Nude for School


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The other guys in the group looked at Bentley, a little shocked, as if unable to reconcile such a large and intimidating man, crying and whimpering on his hands and knees as a cute girl tickled his rectum. Several of the guys flushed hotly, mortified, no doubt reflecting on their own home situations.

Jet, meanwhile, was getting slammed into the wall repeatedly, gasping and coughing at the repeated kicks. He hoped the healing effect of the magic was strong enough to keep him from being beat to a pulp. He curled up, trying to protect himself, and tried to ride it out, unable to get his wind or bearings to raise a counter-attack. And stupidly, humiliatingly, throughout the painful beating, the magic kept his cock hard as a rock.

Then the kicks suddenly stopped, and he heard all the guys gasp. Jet caught his breath, coughing, and looked up. All the guys were standing stock still, mouths agape, cocks quivering in the air, eyes rolled back. Little whimpers and grounds sounded, and their cocks twitched and jerked. Their frozen bodies shivered, their balls pulling tight, and pitiful mews came from them. Jet realized they were being stimulated, and some were already trying to cum, but magic was holding them back, keeping them trapped in an edging state.

"You alright down there?" said a familiar voice. Jet looked up to see Mrs. Summerset standing at the end of the alley. The woman who'd helped free him from the electro-bondage trap tried to look at him with concern, but somehow, couldn't keep amusement from her features.

Jet glanced at the frozen, teased guys, then at his teacher, and nodded. He got to his feet, wincing and gritting his teeth, and limped over to her. Once more, she brazenly grabbed him by the balls and Jet gasped, almost fell to the ground, as pure pleasure thrummed through his organ, like a dozen tongues lovingly licking every pleasure receptor. The energy flooded over him hotly, filling his body with tingles, and within seconds, his cock jerked in her grip. But instead of cumming, he grunted as his climax was blocked! His whole body jerked as his penis flexed rapidly, trying to force the semen out of him, but unable to! Mrs. Summerset just smiled as she forced him to edge for several breath-taking seconds, then let him go, cutting off the sensations.

Jet stumbled over to the alley wall, gasping, trying to calm down. The pleasure faded, but he realized the pain of his short beat down was gone. His teacher had healed him again. "Th-thank you," Jet mumbled, and his teacher smiled in response, before looking back down the alley and grinning. The whimpers and gasps of the other boys got louder, sounding more panicked. Jet turned and his eyes went wide as he saw what was happening.

Mrs. Summerset was using her magic to float all twelve guys in the air. Then, she paired the off, moving six of the guys to hover a few feet off the ground, face up, as the other six floated a foot higher, face down. Each guy was turned, until the six facing down were hovering right over the cock of one of the guys facing up, who was likewise staring at the cock the guy above them.

Jet watched in mute horror, while the twelve guys practically screamed through their magically gagged mouths, as the two pairs floated together, their cocks bending towards one another's lips. With expert skill, Mrs. Summerset forced the boys to open their mouths and close their lips over one another's cocks, created six pairs of floating 69's. With some more magic urging, the guys started bobbing their heads, sucking each other greedily, though whether Summerset was directly controlling their movements, or just urging them with psychic commands, Jet couldn't tell. It was impressive, and scary, all the same.

"Oh, you shameful little boys," said Mrs. Summerset. "You can't punch women to vent your frustrations, so you punch other guys instead! This is exactly why us women need to use these wonderful powers to take control of their filthy little instincts of yours! Instead of fighting each other, you should be concentrating on how you can be productive. You should make love, not war!"

Despite the magic holding them, the twelve boys twitched and moaned loudly in protest. But Mrs. Summerset just spurred them to suck each other more fiercely. Despite their obvious revulsion, their cocks were too teased, and several of them helplessly flexed in pleasure, attempting to cum in each others mouths. But from the way they whimpered, it was obvious their orgasms were being blocked.

"Now then, shall we be off?" said Mrs. Summerset. She took Jet by the arm and guided him to her car, a two-seater convertible. She opened the door and motioned for Jet to get in. Behind them, the entire set of boys followed, floating in mid-air, their vulgar display open for everyone in town to see. Of course, every woman nearby could sense it already, but those without powers, and the men throughout town, gawked at the site, as the teacher drove towards the school.

"How are you feeling, Jet?" said Mrs. Summerset.

"Well, not like I got kicked anymore," he said.

"I mean after yesterday," she said, smirking. She seemed completely at ease driving while both conversing and magically floating and controlling a dozen guys outside the car. "Your balls don't ache too much, do they?"

"Um, no ma'am," he said. "Not after your little hand trick back there, anyway."

"Good," she said, smiling. "I had a lot of fun."

"Me too," he said, meaning it more than he expected.

She laughed. "I would hope so! I haven't sucked cock like that since before the Magic!"

"But, um, do you really think it's appropriate to be doing that to them?" he nodded back towards the guys floating behind them.

"You're a nice go-along guy, Jet," said Summerset. "Violent boys need a firmer hand." As if inspired, she reached up and made a gripping motion with her one hand. Jet heard the boys squeal and mew loudly, until she dropped her hand down again. Jet guessed she'd squeezed their balls with magic.

"I just think that—"

"I appreciate that you don't want to see people suffer," said Summerset. "But we're not going to tolerate violent outbursts like this."

"If you didn't force guys to do things—"

"That's not very realistic is it?" said Summerset.

Jet blinked and looked at her. They were coming up to the school already, and Summerset shook her head. "It's complicated. But women dominating men with this magic is inevitable. It's just going to happen. I know it's rough for men, but the way the magic works, you simply cannot trust women not to use it, whether men like it or not." She pulled over alongside the school's front walkway. "If it is inevitable, then I just want the transition to be fun. I want everyone to enjoy themselves and ease into it, like foreplay. Even if it's a little scary for you guys, and even if the girls act a little bratty at first, I think its best to get the crazy urges out of the way in a controlled environment, emphasize the magic as a joy, instead of going into lockdown and making everyone boil with pent up rage over it."

Jet looked up at the floating mass of still-sucking guys, then back to his teacher. She smirked. "As punishments go, this is nothing. I could do things to them that would land them in a lunatic asylum. A little humiliation is a small thing. If nothing else, it will further help them loosen up, so that these little games don't terrorize them so much."

Jet nodded a bit, saying, "Okay. Thanks for the rescue." As he left the car, he heard students all around gasping and laughing at the site of the dozen boys 69-ing their way through the air. Once they reached the front walkway of the school, Summerset set the gaggle of sucking boys down on the ground, laying them on their sides together. Only then did she break the spells. The twelve guys pulled away instantly coughing and gagging, even as a few couldn't help but thrust their dicks in the air a few times, in the midst of an edging. Once released, they rolled away from each other in a panic, only to bump into others in the group. The whole set radiated away from each other in a mad scramble, forming a wide circle of naked, crab-walking boys. It would have been comedic, were it not for the genuine rage in each of their faces. Some of them were crying, though whether from the pain of multiple edges, the humiliation, or both was hard to say.

Mrs. Summerset called out, "Be good now!" and drove off to park her car.

Bentley ended up closest to Jet, still sitting on the concrete walkway of the school's front. His face a mask of anger, Bentley gave him a death glare. "I'm sorry man," said Jet, sincerely. Bentley grabbed his leg and his fist shot up, aiming straight for Jet's balls. Jet tried to jump back, held in place by the bigger man's, but apparently hadn't needed to. Bentley's fist stopped an inch from it's target, as if suddenly blocked by a wall. When he tried to yank at Jet's leg, his hand flew off it, and Jet was able to step away.

"Damn it!" howled Bentley, getting to his feet and throwing punches at Jet. Each punch came to a dead stop just before it could hit. Summerset had clearly put spells in him that now prevented him from hitting guys anymore than girs. The huge young man impotently rained blows on Jet, not a single one making its mark, until, red faced and gasping, he could only give up, sagging in place, hands on his knees as he tried to catch his breath.

Jet wasn't sure what to say. He looked around and saw the rest of the students watching either awkwardly or fascinated. To their credit, none of the girls were laughing outright, but a few were clearly chuckling behind their hands. As he looked around, Jet confirmed what he'd been told earlier; now every other guy at the school was also naked.

He turned back to Bentley. "I'm really sorry, man," he said. "I don't know what we can do."

"Just fuck off," the other boy said, standing up straight. He started walking away from the school.

"Hey, where are you going?" said one of the other boys, Collin from earlier.

"Away from this hell hole," he growled, storming off.

"They'll just drag you back!" Collin said.

"Fine!" Bentley yelled back. But no one stopped him. Everyone watched him go.

Jet turned back to the school. The other guys who'd been floated were all on their feet, dusting themselves off, and heading inside along with the other students. Jet followed, but before he got to the steps, a girl stopped him. It was Olga. "Hey," she said. "You okay?"

Jet looked at her, frowned, then suddenly grabbed her. The magic kept him from moving her, but he pressed his body against hers and kissed her fully on the lips. Olga, a little stunned, froze for a moment, then, let herself relax against him. She hugged him to her gently, and kissed him back.

A few whistles and affectionate "aaaww!"s sounded. Jet partially opened his eyes, and saw several students, girls and guys, blushing at the display of actual affection.

Finally, Jet broke the kiss, and Olga looked into his eyes, a little uncertain. He smiled back at her. "I'm glad there's one really nice girl here," he said.

She smirked and whispered, "I'm not sure I count."

"Jeez, Olga, you gunna just stand there and take that from him?" said one of the girls, only half-joking.

"You should try it sometime," Olga said, still smirking. "It's fun."

The girl who'd commented looked thoughtful for a moment, then poked the guy next her. He jumped and she winked at him, arcing her back some. The guy just swallowed nervously, and practically ran inside, leaving the girl to pout. Giggles sounded all around.

Then, suddenly, a shout of "Goddamn it!" sounded above them, and everyone looked up to see Bentley being floated back to the school, some unseen woman carrying him with her power. Red faced and muttering curses, Bentley landed unceremoniously on his bare ass. When the magic let him go, he leaped up and stormed inside.

Everyone took that as their cue to go in.


The building lacked a decent assembly hall, so when the student body was called to a meeting during the first class hour, everyone piled into the cafeteria. As everyone sat at the benches, the teachers lined up at the far end, with the school's principle, Mrs. Böhm, stood at a simple wooden podium. The smartly dressed woman rivaled Mrs. Bauer with the "hot librarian" look, but her girlish face and slim figure made her more on the cute side of sexy. She was also short, requiring her to use a small step-stool to stand properly at the podium.

Any comedy in her appearance, however, was immediately sobered up as she spoke. Soft ripples of magic power emanated as she spoke, commanding everyone's attention. Even the girls seemed affected, as while a few had been tickling and lightly flicking the cocks near them, they immediately stopped and paid attention as the principle spoke.

"Hello students," said the Mrs. Böhm. "We've had a lot of fun here the past week, but I believe it's time to return to business. Starting Monday, classes will be resuming as normal. You will be expected to attend class and focus on your studies. I know this will be difficult at first, but this is part of a new plan for our school.

"We agreed to participate in Carlin Jethro Seidel's punishment of nudity, because we believed it would serve as a demonstration of the changing world order. When other parents decided to join in, it got us thinking, and we realized it would be for the best if we took the opportunity to use this school not only to finish your education, but expand upon it. This is the transition point for you students coming into the age of empowerment. Soon, you girls will be gaining the power for yourself, and you boys will have to learn to deal with capricious whimsy of girls who can play with you with just a thought.

"We came to this town to take strides to progress into this new age of Sex Magic. Part of this means teaching you not only the pleasures, but responsibilities of the Magic, and how despite its many pleasures, you will need to learn to put those distractions aside when necessary, and still do your work towards keeping Germany running. The old ways cannot keep going forever. You are the future of our nation, and Sex Magic does not change that. But it does mean relearning new paradigms. In light of this, we are adapting a new policy for this school: male nudity is now mandatory."

There was a tittering among the students as girls grinned and giggled with surprise and amusement, while the boys, despite the principles heady, entrancing voice, looked worried, and wanted to protest. But any attempts to speak up with silenced by lips being sealed with magic. A few more tickles and flicks to cocks made the boys shiver and edge, overwhelmed by the unfairness and helplessness of it all.

The principle continued, "We know the transition can be a little difficult for some—" there was a little squeak of a whimper that came from Bentley near the front "—however I want all of you boys to know that none of this is to hurt you. You are safe and will be protected on this campus. As for you girls, things are not going to be the free-for-all tease fest it's been this week. We will not mind if you wish to have some fun between classes, or during lunch, but starting Monday, everyone will be expected to stop fooling around and focus on their studies while class is in session. You will expected to do your tests and hand in your assignments. We know the nudity of the boys will be very distracting for you, but that is part of the point. Aside from your studies, we are going to make sure you can perform despite the distraction. The teachers here are able to do it."

Mrs. Böhm glanced back at the other teachers, adding, "Usually." Ms. Bauer and Mrs. Summerset glanced to the floor, looking a little embarrassed.

She turned back to the students. "We know this is sudden. Consider classes canceled for the day. You may use the school grounds for one more day of fun, if you wish, or just go home, but after this, our campus will be first and foremost a place of learning. If you are caught trying to fool around during classes, you will be disciplined, male or female. And we will know, girls, if you're just trying to get boys in trouble." She smiled. "Class dismissed."

There were a few cheers and claps, worried looks from the guys, mischievous looks from the girls, and soon, every guy was being dragged off by a girl. With a slight majority of females, a few lucky, or perhaps unlucky, guys got two at once. Bentley was the only boy everyone avoided, but Mrs. Summerset came up to him, and used a bit of magic to coax him out of his seat, leading him down to her classroom.

Jet and Olga who'd been sitting holding hands, were left together, the girls all assuming she'd picked him for the day. Only Sisty gave them a glance, Jeannette at her side, but currently manhandling two of the hotter guys at school, carrying them off to have some fun with. Sisty gave the two a hint of a frown, then glanced away, following her taller friend.

Jet and Olga shared a glance. "Well," she said. "This'll make things interesting."

Jet sighed. "Whatever. I give up." He looked Olga over. "So, wanna go back to your place and do it?"

Olga smirked. "You know, technically, a girl's not supposed to let a guy cum the first time they have sex." She reached over and lightly pet his testicles. "And these look awfully full."

"I'll just have to convince you otherwise, won't I?" He leaned forward and kissed her passionately, leaving her breathless when he pulled away. "A very helpful couple of ladies gave me some pointers."

Blushing from the kiss, Olga said, "W-well, I look forward to helping you try them out!"

As the two left the school, intermittently kissing, Jet mused that all this considered, this was one punishment he was ultimately glad to have received.


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E3_SierraE3_Sierra6 months ago

I am surprised that there have not been mass suicides. Sure the females can stop it, but only if they realize what is happening. Ok so they stop it. That would require males to be monitored 24/7. Or the use of magic to prevent it. Maybe if enough of the male population dies, to the point of an extinction level event, these women might be a bit more understanding when the remaining males are locked up and bred to keep the species alive

Salamando_FlamesSalamando_Flamesover 2 years agoAuthor

A lot of people did.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Some of these stories were ultimately heartwarming if a little disturbing, but this one went straight into child abuse and torture. I'd have killed myself in that position.

Salamando_FlamesSalamando_Flamesalmost 5 years agoAuthor
Deep Lore

Thanks, everyone, for the kind words! I'm glad you've enjoyed the story, if you have, and if you haven't, eh, plenty of other great stories on Lit. :P

@wistan - You got questions, I got answers!

Here is the link to the Table of Contents on my blog, which features all the stories listed here on Lit, as well as a big chunk more. Answers to you questions are in various Lore Articles listed in each of the sections.

The Origin and Timeline of the SMW has shifted around some over the years. Everything under the first Sex Mage section is the canon as of this writing. The current origin myth is addressed in the Dellissa's World section. The Crossover Timeline details the original canon (and alternative ideas I had before settling on it). Enjoy!

wistanwistanalmost 5 years ago
Loved it

I love this 'sex magic' world, it's the kind of idea that's so great I wish I'd thought of it. And the individual stories are very well written. I like to hope that if this really happened women wouldn't be quite so wholesale evil as you depict - after all men held the balance of power for most of history (still do) and they're not quite so terrible as this. But then, perhaps the message there is that power corrupts. Your world doesn't just reverse the balance of power between mean and women, it massively magnifies it to the point where men are utterly helpless and women omnipotent. Ultimate power, so ultimate corruption.

Whatever the rights and wrongs of that, it certainly makes for a fun and sexy fantasy world for those into female domination / male submission.

Couple of things I'd like to see, and maybe these are covered in other stories or wherever - I'd love to see a timeline of when this sex magic thing all began and when each story is set. Even if it was as simple as a story list in order with a date next to each, that would be helpful.

The other thing is just a personal preference... I'd love to see an explanation for what happened. Was it some kind of natural phenomenon? Did somebody achieve the power and deliberately spread it, somehow? Is it meant to be a mutation? Did a Goddess get bored one day and snap her fingers? Or was it an intervention by the infamous "Magic Space Bats?"

I get that exploring the cause isn't necessarily something that's important to you or even relevant to the stories - they're about the result, not the cause. But just on a personal note, things like that are fascinating to me.

Anyway, well done story and well done world. I'm loving it. 5 Stars.

cantgetenough2cantgetenough2almost 5 years ago
Thought Provoking

I agree with previous commenter.

Scary, but a great thought exercise

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
loving it

I am absolutely loving your stories!

they're scary as hell and a seriously good to read. thank you💋

Salamando_FlamesSalamando_Flamesover 7 years agoAuthor

You know, six+ years of writing Sex Mage World stories, and I've never been accused of feminism before. : P

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Wrong as a feminist

Men are better in every way. That is why we they are better than us females. You should just accept that and get over it.

bearsladybearsladyover 7 years ago
Well done

An excellent representation of a 3rd wave feminist heaven. A well written, totally horrifying tale....and that's coming from a woman.

Salamando_FlamesSalamando_Flamesover 7 years agoAuthor
Yes, yes

Yes, I realized this was in the wrong category, and I've already submitted for changes. Should switch over in a couple days.

masterhobbesmasterhobbesover 7 years ago
What the fuck.

Am I in the non consent category? Please tag correctly. Rape is rape.

jpz007ahrenjpz007ahrenover 7 years ago

Long day of work helps with perspective. Just wanted to be clear

I don't mean that enjoying the fantasy or possibly even the reality of such happenings is necessarily the big E. More so that society's acceptance that because there is this overwhelming power, that it should be used in torturous ways because it can be as the mainstream. I really hope that it is both not true and not necessary or even reasonable to retaliate for male domination to have it be universally accepted that rather than having those with powers learn self discipline, its better to just enslave and torture monkey those without.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

I thought that it was actually a good story line. Why should men be the dominant species and why couldn't only women have magic in an alternative universe? I hope that there is a next chapter!!!

Salamando_FlamesSalamando_Flamesover 7 years agoAuthor

Don't worry. All the abused males get their revenge by summoning the dark powers of a sentient universe to swallow the Earth into itself, take away Sex Magic, and turn everyone into half-human monsters.

It's a win/win, really.

jpz007ahrenjpz007ahrenover 7 years ago
Well written

Very well written, 5 star work.

I just hate the context. Its, and I don't write this lightly, Evil. And predictably short sighted from the perspective of the majority of the characters. Random event or non event gives all females overwhelming power over sex while males get nothing.

... /waits for other shoe to drop

/prays for some human decency

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Awful..... Really...

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