Oh, Jen!!

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Jen Carfagno and I become neighbors with benefits.
2.9k words

Part 1 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 08/30/2018
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When I moved into a home in the Atlanta area a few years back, I discovered I had a wonderful neighbor, none other than The Weather Channel's Jen Carfagno. Jen was a delight to have next door, always pleasant, and her family is fun. I'm an ex New Yorker, so the proximity to celebrity is not a big deal-many of us in New York are not impressed with fame. The fact that I treated Jen as the girl next door impressed her, though, as she was often recognized in town, sometimes to the point where it was hard for her to do simple things, like shop in Kroger or pick up a pizza. The result was, we got along well, and often chatted in the driveway as we were coming or going. Jen and I were not overly flirty, but we did tease each other a bit, and a lot of times I would gently razz her about some of the outfits she wore on the air. She took it well, usually shooting comments back about my laid back look-I'm retired, so shorts and t-shirts are a staple.

Occasionally, she'd get frustrated about how she looked in some of the clingy dresses she'd have to wear. So it was one morning-she works early, and is usually coming home late morning, about the time I'm getting my day started-I heard an anguished "Aaaaauuugh" from inside her kitchen as I was taking care of a few yard odd jobs between our houses.

"You OK, Jen??" I called.

Her back door opened. "Yeah, I'm fine. I was just watching my segment from this morning, and...oh, sometimes I wonder why I let them pick some of the dresses they do."

"That bad?? I saw you this morning and thought you looked just great. What do you see that I didn't??"

Jen smiled. "Come on over, I'll show you."

I grabbed my soda and went into Jen's kitchen. She had DVR'ed her air time, and was playing it back. She was wearing an orange/red dress that showed some cleavage, which was unusual for her. What she was annoyed about was her belly, which had a belt that tied around it. I didn't think she looked bad at all.

"Oh, Jen, I dunno. I think you look great. In fact, I replayed that segment several times just to get a good look at you."

Jen made a face. "Yeah, but look at my belly. I look like I have a big mommy pouch."

I watched the video for a moment. I hadn't paid much attention to Jen's belly, since I had been busier with the rare show of her C cup tits, more than I usually got. "It's not bad. I mean, after all, you've had two kids and you're, well, not 22 any more." I put my arm around her, pulling her to me. "I still think you're gorgeous." I kissed the top of her head.

"Yeah, but I wish they'd quit picking out some of the dresses they want me in. I don't mind showing some leg, or even a little boob, but I hate the belly. You should have seen the dress they had me in last week."

I probably had. Jen didn't wait for me to answer, immediately exiting the recording we were watching, and starting a new one. In this segment, Jen was wearing a sleeveless royal blue dress that had a high neckline, and came about three, maybe four inches above her knees. It was rather form fitting. The 4" spike heels accentuated her legs. I was entranced.

"I think you look hot in that dress, especially with the shoes," I said. She did, too. Jen looks good in a short dress, especially when they put her in spikes or stripper heels.

"Yeah?? Look at my belly."

I did. The dress did pull across her middle. I saw what she meant about the mommy pouch. "It's not that bad," I said, again pulling her to me. "I think it's actually kind of sexy. If you showed up at my door some morning after your air shift in that, I'd be all over you."

Jen looked up at me. "Yeah, I bet. You better hope I don't call your bluff on that."

"You better be ready for what happens if you do." Our eyes met. Jen stepped away from me, giving me an almost dirty look, one that said, 'I dare you.' "Try me. Go ahead. I'll be watching for that dress. You better stop over."

"We'll see," said Jen, a wry smile coming over her face.

A couple of weeks later, around ten one morning, I heard knocking on the sliding door to my deck. There was Jen, in the aforementioned blue dress. I had not seen her on TWC that morning, as I had slept later than usual, and missed her air time. I looked her up and down, taking in the view of her amazing form in the tight dress. I saw the mommy pouch she was so perturbed about, but whatever negatives it brought were easily overshadowed by the way her spike heels accentuated her calves, and the way the dress clung to the curves of her hips and ass. I noticed something else as well, something I knew she could not have done while on the air. Her nipples were clearly poking through the fabric. She had to have removed her bra between the time she got off the air and arrived at my back door. She was stunning.

I slid the door open and looked at Jen a moment. Our eyes met. "Oh, Jen!!" I said quietly, getting lost in her soft brown eyes.

"Well?? What do you think now?? Still think you'll be all over me??" It was as if she were double dog daring me to pull her inside and have her right then.

I was still looking into her eyes. "Oh, Jen," I said. We were frozen for a moment, then I took her by both hands and pulled her inside, pulling her face to mine and kissing her hard. To my surprise, she didn't back off or try to dodge me, but met me full on. I slid the door shut and pulled her into the house, toward the sofa. We kissed again, and I felt her hands working on the button at the top of my shorts, then pull my zipper down. My shorts fell to the floor. She pushed me down onto the sofa. I was already well on the way to a throbbing erection.

Now sitting in front of her, I pulled Jen to me, kissing her belly. I looked up at her. "I don't care what you say, I think the belly just makes you more appealing." I kissed her belly again.

Jen knelt on the sofa over me, her dress riding up so the hem was only a couple inches below her crotch, and her heels were hanging off the edge of the sofa. She pulled the bottom of her dress up, revealing a thick patch of brown hair, in the middle of which was a pair of pussy lips well on their way to fully open. My cock was now at full attention, but it still felt good when Jen stroked it a couple of times.

"Still think you want to be all over me??" She asked, lowering her twat to my pulsing head. I pushed her dress up so it was now around her waist, and grabbed her naked ass, pulling it down, in the process putting the head of my cock at her opening. I adjusted position, and pulled Jen down, impaling her on my stiff, fat cock. I slid in easily, especially considering the lack of foreplay.

'Ooohhhh..." said Jen, feeling the head hit her womb.

"There's your answer," I said. I rocked back and forth, my position underneath Jen not allowing me too much motion, but enough to get the shaft of my cock rubbing her clit. Jen was primed, and she was breathing hard in short order. I drew her down so her clit hit my pubic bone and rocked her on top. Suddenly her pussy got really wet as she orgasmed over me. I held inside her while she rode it out. When she was done, she looked at me with a wildness in her eyes I had not seen before. I took the hem of her dress and pulled up, Jen taking it once it was at the top of my reach, and pulled it off.

Jen was now atop me, her furry pussy still full of my cock, her tits now out in the open, nipples hard. The only things she had on were her four inch heels, earrings, and her wedding set. She leaned forward and kissed me hard, her tits pressing into my chest. As we kissed, I played with her tits, enjoying the feel of their plumpness in my hands, and making the nipples harder. We broke our kiss, and I started sucking on her tits, now rocking her on my cock again. Soon she threw her head back as she let out a long moan, and I felt her coming on my cock a second time. I let her regain some composure, then rolled to my right, moving so I could get her off me, and lying on her back on the sofa.

Now I was going in to partake of what was sure to be a taste treat. I moved her slightly to the side, allowing me to kneel on the floor while I kissed up her thighs, working my way to the dark brown hair framing her distended labia, still open from having my cock between them for the previous fifteen minutes. Jen looked down at me, a smile spreading across her pretty face. She took my head in her hands, guiding me to where she wanted my tongue.

"All over me," she said softly, pulling my face to her pussy. I flat tongued her, licking straight up and over her labia, dragging my tongue over her clit, which made her jump. I licked around it, which made her moan, then put two fingers inside her, making her moan louder. It's a good thing there's nobody home at her place during the day, or they'd be wondering what was happening to her next door. I licked back down, now sticking my tongue into her pussy. I felt her legs close around my head as my tongue invaded her, and I sucked her clit with my upper lip. Her hands were now making my head move up and down, mashing my tongue deeper inside her, though I was able to lick her clit at the top of my stroke. A couple more minutes of that and Jen let out a long moan, then a yelp, then cried out as she came, flooding my face with her juice, her hips shaking uncontrollably.

I hung on, wanting to prolong the feeling, but not over stimulate her. As she came down, panting, I was finally able to break loose, moving up over her, kissing her belly lovingly. I kissed her, my cock bobbing above her cunt now that I was squarely on top. I lowered myself to her, the head of my dick finding her wet, spread pussy lips. I pushed down, feeling the head play in her bush a moment, then slide between them, spreading them a little more, and I finally plunged deep into Jen's quivering vagina.

Jen let out an "Mmmph!!" as my cock reached her cervix and my balls slapped her ass. I slowly pulled back out, then pushed in again. Jen met me with a thrust of her own, at the same time increasing the pressure of her kiss. I felt her spike heel rub against my right calf. I thrust in again, Jen now meeting me eagerly. We got into a steady beat, each meeting the other full on. She would let out a whimper every time I hit her womb, more forcefully as we built to a boil. After about ten minutes of steady pounding, my cock was stiffening, and I slowed my pace as I felt the familiar sensation rising in my balls.

I broke our kiss and looked into Jen's eyes. "Oh, Jen..."

Jen, feeling me stiffening and swelling, knew what was about to happen and cut me off. "Come inside me," she said quietly, a softness in her eyes. I felt her other heel run up my left calf and thigh, pulling me into her. "You're always so sweet to me, I want to feel you come in me."

I unleashed a torrent of semen, then another as my balls boiled over, tightening against Jen's sweet ass. Jen opened her mouth, her eyes getting big, then let out an "Oohhh!!" as another blast of come hit her deep. I felt her pussy juice around me as she came from the force of my orgasm. She kissed me hard again as our orgasms played out, not releasing me til we both stopped coming. I stayed inside her for a couple of minutes til my cock started to wilt and slipped out of her. I slowly pulled away, sitting between her legs. I watched as her distended labia disgorged a long slurp of sperm, running down her ass and onto the cushion. She grabbed a pillow and put it under her head and smiled at me.

"Damn," she said, a big smile spreading over her pretty face. She giggled, then dipped a finger into her pussy, going inside to her second knuckle. "DAMN!!" she exclaimed as she felt how full of come she was. "What did you shoot in there??"

"Everything I had. You deserve every last drop." Jen smiled broadly. "I think you're sweet, too, and it's been a lot of fun getting to know you over the last couple of years. I always thought you were hot when I saw you on TV, but getting to know you has been a real joy. It's always nice to find out someone you admire is just as worthy of that admiration as you thought when you get to know her. Especially when it's someone you never thought you'd ever meet. I'm an ex New Yorker. We're notoriously unimpressed by fame. A lot of us feel, they put their pants on just like the rest of us, so, no big deal."

I took Jen's hands. "But you, you impress me. For the girl next door, you're just like a girl next door. I'm glad I got to know you."

Jen blushed and smiled. I continued. "And for someone who is afraid of the way she looks in a tight dress, let me assure you, I've heard guys talk about you." I patted her belly. "You have nothing to worry about. There are thousands, if not millions, of men out there watching you every morning who would give their left nut to have the experience I just had."

Jen sat up and kissed me. "Maybe. But they'll never have the chance. And they'll never be my sweet next door neighbor who is so helpful and supports me when I need it." We hugged, and Jen rose a little shakily to her feet. She was now standing before me in nothing but 4" heels, her pussy wet but partly closed up, more come dripping from it now that she was standing. Her bush was soaked with her juice and my come. Her tits were hanging a tiny bit now that she was standing, the nipples still poking proudly. I resisted the urge to lick her now messy cunt. I'll save that surprise for another day. She was gorgeous. I told her so, kissing her belly.

"If you ever feel like you need a boost, I'm happy to help," I said, hugging her mommy pouch, then kissing her.

Jen laughed. "You never know. I might come over next time they have me in a dress I think doesn't look flattering on me, just to see if you still want to be all over me."

I smiled up at her. "You come here, I'll be happy to show you just how much I want you."

Jen smiled as I stood, kissing her. I picked up her dress, which had landed on the coffee table, handing it to her. "I should probably put this back on," she said, smiling and scrunching it up so she could get it over her head. She slipped it over her head and got her arms in, settled it in over her tits, then let it fall. She smoothed it out, then pushed her hair back out of her face.

"You need to clean up??" I asked.

Jen looked at me, a wry smile coming over her face. "Nah. I'll need a shower when I get home anyway." Just then, a white streak rolled down her right thigh.

"Might need that shower pretty soon." I teased.

Jen thought a moment. "Hmm...the kids won't be home til almost 4. I might wait a while. I want to enjoy the feel of my neighbor's benefits a little longer." She smiled, playing her fingers in the hair on my chest. Our eyes met.

"Oh, Jen..." I said softly. She smiled again, kissed me, and was out the back door.

Three weeks later, she arrived at my door in a yellow sheath dress with a keyhole cut in the top that showed some of her sweet tits. "Oh, Jen...I think I'm going to be all over you, all over again." She smiled as I pulled her into the house, and history repeated itself, only this time I licked out her pussy after I came inside her, giving her an explosive orgasm. I think she's going to be stopping over a lot more often now. I could get used to this.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Jen has alwYs been my favorite weather girl and i admit to jerking off alot watching hdr videos

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