One Friday in February


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The two lovers had learned that erectile dysfunction takes many forms. While Mark seldom had a problem getting an erection, his ability to maintain it sometimes disappointed both of them. Oh well, that's what pharmaceuticals were for.

Dori guided his cock into her pussy, rested her hands on his chest and began to slowly build up a rhythm that would achieve the desired results without jostling her lover too much. This was a challenge, but maybe she would reward him for his cooperation by letting him shoot his load inside her pussy.

After pounding as aggressively as she dared while facing Mark, Dori spun her body around to assume the 'reverse cowgirl' position. She giggled as she did so, remembering the first time that she had done this very thing on the night that her and Mark had had sex in her apartment back in 1975. He had called her "his little spinner" back then, and it was one of the few terms of affection that her lover ever used with her.

For his part, Mark knew what Dori expected when she assumed this position, so he sucked on his thumb to get it wet before using it to tease and probe her asshole. He felt one of her hands gently squeezing his balls and stroking his own asshole with her finger.

Age and menopause had decreased the amount of juices that Dori produced when aroused, but this hadn't impacted her enthusiasm, passion or the explosive impact that her orgasms had on her body. She shot off her lover's cock when her climax started, drenching Mark's genitals and the absorbent pad beneath them. She quickly reinserted his cock and renewed her efforts to achieve her next orgasm before coaxing him into cumming inside her pussy.

Mark wanted to thrust up to meet her pounding motions on his cock but restrained himself. Instead, he focused on bringing her off as many times as he could while the medication was helping to keep his cock erect enough to do so. As always, once Dori had experienced her first orgasm, her body was hyper sensitive and subsequent orgasms seemed to happen almost continuously, with only slight calming periods between each one.

Dori sensed that her lover was holding back on his own orgasm, and the time they had left together this morning wouldn't support that unselfish approach. Licking her index finger, she used her saliva, combined with some of her juices still running down between Mark's legs to lubricate his asshole as she roughly shoved it past his sphincter. Her finger bottomed out in his ass and lightly massaged his prostrate for just a few seconds before he lost control.

"Oh fuck, I'm going to come!," he shouted in warning.

"Give it to me, lover. Fill my pussy with your load. Give it all to me!"

Her lover obliged, not that he could have resisted as long as she kept her orgasmic pussy locked on top of him, with his cock being milked by her own climaxing muscles.

She kept pounding up and down on his cock with her finger inside his asshole until she knew that he was totally spent. Only then did she slowly raise herself off him and take his cock into her mouth. She had always loved the taste of her juices mixed with his cum, so he simply laid back and enjoyed the sensation of having his cock cleansed by her one more time.

"That was wonderful, Dori. I was afraid that my restrictions on movement would have prevented us from satisfying you today. Was it okay for you?"

Dori finished one last inspection of his cock to make sure that she had cleaned every last trace of their combined orgasms. She smiled at Mark and said, "We learned from your first cataract surgery that the restrictions on movement applied to anything that would put stress on your eye muscles. While you have beautiful eyes, lover, those weren't the muscles we needed this morning."

"True," he chuckled. "Will you shower with me?"

"As long as there's no hanky-panky. We need to keep the bandage over your eye dry."

"I will be happy just holding your wet soapy body next to mine."

"Then let's go. I need to get my husband showered, dressed and out the door within forty-five minutes if we plan on making your follow-up appointment."

"What about your lover?" Mark asked.

"He can tag along. I've never taken a shower with my lover before, so the no 'hanky-panky' rule might make it a possibility this time."

Mark, her husband and lover for thirty-seven years chuckled at her, "You drive a hard bargain Mrs. Preston."

"Yes, I do, Mr. Preston. Now move that cute butt of yours."

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26thNC26thNC3 months ago

As another famous author said, “February sucks.” So did this story about February.

FaceForRadioFaceForRadio9 months ago

Very clever story. At first it seems like a cross between “50 Shades of Gray” and “Same Time Next Year” until you figure out the joke. I think some readers just didn’t tough it out to the end to get the joke. A shorter, tighter telling of the story could be a 5 for sure, but this one is a good, solid 4+

StruckwrongStruckwrongabout 1 year ago

So is this mysterious lover in the room with you now?

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Love it when an author succeeds in confounding the "'C' average English students out there". Five fabulous stars with bells on.

OldmantruckerOldmantruckerover 1 year ago

You did a dang jolly GREAT job at confusing a Ton of folks with this one. 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍WAY TA GO !!!!! Why the heck can't the hubby AND the lover be ONE and the SAME!?, GOOD JOB !! OH 4 THOSE that Never figured it out . The " lover" and Hubby are the Same person... and the writer was sneaky with the clues.. yeah did a good one. BB.. thks.. 😉😁🎉👍

anubeloreanubeloreover 1 year ago

Are people really this slow? I mean, I know MPAI, but... People. It says "husband and lover for 37 years" not "husband, and lover for 37 years" which would imply she wasn't married to him for the entire time they were lovers. In other words, considering the final page is in 2003, they've been married since 1966.

Sherry is his friggin secretary. Good lord.

It's not "overly clever", there are multiple hints, though they are just hints. And even if you skimmed until offended, you could've at least read the last page and done the math!

Anyway. I'll admit I wasn't sure until the fourth page, and wasn't certain until the 37 years thing. But I was pretty darn sure.

I will say the cheating wife tag seems misplaced here. Using tags as a misdirect is a bit dirty pool in my opinion, but that's me.

Excellent tale. I hate cuck stories and infidelity, but a loving couple being playful with each other and happily married for decades is right in my sweet spot.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Way too much detail. Every one knows if he went to get the beer he had to go to the kitchen. . . .

brian_scoobybrian_scoobyover 2 years ago

Wow… the ending surprised me! …but in a good way! I really thought they were lovers… with Dori having a different man as a husband. I went back and reread parts and she always referred to him as the husband… no name. Bravo! This story was very well written. And, even more a positive response to find a very loving couple that allowed each other to satisfy each of their very varied sexual needs. Thank-you for this!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

wth is this?

no sense other then notes some lying filth people.

racfguyracfguyabout 3 years ago

Stopped reading on page one when the drugs came out.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

A WIMP story. 1 star

trandall9991trandall9991over 3 years ago
I couldn't even piece together

Exactly what the hell this story is about. I read page 1 and was bored to death. Looks like another author to put on my do not read list. Its bad when author comes in to their comments and throws barbs at the people commenting. That means the author is very light skinned. Why not just monitor the comments-and delete the ones you don't agree with. Or just let them be.

BobbyBrandtBobbyBrandtover 3 years agoAuthor

To "Anonymous" and all the other 'C' average English students out there:

Learn to recognize the two little marks (") known as quotation marks. They indicate that the words written between them are the words of a character speaking them to another character, otherwise referred to as 'speech'.

Human speech is messy. Human speech does not follow the same rules of grammar as writing. Before criticizing the use of pronouns or other rules of grammar contained between quotation marks, read it aloud as if you were speaking the line to someone else rather than just reading the words. Save yourself the embarrassment of looking like an idiot.

Now, if you discover any instances of improper use of pronouns or other legitimate mistakes, please provide that feedback. It would be appreciated.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Pronoun problems

“The best you could hope for is Mark agreeing to let you watch him and I together,” is what you wrote.

Would you ever write, “The best you could hope for is Mark agreeing to let you watch I”? 🤮

No, you would write, “The best you could hope for is Mark agreeing to let you watch ME.”

So, your original sentence should read, “The best you could hope for is Mark agreeing to let you watch him and me together.”

Just because you put in a plural set of names/pronouns doesn’t mean you change any of the pronouns from their singular (and correct) forms.

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