Olivia in Vulmonia Ch. 23

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A very thorough cleaning.
5.5k words

Part 23 of the 47 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 12/24/2017
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"Oooh!" Olivia moaned in discomfort as Luke began to pull the large dildo out of her ass.

"I guess this isn't the most pleasant way to wake up," Luke chuckled as he continued to extract the large phallus from Olivia's rear. He set it down on the bedside table. Then he released her wrists and ankles from their restraints, grabbed her arm and pulled her up and out of the bed. "Come on, you need a shower. Your face is coated with dried cum. You look like a glazed donut."

"Yes Sir," Olivia muttered, limping to the bathroom.

Luke turned on the shower, tested the temperature, and had Olivia get in. After removing his boxer shorts, he got in after her.

Olivia vigorously scrubbed at her skin, trying to remove every trace of the semen that the bellhop and Luke had deposited on her face. Luke grabbed a bar of soap and immediately began to lather up Olivia's tits. "I better make sure these receive a proper cleaning," he said as he gave one of her nipples a sharp pinch.


Once again, Olivia was forced to answer the door while naked to the hotel staff member who brought them their breakfast. It was a different bellhop this time. A young man, no older than twenty-one. When Luke offered him a feel of Olivia's large jugs in lieu of a tip, he eagerly agreed. He did not speak any English. However, judging from the bulge in his pants, Olivia could tell that he was more than satisfied with the gratuity offered to him.

After they finished eating their breakfast, Luke finally allowed Olivia to put some clothes on - an outfit of his choosing, of course. He handed her a short denim miniskirt and a white tanktop. Olivia did not even bother asking for undergarments this time. She now knew better.

As she gazed at her reflection in the mirror hanging above the couch, she inwardly groaned. A girl with her cup size could really not go braless without looking extremely vulgar. Especially in a thin white top. Her skirt was so short, if she were to bend forward, even slightly, she would completely expose herself. Luke, having been to Vulmonia as many times as he had, should have known better than to dress Olivia in something so skimpy. But Olivia knew Luke's main objective was to embarrass her. Not to adhere to conservative Vulmonian customs.

"You'd better hurry down to the ground floor. Officers Amelin and Letov will be waiting for you," Luke told her.

"Yes Sir," Olivia replied, trying to mask her bitterness as she exited the hotel suite.

As she stepped out of the elevator and into the bustling lobby, she could feel the disapproving stares of random people as she walked towards the two policemen in her scanty attire.

Officer Amelin let out a loud low whistle. "What do we have here? No bra? Again?"

"We know you own at least one," pointed out Officer Letov. "We saw you put it on in the judge's chambers two nights ago."

Olivia shuddered at the memory of being forced to dress in front of several men in Judge Thorsky's chambers after her pillory punishment and paddling. The judge had practically interrogated her about each article of clothing. Particularly her thong panties and pushup bra.

Officer Amelin crouched down and hiked up her skirt. Olivia squeezed her eyes shut, not wanting to make eye contact with any hotel guests or staff who might happen to be in the lobby.

"Just as I suspected. No panties!" Officer Amelin loudly announced as he attached the clit leash. The two policemen laughed as they led Olivia out of the hotel and into their squad car.


"Miss Williams," Judge Thorsky frowned as he critically looked her up and down. "What are you wearing?"

"These are the clothes that Mr. Pounding told me to wear, Your Honor," Olivia timidly replied.

"Oh," the judge said. "Well, no matter. You won't be wearing them for much longer anyway."

Olivia could feel her stomach drop.

"As I am sure you are aware of by now, Vulmonia is a very conservative and religious country. We do not approve of girls and women engaging in premartial or extramarital sexual activity."

Olivia could feel a white hot rage beginning to build up inside of her. How could the judge say such a thing when, a mere day ago, he had forced her to have sex with him?

"However, we are a small country with a small population. It is our hope that we will double our population over the next couple of generations. We want to be taken more seriously as a nation on the international stage. We need a steady supply of young men willing to enter the military and the civilian workforce. To ensure we keep the population growing, we do need married couples to regularly engage in sexual activity, so they'll produce more children."

Olivia was not sure what the judge was getting at.

"We want young married couples to enjoy their sex lives more so they'll have more babies. We want them to experiment and explore their sexuality within the confines of the matrimonial bed. Because of this, several scientists and engineers have been assigned the task of developing effective marital aids."

Olivia furrowed her brow. Marital aids? What on earth were marital aids?

When Olivia did not respond, Judge Thorsky sighed in annoyance. "Sex toys, Miss Williams. They're developing sex toys. I believe Mr. Pounding may have introduced you to some of them over the course of the last two nights."

"Oh ... I ... I see, Your Honor," Olivia replied. However, she was still confused. Why was the development of sex toys relevant to her?

"We want these marital aids to give as much pleasure as possible. In order to ensure that, they must be tried out on test subjects. But, as you know, Vulmonian women are very modest and chaste. None of our local women would ever dream of volunteering for such test trials."

Suddenly Olivia realized what her second day of community service would entail. Her face paled. She was going to be forced to spend the day testing out sex toys. In front of scientists and engineers. All of them men, undoubtedly.

"But with you being an American girl," Judge Thorsky grinned, "It seems like this sort of thing would come naturally to you." Then his tone became a little more serious. "It was my hope that, after you spent time in the pillory and received a paddling, we would see a decrease in your libido. However, after observing your body's reactions yesterday afternoon here in my chambers, I realize that, realistically, a decrease in your libido isn't going to happen anytime soon. So, why not put it to good use?"

Olivia stood in front of the judge, silently seething. She was sick and tired of people accusing her of having an out of control libido. They were the ones who were molesting her. They were the ones who were touching her intimate body parts and constantly putting her naked body on display. It was not her fault that her body had certain natural physiological responses.

"Now, I spoke to Mr. Pounding on the phone before you arrived. He informed me that he still isn't allowing you to orgasm. However, there is no reason that marital aids cannot be tested on you. Stimulation can be applied to your erogenous zones to see if you experience any pleasurable sensations. However, the stimulation must cease before you reach climax. We must respect Mr. Pounding's wishes that you are not permitted to orgasm. He is your guardian for the time being, after all."

Olivia could not think of a worse punishment. She had not cum since she was restrained in the pillory two days ago. She had been on the brink of orgasm several times over the last two days. She had been groped, stroked, touched and teased. But always, at the last moment, she had been denied completion of her pleasure. And now sex toys were going to be tested on her. They were going to arouse her. They were going to get her all worked up. But they were not going to allow her to cum. Olivia let out a heavy frustrated sigh.

"Alright, so you have your assignment for the day. All you need to do is comply with the orders of the scientists conducting the test trials. Obey their instructions and there won't be any problems."

"Yes Your Honor," Olivia despondently replied.

"You are dismissed," Judge Thorsky said, waving her away.

Officer Amelin tugged on the clit leash and the two policemen led her out of the judge's chambers.


"This doesn't sound like much of a punishment," Officer Letov said as he pulled the police cruiser out of the courthouse parking lot and began to drive down the main road.

"And how will they make sure that you don't cum?" Officer Amelin wondered aloud. "You're such a horny little slut. I mean, stick a vibrator in that dripping cunt of yours and you'd probably get off in three seconds."

Olivia clenched her fists in anger. She could no longer stand the attacks on her moral character. "That's not true!" she spat out. "I wouldn't cum that easily. I'm not like th... OH!" she squealed as Officer Amelin began tugging on the clit leash. He was not gentle, but he was not pulling hard enough to cause pain.

"Sorry, were you saying something?" Officer Amelin sardonically inquired. He pulled on the leash rapidly three times. Olivia could not help but moan. "Whore," he smirked as the two policemen broke out laughing.


Officer Letov pulled up outside of an austere looking grey building. The officers led the frightened American teen inside.

After checking in with a receptionist, they were instructed to go to a room on the third floor. They were greeted there by a man in his fifties wearing a white lab coat. He introduced himself as Dr. Sokolov.

"Miss Williams, we've been expecting you," he smiled at the busty young girl as he eyed her outfit. His eyes lingered at her big unsupported breasts for a few uncomfortable moments before finally continuing.

"I have been told that Judge Thorsky has already informed you about what we're doing here."

"Yes Doctor," Olivia nervously answered.

"I must say," Dr. Sokolov grinned. "This is quite a stroke of good luck for us, finding an American girl like you."

Olivia blushed slightly when he said, "like you." She did not like what he was implying.

"You can imagine how much trouble we've had trying to find female test subjects. Vulmonian women are simply too reserved to participate in any test trials like the one you're about to undergo. They are far too modest."

Olivia could not help but roll her eyes at the "modest" characterization of Vulmonian women.

She thought back to her first visit to Nulmara University Teaching Hospital. She had desperately needed a key to retrieve her clothing after Dr. Brovachik had locked her belongings in a cabinet. However, when she spoke to the daytime receptionist on the phone - who was a Vulmonian woman, no less - the receptionist refused to send someone up to the exam room with the key. She had demanded that Olivia, who was naked at the time, come down to the first floor to get the key herself from the reception desk.

Then after Dr. Carolia had humiliated her during his lecture class, the receptionist working the night shift refused to give her the key to open the exam room. Olivia had no way to access her clothes. She had been forced to walk out of the hospital wearing nothing more than a little clingy white T-shirt and spandex shorts that were too small. The nighttime receptionist had practically laughed in her face when she saw Olivia dressed in the ridiculously tight clothes.

And then there was the older Vulmonian woman who had insisted on aggressively spanking Olivia's bottom while she was trapped in the pillory. She had even spat in Olivia's face. So far, Olivia's encounters with Vulmonian women did not leave her thinking of them as docile shrinking violets.

"So you see how fortunate we are to have found you," Dr. Sokolov declared. "When I watched you on the news while you were serving your time in the pillory, I could see how easily you become aroused. Your body seems to be extremely responsive to sexual stimulation. I would think that most women wouldn't like random strangers touching their bodies. But you don't seem to mind at all!"

"Not only does she not mind it," interjected Officer Amelin, "She prefers it!"

"That's our American girl!" chimed in Officer Letov.

"Is that so?" Dr. Sokolov asked in astonishment. "You prefer having your body touched by men that you don't know?"

"No!" Olivia exclaimed. "I don't! I hate it!"

"But when I saw you on the news, you climaxed as two men were touching you while you were in the pillory," Dr. Sokolov pointed out. "Judge Thorsky, Dr. Miloza and two American men were standing right in front of you, watching the whole thing. There was an entire crowd of people below the platform watching. I dare say, you are quite the exhibitionist."

"No, I'm not. It's just that ... I mean ... I didn't want to. Not like that. Not in front of all those people. Not with those men touching me. I ... I ..." Olivia could not come up with the words to defend her body's reactions.

"Well, all of that doesn't matter now," said Dr. Sokolov, trying to change the subject. "We have much research to conduct today. There are several products we've been developing and we're eager to try them out on a female test subject. We have you here now, so let's not waste anymore time. We need to get you prepped for the experiment."

Dr. Sokolov led the two policemen and Olivia into an adjoining room. Once again, Olivia was faced with a medical exam table with dreaded gynecological stirrups.

"Please remove your clothing and lay back on the table," the doctor instructed.

Olivia heaved a disgusted sigh as Officer Amelin reached under her skirt and removed the clamp from her clit. She winced as blood rushed back to her little nub. She took off her white tanktop and denim miniskirt, placing them on a chair in the corner of the room. She then hoisted herself up onto the exam table and placed her feet in the stirrups. The doctor instructed her to scoot down until her backside was at the end of the table.

Dr. Sokolov nodded his head in approval and then turned to get several items out of a cupboard under the sink. "Seeing as how this is a science laboratory, we need to keep the environment as sterile as possible. So this requires our test subjects to be as clean as possible," he said pulling out several bottles and tubes, placing them on the counter.

Olivia could feel her whole body tense up. He palms began to sweat.

"So I'll be giving you both a douche and an enema," he said casually.

Olivia's jaw dropped open. "What?!" she squawked in horror.

The two policemen watching from the other side of the room began to snigger.

"Don't worry, it won't take long. To save time, I'll perform both the enema and the douche concurrently. It'll be over before you know it."

"But how?!" Olivia asked, exasperated.

"Well, it's easy. First I'll begin with the enema. I'll fill your rectum with the anal cleansing solution. You'll be required to hold that in for ten minutes. While you're holding in your enema, I'll clean out your vagina. It's quite simple, really," Dr. Sokolov said matter-of-factly. "After I finish performing your douche and the ten minutes are up, you'll evacuate your enema in the bathroom down the hall."

Olivia began to panic. "Can't we do this in a room nearer to the bathroom?"

"Unfortunately this is the only exam room with a gynecological exam table," Dr. Sokolov explained. He did not exactly sound apologetic.

Officers Letov and Amelin did not mask their amusement as they chuckled at Olivia's dilemma.

"Now that we have that settled, let's get on with the enema," the doctor said as he picked up a long rubber tube with a rectal nozzle attached to the end. He grabbed a bottle of lubricant and squeezed a generous glob of the clear jelly onto the nozzle. He walked over to the foot of the exam table. Holding the nozzle in his right hand, he parted Olivia's cheeks with the fingers of his left.

"Ah!" Olivia cried as the cold slippery substance coating the nozzle made contact with her backdoor.

The doctor sheepishly chuckled. "Sorry, my dear. I completely forgot to warm up the lubricant beforehand. You might find it to be a bit cold on your bottom," he explained as he pushed the nozzle into her anus.

"Uh," Olivia uncomfortably grunted.

"I spoke to Dr. Miloza earlier and he said that he gave you an enema that was three liters. That is quite alot. As a doctor, in my professional medical opinion, an enema should be no more than a liter and a half. But seeing as how you are able to handle a three liter enema, I figured, why not?" And with that, Dr. Sokolov released the clamp on the enema tube. As the soapy water flowed into her, the doctor and policemen lecherously looked on.

Olivia looked up at the full enema bag hanging from an IV pole. She could not believe that she was being forced to undergo yet another enema. And a large enema at that. Why was it that no one in Vulmonia seemed to respect boundaries when it came to Olivia's body? As the enema fluid made its way into her, after a few minutes, Olivia's belly began to look stretched and bloated. She felt beyond full. Things could not get any worse, she thought to herself.

And then, as if on cue, Dr. Sokolov announced, "Time to start your douche!" As he approached Olivia with a large rubber bulb with a long vaginal nozzle attached to it, Olivia shuddered with disgust.

He stood in between Olivia's thighs and stared directly at her crotch. "Dr. Brovachik told me how much pleasure you derived from the douches he administered to you. I hope you enjoy my technique just as much," he said with a wink.

Oh great, Olivia thought to herself. It seemed as though Dr. Sokolov had spoken with all of the medical staff that she had encountered at Nulmara University Teaching Hospital. Considering how many humiliating events she had experienced there, and considering how much they all seemed to enjoy watching her humiliation, she cringed at the thought of how their conversation must have went.

Dr. Sokolov placed his left hand on Olivia's inner thigh, making the young girl bristle ever so slightly at the uninvited touch. Gripping the rubber bulb in his right hand, he brought the tip of the nozzle to her vulva. But instead of inserting it right away, he very gently began rubbing it against her large outer lips. Olivia could feel blood beginning to fill her vulva as her nether lips started to become engorged.

"Interesting," the doctor observed. "Your labia are becoming quite red and puffy."

Olivia clenched her jaw, trying to keep her breathing steady.

He then began stroking her inner lips. Olivia held her breath and gripped the sides of the exam table.

"You have quite long labia, don't you?" he commented.

Olivia remained silent and stared directly up at the ceiling, not knowing if he was expecting a reply.

"My goodness, your body produces quite alot of moisture," he mused as he took his left hand off of Olivia's thigh. He used his forefinger to gather up a generous amount of vaginal fluid from the entrance to her opening. He held up his finger in front of his face, closely studying the natural lubricant that Olivia's body had produced. "No wonder you're a favorite patient of the gynecology department over at the hospital. I've never treated anyone before who becomes wet so easily."

Olivia closed her eyes. Why could the doctor not just perform the douche and get it over with? Why did he have to insist on making Olivia sexually excited? And then point out the fact that she was sexually excited? It did not help that Officers Amelin and Letov were watching her ordeal and snickering in the background the whole time.

"Your clitoris has significantly increased in size," Dr. Sokolov continued with his observations. "Your clitoral hood has retracted and the head is now exposed. How does it feel when I do this?" The doctor took his left index finger - which was coated in Olivia's wetness - and used it to lightly stroke her clitoral shaft.