All Comments on '"Oh No, There's Only One Bed!"'

by THBGato

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AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Yes, I did, when my friend Dona and I traveled to New Mexico to attend the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta. Though we were expecting to stay the first night at her sister's house, she was out of town, so Dona called a friend who offered to put us up. Assuming that we are a couple, she put us in a room that had but one bed. Alas, about as far as it got was when my had brushed across one of her nipples after I gave her a good night hug.

stillnonamestillnoname5 months ago

The problem or better the puzzle if sharing a bed can lead to a relationship seems to be solved by Samantha. It clearly depends on the number of times you wake up with your bedpartners hand between your breasts.

Although I think that as a seduction technic it is more likely to fail. After an evening together it should be clear if their is a mutual attraction. If it didn't happen before bedtime it probably won't happen while sharing a bed.

Diablo184Diablo1845 months ago

I kind of fall on the opposite end of this spectrum, I can’t stand sleeping next to people I find it uncomfortable and suffocating, the two biggest fights I ever had with my wife when we had started dating were on 2 occasions I left the bed to sleep somewhere else (once in our car and once on the floor).

All in all I get very little, out of moments like this in these stories what really does it for me is a couple running into a issue in the relationship and then finding a way to overcome it. One of my favorite moments prior to your love is a place series(the miss understanding between Sarah and Samantha now occupies this spot for me.). Was in Brokenspokes hard landing between Jill and Joe.

Bluesea00Bluesea005 months ago

I actually love those scenes where sex or just closenes is may be even not expected but suggested, dreamed of and even imposed by physical restrains like a bed or a cramped car or a packed metro.....(see Specially when the writer choses to walk around enabling characters to become close or grow, to discover themselves...

I even love those stories better that the sex itself. With some exceptions where the writer is able to interwine both sex and the discovery ...(i.e. Wanda at -you can pick yourself- and SiteNonSite at Imapct series)

Jalibar62Jalibar625 months ago

Thank you for the mention! Wow!

Charlotte35fCharlotte35f3 months ago

How lovely to have been introduced to your writing by receiving your sweet comment on my story. I’ve only just scanned this essay so far but I can see I have a lot of delicious reading to do.

I do have a few lovely platonic experiences in the “only one bed” genre, two of which led to my only truly nice threesome (but not on an only-one-bed occasion). None that led to sex at the time, but I’m now thinking about a story I might construct around the trope.

Taylor_KnightTaylor_Knight2 months ago

What a treat to find this story concept here and I love your openness about it.

I had my own real-life one-bed experience years ago and you now make me want to craft it into a story because it is almost so unbelievable that I NEED to write it as a story. Her name was "C" and we'd had this amazing chemistry for nearly a year. The fact that we ended up in that bed together that night was so delicious.

Once again, you continue to inspire me.

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