Nosey Neighbor (Hers) Ch. 09

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Betrayal comes where Emily least expects it.
10.4k words

Part 9 of the 22 part series

Updated 06/14/2024
Created 07/20/2023
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The following is a work of fiction. All characters participating in sexual activities are over 18. Any resemblance to real life persons is merely coincidental.

This story is part of a series and it is advised to read the story from the beginning as each chapter continues directly from the last. This story is split between the different perspectives of his and hers. To get the full story it is suggested to read both sides.

The Nosey Neighbor - Her Story

By: VanillaUnicorn

"It was Brian..."

Those words hung in the air as the room went silent. Emily just stared at her sister in shock at what she heard. She knew Brian wasn't a good person but she never figured him for someone who would hit a woman before. In a way she was thankful that he had never raised a hand to her.

Candace stood there with tears falling down her cheek. She felt shame and humiliation at the same time. She knew she should've known better. She wasn't sure what it was about Brian that had attracted her to him in the first place but the fact that he was her sister's ex-boyfriend should've been enough to keep her away on its own.

The sounds of their mother playing upstairs with Candace's kids could be heard as both women stood there unsure what to say next. They looked at each other some more before Emily closed the distance and wrapped her arms around her wounded sister. During their embrace Mrs. Schneider came back down the stairs and approached the two of them.

"Ok, the kids know to play for a while upstairs. So someone had better explain to me what happened." Joanne said to both of her daughters.

Emily finally broke free from her hold on her sister but reached down and clasped her hand onto Candace's. The make-up on the eldest daughter's face had become a mess from her silent tears.

"We had better take this into the living room where we can sit down." Emily said to the two other women.

The trio stumbled quietly into the living room and each picked out a different place to sit. They made sure that they were close enough that they wouldn't need to speak too loudly because they didn't want Candace's kids to hear what was said.

"I guess I should start since this is partly my fault." Emily said with a sigh.

"It's not your fault. No one forced me to do what I did." Candace retorted back.

"I'm not saying I'm to blame for that part but I am to blame for bringing Brian into our lives to begin with. Had I not ever been dating him then you would've never met him."

Candace had not thought about it like that but if it wasn't Brian then it surely would've been some other loser she went for since that was the type she always seemed to find or better yet the type that seemed to find her.

"So I guess I should take it back to where it started. There are things that I never told either of you before. It was mostly because I was embarrassed by it and the other was because I just wanted to forget any of it happened. Back when I started in college I was alone. Even here when I was in high school and before that I didn't really fit in. All the girls my age would always tease me about my weight and the boys would constantly call me names. Throughout all of that I missed out on a lot of things especially dances and dating. I always felt like there would be no boy who would ever want me like that. I wasn't the pretty girl or the skinny cheerleader that they all seemed to be chasing after. Then I went off to college and it was more of the same. I thought maybe the fresh start would be different and some boys would just come up to me and it would be better but they were still chasing after the same types."

As Emily explained what her life had been like, both her mother and sister felt terrible. They both knew that they should've been there looking out for her but they didn't. Candace had seen what her sister described first hand when her sister first started high school. She was one of those popular cheerleaders that the boys chased after and saw the way her sister was cast aside. She figured that it was just the way school went and eventually Emily would blossom out like she did. The problem was that while Candace became even more of a knock out as she finished up high school, her sister had remained the same.

Joanne felt guilty because she had been paying more attention to her other children and her job that she missed the signs of what was going on. What had happened with Emily pretty much mirrored what happened with her when she was growing up. She had been a later bloomer and hadn't really come into her own until her senior year of high school. Before that she looked a lot like how Emily did and had faced similar ridicule from her classmates.

"Things changed some with having Kim as my dorm roommate. She was what I wanted to be like and she helped me to see what I was doing wrong and how I could improve. Well how I could attract boys at least. It worked too and before I knew it I had experienced more than I ever could've hoped for. It was when I went back for my third year that I met Brian. Apparently I met his friend before that but I don't remember it. Anyway, things were good with Brian. We did all the things couples usually do. I even thought he would be the guy I would eventually marry. Then it all came crashing down. I came back to the apartment that Kim and I shared exhausted from my finals and just wanted to spend some time with him. I tried texting him and got nothing in response. The weird thing was when I sent each message the pair of pants on the floor would ding. Short story on it is that it was because they belonged to Brian and he was in Kim's bedroom having sex with her. I was devastated. I wanted to just quit school right then and there but I knew you and dad wouldn't let me. It was why I was in such a terrible mood that Christmas and why you had to force me back into my car to go back. I didn't see Kim for a while after I got back but eventually we talked about it and came to an agreement to be civil the rest of the school year but go our separate ways once the lease on the apartment was done." Emily continued.

Emily stopped explaining long enough that she could take a few drinks of the bottle of water she had brought into the living room with her. Candace and Joanne looked at each other unsure how neither of them had picked up on the signs that Emily had been going through such a rough patch back then. They were about to say something but Emily continued with what she was saying.

"After that I met Becky and then right after that Brent came into my life. Things seemed to be looking up and I actually started to feel happy again. Then daddy got sick and it felt like everything was going bad again. Sure I had Paul in my life by that point but I wasn't really positive where I stood with him and I certainly didn't know that I had become pregnant yet. At daddy's funeral I saw Brian again and it was like a double punch to the gut. I had avoided him those couple years and hoped to never see him again but there he was. It was why I was so adamant about him leaving. After what he had done to me he had no right to be there."

"If I had known all that had happened between you two I would've never invited him. I'm so sorry hunny. I thought things just didn't work out or that you had met Brent by that point and that was why you broke up with him. I had no idea he was like that." Joanne interrupted with.

"It's fine mom. It's like you said you had no idea. And for you Candy you had no idea what he was like either. I saw the way you were looking at him at the funeral and I know that you probably thought he was a good man but he wasn't. I wish I had been upfront with you then and you wouldn't have pursued him any." Emily said as her head fell in shame.

"Well technically he kinda pursued me. Sure I showed interest towards him at first but it was him that actually made the first move. At first things were great and that's when you found out mom. I know I should've been more careful to not do anything with the kids around but when you came to drop them off early that day I had no idea you were coming. Thank god you didn't show up any earlier than you did or it would've been worse than it was. Speaking of that, Em I'm sorry about what I did to your car. I don't know what I was thinking and let my anger get the best of me." Candace said finally apologizing for the destruction she caused.

The emotions and tensions had been building up as the three women shared what they felt was their part in what had happened. It was the mother, Mrs. Schneider who was the first that broke. She simply couldn't help it as the tears began to flow from her eyes. Both of her daughters swiftly latched onto their mother in an attempt to comfort her. Minutes went by as the three of them let everything out. Had it not been for the children coming down and asking what was going on they might've stayed like that all night.

"Go back upstairs and play!" Candace yelled at her kids even though her face was still firmly planted against her mother's shoulder.

The children did as they were told and stomped back up the stairs. A few minutes later, the three women heard the children doing whatever it was they were doing again. Slowly they disentangled from each other and cleaned off the messes that had become their faces.

"So where do we go from here? What he did simply can't stand." Joanne Schneider said as she stood up and looked at her two daughters.

"I don't know but both Brian and his friend just decided to move into my place. They said that I belong to them now unless Emily was willing to come back to them and take my place. I know that we can't go to the police about it." Candace explained and then let her head hang in shame again.

"And just why can't we go to the police? They are illegally squatting in your house." Mrs. Schneider proclaimed.

"They said if I ever did for any reason that they would release some sort of sex tape they filmed of me with them and that they would make sure my kids were taken away from me. I never should've agreed to let them film anything. I should've known that they would use it for something like that." Candace said crying again.

"So if we can't use the police maybe we can force them out ourselves." Emily said adding her two cents to the mix.

"I doubt the three of us could force the both of them out let alone even one of them. Have you seen how strong they are?" Candace said to her sister.

Silence filled the room as the women each thought of a possible solution that could remedy the problem they had. Joanne got up and left the two younger women to think while she went in the kitchen to fetch a cup of coffee. She always said that she did her best work when she had the buzz of the caffeine flowing through her and now was the time she needed it the most.

"What about Luke? I bet if we explained everything that happened to him and showed him your face that he would jump right at helping us. He could even get some of his friends from school to join him." Emily stated as the idea of involving her younger brother instantly popped in her head.

"I've thought about that but I don't really want him to know what's going on. The last thing I need is to have him thinking I'm a slut or something. I know he already thinks less of me because of what happened with the loser that knocked me up but he knows I just stayed with him after Charlie was born. Plus we don't need our little brother getting arrested and charged with something that's my fault." Candace said just before their mother came back to rejoin them.

With the older woman back in the room the conversation ground to a halt. Emily had more to say about her idea to have her brother get involved but she wasn't about to say it in front of their mother. Each of the women seemed like they wanted to say something but no words managed to come out. They just sat there in silence almost expecting the answer to their prayers to magically fall out of the sky. When the children came back downstairs a second time they weren't told to leave. Instead Mrs. Schneider flipped on the television and let the kids watch some of their normal programs.

That night it was decided that Candace and her kids would stay there at her mother's house until everything was straightened out. Thankfully she had left enough of the kids clothing there over the last few months that they didn't have to worry about finding anything for either of them to wear while they were there. Candace herself hadn't really changed much in size since her high school days and could easily slip into her old clothes that had remained there when she moved out on her own.

Emily got left by herself as the others went out to grab some food for the kids in the house and some dinner for that night. She decided it would be a good time to call up Paul and see how things were going back there. She hadn't really said much to him lately and she still felt guilty about what had happened with Kevin. She knew she loved Paul and even if she had effectively given him the green light to mess around with other women she had learned that she wasn't going to do the same any more.

Taking a deep breath she let out a sigh and then pushed the call button next to his name. It took a few rings but he eventually picked up the call.

"Hey babe. How is everything going at your mom's?" Paul asked on his end of the phone.

"It's going really good. My mom is showing me so much that I didn't know. Can't say i'll be an expert by the time the baby comes but I know enough now that I won't be a wreck at first." Emily replied back with a fake nervous laugh.

She could've easily explained what was going on with her sister to him since technically things weren't actually good there like she told him they were. The last thing she wanted was for him to call off from work and rush back down there to lend a hand. If he did she might've had to explain what happened with Kevin and she wasn't ready for that yet.

"I do want to apologize for how things were when you were here. I had some things on my mind and I'm sure that it didn't exactly go the way you were hoping. When I get back there I'll make up for anything we didn't do. My mom did seem to really like you though so that's good. She even suggested that you come back here again if possible before I head home for good." She said to him.

"There is nothing to apologize for. Sure I would've loved to have done more with you there but I kind of figured since your mom was there that it was awkward or something. It's fine though I'm just happy whenever you are around me. As far as me coming back down there, I don't think I can get off from work again so soon." He answered back somewhat excitedly.

"So how is everything been going there?"

"Same as always. Just working on the house some before I have to head back to work. Oh Jon and his girlfriend Jacky wanted us to hang out with them when you got back here. Would that be something you would be up for?" Paul asked her.

"That sounds great. It would be nice to have company over, especially if it involves someone who is your friend. I wish I knew more people there but obviously i'm not from there so the only people I know are Brent and the Mitchells." Emily cheerfully replied.

"Hopefully by next summer, i'll have the baby weight gone and we can all chill by the pool."

"You don't need to rush to lose weight unless it's something you want to do. I love you no matter what your body looks like." He said to her which made her smile some because she knew he was serious about it.

"Aww I love you too. I'm the luckiest girl in the world. I wish I had found you before I went off to college and met all the douche canoes that I did." She told him with a laugh.

"Well one of those douche canoes as you put it is partially responsible for us being together. So it wasn't all for the bad. So any idea when you are going to be coming home?" Paul asked her.

"When you put it like that I guess things worked out the way they should've I guess. I have another checkup the end of next month I have to be back for and will be there to stay after that. Why, did you need me to come back sooner?" Emily responded with a hint of concern in her voice that maybe something else was going on that he wasn't telling her.

"No I just miss you is all. It doesn't feel as much of a home here without you." He said with what sounded like heavy sigh audible enough she could hear it through the phone call.

"I miss you too. Don't worry we have the rest of our lives together. I'm not going anywhere unless you were the one who ended things." Emily replied with her most convincing tone even though she wasn't sure how long things would last once he found out about Kevin.

"Well you don't have to worry about that. You are stuck with me." Paul laughingly said into the phone.

"Well if I have to be stuck with anyone, I wouldn't want it to be anyone else. I need to get going though babe. Have to take mom to her psychiatrist appointment." Emily told him lying about why she wanted to get off the phone.

It wasn't that she didn't want to hear his voice but she was afraid if she remained on there any longer she would end up confessing to what she had done.

"Ok have fun with that. I love you."

"I love you too. Call if anything comes up." She said to him before quickly hanging up.

Letting her phone fall onto the bed she wished Becky had been around to give her some advice on what to do. She still hadn't heard from her friend yet and she was starting to think that Becky was mad at her for some reason. There was no real backing behind why she would think that but the two of them hadn't gone this long without speaking to each other either.

Walking around the house alone since everyone else was gone; Emily couldn't help but glance next door. Kevin still hadn't returned from the hospital yet and it looked like none of his family was there either. It looked disheartening seeing the silent stillness of what would normal be a bustling middle class home full of happy people. Emily couldn't help but feel regret and responsible for what she had done. Sure she had made it clear to him that nothing was going to happen while Paul was visiting but she was also the one who started it to begin with.

Hoping that a nice warm shower would help clear her mind, she gathered up some freshly washed clothes and headed for the bathroom. As she discarded each of her clothes she made sure to watch herself in the mirror. There still wasn't much of a sign that she was pregnant showing yet. She ran her hand across her stomach hoping that she might be able to feel something inside but the pregnancy simply wasn't far enough along yet.

The water seemed to be working some like she planned. As it poured over her slowly increasing in size breasts she began to wonder just how big they would get the further along the pregnancy went. She remembered what the naked older woman from next door to Paul's looked like when she saw them exposed out in that field and in his living room. She hoped they wouldn't blossom out that big because both of those women had bigger breasts than she ever wanted. She had never asked Paul the size he preferred but she knew that he seemed to love hers.

As the shower went on her mind drifted off to fantasies of what her life might be like as the years went on. She pictured herself happily married to Paul and the two of them had a handful of children. For some reason she didn't see them still living in the same place that he owned but instead she saw them living on a big farm with plenty of open space. Country living was never something she really thought she would go for since she had always been a city girl. The fantasy seemed to make it look ideal though.

A frigid spike in the water's temperature snapped Emily out of her dreamscape. The whole time she had been off in her own world she hadn't realized that her hands had started to roam her body. Her left hand was firmly groping one of her water slicked breasts while her right hand had traveled between her legs and began to play with her pussy. The last action that it had seen was from Kevin when he forced himself upon her. Even though her brain tried to pull the hand away her body and fingers had other plans. It was like she absolutely needed to get off and no amount of denial from her brain was going to stop it.