Not Yours Ch. 03


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When they got back to the house Leanne didn't waste any time; as soon as Joseph was inside she slammed a kiss into him, the force of her into him shut the door behind them. Joseph was shocked but only for a second; he sank into the kiss as his hands fell downwards and cupped his daughter's ass. Leanne stepped back and pulled her top over her head, Joseph chuckled to himself, he'd forgot Leanne was braless in the shops. As Leanne pulled her trousers off Joseph did the same, he was struggling with his feet when he looked up and saw Leanne; other than her small panties all she was wearing were her hat and gloves from outside, she looked a picture of that innocent sexuality Joseph had fallen in love with.

Joseph, now bottomless, stepped forward and placed on hand on the small of Leanne's back, the other on her neck. Leanne let herself fall into her father's arms as he laid her gently on the floor, they kissed softly as Joseph slowly entered her. Leanne wrapped her arms and legs around her father and rocked tenderly with his rhythm, she'd never admit it outright but she much preferred this gentle lovemaking to the hard sex she wanted to do back at the shops.

Still, she was feeling pretty bold, with one of her gloved hands Leanne reached down in-between them and grasped Joseph's cock, the fuzzy feeling on her glove as he slowly fucked her was amazing to Joseph but it was nothing to the feeling Leanne was having, the glove was rocking against her clit, the electric tingles surged through her body again, the erect nipples were nearly bursting now, begging to be touched. Wow, turns out Joseph is psychic, his mouth covered Leanne's nipples and sucked them, a little bite for extra effect. The shudders from underneath him told Joseph Leanne had cum, he kept fucking her gently for a few seconds longer until he came in his daughter.

Leanne looked up at her father. "How are we so good together daddy?"

"Well Anne, I think after 18 years together we know each other pretty well to avoid the awkwardness of the first dates."

"God daddy I wish it was you that took my cherry."

"Me too baby, me too."

They held each other on the floor for a while longer before getting up and dressed, Leanne wore the gloves to bed that night.

It had been 102 days since Helena's confession when Joseph got the call, thank god he was off work at the time.


"Mr Martin?" The voice sounded tired and sad.


"This is James Morrison, we met at your daughter Leanne's gig."

"Oh yes, Rachel's boyfriend."

"That's right, Mr Martin I was never good at sugar-coating so I'll just come out with it; I'm an acquaintance of your brother Trent, he was attacked earlier tonight, we're in the hospital right now."

"Fuck, is he alright, who did it, where are you?"

"I don't know how he is Mr Martin, the doctor's say he's critical at the moment, he's lost a lot of blood but he's alive. I don't know who did it but I have an idea."

"Alright thank you, what hospital are you at."

James told Joseph the hospital Trent was at and went back to his friend. Joseph found Leanne and told her what he was told, the two of them rushed to the car and drove as quick as they dared to the hospital, found what room Trent was in and ran to see him. When they arrived James was sitting outside, he was half-asleep and appeared to have been crying, Joseph looked inside and saw the room was empty.

"Where is he?" Joseph asked, trying hard to remain composed.

"In surgery right now, the doctors told me to wait here after I phoned you."

"How's he doing?" Leanne wasn't as good at composure as her father the tears in her eyes were easy to see.

"Still nothing, the doc'll tell you more."

As if on cue the doctor stepped round the corner, he was a young man in his late 20s but Joseph wasn't going to question his ability, not when his brothers' life was at stake.

"Mr Martin I presume." The doctor shook Joseph's hand. "I am Dr Thomas Freeman I'll be looking after your brother during his stay."

"Thanks doc, can you tell me what happened?"

"Your brother received a very nasty cut, someone ran a very sharp knife from just below his right elbow, all the way down to his wrist.

Leanne grabbed her wrists in almost cat-like reflexes.

"My god." Joseph was shocked.

"It was, and still is, horrible to look at. Mr Morrison tell us it wasn't a suicide attempt and given the angle I believe him, someone tried to kill your brother Mr Martin, you're lucky Mr Morrison was able to find him in time."

Joseph turned to James, he was shaking terribly. "I thought he was dead, I thought I'd walked in on another dead body. When he moved I, I just... I need a fuckin cigarette."

James left quickly before Joseph could ask any questions. Leanne was still curious about her uncle. "James said my uncle's in surgery?"

"Yes, we've got surgeons working on stopping the blood and sewing up the wound. It may take several hours and there's no guarantee that he'll survive, if you want you can go home and I'll call you when there's a development."

"No." Joseph was firm. "No he's my brother and I want to be here when he wakes up."

"That's understandable Mr Martin, if you and... your daughter want you can sleep on these sofa's, no-one will disturb you."

"That'll be great. Ok Leanne I'll home and get some blankets and food, I'll be five minutes, you call me if anything happens."

Leanne only nodded, she almost stopped Joseph leaving because she didn't want to be alone if the worst happened.

Outside the hospital Joseph saw James smoking his cigarette. "Hey, James. Thanks for saving my brother."

"No problem, he just got so damn lucky."

"Why were you at his house at this time?"

"Trent's my dealer, he use to sell me coke during my bad days now he sells me weed as a substitute. I was running low and he's not that far from mine. Once Chris was asleep..."


"My son; be three next year. Once he was down I went out for ten minutes to pick up a new bag when I found him like that. I called Rachel to look after Chris in the ambulance."

"Well thanks again, I mean it."

"It's nothing, I owe Trent a lot."

"You said on the phone you have an idea of who attacked him."

""Yeah, a guy from my bad days, fuckin set me up on them."

"Who was it?"

"You ever heard of Vincent Moreno?"

Joseph left not long after his talk with James, he picked up a blanket and some sandwiched from home and returned to Leanne who was fast asleep on the couch. Joseph covered her with the blanket and sat down beside her. In the morning they were woken by Thomas who delivered the good news, Trent survived the operation and was waiting to talk to them. Thomas led them in then left.

"Glad to see you up."

"Is that a fucking joke Joe, 'up' because I'm a fuckin cripple?"

Joseph laughed and hugged his brother. "I almost lost you Trent."

"Well it takes a lot more than some psychotic motherfucker to take me down."

"Who did this to you Uncle Trent?"

"You might know him, Vincent Moreno. Sadistic fuckin freak of a boy."

"What happened?"

"I made the mistake of telling the devil I planned to kill him. I fuckin hate him Joe, he's always boasting about fuckin Elizabeth in Ibiza, he calls my daughter a whore because of what he and his chums did to her. My daughter is not a whore, one mistake down not govern who you are. But time after time he would tell me that he fucked Elizabeth and he tell me without a single fuckin care."

Trent was close to tears at the memory of the mistake his daughter had made. "I told him that if he told me that story one more time I'd kill him, good ol' Vince made sure that this old useless cripple wasn't going to be a threat. He surprised me in the night and feigned a truce before running the knife across my arm."

Leanne left the room, heading for the toilets.

"She's not taking it that well is she?"

"No, you almost died last night she's still a little shaken. I wouldn't be surprised if Vincent's involvement with this is a factor as well."

"Fuck you mean?"

"Vincent, for lack of a better work, molested her once."

"The cunt."

Joseph laughed slightly. "Trent I've gotta get going, make sure Anne's alright, you don't mind me going do you?"

"Nah Joe, your girl's more important than me. I'll be fine but I'll need ride home later."

"Just call whenever."

"Fuckin right."

Joseph left Trent to find Leanne, she was just coming out to toilets.

"Hey Anne you ok?"

Leanne didn't answer, she just ran up and kissed her father. "Can we go home daddy?" Her voice quiet and scared.

"Sure thing."

The two of them left the hospital, Leanne under her father's arm. When they got to the car outside he let her go, Joseph climbed into the car while Leanne walked around the back to her side, across the street a sudden light in a dark alleyway caught her eye. She looked towards the alleyway and saw Vincent step out, a cigarette hanging out his half smiling mouth. Leanne stood there, she knew he was too far away to do any harm to her but he was still terrifying, Vincent raised his arm, a knife in his hand which he pointed at Leanne. In the air he slowly ran the knife down, tracing Leanne's body then stopping at her crotch and thrusting the knife upwards. Leanne ignored his threat and got in the car, she wasn't going to tell Joseph anything, if she let Vincent get to her he would win.

But also she feared her father may be killed.

When they got home Leanne was still tired so she went straight to bed, Joseph got another drink of milk from the fridge then called Dee to tell her about Trent. He went up to check on Leanne an hour later, opening the bedroom door quietly he saw Leanne lying on the bed wearing only one of his shirts.

"Anne, honey you awake."

"Mm, yeah daddy, I am."

"I didn't wake you did I?"


"Can I come in?"


Joseph walked carefully to the bed and lay down behind Leanne, he draped his arm over her and kissed her neck.

"I'm offended daddy, normally it this time I have your torch poking me in the back, you sure know how to hurt a girl's feeling."

"What, oh sorry Anne, it's just been a busy day, you don't have to worry you're still the first girl in my mind."

"I better be the only girl in your mind."

"Ha, don't worry babe you are."

A sudden poke in her back told Leanne all she wanted to know, her fathers' dick, while still confined, was touching just under the hem of her shirt. Leanne wiggled her ass slightly to let Joseph know what she felt. Joseph smiled, reached down to his trousers and pulled them down. The tip of his dick rubbing against her pussy, his free hand reaching down and gently stroking her clit, Leanne let out a small moan. Joseph could feel his daughters juices on his dick, he aimed his dick upwards and slowly entered her, Leanne gritted her teeth; the angle was awkward but she didn't complain. While her father was fucking her pussy and rubbing her clit Leanne's hand reached up and grabbed her breast, one of the breasts she had hated so much for causing her so much pain, now adding to her pleasure.

When Joseph saw Leanne grab her breast he started fucking her faster, slightly jealous of her but with his fingers on her clit his hand was brushing against her scars and he loved that. He laughed in his head at the thought of him getting some weird scar fetish. Joseph was the first to cum, he shot deep into Leanne's cunt, they weren't trying to get pregnant but they both knew that one day they'd want a child together, why not sooner rather than later. Leanne came not long after feeling her father's cum hit her inside. Joseph kissed her cheek and she fell back to sleep, she woke several hours later to find Joseph gone, a note was left saying he went to pick up Trent.

It was 106 days since Helena's confession when Leanne got her own phone call.

"Hello?" She asked.

"Anne, it's Trent."

"Oh hi Uncle Trent, do you want my dad?"

"No, I think you should hear this. I just heard from a friend on the street, Vincent Moreno died yesterday."

Leanne couldn't comprehend what she just heard. "What, how, who did it?"

"Don't know, heard he got in fight and someone smashed his head off a brick wall, also heard that he got in a fight then slipped on some ice and hit his head. Don't matter what did it he's dead now."

Leanne felt numb for some strange reason. "Ok, thank you Uncle Trent."

"No problem Anne."

Trent hung up before Leanne, she slowly put the phone down just as Joseph stepped into the room.

"Who was that on the phone?"

Leanne turned to her father and told him what Trent told her, when she was finished she hugged her father and cried. She had never wished death on anyone before, not even Vincent, but this was the first time anyone she really knew had died. It hit her pretty hard.

The sun shone through the windows, the tepid air circled the room warmed the room as the crowd looked at the couple at the front of the church.

The priest turned to the bride. "Do you take this man to be your husband?"

"I do."

He turned to the groom. "And do you, take this woman to be your wife."

"I do."

"Then by the power vested in me I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride."

The couple kissed and the crowd cheered, as they walked down the aisle hand-in-hand Joseph leaned in to hug his sister and whispered in her ear.

"Well done Dee, see you at the reception."

Joseph watched his sister walk out the church with Alex, her new husband, and into the limo that was going to take them to the reception, by his side was Leanne, she hadn't stopped smiling since they arrived in New York.

It had been 377 days since Helena's confession.

The reception was at a large banquet hall that Alex's father had manage to book just in time, the evening was filled with dancing, drinking and laughing. Although Joseph only involved himself with 2 out of 3, he had over a year sober and he was proud of that, but still Leanne never left his side in case he started to sway.

When Joseph got the chance he and Leanne found Dee and Alex on their own, Dee hugged her brother immediately.

"Joe, I'm so glad you made it."

"You kidding Dee, I wouldn't miss this for the world."

"Aww, thanks. And you little lady; God it's so hard not to think of you as my niece when I know you're sleeping with my brother."

"I got over it pretty quickly."

It wasn't Joseph who said that, rather a voice behind them. Everyone turned to see Trent in his wheelchair being pushed towards them by his daughter Elizabeth. Dee hugged her second brother as well.

"Trent, I didn't think you were coming."

"Neither did I until I got a package in the mail with a new passport in it." Trent looked accusingly at Joseph. "But no matter who sent it I'm glad a made it. Well done sis, just make sure this is the last one."

"He's only joking Aunt Dee."

"I know he is Liz but he just wouldn't be my brother if he wasn't rude and obnoxious."

"That's how you love me."

Elizabeth put her hand on her father's shoulder. "Come on now Mr Martin, time for your medication."

"You cheeky little scamp, come round so I can smack you one."

Trent and Elizabeth left the group, Joseph turned to Dee. "So with you and Alex being Glasgow natives can we see you both back in the city."

Alex put his hand on his wife's shoulder "No we're staying here, both of us have a life here, as does Zach. And we know it'll be hard given the memories this city gives us but with the bad you get the good, we wouldn't have each other if it weren't for the day."

"Joe, I loved Patrick, in some ways I still do but he's dead and it took me far too long to get over him. I'm not going to let that rule my life."

"I'm not questioning you Dee. I just wanted to know if I needed a passport update."

Dee slapped her brother's arm before being led off by Alex to talk some more people. Leanne pulled her reluctant father to the dance floor and slow-danced with him."

"It's nice isn't it daddy. That Aunt Dee's staying in the city."

"Dee's never been one to let things stand in her way too long, she's tough like that."

"Do I hear a hint of jealousy dad?"

"No Anne, I'm proud of Dee, she's got everything, a life, a husband, a son, no regrets. She was almost even a grandmother."


"Yeah, she told me the story earlier today. Last week Zach was walking around the house quite shaken but he wouldn't say why. Later that day she found, by accident, a pregnancy test in the bathroom bin, it wasn't hers so she guessed it was Zach's girlfriends'. Thankfully it was negative."

"God I thought Zach seemed spooked."

"I noticed. I wonder if we'll ever get our test."

"Oh daddy, we're closer than you think."


Leanne moved in closer to her father, took his hand and lowered it down to just below her stomach. She whispered in his ear.

"Feel that daddy. She's yours."


Leanne pulled up outside the house, she had waited for this moment for so long yet she had no idea what to say.

It had been over ten years since Helena's confession.

Leanne was on her own, her husband Joseph was still at home with her ten year old daughter Ellie and seven year old son Russell, Joseph had wanted to come with her but she needed to do this alone. Leanne took a deep breath, walked up to the front door and knocked on the door.

A red-haired woman around her age answered the door. "Yeah?"

"Are you Amanda Townsend?"

"Was, it's Freeman now, got married. Can I help you?"

"I'm here about you father Peter, I heard about his death."

"Ah don't bother with condolences, I didn't care about him. I do feel sorry for Rose though."


"His daughter from his second marriage, be nearly eleven by now. Who are you by the way?"

"Ah Amanda my name is Leanne Martin, you may remember me from university."

Amanda threw her mind back. "Oh yeah, you're the girl that was banging her dad, except he wasn't your dad."

"Something like that, anyway I have some news about my parentage that includes you. Apparently, my real father and your father were the same man."

Amanda stared at Leanne with a look of disbelief. "What, how, are you sure?"

"Yes, he told me about ten years ago but I waited until he died to tell you."

Amanda looked like she was about to faint, Leanne stepped inside and carried her to the living room, Amanda sat down and stared at the floor.

"Is your husband home?" Leanne asked.

"No, he's out with our daughters and son, they won't be back for a few hours."

Suddenly Amanda started laughing, Leanne had no idea what was going through her head.

"What, what's so funny?"

"I just realised, I lost a whole sister so long ago but now I have two half sisters and all because of my dick of a father. Fuck. So you're my sister, God I don't know... Do you need to go home anytime soon?"

"Um no I've got time."

"Do you wanna, I don't know, have drink get to know each other better?"

"Sure I mean there's a lot we've got to talk about. Where'd you wanna start?"

"I think you should start, now you're here I'm starting to think about you and your father again and the whole thing about that."

Leanne laughed with her new sister and sat down beside her.

"Well, it all started when my mother told my father 'She's not yours...'"

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Super! Thank you!

Diecast1Diecast1over 2 years ago

Great story all round. Love it. AAAAAA++++++

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
looking for similar

Looking for similar story where they go on a cruise then discover they are actually related

cantbuymycantbuymyabout 12 years ago
well done

liked the story - good character development - nice ending.

i see you have more stories about the other characters, will read them.

you get a 5.

reader018reader018over 12 years ago
very nice!

this is the second story ive read of yours,its just as good as "Death & Love"!

tendernsweet2tendernsweet2over 12 years ago

Just had to read this again because it just stuck with me for awhile.* Very good story even after the second time around and who knows ~~ I might read it again someday.

OKC ~~ you just never know.<<< JAG

OldKingClancyOldKingClancyover 12 years agoAuthor

I would've thought that losing her only daughter would be punishment enough.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Where's the Justice?

Everything turned out fine in the end, but how come Mom gets away scott free? I was hoping for something horrible to happen to her in the end, like being reduced to prostitution, arrested, sent to prison and killed by her dyke cell mate. Doesn't she have to pay for the way she hurt everyone out of pure meaness? AnHoa Rifleman

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

Great story and series, though a little dissapointed that not much was written about their relationship. I mean they did have two kids. None the less, great series.

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