Oceanbreeze Court Ch. 03


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Kelly and I were hoping that Mike and Jenny became a couple. I'd never met Mike's wife, Trisha's mother, but he couldn't find a better woman than Jenny. He seemed like a good guy and we both thought that Jenny deserved someone fully devoted to her.

On the drive home, I asked Kelly, "What's it like partnered with Guy?"

"He's polite and considerate, but, even with all of the bare skin touching we did today, I don't sense any real reaction from him."

Going through those moves with Kelly in the nude and not reacting seemed impossible to me. The enigma that was Guy just deepened in my mind.

The show started moving into the theater the following Monday. To accommodate us amateurs who had day jobs, rehearsals were scheduled for 6:00 p.m. Since the Performing Arts Center was only a couple of blocks from the office, Jenny and I walked to that first in-theater rehearsal. Kelly was driving in from her office and would drive me home.

Jenny and I had to show ID to get inside the theater. Once in, a very young staffer checked our names off on a roster and led us to the "chorus dressing room." The dressing room was spartan, basically like a sports locker room. The main room had a bench running around the wall. Above the bench were vertical partitions every few feet providing us with separate spaces to hang clothes. Partially walled off in one corner stood a sink, a urinal, and a toilet. An opening in the wall nearby led into a tiled room with several showerheads mounted around the wall.

The staffer pointed to what looked like a large tool chest with a combination lock on it. "Valuables go in there," she said. "Here's the combination," she added as she handed us small slips of paper. "Don't give that out to anyone and make sure to lock the cabinet every time you use it. If you catch someone else forgetting to lock the cabinet, tell me and I'll get the stage manager to bitch at them."

After the staffer walked out, I said to Jenny, "Not much privacy is there?"

"Harry, we don't need any privacy," Jenny replied brightly.

The rest of the chorus soon arrived. As the staffer led Guy, the last to arrive, into the dressing room, she announced, "Ok. Everyone should be naked and onstage in ten." We were well past any hesitation about stripping nude in front of each other (although the pleasure in watching Kelly, Trisha, Jenny, and Wendy undress was still as great as before the first rehearsal). Walking out of the dressing room naked was a little more daunting. First, the theater was cold. Second, there were a surprising number of clothed people around doing various tasks. Of course, they all looked when ten naked people walked onstage. Kelly and I walked out holding hands. As we reached the middle of the stage, Kelly gave my hand a squeeze.

Five people, three men and two women, were sitting on folding chairs at the far downstage right corner. As we walked out, one of the men stood up and said, in a booming voice, "There's our chorus. Good evening ladies and gentlemen, it is good to see you; double-meaning intended. I'm Peter Gorsuch, the director. Seated here, from your left to right are Ann Cotton, who plays Carrie, the female lead; Kelly Wright, who plays Jessie; Mark Pound, who plays Peter, the male lead; and Jerome Sand, who plays Will."

A small wiry man with a full beard, wearing jeans and a Les Miserable tee shirt, had walked onstage followed by a small redheaded girl in jeans and a Sunset Boulevard tee shirt. Both wore headsets.

The bearded man said, "I'm Mike. I'm the stage manager. This is Drew, my assistant stage manager. We run the show. If either of us tells you to do something, you do it right now! The wings are small and crowded so, when you're not onstage, please stay in your dressing room. There is a PA in there that will pipe in all of the cues. Drew or I will cue you five minutes before you go onstage. When you hear that, you must, very quietly, leave the dressing room and take your positions in the wings. Drew will be in the wings stage right and I will be stage left to cue you when to go on. You can ask questions now, but not during a performance."

From that warm introduction, we progressed to being shown our positions in the wings from which we would go onstage for each scene. Each of our male/female pairs had a different position, and a different starting position for each scene. Kelly had gone with Guy. I would spend the rest of rehearsal naked with Trisha.

Before we ran through the entire show, Peter wanted to see the four chorus scenes. This required some adjustments from us. We had rehearsed under fluorescent lights in the warehouse. Here, we were performing under the actual lighting to be used during the show. Our first scene was done entirely in blue light. That affected what we saw and how we moved until we adjusted. Trisha would jump to help me lift her up in that scene. The first time we tried it under the blue light, Trisha jumped into me rather than in front of me. Trisha jumping into me nude was fine with me, but it wasn't what Peter wanted.

Overall, Peter was satisfied with our scenes until we got to the very end of our fourth and final scene. As I said earlier, that scene ended with a loud noise. The stage was suddenly lit in bright white light. We were to embrace a partner other than our partner throughout the show. For this last bit, I was paired with Wendy.

We did the scene. The noise and the lights happened, and Wendy and I embraced with our hands on each other's bare asses as Ben had instructed. The other four couples were in similar poses around the stage. We held the pose until someone said something.

What was said was Peter bellowing, "Goddamnit Ben! I told you this is a passionate embrace! I want to see people up there one step away from fucking! Instead, I see store mannequins!"

I moved my downstage hand to the bottom of Wendy's ass and pulled her towards me harder. Wendy moved her downstage hand up and in until her fingers were just in the crack of my ass. Wendy also worked her upstage hand between us and gently cupped my balls. I don't think Peter, out in the house, could see Wendy's upstage hand.

We were all holding our pose, looking at Peter. "Those two are a little better," Peter said, pointing at Wendy and me. "Let's gets some hands on tits too," Peter exclaimed. "I don't guess we can show hands on dicks or fingers in pussies."

Sharon, Ben's assistant, came down onstage and re-positioned everyone in their "passionate embraces" until Peter was happy. She came to Wendy and me from upstage and saw Wendy's upstage hand.

"I like the hand on the balls," Sharon said quietly. "Harry, can you work your upstage hand between Wendy's legs? The audience won't see it so we stay out of trouble, but it should get you both a bit more aroused, which is what Peter wants."

I dutifully worked my upstage hand between our bodies and between Wendy's thighs. My index finger found her clit, so I began rubbing it very slightly. Wendy started kneading my balls just a little bit. Sharon watched us for a moment before she said, "Good work" and walked away.

Once Peter was satisfied with the chorus scenes, we had to wait a while to start the full run-through. Our scenes were done on a bare stage floor. However, there were some sets, really just shapes vaguely suggestive of a room or sidewalk, which had to be put in place. We chorus members had decided that, instead of putting on and taking off robes, we'd all just stay nude. I was sitting on a crate in the wings watching the stagehands when Kelly Wright came up to me.

"Ann, Mark, Jerry, and I were a little surprised that they found people locally to be the nude chorus. Are you guys professional performers?" Ms. Wright asked.

"We have a dance student, Arianna; and a voice student, Trisha," I replied. "The rest of us are not performers in any sense. I'm a lawyer as is Jenny. My wife Kelly, the redhead, is a psychologist. Wendy is a banker. Mike is a math professor. Jeff is a cyber-security consultant."

"Wow," Ms. Wright said. "How do you like being nude onstage?"

"Honestly, I'm having a blast and I'm pretty sure everyone else is too," I answered.

Ms. Wright laughed. "My first role out of school," she said, "was in a two-week revival of Oh! Calcutta at a small theater in LA. Do you know Oh! Calcutta?" I nodded affirmatively so she went on. "Then you know that it's really not a good show except that the cast spends a lot of time onstage completely nude. I've had a lot of better roles since then, but those two weeks were the most fun I've ever had onstage. When I dropped my robe in the first scene on opening night, I felt so alive and sexy it was amazing!"

I did persuade Ms. Wright to explain the basic story of the play to me. We had never been told. Briefly summarized, Carrie and Peter are lovers in a troubled relationship. Our dream sequences were meant to show that Carrie and Peter were much alike deep down, but they could or would not express their deepest thoughts to each other. Instead, Carrie confides everything in her friend Will as does Peter to Jessie. Our last scene is meant to symbolize Carrie and Peter realizing that they'd each be better off with partners whom they trust and confide in: Will and Jessie respectively. The play ends with Carrie becoming Will's lover as Jessie becomes Peter's. I then understood why there was so much nudity: to maintain audience interest in the play.

At the end of the first rehearsal, with everyone out on stage, Peter announced, "We have to talk about curtain call. It's really pretty simple. The chorus will come out first as a group. You'll get your clap then split at center stage. Jerome will come out between your two halves and get his clap. Then Kelly will come out and get hers followed by Mark and then Ann. After Ann has gotten the clap, the chorus will come tighten up on the actors. You'll get the clap again as a group then leave stage. The question is: does the chorus want to do the curtain call in robes or in the nude? It's up to you."

None of us had thought about that. After a moment, Wendy said, "Nude, of course!" Peter looked at the rest of us and we all nodded our agreement. That was going to be interesting: facing the audience fully nude for an extended time in normal light.

The remaining in-theater rehearsals went reasonably well, notwithstanding Peter's profane and bombastic style. Contrary to Ben's advice, those of us who worked had not taken the week of the run off. The previous Sunday all of us, including Guy, had gone to a sporting goods store and bought matching black warm-up suits. We agreed that we'd wear those and sandals to and from the theater, and nothing else. Late Wednesday afternoon, I closed my office door. I took off all of my clothes, hung my suit up, and stashed my boxers in my desk where, I hoped, Becky my secretary wouldn't seen them. I put on my warm-up suit and sandals and headed for the lobby to meet Jenny for the walk to the Performing Arts Center.

As I walked past her cubicle, Becky said, "Break a leg Mr. Stone."

Fearful of what that signified, I turned to her. "What does that mean?"

"You've been real quiet about it, but the secretaries' grapevine knows that you and Ms. Masters are in that new show," Becky said with a grin. "A bunch of us bought tickets and are going Saturday night. That was the only night there were any tickets left." Shit, what don't our secretaries know?

Jenny was waiting for me in the lobby in her black warm-up suit. I told her what Beck had said.

"Well, there's nothing to do about it now," Jenny said. "I'm sure not backing out." Jenny chuckled. "In that same vein, I saw Bill Brewer in the hall today. He asked me if I'd heard about the new show at the PAC with all the nudity. I played dumb. Bill and his wife are going Friday night. Do you think that he'll figure out that we're part of the nudity?"

"Well," I said, "our names are in the program. I think even Bill can figure that one out." Bill Brewer was in his early 60s and was the head of Jenny's department in the law firm.

"Is Bill going to call me on the carpet next Monday?" Jenny asked.

"My guess is that he'll be in denial, too embarrassed to admit that he saw a lawyer in his group onstage naked," I replied.

"I hope you're right," Jenny said. "If he tells 4cc, you and I may be starting our own firm next week."

"I can think of worse things than sharing an office with you," I said smiling.

"Yeah, we'd have fun," Jenny agreed, "but would we make any money?"

"Think of all the money we could save on suits, dresses, and ties if it was just us in the office," I joked.

"You mean work nude?" Jenny asked. She paused. "That's really not a bad idea."

"Well, it ain't going to happen at our current shop," I replied.

"You're right about that," Jenny agreed.

Trisha was just ahead of us as we reached the stage door. Smiling, she asked us both, "Ready to show your stuff?"

Like Jenny, Trisha looked very good in her warm-up suit. We guys had all gone for loose-fitting. The girls had all gotten suits that fit them tightly. The only one whom that did not flatter much was poor Arianna, only because she had such a flat figure. Nonetheless, I knew that I and an entire audience would be seeing Trisha and Jenny, and my wife and Wendy, looking much better in their bare skin in a couple of hours.

I wasn't sure why the production wanted us in the theater two hours early. Initially, I had assumed that we'd have to put on some sort of body make-up. When no one had said anything about that, I asked one of the cute make-up girls about it during the final rehearsal.

"Stage lights tend to cause normal skin tones to wash out," she explained. "Ordinarily, we don't want that; but, because all of your scenes are supposed to be in dreams, Peter decided that having you all look pale was what he wanted." So much for my fantasy of a cute young woman putting pancake on my dick.

The curtain was scheduled to go up at 8:00. By 7:00, all ten of us were sitting around the dressing room, drinking Cokes and taking bites from the stale sandwiches provided for us. Drew came into the dressing room.

Drew clapped her hands to get our attention. "Everyone, get naked now. We don't want any marks from your clothes on your skin."

It was actually a relief to take my clothes off. I stood in front on my "locker" facing the center of the room so that I could watch everyone else undress. Everyone else had the same idea. Once we all got naked, everyone was smiling, even Guy.

Wendy called out, "Center of the room. Group hug."

We all went to the center the room, put our arms around each other, and scrunched together in a mass of naked flesh. After we broke, Trisha came up to Kelly and me, put her arms around the two of us, and said "Mini-hug." Then Trisha kissed each of us on the lips.

The PA in the dressing room went live around 7:45. We heard Mike calling crew to positions, ordering the house lights down, and giving the first cues of the show. Everyone's anxiety went up. About 20 minutes later, Drew's voice came through, "Five minutes to positions chorus."

I heard Jeff say, "I gotta piss."

It seemed like only two minutes passed before Drew's voice announced, "chorus to entry positions." We very quietly opened the dressing room door and walked naked through the cold theater wings to the spots from which we'd enter the stage for our first scene. Trisha was standing beside me as we waited to go on. She took my hand.

Then Drew was cuing us to go on. We dashed naked onto the stage and started the frenetic movements of the first scene. I knew the audience was there because I heard the gasps, laughs, and "oh my's" they uttered on seeing us. But, I was too busy to look at them.

When we got to the end of the scene, where I lifted Trisha up, my back was to the audience but she was facing them. Once I pushed her into the fully elevated position, I heard Trisha softly say "Wow!" We held that position for twenty and then I let Trisha slide down my body. When her feet reached the floor, I could feel the rapid beat of her heart. We were supposed to kiss, and did; passionately knowing that we were both naked in front of a theater full of people.

Leaving the stage after our first nude scene in front of a real audience, we were all high on the thrill. As soon as we were safely in the wings, Kelly ran over to me and gave me a powerful hug and kiss. Even partnered with the introverted Guy, she was having a great time. When we got back into the dressing room, Trisha came up and gave me a hug.

"You were great Harry," Trisha said.

"You were pretty great yourself," I replied, "but I had a closer view than the audience."

Jenny, sitting by Mike, called to me, "So, partner, did you enjoy showing off your dick?"

"I did," I responded. "Did you enjoy showing your cunt?"

Jenny laughed. "I'm not sure that they saw much cunt, but having my bare tits and ass on display was a blast."

Wendy piped up, "Well, the audience will see all of our cunts in the next scene."

I happened to glance at Arianna as Wendy said that. She and Rob were sitting quietly holding hands. She did not seem pleased to be reminded about our next scene.

Kelly called out, "Next scene girls! We're showing everything!"

"Don't forget the manly dicks on display!" Jeff called out.

"With our cunts and assholes in front of their faces, no one will be looking at your dicks," Trisha laughed.

Much sooner than I'd expected, we heard Drew's voice telling us to get ready for our next scene. In our second scene, the girls marched in a line as far downstage as possible, turned their backs to the audience, got on their hands and knees, and began moving their asses up and down. It was calculated to expose them completely to the audience. I heard various reactions from the audience as the girls showed off.

We men marched on stage in a line and, one at a time, did cartwheels back and forth across the stage. Standing line waiting to get started, I got my first real look at the audience. The theater was full. I was a little surprised that I could see individual faces in the audience. They seemed a lot closer than I had envisioned from looking at the empty theater during rehearsal. Standing there, I felt much more exposed than ever before. This may sound odd, but it was a great feeling.

Just before I started my cartwheels, I looked at the girls to see how they were dealing with their very intimate exposure. Kelly was grinning from ear to ear. Jenny was smiling, but seemed to be breathing hard. Trisha had a look of pure bliss on her face.

Once I started my cartwheels, I had to really concentrate on doing them right. It had actually taken me some time to learn how to do a series of consecutive cartwheels and I was a bit scared that I'd fall onstage. Thankfully, I didn't.

The scene lasted, maybe, eight minutes. We guys left the stage a bit winded. However, the girls were even higher than after the first scene. Before we even reached the dressing room, Trisha and Kelly were both hugging me. I could feel both of their hearts beating fast.

Once the dressing room door had closed behind us, Wendy nearly screamed, "That was so fucking hot!"

Jenny said, "I almost came right there on stage! I have got to get myself off!"

Mike, sitting next to her, gallantly offered, "I'll help you."

Jenny spread her legs. Mike put his hand between her thighs and began finger-fucking Jenny while the rest of us watched. Soon, she was audibly moaning.

Drew, the diminutive but rather cute, assistant staff manager, came through the door. After a surprised glance at Mike and Jenny, Drew announced, "Good work everyone. With the intermission, you've got about 45 before you're on again. I hope that you're having fun." Just then Jenny came loudly. "I guess you are," Drew said with a smile and walked out.
