Officer Joe

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A policeman who spanks female offenders.
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Officer Joe grew up in a strict negroe family household and he believed in that way of bringing up children. He had punished his three daughters over his knee countless times and raised them to be good God fearing Christians. Each Sunday evening before bedtime he would vigorously chastise them one after the other, over his knee, all their sins of the week taken care of at once. His wife was kept in line with a belt. She understood her place and it was not often that she found herself touching her toes.

He ruled the gritty streets of Harlem with no less dedication and all the hoodlums knew about "Offsa Joe" the big man. The precinct top brass were no fools. Officer Joe was the man to keep the neighbourhood in line and the precinct turned a blind eye to his questionable methods. Crime was lower on his streets.

Once his hair began to go grey he shaved it off but he kept his moustache, which remained as black as it always had been. He was just under fifty years of age but had kept in good shape by bodybuilding and taking a three mile run each morning. This level of fitness was necessary. Officer Joe knew he had to be stronger and fitter than any of the young men. He had to be able to defeat any and all of them and he had often demonstrated this fact.

He was the power and authority on the streets he patrolled and people respected and feared him. In his dark NYPD uniform he walked the streets and kept order wherever he went.

In his spare time he watched sports on television and at other times he read from the Bible some of his favourite passages. He frequently went back to the Old Testament and saw how God had ruled his people and gained authority over them by force and violence.

He believed that he was God's instrument of authority in Harlem and his mission was clear: to correct those who have been led astray and set them on the righteous path. If it could be avoided he preferred to keep those who had broken man's law out of prison and he would do whatever he could if it were correct in God's eyes, the law of people being of secondary importance.

If he caught a young hood holding stolen goods it was possible to keep him out of trouble and it was always useful to have a grateful young man on his side. More often than not he had turned such a youth to the good path and it was gratifying to him to see such a person establish himself properly in the neighbourhood. Those who rejected his way did not last long on his streets.

With girls he had another approach which he favoured above any other. He held strongly to the belief that women needed a very direct physical kind of guidance in order that they should see the light of righteousness. They were easily manipulated by evil men and this led many of them onto the slimy path of sin. It was not easy for them to understand this and it did not surprise Officer Joe when they did not smell the filth of the dirty pit into which they had fallen.

It was a cross on his back to make them understand what they had done wrong, respect his authority, and lead them onto the road of godliness. His daughters were all now married to good church going employed men and he wanted no less than that for the young girls on his beat. He helped them whenever he could, corrected the wayward whims of youth where necessary.

One such young lady was Lisa Jackson. Officer Joe knew Lisa and her mother who had attended his church. Lisa's father had died before she was born and the mother had lived with countless boyfriends over the years.

But the girl had stopped attending church as she had other interests and commitments. In fact she had started going about with a group of girls that thought it was cool to cruise the streets looking out for fun with wasteful bad men.

The girls were from a distant block in Harlem which was not on Joe's beat and he considered them to be beyond his jurisdiction. Nevertheless, he did not take kindly to the gang and watched with disapproval as Lisa accepted them as peers and role models. They were older girls and she was just sixteen.

She had always dressed very respectably but now imitated her new so called friends, plastering herself with make up and wearing highly suggestive and revealing clothes. Now her slender brown legs and ample young bust were on show and Officer Joe did not like that at all. "Tutt - tutt" he would say whenever he saw her going about thus attired and an inch thick in makeup. He had always thought she was a pretty little thing with her sparkling smile and open manner. She had reminded him of his daughter Donna, when she was younger. If he let things stand and develop Lisa would end badly.

Shortly after she left school ungraduated, the policeman decided to intervene.

Officer Joe paid a visit to Lisa's mother one day, rapping hard on the door of her tenement apartment.

"Who is it?"

"Officer Joe Ma'am" He said in a deep powerful voice.

"Oh juss a minute Offsa Joe".

Lisa's mother came to the door and leaned sensuously against the doorframe with a hand on her hip. She was wearing a long satin type scarlet nightgown and she stood in such a way that her soft thighs were exposed. Her shiny black hair dropped half way down her back. She had been beautiful once and was still in good shape.

"Offsa Joe" she purred deeply, "won't ya step inside this is a pleasure." Her breasts protruded through the silky material. She turned and walked into her apartment slowly, like a Persian cat, and she parted her night dress at the back for a brief moment to reveal her bare bottom.

"Ah came to see ya about ya daughter. I needs to search her room." Said Officer Joe with cool authority.

"Goodness Offsa Joe. Lisa aint done no wrong has she?"

Now Lisa's mother knew that Officer Joe would need a search warrant but she understood better than to ask for the document. This was off the record and you never said no to Offsa Joe.

"Well lookie here" said Officer Joe after a brief spell in Lisa's room. He took something out from behind a book on a wall shelf.

"What ya got there Offsa Joe?" said the concerned mother.

"The wages of sin ma'am. Crack cocaine if I am not mistaken."

Officer Joe held up to Mrs Jackson a little sachet containing white powder.

"Oh my god! Oh my god!" Cried the horrified lady.

"The ways of Lucifer are many, oh indeed they are." Officer Joe slipped the sachet into an official police evidence envelope and put it into his pocket.

"Oh Offsa Joe!" Wailed Mrs Jackson. "Don't let her go to the state penitentiary Offsa Joe. She young and stupid! I'll whup her and tell her Offsa Joe. Give her nuther chance won't ya!"

"Now now" said Officer Joe gently. "You just calm yourself down and don't you go worrying yourself. You know me".

"Yes Offsa Joe. We all knows you. How good ya are an all. We all knows ya." She came close to him and smoothed down his NYPD uniform with her hands. "An if I can do anything at all for you Offsa Joe. You know how helpful I am now don't you."

"Mrs Jackson." Said Officer Joe, "We need to talk."

* * *

Lisa Jackson had once been a little snip of a girl and shy as a sparrow or at least that is how Officer Joe recalled her when she was much younger. Very much like his little girl had been, Donna. So when she turned up at the police station the following day at four thirty, chewing gum, wearing a short black skirt and tight yellow t-shirt, it was not easy to recognise what she had once been. Her legs, supported on outrageous glitter gold high heels seemed to go forever up and up to the limits.

The station was crowded with the usual scum, pimps, hookers, drunken tramps and all the filth of the streets gathered up and deposited in this den of law and order. Police officers booked them through as fast as they could but they kept arriving making a din with their shouting and protestations, and this way four-thirty, the evening was yet to come.

Lisa chewed her gum defiantly and looked Officer Joe in the eye with a cheeky, cocky grin. She had changed all right. She was led through a door and she walked with a couldn't care less swagger. Her hair was dreadlocked, the long strands tied back in a bushy pony tail. As they went from one corridor to the next they passed by several cops, and Lisa gave each officer rebellious vibes - staring them up and down, blowing bubbles with her gum and flaunting her beautiful body mischievously.

At last they came to the interview room Officer Joe had selected. It was a room all by itself at the end of a corridor, as far deep under the station as it was possible to go. The light was turned on to reveal a very small space with nothing in it but a little square table and two chairs, plus a sink in the corner. Officer Joe locked the door behind him.

"My, aint you a sweetheart" said Lisa with all suggestiveness. "You aint bad for a older man, what ya got in mind hun?"

"Would you sit down please miss." Said Officer Joe.

His politeness seemed to have an effect on Lisa and her expression softened a little as she pulled out the chair carefully and sat down. Officer Joe sat opposite and looked into her big black evasive eyes. She folded her arms and looked about the room, for all the little there was to see and blew big bubbles with her gum. Officer Joe put out his hand for the gum and she reluctantly gave it up to his tissue, which he made into a ball and put in his pocket.

She was a good girl really, he thought, just needed a little direction, some correction. And his mind wandered for a moment to the spankings he had given Donna when she wasn't much younger.

"I found this in your room" he said, placing the sachet of crack cocaine on the table.

Lisa took a sharp breath and her eyes widened. It was not easy for her mother to keep Officer Joe's visit secret and she had only passed on a telephone message that Lisa was to go to the station at four and ask for Officer Joe. So Lisa knew nothing about this. As far as she knew it was all part of a law and order survey and Lisa was to get twenty dollars for her participation. Now she understood that was a lie.

"Don't s'pose you know anything about that?" Asked Officer Joe.

"Am I allowed a lawyer?" Asked Lisa. "I believe I am entitled to a lawyer."

"You're smart", said Officer Joe smiling. "But you haven't been arrested. I just want to talk to you about a few things."

"What d'you mean?" She said, unfolding her arms.

"I don't want to see you in trouble. I got my own way of dealin with this type a situation."

There was a knock at the door and Officer Joe opened it.

"Mom!" Cried Lisa when she saw her mother enter the room, accompanied by a female police officer who left after exchanging some quiet words with Officer Joe.

"Thank you Janet" Said Officer Joe to his colleague and locked the door.

Lisa and her mother were standing and yelling at each other and Officer Joe had to use all the force of his voice to bring them to order, threatening to have them both arrested and sent before the court for disorderly conduct in a police station. Finally Lisa sat down.

"You gotta take a spanking from Offsa Joe for what ya did." Said the mother.

"What d'you say?" said Lisa, screwing up one side of her mouth. "Did you say a spanking? Are you kiddin me?"

"No ahs not kiddin you Lisa. You gotta take it hun it's the only way. Ya gotta learn ya lesson"

Officer Joe sat down.

"Now you know how serious this is" Said Officer Joe, holding up the sachet of white powder. "Do you have any idea how many kids die cause o this stuff? Ya think it's smart and cool don't ya? Now I gonna punish ya miss right here and now over my knee and I don't want never to see ya gets into trouble again is that clear?"

Lisa was standing with her arms folded, her mother beside her, nodding at all of Officer Joe's words.

"You tan her hide Offsa Joe, she deserve it" said Mrs Jackson. "Now Lisa you git over Offsa Joe's knee and takes ya punishment and let's git outta here."

Lisa had that look on her face which can only be described as "bad". She was well backed into a corner and was a defiant as ever.

"Would ya sit down here Mrs Jackson" Said Officer Joe and placed a chair alongside the wall.

"Oh my god I don't believe this" said Lisa with her hand over her mouth.

"That's how I deal with these situations. It's fast, fair and you will learn to be better" Said Officer Joe. "It aint gonna do nobody any good to deal with this any other way you understand me miss."

Mrs Jackson looked at her daughter furiously.

"Don't you worry mom. I'll take the spanking." Said Lisa. "But it's the damndest thing I ever heard of that's what it is. I aint no little girl no more."

"You just do as Offsa Joe says honey. Everything's gonna be alright." Said her mother.

The girl stood before the police officer. He felt for her just then the pain of her existence. She was tiny next to him, vulnerable and weak, just has his daughters had been, especially Donna. He had made them strong, respectable, he could do the same for Lisa, to save her. It was God's work, his will.

But Lisa had some misguided spirit. The look on her face said: "you can whup me but you aint goin to break me". It was all defiance. She needed to be brought into line. There was no other way. He would do what he could.

Officer Joe unlocked the door and took Lisa up the corridor and showed her the ladies toilet while her mother stayed where she was.

"I don't needs to go" said Lisa.

"It's obligatory miss" he said and reluctantly she went into the tiny space. Two minutes later the toilet flushed and she came out. Then she was returned to the room and Officer Joe locked the room behind them. He then went to the sink in the corner of the room and washed his hands thoroughly, drying them off vigorously with a towel. Lisa's mother sat in silence, looking at her daughter and shaking her head.

"Thank you miss. I appreciate ya co-operation. Would ya stand in there please and look into the corner." Said Officer Joe and he then moved the table into the opposite corner of the small room. Then he placed the other chair in the middle of the room and sat down opposite Mrs Jackson who looked away.

"Turn around miss" he said and Lisa did as she was told and stood in front of Officer Joe. She was sweating.

"You understand you're going to be punished and why?"


"You speak when Offsa Joe asks ya" Sais Mrs Jackson angrily.

"Please don't interfere Mrs Jackson." Said Officer Joe. "Miss?"

"Yes I do. I understand" Said Lisa with trembling voice.

"Stand here" said Officer Joe indicating where Lisa was to stand. She moved into position cautiously so that she was looking across his lap.

"Git over my lap miss."

Lisa looked unsure and Officer Joe eased her forwards and down over his knee with his hand gently on her back. He felt the light weight of her across his lap and her head hung down and her hands touched the floor. His heart began to pound in his chest as he saw her there across his knee and he lifted her skirt and placed it against her back.

He took a deep breath and put his hand on Lisa's black satin panties and felt the warm young springy flesh underneath.

"Mrs Jackson " He said, "Can I ask ya to pull back ya daughter's panties."

"Yessuh Offsa Joe."

Then her mother exposed her bare buttocks, peeling back the intimate garment with both hands down to her knees.

"What you doin!" Said Lisa from below.

"Silence!" Said Officer Joe firmly and squeezed one her buttocks with a powerful grip.

"From now on you only speak in reply to my questions is that clear?"

There was no proper reply from Lisa just an indignant "hmmph!" and in response Officer Joe gave her a sharp slap on the bottom causing her to cry out. He did not hit her so hard that she would find it truly painful. He was an expert at this and knew how to pull the blow at the last moment and hit hard enough to cause a stinging sensation.

"That's the way Offsa Joe, hm, hm." Said Mrs Jackson.

"Is that clear!" He said again firmly while Lisa was no doubt feeling the after effects of the first swipe.

"Yes" She said finally with some anger.

"What's that attitude? You mean yes sir!" And he hit her again, a bit harder this time and when she did not reply he hit her yet again, increasing the force marginally and being careful to stop short of what he considered excessive.

He wanted to punish her in a positive way.

"Yessuh" She said, a little out of breath.

"That's better" Said Officer Joe, and he massaged her stinging buttocks.

"Steady now. Now I'm a goin to punish you for possessing an illegal narcotic."


"And you understand why you're going to be punished?" He placed his hand so that it covered her bottom and put his other hand on her back.

"Yessuh." She said with no trace of fear in her voice, just compliance.

"Okay here we go."

He struck at her buttocks and upper thighs - again not so hard but hard enough to produce a strong impression on her. She was silent throughout the spanking except for her occasional sharp intake of breath and ouch, ow. Her mother simply nodded as the punishment was in progress.

He revelled in this corrective guidance and took an intense physical enjoyment from it but never considered this improper. It was God's approval, this burning pleasure - he knew he was doing good, correcting this wayward young female. So much like Donna was she, it thrilled him to punish her so. He missed having his daughters at home.

"I hope not to have to do this again" Said Officer Joe and he paused.

"Nosuhh. I will stay out of trouble suh I promise." Said Lisa in a slightly broken voice.

Officer Joe brought down his hand three times in quick succession causing the young flesh to bounce and jiggle.

"I don't want no promises" Said Officer Joe with strictness. "I want compliance with the law is that clear!"

"Yessuh it's clear suh it is." Said Lisa obediently. "I sure won't do nuthin aginst the law agin that's for sure."

"And I don't want to see you mixing up with no wrong company do you understand what I'm saying?" He said this softly but with firm authority.

"Yessuh" she wimpered.

Officer Joe looked to Lisa's mother.

"And Mrs Jackson, I wants to see you and Lisa in church every Sunday startin this week is that clear?"

"Yessuh Offsa Joe its clear yes it is we'll be in church oh yes."

"You got any objection to that young lady?" Asked Officer Joe, stinging her buttocks with a strong slap which made her yelp.

"Nossuh Offsa Joe. I aint got not problem with that." She said.

"Okay stand up and set yourself in that corner. Leave your panties down. I needs to talk to ya mother" Commanded Officer Joe.

Lisa went to the corner as she was instructed and stood with her head down.

"Touch your toes." Said Officer Joe and he watched as Lisa bent down, revealing all her young feminine assets.

"I think we can forgit about this Mrs Jackson. I wants ya to take Lisa home now. Stop at the Jericho bookstore on ya way home you know where it is?"

"Oh yessuh I knows the Jericho bookstore yes I do." She said eagerly.

"See if ya can't git this book. Here, I wrote it down for ya all. It's called 'The Path To Heaven'. I wants you an Lisa to read the first two chapters and we'll talk about it on Sunday after the service. Can ya do that?"

"Oh yessuh we'll go directly there." Said Mrs Jackson, folding the piece of paper carefully and putting it respectfully, like it was a holy relic, into her handbag."

Officer Joe finally gave Lisa permission to pull up her panties and straighten herself out. She looked like a changed person. Her face was relaxed and open. The defiance gone and she looked like a good girl. Then he escorted mother and daughter out of the police station and bid them farewell.

"God be with you!" He said enthusiastically shaking hands with mother first and then daughter.