Nudest Resort Visit with Friend


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When Sandy could take it no longer, she pulled him away from her holes and gently started guiding his swollen cock into her. Dave stopped just before entering her to coat his entire length with the liquor, when in one slow push entered Sandy's willing open pussy. She gasped as his shaft pushed the hot liquid deep inside her.

Neither lasted long, both reaching a sweaty climax at the same time. After holding her close for a few minutes, he slid out of her, rolled on his side and cradled her in his arms where they fell into a deep satisfied sleep.

The next morning, both suffering from a hangover, neither felt like going down for breakfast even though they knew they would feel better. Dave called room service.

Sandy said, "I suppose you want me to answer the door naked again, don't you?"

He challenged, "Is there any other way?"

"You know you wouldn't be treating me this way if Jim were here with us."

"If he was here, I wouldn't have to treat you like this, he would. I'd just have to sit back and watch the show. You know you love to show off your tits and pussy to those young unsuspecting boys, now don't you?"

"What if it is some cute little young teenage girl? Do you want to show her your wiener?"

"I'd love to, but the idea of being dragged off to jail and having a sign hung around my neck as a sexual predator doesn't sound like an end to a perfect weekend to me. I don't care what is said, there is still a double standard. A woman can flash and its hot, a man flashes and he is a pervert."

"So? Sounds about right to me. Eat your heart out, pervert."

"It's not my heart I'd like to eat, now if you are offering more of that pussy I had last night I might take you up on the offer."

"Calm down, all you are getting today is to see me naked in front of you until we are done eating, and I mean breakfast, and me answering the door in my naked glory. And just to let you know, I do find it very exciting and satisfying as you do showing men my tits and pussy."

As Sandy finished her speech, there was a knock at the door and the announcement of room service.

Dave retreated to the chair and covered himself as best he could with a hand towel. Sandy took a deep breath and wearing only a smile opened the door. This time the delivery was by a man in his late 30's or early 40's, older than Sandy or Dave. It took him only a second to realize that this was going to be a good room service delivery. He quickly excused himself for the interruption and asked if they wanted him to just leave the cart where it was. Sandy told him nonsense, to bring it in the room. He did, trying not to be too obvious staring at Sandy's nakedness. They then asked if he could put the food on the table by the window and move the cart out to the hall. He attempted to put the food on the table with his back towards Sandy, but she moved to the opposite side of the table so that he was facing her. She kept up a conversation with him somewhat forcing him to look at her when he answered her questions. Finally she asked if her being naked was making him uncomfortable and he said that he wasn't uncomfortable, but didn't want to upset either of them by looking at her too openly. They reassured him that neither of them were upset by his looking and that they rather enjoyed surprising people like this. Sandy asked if he ever had seen another guest naked before and he said that it happened occasionally but not often enough. He said usually the husband doesn't tell the wife he is there and she walks out of the bathroom naked, screams and runs back in. Mostly the women wear small panties and bras or sexy nighties when they answer the door. Almost never does the woman just stand there like Sandy was doing and let him see them. After visiting with the room service delivery man for a few additional minutes, he told them reluctantly that he had to go back to work. They gave him a generous tip and he left with a big smile.

The Ride Home

They ate their breakfast and packed their few things in their bags and prepared to make the drive to O'Hare airport. Sandy showered again and dressed in only a light sundress and sandals. The skirt cut full came to just above her knees. The top was cut to the top of her breasts and tended to fall loosely open if she leaned over. If she then moved her shoulders forward the top opened to reveal all but her nipples. If a person were in just the right place when she positioned herself just right, one could see all the way from her breasts to her feet, showing that she wore nothing under it.

The material was soft cotton that was not translucent, but if the light was strong, it would show a silhouette showing Sandy's shape at its best. Her nipples pushed little tents in the front. Dave was hard just looking at her fully dressed.

My flight was on time, I guess the weather gods were favoring me and there were fewer people flying on a Sunday morning. Dave and Sandy were at the baggage claim waiting when I arrived there. When I held Sandy in my arms to kiss her I felt her breasts against my shirt and panty-less ass as I held her close. She purred in my ear that she was so happy to see me as she not so coyly rubbed my growing erection. My bags came fairly quickly and when Sandy leaned down to pick up my carry-on, she gave not only me, but two other men standing beside me a clear view down her dress. There was no doubt that they had an excellent view as she held her pose much longer than need be for my benefit and probably theirs. She knew exactly what she was doing.

We piled in the car, I drove, Sandy in front beside me and Dave in back behind her. When we approached the parking toll exit, I looked over and saw that Sandy had hiked her skirt up to where I could easily see her lush pubic hair. I smiled and she just gave me one of those innocent smiles and said "What?" I smiled and shook my head. God I love that woman!

The cashier leaned out of his booth as I drove as close as I could and handed him the ticket and a twenty dollar bill, more than enough to cover the parking. He actually missed the ticket the first time he closed his fingers, evidently he wasn't concentrating on what he was doing. I looked over and Sandy had shifted around in her seat so her knees were pointing in his direction. She had also spread her knees apart so that he had a perfect view of her hair covered pussy. He was able to grab the ticket on the second try, he didn't take the twenty. I looked at Sandy and said, "Nice show." She smiled.

The cashier returned, leaned nearly into the car and said the charge would be eight dollars and reached for the twenty, taking time to look inside the car again. When he returned he had only ones and slowly counted the change and looking for the first time at me said, "And thank both of you, please come back soon."

Sandy couldn't contain herself as we drove away. Dave just said from the back seat, "You are a cruel, cruel woman." and laughed hilariously.

By the time we were well on our way on the tri-state toll way, they were telling me about the previous day and that morning. Sandy soon threw her dress in the back seat to Dave and sat naked in front with me. At every toll booth rather than toss the correct change in the automatic lane, I drove to the attendant and gave them a dollar bill and asked for a receipt. Somehow it seemed there was a man taking the tolls and they always seemed to take a little longer to make and count out the change rather than to just hand it through the window. They all seemed to have a smile on their face too. It must be nice to have a job you really enjoy.

We considered stopping at the nudist resort on the way home, but we decided that having Sandy naked in the car would provide entertainment for all three of us until we got home.

Much to the delight of the many truck drivers, Sandy never once tried to cover herself as I eased up beside the truck and for a few minutes matched their speed to give them a good look. Almost every one gave a blast from their air-horns as we pulled away from them. We passed a few busses and watched as the riders noticed her riding naked. It seemed that she was in a constant state of arousal the whole trip.

We stopped at the only rest area to relieve our bladders. That was the only place where Sandy slipped her dress back on. She did this by waiting until I parked (near the far end as far away as I could get on a busy Sunday afternoon) and then getting out of the car naked and then sliding her dress over her head. Her walk to the restroom building was a sight to see with her breasts bouncing unsupported beneath her dress. Several men didn't even try to hide the fact they were staring at her. Dave & I came out of the men's room before she returned from the ladies and stood off to the side to watch the other men watch her. She went directly to the water fountain and when she leaned over to get a drink, her top gapped open revealing a perfect view of her breasts. She then cupped her hands and caught some water and poured it down her front as if to cool herself off. The water turned the material nearly transparent much to the delight of the spectators. She continued to act oblivious that her breasts were now on display. She spied us watching her and came bouncing over to us. She smiled and whispered, "Like the show?"

When we got back to the car, she quickly went to the passenger side and pulled her dress off over her head and tossed it to Dave as he walked to the back passenger door. She stood there naked in the open as several cars drove by never attempting to hide herself. She waved at the male drivers and gave them all a big smile. I told her to get in the car before she caused an accident. She called me a spoil sport, and reluctantly got in.

The rest of the ride home passed quickly with Sandy and Dave telling their story, laughing at what they had done and the reactions of the other people they had met. Sandy teased Dave without mercy about his initial shyness and his troublesome erections. She kept turning around and asked to see if he had one now. When he finally acknowledged that he did, she would not leave him alone until he showed it to her. She then asked if he wanted her to "take care of it for him." He teased her back about her total lack of modesty.

When we finally arrived home, we asked Dave if he would like to come in for a drink before he went home. Sandy sweetened the offer by saying that she would help him with his "little problem" so he wouldn't have to go home alone and "jerk one off." I pulled in the garage so the neighbors wouldn't see Sandy pile out of the car stark naked. I barely got the door down before she was out of her door and pulling Dave out of his. He let this crazy naked woman lead him into our home.

"You two get the things out of the car and make something to drink while I take a quick shower, I feel stinky after that long boring (boring?) car ride." With that Sandy disappeared into the bathroom.

As Dave helped me unload the bags and the cooler that they used the day before, he approached what had happened while they were alone together. "You know, man, things kinda got out of control at times yesterday. I hope you aren't upset that I, you know, let things go further than they should have. I mean, well, I know we were going to be naked together and all, but I guess I sorta over stepped the boundary when I, you know, touched Sandy and, well you know, did it, and all."

"Dave, don't worry about it. I didn't plan to have the emergency trip at the last minute. I sure as hell didn't want to miss out on spending a day with my wife at the resort. I was looking forward to seeing how you handled being naked with her and lord knows how many other naked women. I would have been upset if you two didn't have some fun. Knowing Sandy and how turned on she gets when she is naked in front of other men, I wouldn't have believed you two if you had come to me with a story that said you two didn't mess around."

"Well, I think I went a little past just messing around, I mean I did, you know..."

"You fucked her. It's okay to say it. You two spent the day and night together for the most part naked and you fucked her, ate her pussy and she sucked your dick. Right?"

"Well yah that pretty much says it. It's just that you weren't there and I kinda feel I took advantage of the situation and went too far. I just don't want this to ruin our friendship."

"Dave, believe me, if I was upset about it, I would have left you at the rest area 200 miles ago. You would have been hitch-hiking home. Look, you had fun, right?"

"Well yah, you can definitely say that."

"Sandy had fun, right?"

"She sure seemed to be."

"Okay, no harm, no foul. You two messed around and had some fun. You both had a good fuck. Hell man, you didn't wear out her pussy or anything. You didn't force her and you didn't hurt her. I don't mind you getting a little on the side. Shit man, I know what Sandy looks like naked, you'd have to be blind or dead not to want to fuck her. One of the big reasons I married her is how she looks. I'd love her just as much if she were butt ugly, but she's not, she just happens, from my point of view, to be a sinfully beautiful woman. I like to see her naked and I like to watch other men see her naked. I also on occasion like to see another man shove their dick deep in her mouth or pussy. And you my friend just happen to be the lucky guy who got to do her last night and if I know my Sandy will probably have the opportunity again in a little while. I didn't get to watch last night, I damned well want to watch today. That is if you are interested and don't mind me watching you fuck my wife."

"Shit yes, I'm interested, I mean if you don't care and won't shoot my ass. I mean I'd definitely love to do it with Sandy again. I guess it is a little strange doing it in front of you and all, but hell yes, I want to try doing it."

"Dave it's okay to say it, fuck Sandy. You can say it."

"Oh man, do I ever want to fuck Sandy!"

"Okay, that's settled, let's go see what she has in mind."

Home Sweet Home

By the time Dave and I got the car unloaded and all the stuff that needed to be put away put away and drinks made for the three of us, Sandy was done showering and walked into the family room dressed only in a towel. That is if dressed means using the towel to dry her hair.

"You two are way over dressed, I just hate being the only one naked, that and I really want to see some hard cocks. Riding all the way from Chicago with two of my most favorite men and not being able to see or touch your cocks just about drove me crazy."

Without waiting for Dave or I to start, Sandy went back and forth between us quickly relieving us of our clothes. First she removed our shirts, making a big production of unbuttoning each button and then sliding the shirt off our shoulders and off our arms. Once the shirt was gone, she proceeded to pinch one nipple and then suck and bite the other nipple until both were erect and smarting from the sharp love bites. Next after removing our shoes and socks, she loosened our belts, unbuttoned and unzipped our pants and lowered them to the floor, taking special notice of our erect cocks straining to be released from our underwear. She put her mouth on the covered erection and gently blew her warm breath as she made a humming noise that vibrated her mouth against our hard cocks. Finally, on her knees, she slowly slid our underwear down and off and went back to our cocks, licking the drops of precum from the heads She slid her tongue in the opening as far as she could force it and then suck hard as if trying to suck through a straw. After she did this several times she would cup our balls gently in her hand and then softly suck each into her mouth, massage with her tongue and all the while hum softly adding to the exquisite sexual torture. She would go back and forth between us tempting and teasing us until neither Dave nor I could take it any longer.

When she had Dave fully in her mouth, I moved behind her and lifted her hips so she was bent over standing on her knees, I reached between her legs and slid two fingers into her sopping wet pussy. She let out a groan that almost sounded like she was in pain. I then straddled her and replaced my fingers with my cock and shoved slowly as deep as I could go, stopping only when my balls touched her pussy. She released Dave's cock only long enough to say, "Oh God that feels so good, fuck me slow and deep." as she leaned back against my thrusts. Dave and I set a rhythm so we were both thrusting deep inside her, he in her mouth and me in her pussy.

After maybe 5 minutes of slow fucking, I motioned for Dave to trade places with me and slid my cock out of her pussy and dripping her juices slid my cock into her mouth as Dave slid into her open pussy. He leaned over her back, reached around her and found her breasts hanging and swinging to the rhythm of our thrusts. He caught her nipples between his thumb and first finger and gently pinched and milked her sensitive nipples. That was enough to cause her first orgasm and I felt her stiffen and then let out a long moan as her muscles clinched and loosened around Dave's thrusting cock.

When her orgasm subsided, Dave and I switched places again, with me back in her pussy and he in her mouth. We would slowly shove deep in her and hold the position and then slowly pull nearly completely out before repeating the process again and again. Every 5 minutes or so we would trade places switching from her pussy to mouth, each time she would take our juice covered cock and lick her taste off it humming and sighing all the time.

Finally it was evident that both Dave and I were having a difficult time holding back our own orgasms and Sandy said to both of us, "Cum inside me, I want you both to cum in my pussy, I don't care who is first but I want you to push as deep inside me as you can and cum. Pump all the cum in me as you can, I want to feel you deep inside me."

I happened to be the one in her pussy at the time and it only took about ten deep thrusts before I felt the cum rush as my cock swelled and began to pulse deep inside Sandy's hot pussy. She pushed back against my thrusts and had another orgasm herself.

When we both were finished, I slid my cum soaked now sizably deflated cock from her dripping pussy and moved toward her head. As Dave took my place and pushed his erection deep inside her, Sandy took my cock in her mouth and sucked it clean of our combined juices. It took Dave only a couple of minutes before he too was pumping his cum deep inside my wife's pussy. She tensed with yet another orgasm to the feel of being filled with our friend's cum. When he had stopped pumping cum, he moved to her mouth and she sucked and licked him clean as well. After she was satisfied there was nothing left on either of our cocks, she lay on her back with her legs spread as wide as she could and reached between her legs and caught as much of the remaining cum that was slowly draining from her and smeared it over her breasts. She smiled as she watched both of us observe her spread in an obscene position, her pussy open, pubic hair matted wet around her opening, dripping two loads of cum as she repeatedly slid her cupped fingers inside herself to remove as much of the fluids as she could salvage. Finally when she could find no more, she licked her fingers clean and said, "Oh God that felt so fucking good. I needed a good fucking after the weekend I've had. Let's do this again soon and let's be sure that the three of us go to the resort together and then I want you two to fuck me in the motel all night long. Maybe you can "force" me to walk up and down the hallways naked, or make me go to the car in the parking lot to get something I forgot. Of course I'd have to go out naked to do that. Maybe we can find an adult bookstore where you can expose me to the men inside. I know the three of us can come up with some fun games to play."