stripped and slid into the tub. Chris stood there dumbfounded as her beautiful curves appeared and then slipped into the murky water.

"Earth to Chris, earth to Chris," he finally heard coming from the general vicinity of the tub.


"Chris, do you have a nice wine on hand? Would you mind getting me a glass? I would like some company while I soak and drink."

"Uh huh," was the brilliant reply and he stumbled off on his mission.

Returning composed and with a bottle and two glasses, Chris poured the nice dry chardonnay and proposed a toast, "to my new business partner, may our partnership extend beyond business."

Megan's eyes sparkled in the candlelight as their glasses touched. Her eyes had a clarity and depth that Chris had never seen before, they almost burned into his skull, her gaze was so intense. There was something deep and powerful in the way she was looking into his soul and he was powerless to look away. After what seemed like ages but was probably only a few seconds, her gaze softened and his eyes were unlocked to roam over her murky form.

Chris picked up a washcloth and soap and began to gently rub down her arms and shoulders. Megan stretched her arms along the tub sides and languished in the pampered feeling. Chris carefully and gently wiped everywhere he could reach, softly touching but not stimulating her nipples and working his way down over her flat stomach. Using a circular motion he rubbed the cloth over her mound and gently between her slowly parting legs. A soft sigh was her reply.

He finished washing her legs and feet and gently tugged on her shoulder to encourage her to sit up. As she did, he rubbed the cloth over her back and neck and pushed gently on her shoulder to tell her she could lay back down under the warm water.

When the water had cooled to almost uncomfortable, Chris went and got his fluffiest, biggest towel and held it out beside the tub. Megan delicately stepped from the tub and wrapped the towel around her in one fluid motion. Chris gently rubbed the towel against her skin and renewed his acquaintance with her smooth, soft curves. Megan's eyes were heavy and her head drooped as she walked with Chris' arm around her into his bedroom. Pulling back the covers and taking the towel from her, Chris tucked her in; warm, relaxed and dry in his bed. The instant her head hit the pillow, she was gone.

Chris went back out to the kitchen, let Encore out for one last necessity and closed up. Padding quietly into the bedroom shucking his clothes as he went, he crawled in naked with Megan and curled up spooned to her soft, warm, naked skin.

In the morning, he awoke in exactly the same spot he fell asleep --- spooned behind her in a now familiar position. Made even more familiar by his morning wood snuggled gently between Megan's bare cheeks. Slowly surfacing, Megan stretched luxuriantly and giggled softly.

"What?" Chris whispered.

Megan wiggled her butt, "you seem to have a habit of poking me."

"Sorry. I can't help it around you, and besides I need to take care of morning necessities," said Chris not sounding terribly apologetic.

"We both do, me first" came the reply as Megan threw back the covers and hurried through the cool room to the bathroom.

When she returned, Chris took his turn and was pleased to see her lying on her side waiting for his return.

"Brrrr, you're cold," she said when he slid in against her.

"I need a warm place to curl up."

"I think I have just the place," she replied as she wiggled her bare cheeks against his rapidly rising member.

Gently, Megan rocked her hips back and forth as Chris responded quickly to the exquisite sensations emanating from the sensitive underside of his cock. He quietly groaned into her hair as he gently slid back and forth in short strokes in time with her cheeks. Not wanting a repeat of the teenage explosion of the previous encounter, Chris pulled back a bit to lessen the pleasurable pressure and reached around to caress Megan's taut nipples. Running his hands gently over her breasts, he captured and released her nipples by spreading and closing his fingers. Megan was literally humming like she was connected to her own invention.

Still lying on their sides spooning, every touch of Chris' hands left a trail of electricity on her skin. Goosebumps rose under his hands as he explored her smooth, soft terrain. As her pleasure built, his hand began to stray in lazy circles over her flat tummy, teasingly making its way down to the soft, natural blond down of her mound. Fluffing the light curls, the tips of his fingers lazily brushed over the top of her hooded pleasure bud. Each contact brought a small gasp from Megan and she squirmed slightly against the hard invader stretched out along the valley between her smooth cheeks. Chris' arched his back reducing the contact with Megan so he could focus on what he was doing with his hand. Each time his finger roamed over her hardening nub, he lightly pressed down on it to build her pleasure slowly but steadily.

Chris kept up his unhurried but focused assault on Megan's pleasure center. Megan could feel the excruciating pleasure of the slow burning build of a massive orgasm. She gave herself over to feeling the sensations Chris was creating in her. With her eyes closed, each passing circuit of his hand ignited small fireworks in her head. When he tilted his head and softly kissed the sensitive skin in the crook of her neck, white flashes exploded behind her eyelids. Her orgasm burst over her like a white hot flash of super-heated pleasure and played out as a series of small aftershock explosions that kept her convulsing and tensing muscles trying to prolong the ecstasy. Chris went back to circular strokes on her smooth tummy while her body tensed and contorted with the shocks of pleasure. He could smell the musky aroma of her juices as her flooded pussy flowed freely. At the peak of her pleasure, she had soaked his balls with a gush of nectar and now as she rocked against him, the warm liquid flowed over his dick making it slick enough to slide gently and ever deeper into the valley of her rosebud.

With one particularly strong aftershock, Megan rocked her hips back and Chris' cock slid directly against her rosebud. Before either of them realized exactly what had happened, on the return down stroke, the head of his cock popped inside her very relaxed and pulsing ring.

"Oooooh." "Ahhhhh."

Surprise registered with Megan while the tight, warm grip around the head of his cock registered pure pleasure with Chris.

"Go slow," she gasped, "it feels good right now but you're the first one who's ever been back there."

Chris groaned. The pleasure was incredible. Fighting the urge to thrust, he gently slid a bit further inside the warm, tight ring. Gradually, she relaxed and his forward progress continued until he realized his balls were resting against her drenched pussy. Holding himself still for a few moments, Chris basked in the erotic feeling of smooth warmth surrounding his dick. The urge to thrust grew to the point he couldn't ignore it any more. He drew his cock slowly back part way and pushed equally slowly back in . After a couple of repeats, Megan was pushing gently towards his thrusts.

"That feels wonderful. Go slow, I want to feel every bit of you moving back there."

Chris set up a slow, steady, and gradually deeper thrusting tempo. Eventually, he was pushing all the way in and pulling back until the tight ring of muscle was grasping the sensitive skin just below the head of his cock.

As his pleasure grew, Chris realized to his chagrin that he was very likely to repeat his previous teenage performance. The sensations transmitted back to his brain from the nerve endings in his cock were incredible. He reached around and resumed strumming her pleasure button like a fine string instrument, teasing a symphony of pleasure from her sensitive nerve endings. Megan began pushing back harder and farther against Chris' rear invasion, building the pleasure for both of them as they worked to match their pleasurable ministrations to their partner's needs. Chris remembered the sensitive spot on her neck and gently nibbled there as he stroked more firmly and farther in and out of her stretched rosebud. She was rapidly heading for the top and her hip motion became uncoordinated. Making up for the lack of stroke depth was the strong pulsing grip of her tight ring as she reached a crescendo. Each time the smooth ring of muscle squeezed on the sensitive skin under the head of his cock, Chris panted slightly into her neck. His soft warm breath teased the sensitive spot and Megan reached the summit as his hand conducted her ultimate pleasure. Fireworks again exploded behind her eyelids and the instantaneous clamping of her smooth tunnel on his cock was so exquisitely tight his balls exploded bathing the inside of her ass with a huge load of hot cum.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, oooohhhh shiiiiiiittttttt" moaned Megan as her orgasm peaked again with the warm filling sensations in her anal cavity.

Chris just panted, lost in the after glow of a huge orgasm.

As they came back down, Chris' soft cock slipped gently from Megan's still pulsing back door. Chris wrapped his arms around her and they both slipped off into a blissful, exhausted nap.

Megan was the first to wake up from the strange feeling of Chris' cum seeping from her relaxed ass. The urge to run to the bathroom was too great and she hurried as best she could while attempting to stem the flow with a handful of tissues.

Her mild discomfort remedied, she slipped back in to bed with the gently snoring Chris. She realized they had come full circle from a childhood friendship to a business and personal partnership, closing the loop on the paths of their lives in these beautiful northern surroundings.

"Sweet dreams, partner."


Edited by Dinsmore and Crazysoundguy

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AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

I didn't mind the fact that Megan left for her career and new job. Bit surprised she didn't mention who she was working for in her emails. They communicated via email a lot, the first several months, then asymmetrically the next three months or so, then he got the feeling she was reading his but not replying at all. That last part should have been addressed by the author. Yes the MC guessed that shebwa a nor happynbeijg the regional director at work. By why ghost him. Then she checked out his website, saw all he did in the mean time and got inspired and then contacted him with cryptic emails, dropping her job and with plans of going into business with the MC? And having a long term relationship. They were apart for a year. Yes he never mentioned meeting anyone else or dating anyone else. And who cares if either of them got their ashes hauled occasionally (doesn't sound like he did) as they were MOT exclusive. But still an explanation for her going incommunicado would have been nice. And she seemed to leap to conclusions at the end that coukd of backfired. Ending was a bit abrupt. Heavy on the sex (I don't mind the anal scene, lot of happily married couples enjoy mixing it up with anal sex), but what about their relationship plans and expectations? Intimated by author that is mode than just being f$ck buddies, but some affirmation and time devoted to that and the ghosting for like 4 months would have been nice.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago
Great story 5 stars

Early on he said he had a hot water heater powered by a large capacity propane tank, but the story changed. The editors didn't catch that.

LidiaJayLidiaJayabout 1 year ago

I came for a story and got ....This is a romance with a touch of loving wives in the mix. Many thanks primarily to Dinsmore and also Crazysoundguy for patience and expert help and advice with edits and writing. As per usual, the characters are invented and bear no intentional resemblance to actual persons alive or deceased. All intercourse is consensual and between individuals over the age of eighteen. This is a story about chasing inner peace after escaping a flawed relationship and lifestyle to a simpler, more compatible existence. If you've read my other work, you'll see a pattern. I like the first love theme and I like the sense of seeking a simpler, more basic existence. There is sex interspersed throughout but you'll need to read a while to get there. At the end of the day, let's all try to end the massive consumption of non-renewable energy and seek better ways to live on our planet.

PurplefizzPurplefizzalmost 2 years ago

Fell off a cliff at the end there, where was the success of her new enterprise and their own personal happy ever afters? That said I get heartily cheesed off with people marking a story down dramatically simply because it touches on an aspect of human sexuality they don’t like and disapprove of, Get Over it! It’s sex, it’s what this site is about mostly, if you don’t like it read another story or tune in to Sesame St, do not try and push your bigoted views in the comments, try looking up what constructive criticism is and apply it to your comments please.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Now why would a woman on a visit to a rustic cabin have a see-through teddy, garters, hose and a thong? Completely unrealistic.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I think I remember reading ths a lon time ago, but had not bookmarked it..... now I have! Great story. I will continue reading the rest.

goodshoes2goodshoes2over 2 years ago

Lake description great. Story was an enjoyable, cute read. I read a few comments panning the anal scene. Nuts to them. A survey a while age stated that at least 50% of adults participated in and enjoyed anal sex. No--it didn't replace vaginal sex. Just added to the love life from time to time. If you don't like it, don't knock those that do.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I love the details of the lake, the wail of the loons, the shimmer of the water.

Not a fan of anal, but it seems they both enjoyed it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

A beautiful story ruined at the end with anal. Sorry, just one star though it would have definitely got 5 stars from me if the anal had not been there.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
I liked it mostly

The ending made it an Erotic Coupling story not a Romance. The anal was a negative for me and wasted space. Skip that, make it complete into the romance it should have been. Cheap ending.

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