One Hour - 3:15PM

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Second part of the One Hour - 3pm tale.
816 words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 03/31/2015
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He roughly pushes my dress up over my arse, caressing it with his hands for a moment before his hands turn to brutal weapons and he rains hard blows across my delicate skin. Left, then right, left, then right again. I guessed it would be hard, but never this hard. I bite my lip and press my hands hard into the desk, trying to concentrate on anything other than the pain searing through me. He has other ideas.

He pulls my ponytail back so I am staring straight ahead into the mirror. My cheeks are red, and my eyes are watering so much, my mascara is running down my face. He looks at me, giving nothing away.

"I want you looking straight ahead the whole time."

I open my mouth to speak, but he stops me.

"Don't argue, just do as I say. You really are a dirty little slut though, no panties? What were you hoping for today? You are desperate for my cock aren't you? You need it don't you?"

I nod.

I have a short reprieve from his hand as I hear his buckle and zip being undone, this time it is not his hands that attack me, but his cock. He plunges it deep within me so quickly that I gasp. But he ignores me and continues to thrust. I never imagined it would feel, or indeed look so good. His hands are tight on my hips as he continues to thrust his cock into my hot, wet pussy, my eyes locked on his in the mirror but we say nothing - we don't have to. This is what we both want, and have done for so long.

He moves his hands, his right arm gripping me tight around my waist, forcing his cock further into me with every thrust. His other hand finds the zip on the side of my dress, he tugs sharply at it, slipping his hand through the space, finding my bra and tugging it down. His thumb and forefinger find my hard nipple. He rolls it around between his fingers, then squeezes it hard. I gasp and drop my head. He notices. Of course he notices.

My head is snapped back as he pulls my hair,

"What did I tell you?"

My eyes meet his again in the mirror.

"I'm sorry."

"You will be slut, you will be."

The blows once again return to my arse and his cock thrusts harder and faster into me. He pushes my dress further up my back and he drags his nails over my skin, making me shiver in delight.

He tugs further at the zip, motioning for me to take the dress off. I tug it over my head and it lands on the desk in front of me. His hands are quickly at my exposed bra clasp, he unhooks it quickly and my tits spill out. He gives a small moan of approval.

"Better, much better."

His hands are on my tits now, caressing, nipping and tugging at my nipples.

"You want me to cum in you slut don't you? You want to feel Sir's cum running down your legs like the proper little slut you are."

"Yes Sir, yes, I want you to cum in me. I'm a dirty fucking slut and I need Sir's cum"

His left hand comes down between my legs and he slips a finger inside me, rubbing. The feeling is almost unbearable. My legs tremble beneath me, my arse is sore, my tits have been mauled and my pussy is about to explode.

I watch him in the mirror as he moves his head. His mouth is a mean inch from my right ear. He whispers.

"Do it. Cum. You filthy little cum slut, you want this, you've waited for this for years, cum over Sir's cock."

It is all the encouragement I need - and some. I moan, I gasp, I push my palms hard and flat into the desk as I cum. His arms wrap tight around me, forcing me further onto his cock, feeling it deep, so deep.

"Good girl," he gasps "so fucking good, Sir wants to give his filthy slut a reward."

He thrusts his cock into my soaking wet pussy once more as his cum shoots up into me. It feels incredible. Everything I thought it would be and so much more.

We stand in front of the mirror, panting, his head on my back. Neither of us quite believing what has just happened.

"I best get cleaned up" I say, straightening up.

"Yes, you'd better." he pulls me towards the chair he was sitting in and sees the look of confusion on my face. He pushes me down onto the chair, pushes my knees apart, my dripping wet pussy exposed.

"I want to help you." he says, lowering himself to his knees between my legs.

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LordsmytheLordsmytheabout 9 years ago
Thank you

Have to wait for 3:30 now... should be excellent. x

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