Of Lords and Ladies Ch. 04

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Allys proves enthusiastic and a new day dawns.
3.8k words

Part 4 of the 7 part series

Updated 10/30/2022
Created 11/29/2012
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Picking the girl up and cuddling her next to him he let her cling to him and sob as the first spate of tears passed. Holding her next to his skin and murmuring soft encouragement to her she finally subsided to hiccuping gasps while he gently wiped the tears from her face. Kissing the tip of her reddened nose he asked, "What's wrong Kitten?" although he suspected he already knew the answer, at least in essence.

Continuing to hiccup forlornly the girl turned her huge gray eyes up, searching his face, "Am I a bad girl then, Ronald? A wanton?" She flushed with embarrassment but persisted, "I've heard my parents talk.....am I a......a slut?"

Unable to help himself Ronald gave a loud snort - half disgust and half amused laughter, "No pet. You are neither bad, nor wanton....and if you are by chance a slut, well then you are MY slut and I shall count myself the most fortunate of husbands."

Tilting his young bride's face up again he kissed her tenderly, forehead, nose and finally settling possessively over her lips, compelling her response. When her lips parted he sent his tongue dancing over the tips of her pearly teeth while his hand began to roam her body. Waiting until she sighed and moaned against his lips, her body relaxing to his touch, to lift his head - his eyes gleaming in the shadows of the great bed, he spoke again, "You heard me say earlier Allys - I am quite proud of you. You are beautiful, obedient...you seem intelligent and capable....and you are responsive to and enjoying of my directions and my touch. I am pleased and proud. I have no complaint to make to your parents and in fact, count myself fortunate that your father lost so much gambling with me. And you've seemed to enjoy your lessons thus far, haven't you?"

He watched with amusement as the blush traveled the length of her body from nose to toes.

"I..I was afraid you'd think I wasn't really a virgin after all." She murmured, her eyes downcast.

He chuckled, "No fear of that my pet. I broke your hymen myself. But I AM proud of you for being obedient to my wishes and direction.....and I am VERY pleased and proud that you enjoyed doing so. Do not misunderstand me, Allys. You WILL be obedient to me in ALL things I desire. It will be easier and more pleasurable for you and I both if you enjoy yourself doing so."

"But Ronald.....why did Mother say this must be endured? P'r'aps she was talking about something else after all?"

Ronald chuckled, "No Kitten, I'm quite certain she was talking about this... Some men are ham fisted and care nothing for their woman's pleasure....some have been taught poorly and are thus poor teachers I expect."

Allys ventured to lay a hand against her husband's chest, lifting her face to lightly kiss his jaw, "Then I am a most fortunate woman indeed, that not only do you care for my pleasure but you are an exceptionally fine teacher in this regard as well."

She bent her head again, apparently watching her fingers as they tangled among the chestnut and silver hairs on his chest. Her curiosity seemingly fully engaged now that she was sated her fingers traveled over the muscles of his chest to settle against the coin sized nipple. He felt her fingers pressing and tweaking, catching her quick glance upward to gauge his reaction before she leaned forward taking the hard point between her lips. He hissed with pleasure when her tongue circled his nipple, flicking it quickly, as his had hers - enjoying both her actions themselves, as well as her beginning explorations of his body. He was astounded to feel his cock stirring and filling again. It had been some years since he had been ready again so quickly after spending himself the way he so recently had. The girl was indeed magical.

Allys rolled closer to him, reaching for more of his body and then as the cool night air hit the fluids slowly seeping their way downward, between the magnificent ivory pillows of her ass she gasped. Reaching and cupping herself she ejaculated, "What??? Am I bleeding?" But when her hand found the creamy gelid concoction and raised it to her view her intellect demonstrated itself to him again. "Oh! This is.....your seed Ronald? There is so much.....I hadn't thought there would be so much..." Her fingers moved to her lips, delicately tasting and licking their spunk from her fingertips. His eyes narrowed with increasing lust as he watched her little pink tongue stroking her digits - finding the sight as erotic as anything he had witnessed in many years.

"It is the fluid that carries my seed, Kitten, allowing it to swim the length of its voyage to your own fertile egg."

She giggled then, like the school girl she very nearly was, "I don't know much about science Ronald but I'm quite certain I don't lay eggs."

He chuckled and shook his head, both at her misunderstanding and at the rules of society that kept women as simply educated as possible, "Alright Pet, leave that for now. We'll have to get you a journal where you can keep track of the many things you want....or need to learn about." Capturing her fingers as she reached between her legs again for a further taste and nibble of their mingled spunk he brought them to his lips, kissing her fingers and sucking them lightly. Rolling toward her he was pleased with the way she immediately fell back against the mattress, spreading her legs and opening to him. She blushed again deeply as she did so, although this time, he noted, she never once took her large gray eyes from his face. Smiling his approval he bent over her, capturing her lips and murmuring, "You are so beautiful Kitten....I'm so very pleased you're mine...."

Stroking her body he allowed his fingertips to lightly graze her pebbled nipples, down across her belly to coil among her copper curls, briefly knotting his fingers in the damp tangle he tugged gently, and again more sharply when her only response was to make a small mewing sound - her legs sliding even further apart.

"Mine!" he murmured again, exultantly, covering her with his body and trapping her below him, his erection once again throbbing for release. He plundered the swollen pink lips, parted below him, plunging his tongue deeply into her mouth before withdrawing. Capturing her bottom lip between his sharp teeth he only just managed to avoid biting her hard, using his lips instead and sucking her lip as he intended to do with other portions of her anatomy. His fingers parted the moist nest of curls between her thighs and found the treasure he sought, plunging into her hot moist depths while she mewed again, her hips lifting. The smell of her cunny rose to taunt him and his nostrils flared, filling with her rich musk. Unable to resist he moved lower on her body, covering her breasts with small sharp bites, immediately followed by his lips, sucking away any trace of blood - his tongue soothing the broken skin.

Her fingers rose to his shoulders and he wondered briefly if she might try to push him away. But when he nipped sharply at one turgid strawberry sized peak she gasped, rising under him, her cunt spasming around his fingers and the short nails of her own fingers embedding themselves in his skin. She was not, he realized, trying to push him away, but to push him downward, where she already knew his skill at driving her over the edge. Chuckling to himself he allowed her to set the pace....this time....moving lower between her legs. Covering the hard pearl of her clit with his mouth he nibbled and sucked, teasing her with light flicking strokes of his tongue. Her hands had risen to his head, knotting themselves among his still abundant locks as she pressed him closer to her. One small foot curled over his back to hold him in place though her thighs were split nearly horizontal in her eagerness to provide him access.

The girl was driving him mad with desire. Her innocent passion and response more pleasing and erotic than the calculated efforts of older or more experienced women. Her hips were beginning to thrash uncontrollably as she panted and mewled. Tiny pleas to God and to himself began to issue from her lips and he wondered if she even knew she was speaking - or what she was pleading for. Her eyes were open still but soft, out of focus, staring vaguely at the bed canopy above her. Recalling a moment earlier in the day he turned his wrist slightly, angling his hand downward so that his thumb might stroke softly around the tightly puckered rim of her rosebud. She shuddered, gooseflesh rising over her body as a darker flush bloomed across her chest and neck.

The honey, draining from her cunt, along with the previously expelled spunk from his cum, made a slippery lubrication for his thumb to play in. Taking full advantage of the circumstances he pressed against the tight virgin rim with his thumb, exploring the possibilities. She whimpered once, tightening against his intrusion and lifting his head briefly he directed, "Spread your arse for me Kitten!"

Her hands tightened in his hair involuntarily once in unspoken protest, but then he was free of her when she moved to pull the cheeks of her bottom apart. Burying his lips against her again he continued to focus on her clit, wanting her to learn to associate the pleasure she was feeling with having him explore....and eventually filling her back passage. She was relaxing to his touch now, allowing him to penetrate to his first knuckle before she tightened involuntarily again and he closed his eyes briefly, imagining for a moment the exquisite pleasure and tightness of taking her anal virginity. Driving the thought away for the moment, knowing it was only their first night of many, he continued to flick and tease the swollen bud with his tongue. She moaned throatily, her hips bucking against him as both her pussy and sphincter locked around his fingers and thumb.

"Roll over Pet," he growled.

She stared at him vaguely, her body still trembling with the aftermath of her orgasm. Rising to his knees and pulling his fingers from the wet heat of her channels he hoisted her onto her side. The opportunity having presented itself and unable to further resist the alabaster globes of her arse he smacked the nearest cheek sharply. His hand print appeared in red as if by magic on the pristine surface and his cock throbbed but she squeaked, startled and scrambled to roll onto her belly.

Pulling her legs apart he moved between them, "Get up on your knees girl, arse in the air and face to the bed."

Moving forward he pressed the head of his prick between the pouting lips of her slit, sliding it up and down to wet it before pressing home, deep within her. He could feel the mouth of her womb as he buried himself within her. Bending over her he began to pump hard, knowing he was too excited to last long. Reaching around her hips with one long arm he found the hard, swollen bud of her clit again, milking it with his fingers. Her slender fingers knotted in the bed linens and she tossed her head, her hips bucking back against him and he took the opportunity to press his thumb against the rim of her anus again until it gave under the pressure. This time he was able to slide his thumb past the first knuckle, fucking her with the digit as he continued to pound her pussy.

She whimpered, bucking against him and he watched as her knuckles went white with strain, her mouth rounding in astonishment before a long gasping, mewing cry escaped her lips. She spasmed around him, the tight glove of her cunny milking his shaft as her orgasm rippled through her and he buried his face against her back, holding her close, pumping his seed deep inside her. Collapsing onto his side he pulled her down and against him. Holding her close, his cock held snug between her thighs, he was asleep before pulling up the bedclothes.

~ ~ ~ ~

His first conscious thought in the morning was that Mansfield was making a God awful amount of noise, stirring the fire, and drawing the drapes - his second was the satisfactory feel of his morning wood nestled between the delicious pillows of his bride's buttocks. Raising his head slightly and arching a brow at his man servant was enough to still the clamor, bringing Mansfield to the bedside. His hushed murmur indicated the seamstress was already awaiting m'Lady's pleasure below stairs with her assistants. Ronald nodded curtly, debating the possibilities for further indulgence but was forestalled as Allyson yawned and stretched, wincing inadvertently with muscle soreness from the amorous activities of the previous night.

"Good morning Kitten," he greeted her with a light kiss, knowing his pleasure later would be heightened by waiting now. "Breakfast awaits us, as does one of London's preeminent sempstresses, and I am guaranteed she has sufficient 'ready made' to begin to gown you befitting your station."

The delight in her eyes at getting, she supposed, a new dress or two, was readily apparent and although Ronald was pleased to see her responding to him he made a mental note to add schooling her expressions to the list of lessons. It would not do for her to let everyone see her every emotion. He had enemies, her own father being numbered among them now he supposed. It would be natural, considering her youth and beauty, that she would make enemies as well, and the less ammunition their enemies could accumulate against either of them the better. He continued to muse absently over breakfast while watching her as she ate with apparent gusto and abandon. Slight bruise marks marred her otherwise perfect skin from where he had, in his lust, bitten her last night. He regretted nothing however, not even those bruises approaching perilously close to the column of her throat.

She needed a ladies maid though, that much was apparent. Someone to help tame the tangle of her auburn locks, to teach her to cover whatever bruises they might, in their mutual passion, create together. To help her to dress....and undress....for him and for his pleasure. He had an idea but knew that if he approached her with it she would reject it out of hand as unseemly. He rang for Mansfield, scrawling a note for his Major Domo to have delivered. His youthful bride, meanwhile, finished breaking her fast leaving nothing but a rind of bacon, and a few crumbs of her toast on her plate. Pouring herself another cup of strong black tea and patting her mouth fastidiously she covered a slight, ladylike belch, blushing as she excused herself to the necessary again.

He poured himself a cup of his preferred morning beverage, the strong, black Jamaican coffee his family grew on their plantation - the original source of the title and wealth now devolved solely upon his shoulders. Considering her empty plate and the recent nocturnal events he was sharply reminded of his Grandfather. Grandfather Douglas, Laird Allensby had been a Scots-Irish brigand of the first order, taking certain elements of Ronald's education personally in hand from a young age. Ronald had barely been out of knee britches when the old man had called him into his room one day - Ronald arriving to find a young, fetchingly buxom and quite naked day maid dandled on his Grandfather's knee. As the old man began to educate him about the parts of a young woman's anatomy he had told him, "Ronald, always find yourself a woman with a healthy appetite. A woman who enjoys one sensual pleasure can usual enjoy them all in equal measure." He reflected that his Grandfather would have been pleased to watch Allys eat....among other things.

Sending Mansfield to bring up the seamstress and her biddies he realized he was nearly as excited as Allyson at the prospect of 'dressing' her for her new station in life and found himself eagerly anticipating the offerings and suggestions that would be made. Wrapping a heavy dressing gown around himself he headed for his desk pulling several sheets of vellum from the drawer. The seamstress herself was a plump little busybody of a woman with several young, equally plump and active assistants. He realized his inadvertent use of the term 'biddies' was more accurate than he'd realized with their likeness to a flock of hens.

When Allyson exited the bathing chamber, freshly washed and combed and naked as the day she'd been born the women clucked and swarmed around her causing her to give her new husband a startled look of alarm. Her instinctive reaction in turning to him for assistance caused a positive surge of exultation within him, immediately and rigidly suppressed. Clapping his hands loudly caused all the busy, bobbing heads to swivel in his direction.

"My apologies Allyson my sweet. I quite forgot that you didn't have a robe with you, however, the circumstances couldn't be more fortuitous for Mrs. Amberson. She'll be providing for all your needs, from the skin out, if her offerings are satisfactory....."

He trailed off, realizing they'd all stopped listening to him again but also noting that, while flushed, Allys was in no wise as fearful as she had seemed initially. Mansfield interrupted once to announce to him quietly that Lady Allensby's belongings had been safely retrieved from her parent's domicile. He interrupted again some interminable time later to announce that the young woman m'Lord had sent for had arrived. He nodded curtly - exhausted for now by the arguments over the fullness of the sleeves and bustles, whether or not fingerless gloves were required for this or that circumstance, which of the available milliners might provide the most attractive 'frame' for m'Lady's flawless face, whether or not Chantilly lace was to be preferred over..... It made his head ache to the point where he wanted to beat one of them, senseless preferably not Allys who seemed to also be feeling the strain, dark circles having made an appearance below her eyes.

Clapping his hands and stalking into the midst of them, he swept Allys down off the stool she was standing on while she was poked and measured and things were pinned into place for basting. In the process he stabbed himself mercilessly with a number of pins and, from the look on her face, may have caused her a few pricks as well.

"Now then, Mrs. Amberson. How much time will you need to finish the gowns you've started here, as well as the small clothes, under things, lingerie and other necessities for Lady Allys?"

After some hemming, hawing, and clucking amongst themselves the women agreed they could finish two of the day dresses today before leaving, having the balance of those items already agreed upon by week's end. But, the little woman also argued that evening dresses and ball gowns were still to be decided upon, not having even reached the point of agreeing on style or make yet for these.

Ronald frowned the little woman into silence, "Shall we see the completed items you deliver first. Then, PERHAPS, if those prove satisfactory, we may agree to order more."

Cowed into submission the round little female agreed sullenly but immediately set to work with her assistants to complete the agreed upon two gowns, also managing to put the final stitches into a lovely lace peignor for his lady. As they chirped and sewed, rising occasionally to re-measure Allys or to fit some portion of a garment to her body, he sent Mansfield downstairs for the young chit. He was pleased to see when she appeared that she was dressed demurely in a dove gray gown that buttoned down the front, her dark hair pulled back into a sober chignon. She bobbed a curtsy, her eyes never rising to meet Ronald's own but he suspected if they had he'd have seen the large, brown orbs clouded by the sorrow that had caused him to think of her earlier. He introduced her only as Molly, stating she would, henceforth be his wife's maid and body servant. The dark eyes flashed then, a quick glance of gratitude as she dropped another curtsy before moving to Allys' side - clucking in dismay over the bruises on her body.