Nosey Neighbor (His) Ch. 11

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Two new women join in on the fun.
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The following is a work of fiction. All characters participating in sexual activities are over 18. Any resemblance to real life persons is merely coincidental.

This story is part of a series and it is advised to read the story from the beginning as each chapter continues directly from the last. This story is split between the different perspectives of his and hers. To get the full story it is suggested to read both sides.

The Nosey Neighbor - His Story

By: VanillaUnicorn

Things felt strange being the boss but Paul was starting to get the hang of it all. Throughout the day people came up to him with different problems and each time he worked with the person to find a solution for it. His fears that everyone would have a problem with him being in charge were mainly in his head. Everyone seemed enthused to have him as their boss since they knew he had done the same jobs that they had.

About the only person who had an issue with the new set-up was Agnes. She was still furious that Paul had moved her into the role of a secretary for someone else. She thought she had won the lottery when the new owners came in and said he would be in charge. To her that meant that she would have plenty of alone time with him and eventually she could win him over enough that he might give her what she wanted on a permanent basis.

The new owners had stuck around long enough to observe how he handled himself but when no major problems came up they knew they picked the right person. By the end of that shift even the numbers were showing a drastic improvement from what they had been under Mr. Khatami's control.

One of the downsides that he learned was that he could no longer have his lunch with his work friends. It wasn't that he was forbidden from doing so but that he simply didn't have the time to stop and eat like he used to. Throughout the day all he had time to snack on were some candy bars that came from the vending machine and a small bag lunch if he brought one in with him.

As Paul was getting accustomed to the new dynamic at work, things were heating up back at his place. The mother of his fiancé had showed up at his doorstep and his current lovers were starting up their day. Jennifer Mitchell knew Joanne Schneider pretty well. They had met a few times when their kids were still dating each other. The last time was when Brent had graduated from college and Emily's whole family showed up to give him some support.

"I'm still confused what you are doing here Jennifer. Don't you live next door? Brent isn't here is he?" Mrs. Schneider asked in the doorway.

"It's a long story but the short version of it is that I'm getting divorced and Paul was kind enough to let me stay here at his place until everything got finalized. He's at work right now but when he gets out I'm sure he can help straighten everything out if you have questions." Jennifer Mitchell told the woman.

Jennifer could hear someone moving behind her and got nervous. It was one thing for the woman to find her there since she had come up with a plausible excuse for it but if she saw the naked large neighbor woman walking around in Paul's house then it would be a whole lot harder to explain.

"Please come in and have a seat in the living room. If you are thirsty I can get you something to drink." Jennifer told her.

"Thanks that sounds great. What time is Paul supposed to be getting home?"

"I'm actually not sure but it shouldn't be too long. I'll go get you that drink. Just make yourself comfortable I'll be right back." Jennifer said to her.

Jennifer quickly made her way into the kitchen and spotted Rose standing by the sink dressed in her robe. Gesturing towards the living room, Rose peered in just enough that she saw who was in there. Jennifer shook her head and pointed towards the back door. Turning the water of the sink on it drowned out the sound of the sliding glass door opening and closing as Rose made her way through Paul's back yard towards her own home.

Satisfied that Rose was far enough away, Jennifer shut the water off and then grabbed a brand new bottle of water from its package and brought it in to Joanne. The newest house guest took a healthy drink and closed the bottle placing in on the table in front of her. There was a strange smell she was picking up on in the house that she thought she'd smelled before. Not sure what to say and wanting to avoid any questions that might get Paul in trouble, Jennifer excused herself to head back into the kitchen to finish up the food she had been cooking before the knock on the door came.

The aroma of the food attracted Joanne into the kitchen to see what the source was. Jennifer gave her a look and then offered up some of what she had made. It was the first real food that Joanne had eaten in a couple days.

As they ate nothing was said but Mrs. Schneider took it as an opportunity to observe the things around her soon to be son in-law's home. She really didn't know a great deal about him. All she really knew was the things that had been said when he came to stay at her house. She was surprised to see the place looked well-kept and in better shape than she figured a house would be for someone his age and a bachelor. It was also fairly decent size which she wasn't expecting either. It was just a touch smaller than her own home and that had been something her and her late husband had been working towards for years. What stood out as odd to her though was the fact that he didn't seem to have any pictures of his family hanging around anywhere that she could see.

Jennifer picked up the dirty plates and headed back into the kitchen to wash them up. Joanne took that as a sign she was free to wander around the house unaccompanied for a little bit. She looked out back and saw the large pool. She had always wanted her husband to put something like that in at their home but he never got around to it. She imagined all of her family coming there to visit Emily and have a fun time around it. She knew her grandkids would love it.

Poking around some more she found some of her daughters things stacked up neatly in the garage. Next to those were some things that looked like they belonged to Jennifer. Just as she was about to close the door to the garage something caught her eye. There was a pile of what looked to be home movies on disc laying on a bench over in the corner. She wondered why he would have something like that so carelessly tossed aside in his garage and not in by his television where he could watch them easier. She was curious to know more about her future son so she put them on the back burner of her mind as she snooped around some more.

Hearing Jennifer shut the water off in the kitchen, Joanne closed up the door to the garage and headed back into the living room where she made it look she had been seated the whole time. She felt a bit odd just sitting there with nothing else going on so she flipped the television power on. It had been left on some sports channel and it appeared to be some type of college teams playing. Picking the remote back up she shuffled through the abundance of channels until she landed on an interesting romantic comedy.

Jennifer wondered what the woman was doing as she wiped down the last bit of mess from the table. She didn't want Paul to think that she was a dirty person and had always made sure to clean everything up right away before he saw it. Out of nowhere it sounded like she heard the distinct panting and moaning from a woman. Joanne had heard it as well and came over to see if they came from the other woman in the house. The pair's eyes met as they saw that neither of them was the guilty party. Without thinking Jennifer turned her head in the direction of the house next door betraying the fact that she knew something about the neighbors.

Just as quickly as the sexual sounds echoed through the house, they stopped. Joanne asked if Jen knew where they came from or anything about it but the woman wisely deflected her questions. With the disturbance from Rose's house no longer an issue, the two women headed back into the living room and sat to watch the movie that Joanne had put on.

The movie seemed to drag on and on while both of the women got bored with it. The storyline the movie had was so ill conceived that it was outright comical. Both of the women were old enough and had enough experiences throughout life to know that nothing the movie was trying to convey was even remotely realistic. It was almost like the writer of the movie had never been in a relationship or even been in love for that matter. The only thing it seemed to do was bring both of the women together as they each pointed out where they thought it went wrong.

Even though it had been terrible the two women sat there and watched the unlikely sequels that came on right after that had nearly an identical plot as the original. They laughed and talked about each of their own histories as the mundane characters of the movies driveled on with their poorly written dialog.

It was sometime near the end of the second sequel that Joanne had dozed off. It had been so stressful back at home that the comfort she was feeling sitting on the couch with Jennifer had relaxed her enough that she couldn't fight off the lack of sleep anymore. Had she not started to lightly snore, Jen wouldn't have even noticed that the woman wasn't awake any more.

It felt nice to actually have a female voice to counter hers. For years it had mainly been just her husband and son around to talk to. Sure she had Emily to chat with when she was living at her house but for some reason that didn't happen all that often. She had come under the impression that Emily simply didn't like her the more her son had been dating her. Jen had her long-time friends that she would see from time to time but over the years most had moved away or got busy with their own lives. It didn't really help things either that she was stuck hiding the secret of what was going on inside her family from everyone. She had been caught early on with it when some of her husband's family members came to visit and they were disgusted by what they saw. While Jennifer wasn't sure if they told anyone else in the family about it, they had been cut off from attending other Mitchell family functions.

Even though she wasn't really that tired, Jen found her own eyes starting to close without her wanting them to. She was just about to nod off when she heard her phone ringing up in the bedroom. It was just loud enough that she could hear it but not loud enough that it would wake up Joanne.

Briskly walking up the stairs she retrieved the phone just in time to answer the call before the person hung up. It was the lawyer and he wanted her to come over to his office to sign some paperwork in regards to the divorce. He had figured she was already out of town and was calling to find out where to fax the paperwork to. Since she was still around it meant she could come sign everything and speed up the process.

She was unsure about leaving Joanne alone in the house while she went out but she had no choice since Paul wasn't due home from work for a few more hours. When she walked into the living room she found the woman still soundly asleep. Grabbing the blanket off the back of the couch she draped it over her and headed for the garage. Climbing into her car she hit the button that opened up the garage door but she realized she had a problem. Joanne's car was parked directly in the way and there was no way to get out around it.

Eyeing her watch she saw she didn't have a lot of time before the lawyer was done for the day. She thought about going in and waking the woman up but she still hoped to be gone and come back while she slept. Pulling her phone out she started up one of the ride sharing apps she had used before when her and her husband had gone out to drink and didn't want to drive. Thankfully there was someone in the area and they were able to pick her up in a couple minutes. Just as the driver pulled up to get her, she saw quite a few of the cars that had been parked down the street start to pull out too. It looked like the people she had seen at the party next door.

The driver she got seemed nice. He was a younger guy likely around the same age as Paul. He introduced himself as Steve and started to make casual conversation as he drove her across town. By the time they reached the lawyer's office the guy had practically told her his complete life story. She thanked him for the ride and even tipped him more than she normally would.

Jennifer caught the lawyer just in time. He had just finished up with another divorce case and it was clear from the couple as they pushed by that it was way more contentious than her own had been. The lawyer waved her in and had a decent stack of papers for her to read through and sign.

Rose's family was a bit too boisterous as they left her house. It had been a successful party and everyone was leaving happy but that didn't change the fact that tempers generally flare as soon as people step inside their cars. Some had a ways to travel and being blocked in only brought on aggravation from being delayed further. Carmen got to play the peacemaker as she tried to get everyone to calm down but they had already been loud enough that it had stirred Joanne awake inside Paul's house.

As her eyes flicked open she saw that the television was still playing its marathon of mediocre movies but no one else was in the room. She called out trying to find where Jennifer had disappeared to but got no response in return. Puzzled by what was going on, she got up and started to look from room to room. No one was in the kitchen or dining area. When she popped open the garage she saw that Jennifer's car was still inside. The only thing that Joanne could think possible was that Jennifer had gone up stairs and that's where she would find her.

It was the first time she was heading up there and it made her a bit nervous. While she was still curious to know more about Paul, she also didn't want to seem like she was invading his privacy or even Jennifer's privacy for that matter. Timidly she stepped up each step and called out for Jennifer. Just like before nothing came back in response. Paul's house was set-up quite different than her own as she walked up into the second floor. Her home had the stairs dividing the upper floor in half but his had the stairs at one end of a hallway with rooms spread down it.

Poking her head into the first room she immediately recognized it as the master bedroom. She could see all of Paul's things scattered around the room and stepped in for a closer look. He was quite neat for a guy his age, well guy of any age really, but there was still no sign of Jennifer being in there. It looked like a bathroom was connected so she walked into there and marveled at how big the thing was. She had only seen ones that looked like that in magazines or on the home improvement shows she would watch every so often. His shower looked huge, like it might comfortably fit a dozen or so people in there. Walking over to the sink she picked up his cologne that had been sitting there and gave it a spray. She had to laugh because it was the very same brand and type that her husband had used for years.

Leaving the master bedroom behind, Joanne continued her search. The next door she came across just opened up to a small closet. There were only a couple more doors to check but Joanne was still tingling with nerves. The next door she came across was what looked to be converted into a small nursery room. It had the look of fresh paint and unused furniture throughout.

With two more doors to go she took a deep breath and moved on. The next door opened up into a disheveled bedroom. Women's clothing was spread across the floor and the bed had been left a mess. The whole room had a strange odor to it that she simply couldn't put her finger on what it was. It was clear by the clothing that it was the room that Jennifer was staying in and that meant the mess was hers. The video camera that was propped against the dresser caught her eye and she wondered why something like that would be in there. Like the others there was still no Jennifer inside.

All she had left was just the one door. She was afraid to open it because she assumed she would find the woman in there. Slowly she turned the handle and let the door push open. It was dark inside but when she hit the light switch the whole room became illuminated enough that she could see it was another bathroom. Some more women's clothing was carelessly tossed about inside and some dirty towels were completely filling the racks on the wall. As her head turned to look at the sink counter she nearly fainted.

Joanne saw three of the biggest dildos she had ever seen just laying there next to some tube thing. Each of them looked almost identical and were modeled to look like the real thing. She thought that there was no way that anyone could ever have one that big though. Even Kevin, the neighbor boy she had been fooling around with and whom she said had the biggest cock possible, wasn't anywhere close to the size of any of those. Picking one up, it made her hand look tiny in comparison. Setting it back down she made sure it was back in the same spot so that whoever it belonged to didn't know she was in there.

Even though she had gotten distracted by her discovery, Joanne knew that Jennifer wasn't inside the house now. It was almost like she had vanished into thin air. Turning out of the room and flipping the light off, some movement caught her eye. The window at the end of the hallway was open and so was the one in the adjoining house. She could see two women moving about inside. They were each barely dressed and it looked like the one with the red hair had just finished up a shower because she had towels draped around her. Her presence inside Paul's house hadn't gone unnoticed by them either as they looked over through their peripheral vision and saw her watching them. Rose made sure her sister didn't do anything drastic because they didn't know who the woman was. They had been less careful with Jennifer but they had also already seen her around the neighborhood before that and had also purchased their furniture from Jennifer's store.

When the two women left into their respective rooms, Joanne stopped watching and headed back down the stairs. She looked out behind the house to see if Jennifer was just sitting out in the sun tanning but didn't find her there. She didn't see any note or anything anywhere indicating that she had left somehow and the woman hadn't woken her up to tell her she was leaving either.

Unsure what to do next now that she was alone in the house she walked back into the living room and sat back on the couch. Outside of the television playing it was quiet in the house which made her feel uneasy. She had become used to it being loud once her grandkids had come to stay with her. She gave the movie a few more minutes before it just seemed too boring to continue watching any further.

Remembering the discs she had spotted off in the garage, Mrs. Schneider got up and went to fetch them. She figured if she was going to be stuck alone in Paul's house the least she could do was get to know more about him. There were around a dozen or so discs that she found out there. Not bothering to check what any had written on them, she took the first one that was on the top and went back into the living room. She walked over to the entertainment center he had and looked for the dvd player. She put the disc in and walked back to try to figure out how to change it so the dvd player appeared on the television. It took a bit of trial and error to hit the right buttons on the remotes but eventually the screen lit up with the menu to start the disc she had put in.