Office Confrontations Ch. 04


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"Careful Marshall, or I'll start to think you actually want me."Kyle mumbled against Marshall's lips, licking at his mouth. Marshall sat up and glared at Kyle with the full force of his very sober, very horny gaze.

"Shut the fuck up Kyle." Marshall snapped. "If I didn't want you I wouldn't be ravaging you while completely sober on your bed. I wouldn't be unbuttoning your pants and tearing them off to get to your dick." He made his point by doing exactly that, scooting his hips up just enough to strip Kyle of his jeans and boxers before settling on top of Kyle's legs and dragging his nails down Kyle's chest. "My mouth wouldn't be watering at the sight of your hard cock." He glared at Kyle and leaned down to bite Kyle's chest hard, right above the nipple. Kyle arched into his teeth and moaned, nails leaving welts in Marshall's neck. Marshall bit lower, on Kyle's stomach, and then his hip, leaving a trail of bite marks in his wake.

"Marshall..." Kyle whispered, feeling Marshall's breath hot against his groin. Marshall's eyes flicked up to catch Kyle's gaze, which stared down at him with too much emotion to comprehend. I don't..."He mumbled, wiggling his hips and struggling weakly. Marshall didn't let him finish the statement. Before he could draw a breath, Marshall was on Kyle's dick, paying special attention to the underside of the head, remembering how Kyle had whimpered in the car at such a simple touch. He pressed the flat of his tongue into the velvet skin, swirling circles and sucking lightly.

Kyle's gasp and consequent moan sent heat burning through Marshall's body and straight to his own dick, making his jeans too tight and painful to tolerate. But he didn't care, he was too busy dining on the most beautiful, delicious man he'd ever seen. He didn't think about previous reservations, or how he used to blanch at the idea of sucking cock unless it was a slutty blonde around his dick, and sucked Kyle further into his mouth, letting the head brush against the back of his throat.

"Don't," Kyle keened loudly, bucking his hips even as he begged for Marshall to stop, and Marshall gagged, slipping back and lapping at the slit. Kyle bucked again, and Marshall held his hips down with tight fingers, thumb nails digging crescents into his thighs. Slower this time, he sucked Kyle down until he felt the tip at his throat, and after taking a deep breath through his nose, he swallowed hard, coughing at the sudden invasion, barely able to hold it down for a second before dragging himself off, but when felt his entire body tighten at the sounds emanating from Kyle's mouth he didn't care about needing to breathe. If he hadn't held down Kyle's hips, Kyle would have throat fucked poor Marshall's inexperienced mouth until he passed out. Tasting the slick wetness dripping down his throat, Marshall almost imagined that was worth trying out.

He licked at the tip, down the shaft, and to the base with slow strokes until Kyle's entire cock was slick with his saliva. Kyle's hand had wound into Marshall's hair again – something told him Kyle had a hair pulling fetish – and pulled Marshall closer to his dick. Marshall responded enthusiastically, sucking hard and taking him straight to the back of his throat, swallowing repeatedly and coughing, having to start over. He'd be more frustrated if he couldn't feel Kyle shuddering and writhing beneath him. Kyle moaned and bucked, and this time Marshall didn't hold him down. He still choked at the sudden movements, but he did his best to swallow and breath at alternate moments, sloppily dripping down his chin as he devoured his prize.

"Marshall, don't―stop, I-I'm gonna," Kyle's head tipped back and Marshall felt Kyle's cock pulsing in his mouth. He quickly pulled back until the tip rested on his tongue - he already practically skewered himself during his attempt at the deep-throating process, he didn't need to die of cum shots - and sucked, using his hand to stroke Kyle into a frenzy. With a cry, Kyle's hips slammed wildly and hot liquid poured into Marshall's mouth. He tried swallowing quickly - damn did guys always release so much cum at once? - and felt cum trickling down as it slipped past his lips. Kyle collapsed after a full minute of orgasm, chest heaving, body slick with a sheen of sweat. Marshall suckled the last shot of cum and used the tip of his tongue to lap it up.

Finally satisfied, Marshall sat up and licked his lips, settling himself on Kyle's hips and leaning down. He wanted a kiss, but turned his head, embarrassed of his less than pristine mouth. Kyle lay listless, eyes closed, and his hand slipped from Marshall's hair to his neck, massaging lightly with the tips of his fingers. He sighed quietly and wriggled under Marshall's weight. Marshall pressed flush against him and tucked his chin into the crook of Kyle's neck, breathing in slowly. His hands found purchase, one on Kyle's thigh and the other on his chest between them, and Kyle's skin was scorching, nearly enough to overheat both of them.

"Mmm, Marshall?" Kyle mumbled, rubbing his cheek against Marshall's hair. Marshall grunted a response, too comfortable to sit up and talk. Kyle's chest shook with his slow intake of air. "Why are you still dressed?"He asked, pressing a hand under Marshall's shirt and into his lower back. Marshall shrugged, rubbing his sizable erection into Kyle's stomach. Kyle dug his nails into the skin and Marshall groaned, shifting closer to Kyle and lifting his head reluctantly.

"Sleep is a lost art to you isn't it?"Marshall asked, exasperated, and Kyle responded by licking the forgotten trail of cum on his chin. Marshall blushed as Kyle grinned languidly, dragging his nails lightly up Marshall's back, just deep enough to leave faint pink welts.

"You know..."Kyle started, biting his lip. Marshall stared at Kyle's mouth, licking his own lips and leaning down for a kiss. Before he could realize what happened, Kyle had thrown Marshall onto his back and rocked their hips together, grinding into Marshall and making him gasp. "I said I want you naked." He slurred, dropping his head and grazing his teeth over the sore mark. Marshall moaned and Kyle bit down lightly, slipping his hands under Marshall's shirt once more and pulling it up. When it reached his chest, he released Marshall's neck and pulled the shirt over his head, tossing it quickly and sucking the unblemished expanse of skin on the opposite side of Marshall's neck.

"When you told Aaron to fuck off, I wanted to drag you onto the table and fuck you right there."He whispered against Marshall's neck, and Marshall whimpered, pulling Kyle closer. It was so sexy, the way you tried to defend us."He sucked harder, leaning back to increase the pressure. Marshall's breath whooshed from his lungs and he couldn't gather the strength to breathe again. He felt Kyle fumbling with his zipper, plucking the button from its hole with ease and releasing his cock to the tepid air. Marshall bit down on his lip hard enough to draw blood as Kyle wrapped his long, delicate fingers around the shaft and stroked upward slowly, dragging Marshall upward when he tugged.

"The way you stared at me, how warm your skin got just from looking at me,"Kyle continued, using his free hand to shove Marshall's pants off his hips and onto the foot of the bed, where it and his boxers lay forgotten. You come undone with a single look. I wonder what you'd do if I went all out?"He wondered aloud, and his hand tightened on Marshall's cock, squeezing and pumping faster, tossing in a slow twist every few strokes. His free hand found Marshall's balls and rolled them gently in those soft hands, and the feeling sent Marshall hurtling toward orgasm.

Kyle released Marshall's cock just as Marshall felt his balls tighten and he cried out with need, arching up and searching for that delicious friction. Those hands traced up Marshall's chest, spreading out and rubbing each plane of muscle and every inch of skin. When they reached Marshall's already tight nipples, Kyle rubbed his thumbs over the nubs, and Marshall managed to moan out Kyle's name, the first word he was able to speak in quite some time.

"You had your turn, now it's mine."Kyle responded without pause, kissing down Marshall's throat to capture a nipple. He bit down and angled his head back, and Marshall's cries could be heard throughout the entire house. Kyle's hands found Marshall's cock, long strands of precum trailing down the shaft and soaking Kyle's fingers. He rubbed a thumb into the slit of Marshall's cock and spread slickness across the head, until he glistened. Marshall kept rocking his hips in time with the touch, bucking upward and letting out an endless slew of curses.

Kyle curled his tongue around the nipple and swirled in tight circles, moving to the other nipple and flicking it back and forth, teeth dug in and surrounding the sensitive nub. Marshall clutched Kyle's shoulders, holding on as if releasing Kyle for even a second would cause the pleasure to evaporate forever.

"Fuck, Kyle,"Marshall moaned, catching his hands under Kyle's chin and dragging him upward. "Don't stop. Don't fucking stop or I swear..."Marshall's threat died as he crushed his mouth to Kyle's, their tongues clashing and stroking, their lips parting only long enough to suck in a sharp breath before descending for another scorching kiss. Kyle picked up speed, hand flying up and down Marshall's shaft and dripping with precum, his fingers curled around the head of Marshall's cock and slammed downward until he squeezed the base, and Marshall's breathless moans barely escaped his parted lips.

"Did you know you mumble my name when you sleep?"Kyle asked, tracing Marshall's full lips with his tongue. You sound so desperate, 'Kyle, oh Kyle,' "he mimicked, high pitched and full of desire. Marshall blushed fiercely, neck burning with a combination of need and embarrassment. "Sometimes I even answer by touching your cock, I love the way you spread your legs for me and beg for more."He whispered, latching his teeth on Marshall's earlobe.

"Spread your legs like a good boy, Marshall."Kyle ordered, and Marshall obeyed without question. He needed his release, he wanted to feel Kyle against him as exploded, splashing them both with cum. He opened his eyes, desperate to see Kyle's face, the way his eyes burned with lust every time he took control. He wasn't disappointed. Kyle's lips curved into a wicked grin, wet with a touch of red from extensive face sucking. Marshall never thought he'd be so completely turned on at the mercy of another man, but one look at Kyle's expression had his cock weeping and aching, begging to be dominated.

"Just like that,"Kyle praised, switching hands so his left circled Marshall's dick and his right slipped between Marshall's legs. Fingers probed his ass, still slick, and slid in to the first knuckle. Marshall's mouth split open in a silent scream and his entire body shuddered, his whole being focused on the sudden fire, of being stretched without warning. No more than a few seconds passed and Kyle's fingers thrust in deeper, sliding out slow and pressing in firmly without pause. Without realizing it, Marshall had stopped crying out in pain and started humping against Kyle's fingers. The motions caused his cock to slide faster through Kyle's grip, and Marshall spent every ounce of energy making sure that double-ended sensation never stopped. Mouth still wide and whimpering, Marshall tipped his chin up in search of Kyle.

An answering set of lips met his and Marshall tangled both hands in silky curls and dragged Kyle even closer, silently demanding more. Kyle didn't hesitate, sucking Marshall's tongue into his mouth and massaging it with his own, turning his head to deepen the kiss. Fingers thrust faster into Marshall's ass and curled, and Marshall moaned hard into Kyle's mouth. Kyle squeezed his cock harder and pumped even faster than before, twisting at every downward stroke and rolling his thumb over the tip at each pass. He spread his fingers and Marshall's balls tightened painfully, held off for far too long.

Marshall let go, and the orgasm that rocked his entire being kept his body quivering, taut with ecstasy. He rode each wave of pleasure, thrusting with abandon. He felt liquid heat spread across his stomach and smack into his neck, and he clenched around Kyle's fingers, sending shock waves of pleasure straight up his spine. Every breath he was able to suck in rushed out in a shout.

"Kyle,"He moaned, arching into his lover and clinging to Kyle's neck for dear life. "Fuck, Kyle, ah,"He heaved, body shaking with tremors, and felt his cock's pulsing, the unbearable sensitivity, and he pushed at Kyle's fingers, who kindly let him go. He shook out a tightly withheld breath and the tension in his arms released, settling around Kyle's waist. Kyle kissed him softly, stroking his hands up Marshall's sides and sliding into his hair.

"You're too good at that."Marshall muttered under his breath once he managed to calm his heartbeat and keep from passing out. "There should be laws against people with hands like yours."Kyle didn't speak, just curled closer, and Marshall adjusted so he could finagle the covers over them, already chilled from the air conditioner blowing on their sweat-slick skin.

"I hope it goes without saying I'm spending the night."Marshall added to the one sided conversation, and Kyle snorted, which faded into a yawn.

"Mhm." Kyle sighed and Marshall closed his eyes, letting the rise and fall of Kyle's back lull him into unconsciousness.

* * *

Something wasn't right. The sheets were too cold. There was a distinct lack of warmth on his chest. Peeking out from sleep-addled eyes, Marshall confirmed his suspicion.

Kyle was already gone.

Marshall rolled over and stared blearily at the clock. Six o' two. He had a few hours before work. Probably enough time to shower and head home for his clothes. He sat up, rubbing his rumpled bed head, and looked around for his phone. Instead, he found a slip of paper.

Had errands to run. Feel free to take the car.


Staring at the note didn't make the words easier to understand. He left his car? ground the palm of his hand into the slight stubble on his chin. What the hell? I could have taken a cab.

Confused and quite seriously bothered, Marshall climbed out of bed naked – blushing only a little at the thought of sleeping naked next to Kyle all night – and headed to the shower, where he scrubbed away last night's messy climax and filled his hair with coconut shampoo and conditioner.

Marshall tried not to think about who else smelled so delicious. By the time he got out of the shower, dressed in his mussed clothes, and grabbed a cup of coffee from the pot left to simmer, he still had forty-five minutes to make it to work. A sense of disappointment filled him. Marshall was going to work alone for the first time in months. He wouldn't get to spend the day being inappropriately groped and mocked. He wouldn't watch Kyle fly through paperwork while he barely managed to finish half the amount of work. No uncomfortable lunch with Clara.

No Kyle.

Disturbed by his sudden dependence, Marshall shook off his awkward feelings as he drove home to get ready, though he did have a nice distraction when he discovered cold cheese fries on the passenger seat – how they got there, he couldn't even recall – and had a moment lost in thought, remembering how Kyle had moaned so freely, widened his legs just a little more as he brushed his fingers up and down his cock―Marshall smacked himself in the face and focused once again on getting home. He'd always been a horny bastard, but this was bordering on pathological.

Getting back to his own place felt bittersweet. Sure, he'd spent many nights at his own humble abode while with Kyle, but he'd also spent just as many curled in Kyle's bed. Home started to feel less and less like home, and that was a weird thought. Even getting dressed in his own room felt lonely, without Kyle mucking about demanding Marshall wear this shirt with that tie, or complaining that his couch was too lumpy. Oddly sullen, Marshall drove himself to work in Kyle's car – he refused to admit he was doing it because he wanted to be closer to Kyle, he wasn't that desperate – where he arrived early and returned to his ugly, dusty cubicle, after a short detour to his suite shared with Kyle, which sat empty and forlorn without their presence. Is every day going to feel so...weird?

Spending the day alone in front of the computer didn't feel like a refreshing change of pace, but Marshall continued to brush the discomfort off, though he shuddered every time he got near the elevators, and riding them caused a deep red blush to grow across his neck and face no matter how many times he tried tamping his memories down. The day dragged on, but eventually lunch rolled around, which meant Clara time. Marshall almost didn't mind the slutty company. Almost.

"Do you miss him?"Clara demanded as Marshall apprehensively took a seat across from her at the table. "Have you talked to him? Do you think I should call, or would that be presumptuous of me?"

"Woah,"Marshall threw his hands up in surrender and reached out for his sandwich. "I saw him last night, so no I don't miss him yet. I'm sure he'd love to hear from you, though he may sound funny on the phone, and no I haven't talked to him yet this morning." The last line came out more bitter than he'd expected. He wasn't really upset, just frustrated with himself.

"You really don't think he'll mind if I call?" Clara asked cautiously, her salad untouched and diet soda fizzing away its carbonation in the can. Marshall sighed, patting her hand.

"I'm sure he'd love it." Marshall replied, though truth be told he wasn't sure at all. Kyle was a damn enigma, and he always made the most illogical choices for no reason other than he felt like it. Predicting how he'd react to Clara's call could range from turning off his phone or answering it blubbering how much he misses her and demanding she stop by for dinner. Okay, so the latter was a bit of a stretch, but it got his point across.

"Tell me, how has your day been?" Besides lonely without Kyle? Marshall added silently, though he figured she'd still find a way to mention Kyle in the conversation.

"Just fine. Quiet."She shrugged helplessly. "I can't help thinking how much seeing Kyle around the office made it a more bearable place to work."Her eyes cut to one of the other, more populated tables, where a number of their coworkers including Aaron sat. Marshall deliberately didn't comment. He knew if he opened his mouth, a lot of slanderous insults would spill out and he'd have a burning urge to stand up and sock Aaron right in his obnoxious mouth.

"We'll have to live with it, Kyle isn't coming back." Marshall replied abruptly, then resisted the urge to roll his eyes at the sound of Clara covering up a cry. Geez, were all women so emotional? Okay, maybe she had a fair reason to be upset, but Marshall had no damn idea how to help her, so seeing her cry did nothing but make him feel like shit.

"I just mean we all have to adjust. I don't get to see him every day at work either, but I still have to do my job." He pointed out, and Clara nodded weakly. Marshall placed his hand on hers. "In Promise." This time Clara's face brightened with relief.

"So he really acts?"Clara asked, digging into her salad with small forkfuls. "He just seems so...afraid of people staring at him." Marshall shrugged, trying to dodge the question without it being obvious.

"Yeah, well...I don't know much about it either, but I do know he's pretty great." Marshall smirked ruefully. "Better than you could even imagine." They ate the rest of their meal in silence, thankfully uninterrupted by the moron of the sixth floor.