O O Calcutta Ch. 05


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"Oh Ma, you were so damn sexy in the moonlight that I could not keep my hands off you either."

"Rather stupid of us to apologize to each other isn't it?"

"But I simply cannot wait to jump on you again."

"This floor is too hard. Why can we make a nice bed, here beneath the stars."

"But first some food. I am hungry."

Deepa quickly put together a quick but hearty meal consisting of thick, sweet almond cookies followed by a plate of baked beans while Rudra dragged out some blankets and pillows and laid them out on the terrace to make a very comfortable bed.

Once again, mother and son lost themselves in each other and in the moonlight, under the stars and with the chirping of the crickets ringing in their ears, they made soft, sensuous and tender love to each other. The frantic, animal urgency of their earlier session had given way to a leisurely penetration. Deepa was on her back while her son climbed on top of her in the classic missionary position and slowly and softly pressed his rock hard penis into her waiting cunt. She gave sigh of pleasure as she felt her son's penis poking, prodding and finally penetrating into her and then she felt its length as it pushed through her body and hit her innards. His hands was on her breasts, squeezing and twisting her nipples. His lips were on hers, his tongue pushed into her mouth and then their bodies started to move with each other. Her son's erection was sliding in and out of her cunt and the continuous friction was sending out pulses of pleasure through their bodies.

Deepa was the first to cry out with pleasure and Rudra answered with a grunt of determination as he thumped his erection into his mother. Then their cries got louder as Rudra started hammering into his mother with greater and greater vigour until once again mother and son were locked in the throes of massive passion that only ended when, with a scream, Rudra ejaculated and poured, what seemed like a gallon of cum into his mother's waiting cunt.

For a minute, all was quiet and then suddenly there was a scratching noise ... as if someone was walking along the dry grass and leaves! Mother and son jumped up and peeped over the parapet and saw that they had indeed had a visitor ... a pair of giant snakes that leisurely passed in front of the house and disappeared into the forest.

"Ma, we need to be careful."

"Don't worry, kid. Those snakes will not harm us. They bring good news."

Which was indeed the case because next morning itself, Rudra found his mother retching in the bathroom.

"What happened Ma?"

"This is called morning sickness, kid and it tells us that your mother is pregnant again!"


It was an hour after sunset, what painters and photographers refer to as the l'Heure Blue, the Blue Hour. There was still a little bit of light left in the sky but it was far too less for anyone to have noticed a low skiff that was gliding silently across the Panchet Reservoir.

While there had been no sign of any hostile pursuit ever since they had arrived at Panchet, both Rudra and Deepa had agreed that it was best to keep as low as profile as possible. They had resolutely kept to themselves in their hideout, but Deepa's pregnancy had necessitated trips to the maternity home at Panchet. However the battery powered boat, that they had found in the boathouse, was a real blessing as it allowed them to cross the lake in silence and land in the a little hidden cove near a footpath that led to the dam.

Durga Puja had arrived early this year, in the first week of October itself and today, SashThi -- the sixth day of the bright lunar fortnight, was perhaps Deepa's last visit to the maternity home where she expected to deliver her baby in another week or so. From today evening itself, the festivities would start and everyone would be on holiday for almost a week. The pregnancy was under control and the two of them were in an upbeat mood when the boat silently entered their ultra-private lagoon. It was still some way of to the boathouse when Rudra flipped a switch, stopped the boat and stepped out into the waist deep water.

"What happened?"

"I just thought that it would be fun to walk along through the water."

"Then let me join you as well." Deepa too tried to get out but her saree -- she always used the traditional attire whenever she stepped out so as not to stand out from the crowd -- got caught on the gunwale and she would have toppled over if Rudra had not caught her!

"Careful, Ma," he warned her, "and actually, why don't you get rid of your saree itself." He suggested.

Which was not a bad idea at all! So Deepa quickly unwrapped the yards of cotton from around her and then dumped it along with the rest of her clothes in the boat.

"Ah this feels so nice," Deepa sat down in the water so that only her neck and head was visible. "Why don't you take off your pants as well?" she asked her son.

"Why not indeed," and Rudra too took of his clothes and sat down in the blood warm waters of the lagoon.

"This is so much fun, kiddo, to be so much at one with nature, right here in the middle of the lake, under the stars .."

"Amazing sky isn't it, the pitch dark sky so full of stars ... so big and bright, deep in the heart of Panchet."

"What is more amazing kiddo, is the distance that we have covered in the past one year. Who would have known that my visit to Barakar a year ago will result in us sitting like this in the Panchet Lake in utter tranquility."

"You are amazing, Ma," Rudra really adored his mother, "the way you have made it all happen. Without your grit and determination we would still be stewing in that hell hole at Calcutta."

"And you are no less kid, without all your technology where would we have been?" Deepa threw her arms around her son and kissed him on his lips and in the ensuing melee the two of them tumbled and rolled around in the clean, clear, sandy bed of the lagoon!

Fortunately the water was not too deep at all and it wasn't too long before mother and son were laid out on the sand right on the shoreline, with the water of the lake between their legs! For a few minutes, they stared at the vast darkness of the sky above through which the pinpricks of light were shining through.

"Amazing feeling, kiddo, to have the waters of the lake lapping at your cunt!"

"That hint of a cool breeze is giving me an erection."

"Oh really? or is it that my son is trying to jerk himself off?" sniggered Deepa.

"Why not?" Rudra raised himself on his hands and turned to face his mother. "It is not very often that guy gets the chance to do this ... " and he slowly ran his hands over his mother's huge and distended belly.

"Oooh .. you are tickling me," gurgled Deepa as she felt Rudra's fingers fondling the delicate folds of her vagina!

"You are way to sexy, Ma, lying naked like this on the edge of the water." Rudra pulled himself closer to his mother and started to kiss her on her lips, her cheeks. "Wonder why have we never fucked like this before." Which was true. Ever since they had discovered this paradise on earth there have been many occasions of wild and wanton sex between mother and son, especially after the first trimester of her pregnancy but it had never occurred to either of them that they could have fucked like this, on the water!

"I think it is a bit too late to start now," cautioned Deepa. "I am due in another week and I do not want your brother or sister to be smothered with your cream!"

"But that would not stop me from cuddling my lovely mother in my lap like this." Rudra sat up on the sand, spread his legs and pulled Deepa in between them, so that she could rest comfortably on his chest. Then he threw his hand around his mother and with hand he started to fondle her breasts that had already started to sag, in anticipation of the milk that they would shortly hold! With the other, he was pointing towards the eastern horizon ...

"Ma, look, the moon is rising ..."

Yes, the moon was rising over the Panchet Dam and with it something else was rising in their mind as well ... a question, that both of them had avoided ever since they had learnt of Deepa's pregnancy.

"Kiddo .."

"Yes, Ma."

"How would be know .." whispered Deepa.

"Who is the father of this child in your belly? Is it ..." Both of them started but neither could complete the last part of that sentence as someone in Panchet let loose a volley of fireworks to start the Durga Puja celebrations and a shower of glowing spheres lit up the sky ..


Lakshmi Puja! The first full moon right after Durga Puja when the Goddess of Wealth is welcomed into every home in Bengal. It was on a night like this, year ago, that Deepa had returned from Barakar carrying a little packet that had changed their lives.

Rudra did not bother to wait for darkness because he was too impatient to get his mother Deepa and her new born girl child back to their home on the lake! After a night of hard labour, Deepa had had a natural childbirth in the wee hours of the morning and after the midwife had done the honours of parturition, the tiny fellow had latched on to her mother's breasts and had sucked her way to blissful sleep. By the late afternoon it was abundantly clear that Deepa was feeling well enough for that short walk to where their boat was moored and so they had set off even before the sun had set.

The trip back was uneventful and soon enough, after the three of them had reached the house, mother and child were comfortably settled on the large and comfortable bed.

"Whew! It feels so nice to be back here again." Deepa was clearly relieved to be through with the ordeal.

"But, Ma," Rudra had a grin on his face, "I have one more task left."

"Now what?"

"Remember, on Sashthi, when we were on the beach, both of us had a question."

"I do," a shadow passed over Deepa's face, "who is the father? Don't tell me you have found an answer."

"I have found something else," and he pulled out a steel-and-ceramic cylinder with wires sticking out of it."

"Oh God," whispered Deepa, "the device that had brought me to Barakar in the first place ... how and where did you find it?"

"We had never looked for it but I was thinking very hard. This would have been a very important thing for Pandey-ji and Teesta if they had managed to escape ... so why would they not keep it in their getaway box? The one we had carried out with us from Tata Centre."

"So it was there? But how come we had never found it?"

"We had not looked hard enough! It was there hidden in the base of the box that had the cash and the gold coins."

"So what will you do with this?"

"Just wait and see ..."

Rudra connected the laptop that they had recently procured from Panchet and connected to the Internet through the ISP services provided by the Google Balloon system that had finally become operational over India. He had remembered the name of the bank and Googled it for the URL and then used the account number that he had picked up from the notebook. Finally it was time to enter the DNA based password.

"Ma, I need you to put this cylinder in your little darling's mouth."

"Oh God!" gasped Deepa, "I see what you are trying to do."

"Yes, if it opens, then she is Pandey-ji's child, otherwise .."

"Just do it, kiddo," Deepa interrupted him. "I cannot stand this tension anymore"

And he did it. Rudra placed the little cylinder under the little child's tongue and pushed the USB plug into the socket and pressed the submit button.

The DNA analysis seemed to take ages and then the net was abnormally slow. Time stood still and it seemed like hours even though the process would not have taken more than two minutes.

And then?

It worked! the DNA of the little newborn girl matched half of the DNA that Pandey-ji had submitted while creating the account and as per the rules that he had set, the account was accessible!

"Hooray! It has worked," screamed Rudra.

"Hooray! I have Pandey-ji's child," screamed Deepa.

"And we have access to Pandey-ji's vast bank account."

"Truly, on this Lakshmi Puja day, Lakshmi herself has come to our house."

"Should we name her Lakshmi then?"

"We could, but I am thinking of another woman who has played such an important part in making all this happen and without her ..."

But Rudra did not let his mother finish the sentence. "Then let us call her Teesta."

"Yes kid, in honour of that poor and lonely girl who sacrificed her life to protect the bloodline of someone she had loved so dearly."

"And in the process, helped us get Out Of Calcutta -- O O Calcutta."

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Lovely story

Loved the ending

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