On the Loveseat Ch. 20


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Erin chatted with everyone, from kids' three-years old to ninety-three year young grandmothers. We ate strange sounding foods without care of what they might be, played a variety of carnival games, had our faces painted up like clowns, joined in a block-long version of the hokey-pokey, and even participated in a karaoke competition of movie theme songs. We browsed the numerous stalls of amateur arts and crafts with Erin finding a painting that she just had to have. We ate cotton candy, feeding each other the fluffy confection, sucked on sno-cones, and drank soda from cups with straws so long they wrapped around our necks.

Again, if it had been me and my friends, I would have been bored silly.

With Erin, I don't know when I had had so much fun. Not since I turned whatever-teen years old.

I never felt self-conscious with any of the somewhat childish or outlandish things that we did that day. Erin's child-like glee when we joined in the sack race outweighed my sense of 'cool'. I just threw all my cares to the gentle wind that blew and let myself have fun, no matter what thing we were doing.

In the late afternoon we were sitting, having chili dogs, and I was staring at Erin as she ate.

"What? Do I have chili on my chin?" She wiped her hand over her painted face.

"No. You don't have anything on your face. I was just staring, just in awe of you." I gushed.

"What? Jeremy." Her eyes darted downward embarrassed.

"I haven't had this much fun in like forever. There isn't anyone that I would have done half of what we've done today, except with you. You make me feel that I don't care about what others think of me, that by being with you makes whatever I do okay. You bring the me out of me. And make that me a better me. If that makes sense."

"Jeremy." Erin took my hand, the hand without the chili dog and squeezed it tight. "That's very sweet of you to say. I don't think that I do anything, except maybe just let you be the you that you really want to be without any preconceived notions of who you are supposed to be. That's all I want. I want you. The real you."

"That was kinda deep. You take psych?" I looked deep in her eyes, those beautiful blue windows to her soul.

"Just one semester. I got into it, but a lot of it seemed a bit pretentious. I didn't need a class to know how people are, or how they think. It's just kind of instinctual with me. I only took it because I thought it would help with my writing."

"I never thought of that as far as my wanting to direct. I may have to think about maybe taking a class or two in college." I had to take a bite before I dripped down my arm.

We finished our dogs in silence, the loud susurrus of the fair behind us.

Afterwards we walked back down the length of the four blocks but we didn't pause at any of the exhibits, booths, or stalls, merely absorbing the entirety of the atmosphere. I would have done more with Erin, but we pretty much had done everything there was to do and more. We reluctantly headed back to my car, Erin carrying her painting, the long silly straws still around our necks, our painted clown faces, and our happy smiles.

"I want to thank you again for today Erin." I paused and stared into her eyes.

"Thanks yourself. You were part of what made today what it was. It wasn't all me." Erin deflected my praise.

"But it was your idea. Did you want to do anything else?" I asked.

I wasn't alluding to anything sexual. Truly, I wasn't.

I wasn't discarding the idea either!

"I wish I could. My parents and I are having dinner at my dad's cousin's house tonight. I'm actually slightly late already."

"You should have said something." I said hurrying my step.

"If I know my mother, she'll be late in getting ready anyway. We don't have to break any speed limits getting back."

I didn't break any limits, but I had definitely bent a few by the time we got to Erin's house.

"Thank you for today Jeremy. I really had fun with you." Erin leaned over and gave me a quick kiss. I was left with my lips hanging in space as she exited my car and dashed up to her porch. I just stared at her curvy little tush until she entered her house.

The looks on everyone's faces at my house were priceless when I entered with my straw and clown face.

Jojo and Johnny were excited when they saw me like that but then when the realization of what they had missed hit them, they both pouted. Until I gave Jojo the serpentine straw, that she insisted on using with her milk at dinner. This of course did nothing to mollify my brother.

Dad just shook his head when he saw me, whether from disbelief or chagrin that an eighteen-year-old graduate would act so juvenile.

Mom struggled but couldn't hide a constant smirk whenever she looked at me.

"Did you have fun today?" Mom asked me, her voice almost a giggle.

"Yes I did." I stated plainly. As Erin had said, I just had to be the me that I wanted to be.

"Are you going to wash that off before you eat?" She asked. It almost sounded as if she hoped I would say no. I obliged.

"Why should I? I ate earlier with it on. It doesn't bother anyone does it?"

"I like it! I want a clown face too mommy!" Jojo gave her opinion.

"It's stupid!" Johnny frowned, but I'm sure he was just still upset that I had given Jojo the silly straw. I just stuck my tongue out at him.

"You look childish." Dad stated flatly.

I decided to keep the makeup on through dinner.

Later that night, I was in my room playing on my X-station when mom came up. My door was open and she stepped into my room.

"You looked very happy when you came home. Very different from not so long ago." She stated as she stood by the door as if she feared coming in too far.

"I was happy yesterday morning." I stated after pausing my game, alluding to our 'reunion'.

Mom understood.

"No, I mean more than just that. You had a calmness to you. You really care about this girl don't you?" Her voice was sincere and filled with motherly care.

"Mom, it doesn't change how I feel about you, but yes, yes I do." I felt my emotion fill my words.

"I'm glad. I am. No matter whatever we have, you need more than just that. You need someone that you can be with in the open, in public." Mom said.

"I feel like I shouldn't, but I like Erin. I like that she makes you feel good." Mom continued. After a pause, she added with a leering grin. "I don't like she is getting your ... stuff."

"Missing out on your morning shakes mom?"

"The kale ones I've been having lately just don't have the same zing to them."

"That healthy stuff will kill you." I teased. "The shop has been somewhat deserted for awhile, but it's still open anytime you want to visit."

Mom smiled at that.

"I just might have to." Then her smile slightly faded. "I really am glad for you Jeremy. I'm jealous of Erin, but I am glad for you. Both of you."

"Thanks mom. I'm jealous of dad too, but I'm glad that things didn't fall apart for you two. Even though I don't want him to have you, I don't want you to get divorced either."

"Things are better than they were, but we're still working out some things. I feel bad that Justin thinks he is the only one at fault, but I can't tell him what I've done ... what we've done. He'd never understand and probably wouldn't be as forgiving as I've tried to be. I know I have no moral high ground over him, my deeds weigh just as heavy on me as his ... incident, if not more so. His was one time and I know that it meant nothing. You mean everything." Mom's stance wobbled with her weight on one foot then the other.

"And I wasn't just one time either!" I quipped back trying to lighten her darkening tone.

"No, you definitely haven't." Mom started to turn but then paused. She took the few steps towards me in my chair and bent over to give me a kiss on the forehead.

Another pause. Then she bent further and kissed my lips. Soft and tender, but brief.

"Good night Jeremy. Don't stay up on that game too late."

"Good night Jenny." I stared at her until she disappeared out my doorway.

I have to admit that I was torn Monday afternoon when school got out. Erin and I had nothing definitive planned but that was also the only time that I could spend with mom to do anything illicit without anyone else at home. But if I went home to spend time with mom then by the time we would be done and I got to Erin's house, we wouldn't have enough time before either of her parents got home from work.

So which girlfriend did I want to be with more?

Luckily, I didn't have to decide as Erin texted me that she'd met up with some friends and that she'd talk to me later that night.

So home to mom then!

Mom was surprised to see me when I burst in the door. She had been in the middle of doing laundry. She was wearing a striped sleeveless blouse and wine-colored Capris.

"You're not doing anything with Erin?" Mom asked incredulously.

"She's with some friends. So I'm all yours Jenny."

"Am I the first choice or just the runner-up?" Her eyes turned cool but it was only for show. "No. Don't answer that. That wasn't fair. I'm sorry Jeremy."

"It's okay Jenny. I honestly can't answer that. I was thinking the same thing before Erin texted me." I couldn't hide anything from mom, and I hoped honesty would earn me some brownie points. Or maybe even some brownies!

"It may be terrible for me to admit this, but you are my first choice. It's just that I chose Justin earlier." Mom's emerald eyes grew hazy with this confession.

"I'm glad too, otherwise I wouldn't even be here!"

"I guess there is that." Mom's face broke out in a grin.

"So you think that you can just waltz in and expect me to drop everything to have sex with you don't you?" She gave me a quizzical look.

I just stared back in reply. How could I answer that without sounding like a jerk?

Mom chuckled at my expression.

"Let me put this next load in the washer ... then you can put your next load ... wherever you want on or in me!" She turned and hurried to the utility room.

That was the mom I remembered and loved!

I darted upstairs to change into something easier to remove.

Mom had returned to the living room when I rushed back down.

"I thought it was the woman that changed into something more comfortable?" Mom joked when she saw my change of wardrobe.

"If you want to change too, go ahead. I'll even watch you undress." My eyes locked on hers.

"I'm sure you would." Mom blinked once, twice, three times.

We were standing on opposite sides of the room and neither of us could take the first step. It wasn't that we were nervous, never that. We just both wanted the other so much that we didn't know how to start!

Someone somewhere must have dropped a flag because mom and I both sprang at each other at the same time.

Our arms wrapped around our shoulders and squeezed as tight as either was capable.

Our lips met, mingled, then mashed together.

All cares and worries just disappeared with Jenny's loving hold. My lust and passion were inflamed with her soft lips.

I ground my hips against hers with my dick a rigid pole squeezed in between us.

"I don't think I can wait until we can get to my room!" Mom gasped without taking her mouth from mine.

"I want you wherever and everywhere I can get you Jenny." I was as breathless as mom.

Our hands suddenly began pulling off clothes. Clothing flew in the air without either of us separating, they just miraculously sprang from our bodies.

My hands caressed and massaged and roamed over mom's smooth skin as if I could take nourishment from her flesh and I was a starving man.

I was starving for mom and I intended to take my fill of her.

I may have been rough when I pushed her so that she fell back on the couch. She landed in a thump and had an astonished look covering her face as she stared up at me.

"Spread 'em Jenny! I haven't eaten you in a long time!" I told her fiercely.

Mom's eyes widened more with her excitement than from my words.

"Oh God yes Jeremy! I've tried to get Justin to do it, but he just protests. Even when he has, he isn't you. I've missed that so much!"

I didn't need to know dad's opinion about cunnilingus, or his skill level.

I did like mom's appreciation of my willingness.

I would sip at mom's nether fount whenever she wanted!

I also noticed that mom was in dire need of another trimming.

"As your bush inspector, I have to declare that you need the gardener to make a visit!" I said as I got down on my knees.

Mom laughed at that.

"I haven't had the need. Justin has been ... uh, attentive to my needs, but he doesn't appreciate the scenery!"

I had to grin at that.

"I love your scenery Jenny!" I declared proudly then gave a kiss to either well-formed thigh. "Your yoga keeps you very trim. I don't know why dad wouldn't have been all over you all along. You've worked hard at staying hot!"

"I'm glad someone has noticed my hard work." Mom said breathily. "Go on, kiss my legs some more. Show me how much you like your hot mom's thighs!"

I did just that.

I ran my hands over the warm skin of her calves then up past her knees, feeling her quiver at my touch. I kissed the inside of either knee, and then trailed kisses, my tongue, and my hot breath up either thigh towards that magnificent junction of her legs.

"Oh! Yes, like that!" Mom cooed.

I wasn't necessarily worried about my own pleasure and I knew we didn't have too much time before Johnny and Jojo came home from school, but I did want to tease mom. To make her regret having forgone being with me. And that I did love teasing her endlessly!

I licked nearly to her open blossom, her nectar beginning to seep from within, but I held off proceeding any closer. My lips made contact with every bit and speck of the tender inner flesh of mom's thighs until she was begging for me to move along.

"Please lick me Jeremy! You know how much I love you eating my juicy pussy! Maybe almost more than I love you shoving your big dick in me!"

I'm sure that opinion would only last until I did just what she had mentioned.

But that depended on time permitting.

I was on my second pass of kissing every follicle and pore of Jenny's legs when I had pushed her too far.

"God damn it Jeremy! Are you going to lick my cunt or are you going to just worship my legs all day long?" She cried out. "Get in there and eat my pussy now!"

Um ...


I would lick her pussy, but that didn't mean I was done teasing her!

I trailed my tongue up to where mom craved it, circling around her outer labia and through her pubic hairs, adding gentle kisses here and there as I went. I licked along her inner lips trying to keep contact to a minimum. I had to fight from lapping up the juices that were now abundant.

"Please Jeremy! Stick that wonderful tongue in me! I need it so badly!" Mom whined now, her voice trembling as much as her body now was doing.

"What do you need mom? Tell me."

"Fuck me with that tongue! Then lick me. Lick my clit and make me cum!"

"Are you sure?"

Mom grabbed my head so roughly she might have pulled it right off my neck! She then shoved my face hard into her gaping chasm.

"Lick that pussy damn it! Or I'll have to ground you!" Her voice was fierce but cracked with her need.

'I was sent to my room because I wouldn't eat my mother's hot pussy!'

That would be the oddest punishment in all of history.

And the least likely to ever happen.

I relented.

I lapped eagerly at mom's nearly gushing tunnel of love. I drove my tongue into her pussy and sucked her wrinkly labia. I still skirted her clit peaking from its hiding place. Her legs flailed at my back as her moans filled the room.

"More! Keep going! Lick that cunt you motherfucker!"

The ultimate curse word coming from my mother's tender mouth let me know that she was now ready for the finale.

However, I took that word as a proud title!

I gave her little clit a few flicks with my tongue, enough to escalate her pleasure but not enough to cause her to peak yet.

"Lick my clit, suck it hard Jeremy!"

I circled it with my tongue before I did suck on it. I also gently nibbled on it, flicking it with my tongue as I did so. Mom was panting so hard I wondered if she might be having a baby! That would be a helluva orgasm!

I pulled her clit with my teeth, sucking it and licking it at the same time. A feat that had taken long to master.

The result was mom's body now shook and quaked. Except that delicate flesh where we were joined.

"Ohhhh! Gaaaaaaah! Aaaaaaaaa!" Mom shrieked as her dam burst and her orgasm thundered through her weak frame.

I released my hold on her for fear of doing damage as she quivered and trembled in the aftermath. I softly licked up the oozing fluids that poured from her hole, even after mom ceased moving. I was slightly disappointed that I hadn't made her squirt again.

Her eyes crept open and slowly focused on me.

"I have so missed that, lover!" Jenny loudly whispered.

"I missed doing it too babe."

"Ooo! Am I your babe now?"

"You're that and more Jenny. You know that." I told her.

"I love to hear it still."

Mom's eyes grew intense.

"Have you so treated Erin?" Mom's voice was shy asking about her rival and equal.

"Mom! That's kind of invasive. Do you expect me to kiss, or lick, and tell?"

Of course she did, she even had about her sister. And I was usually eager to do the telling!

"Of course I have. She loves it as much as you."

"What girl wouldn't?" Mom's eyes shimmered with her passion, and her love.

"Any of my past girlfriends. Obviously." I didn't like bringing up my past failed relationships. Even if V was the one that taught me my special skills.

"Aw! Let mommy kiss you and make it better!" Jenny said in her motherly and childish voice.

"That's not how that goes." I replied. But I liked her version more!

And I let her do just that.

And it was better.

The rest of the kisses were just overkill, but I didn't complain!

"I'd love to suck you now, but we don't have much time. Someone decided to spend most of the time driving me crazy!" Mom said with only a touch of complaint.

"I suppose I'll just have to settle for giving you another chance to compare to see which you love most, my tongue or my dick." I grinned as I waved my stiffy at her.

"Ooo, yes! Give me the dick! But don't tease me this time. I want you to just fuck me, good and hard and fast!"

"Oh? Is that all? Good. Hard. Fast. I'll see what I can do."

Those were the only three ways that I knew how to fuck!

Lovemaking was a completely different category.

And one I would have to get a chance with Jenny very soon!

But for now, the fucking!

"Turn around Jenny. Lay your head on the armrest, put your leg up on the back of the couch."

Maybe I could just be a porn director! I could make films and watch live action sex!

I'm sure it wasn't as great as it sounded, but it did sound awfully good!

I knelt between those luscious thighs and laid atop my mother, using my arms to support me as she reached between us and placed my hard dick at her entrance.

"Go ahead and fuck me Jeremy! I'm almost ready to cum again already!"

I hadn't even entered her yet!

The act of licking mom's sweet pussy had gotten my system also revved up `so I shouldn't disparage her excitement.

I slide into her forcefully but slowly, reveling in her wetness and her tightness.

"God mom, your pussy feels so good every time!" I gasped in delight.

"So does your cock honey. You fill me so wonderfully!" Mom said as she grabbed my shoulders, pulling me down on to her. This also put my lips within reach of hers.
