Olivia in Vulmonia Ch. 46


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"Miss Tiddles, did you hear what I said?" The sergeant gave Olivia a severe look of warning.

"On the desk on you back!" Corporal Volkov commanded.

Gulping with nervousness, Olivia stepped back, placed her hands on the surface of the desk and lowered herself into a sitting position. The three officers looked at her expectantly. Taking a deep breath, she leaned back until she was lying flat on her back.

"Grab onto the backs of your legs and pull your knees up toward your shoulders. That's it," said Sergeant Melnyk as Olivia complied with his instructions. "Now open up your thighs nice and wide. Wider. WIDER! Let us get a good view of that shaved Canadian cunt. Good girl!" The sergeant grinned as Olivia was forced to expose the most private part of her body. He placed his hands on her plump flesh and rubbed her inner thighs.

No, Olivia thought to herself. No, no, no, no, NO! This could not be happening. The way he was touching her. She could not help but become turned on. Oh god, she thought to herself. What if he touched her in a way that made her cum? What if she orgasmed here in public in front of all of these men? No, she thought to herself. Under no circumstances could she let that happen!

"I like that you're shaved," said the sergeant as he gazed down at Olivia's most intimate area. He ran his fingers over her smooth hairless pubic mound. Olivia bristled as she sharply inhaled.

"Do all Canadian girls shave their pussies?" asked Private Javanovic.

"Uh ... I don't know. Some do ... I guess." Olivia shivered as Sergeant Melnyk stroked her large outer lips.

"Is your cunt usually so red?" Corporal Volkov inquired with a smirk.

"Uh ... um ..." Olivia mumbled as the sergeant began rubbing the upper part of her clitoral shaft. "Maybe ... OHHH!" Her whole body stiffened as the sergeant's finger tip circled the head of her clit.

"So much moisture is leaking out of you," Private Javanovic observed in an astonished voice. "Does your cunt usually make so mush pussy juice?"

"I ... I ... uh ..." Olivia closed her eyes, unable to answer his question. It was too embarrassing to reply. And she was too distracted by Sergeant Melnyk's ministrations.

The senior officer went back to stroking her clitoral shaft as he watched the nude young woman laying on his desk close her eyes and arch her back.

"How on earth could any decent respectable young lady get turned on by such a situation?" said Corporal Volkov in disbelief.

"Oh!" Olivia moaned as she lifted her hips up off of the desk. "I haven't cum in over three weeks!"

"What?" exclaimed Sergeant Melnyk. "You said that your boyfriend usually fucks your ass every night!"

"Yes ..." Olivia groaned. "But he doesn't let me cum. It turns him on to deny me orgasms. Oh! It arouses him to see me get sexually frustrated."

Sergeant Melnyk returned his finger to the head of Olivia's engorged nub and began to lightly rub her overly sensitive glands.

"Oh god!" Olivia cried. "Oh jesus!"

"Well, if your boyfriend doesn't want you to cum, then I suppose we should respect his wishes." The sergeant pulled his finger away from Olivia's pulsing pussy pearl.

"What?" Olivia breathlessly gasped.

"You said it yourself, your boyfriend wants to deny you orgasms. It should really be up to him when you climax next," Sergeant Melnyk said decisively. "And besides, it's not my job to make you cum. I'm suppose to be performing a body cavity search." He looked down at her with a disapproving expression.

"Oh, right." Olivia took a few deep breaths, trying to regain her composure. "I know!" she said defensively.

"At least I don't need lube this time," the sergeant sniggered as he inserted three of his thick fingers into Olivia's vagina. She moaned as she felt his digits enter her and slide against her G-spot.

As Olivia looked, she could see that the crowd of onlookers was coming closer. They were now encircling the sergeant's desk. Many were continuing to film and photograph her with their phones. What if the photos or videos ended up on line? Her life would be ruined. What if someone was live streaming right now? What if someone notified Judge Thorsky or the police? What if they caught her before she boarded her train?

Olivia craned her neck and looked up at the sergeant fingering her moist sheath. "Sir, can't you tell those men to back up?" she implored. "They're getting too close!"

"Miss Tiddles, you have nothing to worry about," Sergeant Melnyk assured her.

"We're trained border security officers and members of the Vulmonian military," Corporal Volkov stated proudly.

"Nothing's going to happen to you that we don't want to happen," Private Javanovic chimed it.

"You're perfectly safe," the sergeant promised as he aggressively began to rub her G-spot.

"Oh my god!" Olivia gasped as closed her eyes and laid her head back down on the desk.

Sergeant Melnyk laughed. He watched Olivia's naked body as she writhed around. Her face was contorted in an expression of erotic ecstasy. "I had no idea Canadian girls were such sluts!"

"We'd expect this sort of thing from an American whore. But not a Canadian," said Corporal Volkov.

"I'm ... uh ... not ... oh ... a ... slut ... AH!"

"I can't seem to find anything in here," said the sergeant as he pulled his fingers out of Olivia's slippery snatch.

"Sergeant, with all do respect," said Private Javanovic. "You have very large thick fingers. But they're not particularly long."

"Oh?" Sergeant Melnyk raised a skeptical eyebrow.

"But I, on the other hand, have extremely long fingers. She might be hiding something in her pussy. But it might be shoved up in there deeper. It might help to have someone with a longer reach," Private Javanovic rationalized.

"Alright, Private," the sergeant said with a shrug. "Let's see if you can find anything."

"What?" Olivia sat up and looked at the three soldiers.

"Miss Tiddles, Private Javanovic has a point. It makes more sense for the person with the longest fingers to perform the vaginal cavity search," Sergeant Melnyk reasoned.

"Then why didn't you get him to do it in the first place?" Olivia glared at the sergeant.

"Miss Tiddles, I don't care for your tone," Sergeant Melnyk said threateningly. He placed a hand on Olivia's left breast and shoved her back down onto her back.

Private Javanovic slipped two of his long tapered fingers into Olivia. "Your cunt is so wet!" He soon added a third finger.

"Oh god," Olivia quietly sighed.

"You whore, you love this!" Corporal Volkov said accusingly. And with that, he reached over and began stroking Olivia's clitoris.

"Wha... wha ... what are you doing?" Olivia panted.

"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm rubbing your clit, you stupid slut," Corporal Volkov smirked as he strummed her rigid nub.

"No ... uh!" Olivia grunted. "This ... ah ... isn't ... oh ... right!"

Sergeant Melnyk reached down with the fingers of both hands and began tweaking Olivia's nipples. "What? You're honestly telling me that you really want us to stop?"

With one man playing with her nipples, another man fingering her pussy and a third man stroking her clit, Olivia could not think clearly. Due to the weeks of orgasm denial, she had too much pent up sexual frustration. She needed release. And she needed it now.

"Don't stop!" she gasped. "Don't stop now! I need this! Oh jesus christ, I need this so badly!"

The three men molesting her laughed. The random people who were standing around and watching shouted out rude comments. Olivia knew that she should ask the soldiers to stop. But she was so close to her first orgasm in over three weeks. She needed to cum, just once. And then she would board the Moscow express and leave Vulmonia forever.

"You enjoy being touched by random men? You like being fingered by men you don't know?" asked Corporal Javanovic as he rubbed her clitoris even faster.

"Yes ..." Olivia groaned, not caring anymore about what they thought of her.

She could hear an announcement being made in Vulmonian on the loudspeaker. The words of the harsh sounding Eastern European language reverberated throughout the small train station. Olivia could not understand what was being said. And she was too focused on her impending climax to care. But she absentmindedly noticed that the word 'Moscow' was included in the announcement. The announcement in Vulmonian was soon followed by an English translation. "Now boarding the Moscow express. All aboard the Moscow express," came the English words over the loudspeaker.

The three soldiers stopped what they were doing and pulled their hands away from Olivia's body.

"Don't stop!" Olivia rasped.

"Your train," said Private Javanovic.

"You'd better get dressed and head out to the platform," Corporal Volkov told her.

"You still have time. Your train won't leave for a few minutes. You can still make it. But you need to hurry," Sergeant Melnyk warned.

"I just need a few seconds," Olivia muttered as the fingers of her right hand shot toward her crotch and she began to rub her clit.

"What on earth are you doing?" Corporal Volkov's jaw dropped open in shock.

"Miss Tiddles, you're going to miss your train!" Sergeant Melnyk gaped down at Olivia, unable to believe what he was seeing.

"OH! It'll just take a moment!" Olivia furiously masturbated on the sergeant's desk, in the middle of the bustling train station in full view of dozens of spectators. Excited chatter broke out among the onlookers. It was one thing to see the border security officers touching Olivia as part of a strip search. But it was quite another thing to see the naked young woman touching herself in an attempt to make herself cum.

"You stupid whore, you're going to miss your train!" Private Javanovic admonished her. "Your ticket's nonrefundable, you know!"

"I'm almost there!" Olivia arched her back, thrusting her heavy swollen tits up into the air. "Oh god, I'm so close!"

"Miss, I hate to interrupt, but I absolutely cannot let you miss your train."

Olivia felt a strong hand encircle her wrist and tear her hand away from between her legs.

"NO!" Olivia cried. "I need to cum!"

"No! You need to catch your train!"

Olivia opened her eyes and looked up. Staring down at her was the vaguely familiar face of Major Ivanov. She had first met him when she was sent to Vazianti Military Base to perform "stress relief" as part of her community service.

"Come now ... 'Tiffany,'" the Major said keeping hold of her wrist. He yanked her down off of the sergeant's desk.

He then picked up the manila envelope and looked inside. He found the smaller white envelope with his name written on it. "If you don't mind, I believe this belongs to me," he smiled as he stuffed it into his pants pocket.

He then grabbed the plastic bag with Olivia's clothes and shoved it at her. Olivia went to open it, but Major Ivanov stopped her.

"I have to put my clothes back on!" Olivia cried in exasperation.

"I'm afraid you're out of time," Major Ivanov told her. "You're going to have to run to catch the Moscow express. You can get dressed after you've boarded the train." He then handed her the manila envelope.

Olivia balked. She held the envelope in her right hand and the bag with her clothes in her left. Fully nude, she looked up at Major Ivanov. "I can't go out onto the platform like this! I can't catch a train while I'm naked!"

Another announcement in Vulmonian was made over the loud speaker. Then the English translation said, "All passengers bound for Moscow should be aboard the train immediately. Last call for the Moscow Express."

"Oh no!" Olivia squealed. Major Ivanov grabbed Olivia's upper arm and began dragging her toward the door leading out onto the platform.

Suddenly the door of the main entrance to the train station swung open. The metal and glass door banged against the stone wall. An enraged man stormed into the building and began screaming at the top of his lungs in Vulmonian. Everyone, including Olivia, turned to see who was shouting. "Miss Williams, stop this instance! You're not going anywhere!" bellowed Judge Thorsky.

Olivia's eyes widened in horror.

"I knew something fishy was going on when I received a call from Mr. Fedorov. I wasn't expecting a package delivery. There's no reason for you to be at the train station!" he yelled as he stomped through the station toward Olivia.

The three border security officers turned to look at both Olivia and Major Ivanov with baffled expressions.

"Who is this girl, exactly?" asked Sergeant Melnyk.

"I can assure you Sergeant, I know her very well. This is indeed Tiffany Tammy Tiddles from Moose Jaw, Manitoba. That old man over there is clearly confused. He's obviously mistaken her for someone else," the major said quickly as he continued to pull Olivia toward the door to the train platform.

"That's the second time today," said Corporal Volkov suspiciously. "Another man earlier this morning called her 'Olivia.'"

"Yes, well Corporal, life is full of interesting coincidences," Major Ivanov shrugged as he quickened his pace keeping a firm grip on Olivia's arm.

"Stop at once!" yelled Judge Thorsky as he broke out into a trot. He was down at the other end of the station, so he could not get to Olivia right away. She still had a good chance to escape. But she would need to move swiftly.

"That's quite the 'coincidence,'" Private Javanovic said skeptically. His voice was dripping with sarcasm.

Suddenly Major Ivanov stopped, turned around and glared at his subordinate. "Exactly who do you think you're talking to, Private?" Then he turned and addressed Sergeant Melnyk. "Precisely what sort of operation are you running here, Sergeant? Why don't your soldiers know how to respect senior officers?"

Olivia looked over at Judge Thorsky who was running through the station. He was getting nearer. Why did Major Ivanov have to quibble over rank?

"I'm terribly sorry, Sir!" Sergeant Melnyk bowed his head in submission. "It won't happen again. I'll make sure that the corporal and the private are disciplined." He then turned to the two junior officers. "Apologize to the Major!" he barked at them.

The two younger soldiers looked down at the floor and mumbled apologies in Vulmonian. Major Ivanov, barely acknowledging them, simply growled and continued to escort Olivia toward the train platform.

Judge Thorsky had begun gaining on them and was now only a few meters away. "Miss Williams, where the hell do you think you're going? And where the fuck is your chastity belt? Stop right this second!"

"I'm sorry Sir, but I'm afraid you're mistaken. That young lady is Tiffany Tiddles," said Sergeant Melnyk to the irate judge. "Her last name isn't Williams. I know because I checked her passport."

Judge Thorsky swore at the sergeant in Vulmonian and tried to push his way past the border security officers. "Don't you know who I am, you idiot?" the judge hissed as Major Ivanov hurried Olivia through the door and out onto the platform.

Olivia looked up at the large silver passenger train that would carry her to freedom. The prospect of finally getting out of Vulmonia made her heart flutter in her chest. There was a man standing at the back of the train dressed in a blue uniform with a striped tie. He quickly hopped aboard and was just about to close the door at the rear of the last car.

"Wait!" Olivia called out to him. "I'm coming!"

The worker in the blue uniform looked over at Olivia. His mouth dropped open in shock and surprise at the sight of the unclothed young women standing on the platform. Suddenly, as the engine rumbled, the train lurched forward.

"NO!" Olivia screamed. "Not yet! I have a ticket! Please, don't leave me!"

"You're going to have to make a run for it!" Major Ivanov gave Olivia a forceful shove in the direction of the now moving train. As Olivia began running across the platform, she could feel her bum jiggle as her heavy breasts swung wildly from side to side.

The train employee extended his arm and held out his hand. "Hurry! Come on!" he hollered in a thick Russian accent.

All of a sudden, the entrance leading from the station out onto the platform swung open. Sergeant Melnyk, Corporal Volkov, Private Javanovic and Judge Thorsky came bursting out through the door.

"Major," called out Sergeant Melnyk. "This man is a judge. He told us that that girl is not who she says she is. He says she's American and that she's under his custody."

"Oh? Uh ... really? I had no idea!" Major Ivanov fibbed.

"Get back here!" Judge Thorsky yelled at Olivia. "You don't get to go anywhere without my permission!" The judge then turned to the border security officers and demanded, in Vulmonian, that they go apprehend Olivia immediately. Sergeant Melnyk turned to his two junior officers and, with a stern look, he nodded in confirmation of the judge's command. The next thing Olivia knew, Private Javanovic and Corporal Volkov were hot on her heels.

As the Moscow express began to pick up speed, the two younger military men sprinted past Major Ivanov in an attempt to catch up to the unclad American girl who was dashing down the platform.

As the train continued to move forward, Olivia began to panic. "Please!" she begged the man in the blue uniform. "Stop the train! I can't stay here!"

"Just a little faster!" he shouted back. "You can make it!" He could not take his eyes off of Olivia's voluptuous bouncing breasts.

"Stop right now!" ordered Corporal Volkov. "You're not permitted to leave!"

"We're going to catch you!" Private Javanovic galloped even more swiftly, quickly closing the gap between himself and the bare buxom young woman.

Olivia was now only a few feet from the train. She raced toward the Russian train worker and his outstretched hand. She frantically pumped her arms up and down by her sides, propelling her to go more quickly. In her left hand, she still grasped the plastic bag with her clothes. Firmly gripped in her right hand was the envelope containing her fake passport, money and tickets.

Corporal Volkov was fast. But Private Javanovic was even faster. He was less than a meter behind American runaway. Olivia dared not turn around to look, however, she could feel that someone was right behind her. But whoever it was, he was too late. Olivia was within arm's reach of the caboose and the uniformed man hanging out of the rear door.

"Give me your hand!" the train worker urged.

Swinging her left arm behind her, Olivia leaned forward and leapt up with every ounce of her strength. With all of her might, she bounded up toward the rear entrance of the caboose. Still holding onto the manila envelope, she thrust her right hand out at the waiting Russian man. He grabbed her right forearm. With a strong jerk, he yanked her up onto the train.

Suddenly, Olivia felt a strong pull from behind and was almost tugged out of the rear door of the carriage. Her left arm was still behind her and Private Javanovic had managed to grab onto the bag containing her clothing. Still running at a full sprint behind the moving train, the young soldier had dug his fingers into the clear plastic and was trying to pull Olivia back onto the platform. If it had not been for Russian rail employee holding onto her right arm, Private Javanovic would have dragged Olivia off of the train.

"Let go!" Olivia screamed at him. "Those are my clothes!"

"Get off the train!" he demanded.

"NEVER!" Olivia declared.

As the train picked up speed, the private could no longer keep pace with the moving mammoth metallic machine. It was obvious that the young officer was not going to succeed in capturing Olivia. He would not be able to return her to the judge. However, he refused to relinquish his grasp on the plastic parcel containing Olivia's apparel. And unfortunately for the nude American girl, her grip was no match for the private's large strong hand. As the train's velocity increased, Olivia could feel the flimsy plastic bag being torn out of her left hand. "OH NO!" she wailed as her only attire was cruelly ripped away from her.