One Man's Heart


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Turning back to me he said. "Scott, I'll need you to come down to the office tonight and give us a sworn statement."

Then, turning to Tracy and Pamela, he said. "You will both have to do signed statements tonight as well. We'll also want some photographs of your wrists and ankles showing the bruises left from tying you up," he said to Pamela. "This deputy," he said indicating Susan, "will bring you down with her."

"Okay, Scott. We will meet you there."

I met with Dave and my men briefly before I left to head on down to the Sheriff's Office. Telling them how much I appreciated them covering my back I told them they could take the next week off with pay.

Dave replied to me, "Boss, it's us that appreciate you. You gave us jobs and our self respect back after we left the service when no one else would hire us. We'll always have your back."

That was followed by a chorus of voices echoing Dave's remarks.

Dave Collins was one of the many friends I made while in the Corps. I first met him at Paris Island. He was my D.I. when I was a raw recruit. I met up with him again while serving a tour in Iraq. He was what I imagined my dad would have been like. When he retired, after over twenty years of service, things were tough for him finding a job. Returning veterans like him were deemed too 'gung-ho' for dealing with John Q Citizen. I gave him the job of organizing and staffing the new armed security division of 'Triple S'.

Arriving at the Sheriff's Department, Gunner and I, were escorted by a deputy to his small office. After exchanging some pleasantries he turned a tape recorder on and said that my statement would be taped and then a written transcript typed for my signature. Forty-five minutes later I was finished and waited until he returned with the typed statement for my signature. Before leaving his office he told me the Sheriff wanted to speak with me before going home.

Meeting with Don out in the lobby he said to me. "Scott, please remember to give Emma a call for me."

"I will pop. First chance I get tomorrow. I promise," I said as he wrapped me up in a bear hug.

"Oh. By the way, Scott, when we went to pick Frank Stilton up he didn't want to leave his apartment. Something about a vicious dog waiting outside for him if he left. That couldn't have been this lovable old dog of yours, would it?" He said, chuckling and scratching Gunner behind his ears.

"I'll plead the fifth on that one, pop," I answered smiling back at him.

Driving home, with my dog asleep in the front seat beside me, I realized just how tired I was. It had a been a long, long day. Entering the house I noticed Tracy's leather jacket and pants still hanging in the laundry room and a thought struck me. Even though I had only just met her the house felt empty and I was alone again.

After taking a quick shower I noticed it was almost midnight. I went to bed and fell asleep immediately. The ringing of my cell phone on the night table beside the bed woke me from a deep sleep. Glancing at the clock I saw it was just after 1am.

Seeing Susan's name on the phone display I answered. "Do you know what time it is?" I asked her in a not too friendly voice.

"Sure do but I would have never called you except we have a small problem. We were going to put these two girls into a motel for the night, but everything is booked solid. So daddy thought that since you have that big house you might be able to . . ."

"Okay, okay I know what you are gonna ask. Can you bring them out here or do you want me to come and get them?" I knew what the answer would be before she had the chance to speak.

"Never mind. I'll come get them. Give me about forty-five minutes."

"Oh, thank you Scott," Susan said ending the call. Rubbing her hands together, she thought to herself, now we let nature take its course.

I got dressed, threw some water on my face and a toothbrush in my mouth, then woke Gunner who was still sleeping by the side of my bed.

"Come on buddy, we gotta go out again." He followed me downstairs into the garage, jumped up through the opened door of the truck and curled up in the passenger seat promptly falling back asleep.

Heading down the driveway to the main road I noticed that the temperature display on the overhead console indicated it was fifteen degrees below freezing. Even though it had stopped snowing the icy roads made driving hazardous and the trip to the Sheriff's Office took almost an hour.

It was just about 3am when I finally arrived and pulled up in front of the office. They must have been watching out the window because Susan, Tracy and Pamela came right out.

As I got out of the truck Susan came up to me and hugging me said, "thank you Scott. We appreciate you coming out on such short notice on a night like this."

I opened the passenger side door and both sisters quickly climbed into the back seat. Gunner still occupied the front passenger seat. Closing the door I walked around the front of the truck, got in and started the journey back to my house.

Driving slower than I would normally do because of the increasingly icy road conditions I knew we wouldn't be home for quite awhile. Glancing in the rear view mirror I saw the two sisters huddled together talking softly with one another. Five miles down the road Gunner laid down across the center console with his head in my lap and fell asleep. The next time I checked to see how the girls were doing they too were sleeping.

It was well after four in the morning by the time I pulled back into my garage. As soon as I turned off the engine Gunner woke up and I let him out through my side of the truck. I walked around to the passenger side and opening the door announcing gently that we were home to wake the sleeping girls.

"Go inside and get warm while I get your things from the truck bed," I told them.

Taking Pamela's hand Tracy led the way inside while I retrieved their belongings. I realized, as I lifted the two plastic bags from the bed of the truck, just how little the two of them possessed.

Walking inside, I said. "There are five bedrooms upstairs plus my bedroom. You have your choice. One of them has two queen size beds if you would like to stay in the same room together. All of the five have their own bathroom facilities. It's your decision," I said leading the way upstairs.

They elected to stay in the one with the two queen beds. I couldn't fault their decision as I'm sure they were somewhat nervous and wary of me.

Putting their belongings down in the room I said to them. "I don't know about you but I'm exhausted and could use a little something to eat. If you are hungry come on down to the kitchen and I'll see what I have in the refrigerator."

The two looked at each other and followed me downstairs into the kitchen. I offered them a seat at the kitchen table and opening the refrigerator door saying. "Okay, let's see what I've got in here."

As soon as we finished eating some scrambled eggs and toast the girls went upstairs to bed while I tidied up the kitchen. I then went upstairs to my room and fell into bed. The next thing I knew Gunner was licking my hand and whining that he needed to go out. It was already eleven o'clock. Going downstairs I let Gunner out to do what he needed to do. I made sure that his doggy door was clear of ice and snow so he could get back inside when he wanted.

Going back upstairs I showered, shaved and brushed my teeth. Putting on clean clothes I went back down to the kitchen. Remembering my promise to call Emma I picked up the phone and made the call.


I woke up and for a moment I had no idea where I was. Then I remembered the events of the previous day. Looking over to the other bed in the room I saw that Pamela was still sound asleep. Getting up I went into the bathroom. There I saw two brand new toothbrushes, still in their cellophane wrapped packages, a fresh tube of tooth paste along with shampoo and shower gel on the counter. I decided to freshen up, shower and shampoo my hair.

After drying my hair I went back out into the bedroom. Pamela was still sound asleep. Dumping the bag of my clothes on the bed I found something that wasn't too badly wrinkled and dressed. Quietly slipping out of the room I made my way downstairs. Just before I entered the kitchen I could hear Scott talking on the phone. He had his back toward me while he spoke.

He was telling whoever was on the other end of the line that he was lost without her and lamented that he never got to say good-bye.

"I know, mom, I know . . . . . (pause) Some days are better than others. I'm trying," he said.

He listened for a few moments to the other person and then replied. "When did Susan tell you . . . . (pause) Oh, this morning. Yes, it's true. Two sisters. One is in her mid-twenties and the other is just eighteen."

Again he listened for a few moments before replying. "I don't know. I'll ask. Okay, mom. I've got to go now. I promise to call you and let you know."

(pause) . . . . "I love you, too. Bye. Yes, I'll call just as soon as I know. I promise."

With that he ended the call and sat there with his head down. I thought I could hear him crying softly, but I couldn't be sure. I made some noise and called out.

"Are you in the kitchen?" I wanted to give him a moment to compose himself before I walked in on him.


Hearing her I answered. "Yes. I'm in here. Would you like some coffee?"

"Yes," she replied sitting down across the table from me. "I'd love a cup."

"Is everything alright? You look sad and upset," she asked me.

"Yeah. I just finished a long conversation with my mother-in-law. Actually, former mother-in-law now, I guess. It re-opened some unhappy memories in my life."

Tracy asked me if I wanted to talk about it. Sighing, I replied, "okay. Let me make some coffee and we can sit in the sunroom."

Sitting in the same seats as yesterday, I began.

"Let me start from the beginning. You already know my name. My mother brought me to live in this house after my father died. He died when I was four years old. Mom tried to take care of me the best she could. Even with his life insurance and social security she had to work. She sold real-estate. It was tough on her, being out all hours everyday of the week."

"Finally, she had enough of it. Her parents were of no help. They were old and living in an assisted care facility barely able to make ends meet. Then she contacted my dad's mother and father. They showed up at our apartment shortly afterward. They insisted that we both come and live with them. Wouldn't take no for an answer. That was the best thing that ever happened for both mom and me."

"Mom died when I was fourteen. I never did know for sure what it was that killed her. A year later grandma died. They are both buried in the family grave yard in the back of the property. That left just grandpa and me. He got a house keeper, Mrs. Elliott, to look after me. She still works here. Comes in five days a week."

"When I turned eighteen I told my grandfather I wanted to join the Marines like my dad. He didn't like the idea, but he wouldn't stand in my way. Secretly, I think he was proud of my decision to follow in the footsteps of his only son."

"I spent four years in the service and made a lot of friends. While I was in I took quite a few college courses and when I got out I went and finished college on the G.I. Bill."

"It was there I met Barbara. We fell in love with each other and married when we graduated. I was twenty-four and she was twenty-three. It wasn't six months later when my grandfather died, leaving me this house. Barbara's dad was the Sheriff and still is. You met him last night. The woman I was on the phone with was Barbara's mother, Emma."

"After grandpa died I had him buried alongside grandma. Things moved along great for Barbara and me. I had a great job, still do, and Barb was an elementary school teacher. I was twenty-five when we decided to start a family. When she got pregnant I was thrilled as was the rest of the family."

"One morning, five months into her pregnancy, when we woke up she told me that she felt kind of funny. I wanted to stay home from work but she said to me she would be fine and I should go. All morning I worried about her and decided to leave before lunch, go home and check on her."

"I was less than five minutes from the house when my cell phone rang. It was her. She said she really felt strange and then I heard the phone drop to the floor. I ended the call and called 9-1-1 to request emergency help. When I got home I locked the driveway gates open for the EMTs and raced inside."

"Calling for her I heard Gunner barking. We had just got him three months ago and he was devoted to Barbara. I found her on the bathroom floor. There was blood all over. Gunner was laying next to her with his head across her chest. I fell on my knees and grabbed her hand. I knew she was already gone."

"I was less than five minutes away and I could't even get home in time to tell her good-bye and how much I loved her."

"Five damn minutes and I could't be there for her. FIVE DAMN MINUTES!"

"The EMT's arrived two minutes later and confirmed what I already knew."

"I buried her with mom, grandma and grandpa. When Gunner goes outside everyday he checks the entire perimeter of the property and then he goes and sits by Barbara's grave."

I was devastated, unconsolable. For over a year I shut myself off from everyone. I'd go to work, come home and then sit and brood. Don, Emma and Barb's sister, Susan, tried and tried to help me. Finally, after pleading with me for months to seek help, I began seeing a counselor and started to heal.

One thing I learned was that a lot of my depression was precipitated by guilt. Subconsciously I felt that as a man I had a duty to protect my family and since I wasn't there when she died I failed in that responsibility."

"Some days are better than others. I know now that Barbara wouldn't have wanted me to live like that."

Having said all that to Tracy the emotions that I had held in for so long re-surfaced and I began to cry softly.

Tracy placed her cup on the coffee table and got up from her seat. Taking my cup, from my hand, she placed it alongside of hers. Then she sat very close to me and put her arms around my shoulders and neck. Pulling my head to her chest we sat there, not moving or saying anything, for several minutes.

As I composed myself I became aware of her heart beating and the smell of her freshly shampooed hair. She felt wonderful and I was reluctant to end the encounter.

Then from the kitchen we heard. "Sis . . . sis . . . Tracy. Where are you?"

Pamela had woke up and come downstairs looking for her sister. Taking her arms from around me but not moving away from me Tracy answered her.

"We are in here. Come through the kitchen and family room to the sunroom."

When Pamela entered I got up and asked if Tracy would like another cup of coffee and if Pamela would like one as well or, perhaps, a cup of hot chocolate. She opted for the chocolate. Picking up the cups from the table I went into the kitchen.

When I returned with the coffee and hot chocolate on a tray I found the two sisters wandering around admiring the roses.

"Oh. They are absolutely wonderful," Pamela gushed. "I love the smell of roses. They are my favorite flower."

Looking at Tracy I replied. "Yes, they were my wife's favorite as well. She spent so many hours in here looking after them. After she died I knew I had to continue caring for them."

As we walked around the room I told them the name of each of the different varieties. I cut several of the blooms and told them I would put them in a vase so they could put them in their room. "That way you can enjoy the smell of them before you fall asleep and when you wake up in the morning."

Looking at my watch I saw that it was after twelve. So I suggested we go out for lunch, my treat, and then to the mall as I needed to buy something for my twin nieces' birthday on Tuesday.

Agreeing to my suggestion the two sisters went to change clothes while I did the same. Coming back downstairs I saw on my indoor/outdoor temperature display that the outside temperature was a bitter 18 degrees.

"Dress warmly. It's really cold outside," I shouted upstairs.

When Tracy and Pamela came back down I noticed that neither one was wearing a heavy winter jacket. They were both wearing lightweight sweaters.

"This is all we have," Tracy said to me. "All of our winter clothes were destroyed in the fire. I have some money from the insurance in my savings account to get jackets for Pamela and me at the mall. I'll make do with what I have until I can find a job."

After making sure that Gunner had food and water we left. Leaving the garage we saw almost two feet of snow on the ground even though the driveway was clear and dry.

Pamela asked me when I found the time to clear the snow from the driveway.

Answering her I explained that the driveway had system, similar to under floor radiant heating, that didn't allow snow or ice to lay on it.

"I have a cistern buried below the frost line that holds five hundred gallons of water mixed with anti-freeze." A recirculating pump pushes fifty degree water and anti-freeze mix through a series of pipes embedded in the driveway. It keeps the pavement warm enough to prevent the build-up of snow or ice." I explained to Pamela.

That answer brought about some other questions from Pamela.

"Your house is huge. How much did it cost you? How long have you lived there?"

"Pamela! Don't be so nosey. It's none of your business," Tracy admonished her.

"Hey. I don't mind answering her," I said to Tracy.

"Pamela I didn't buy the house. It was my grandparents. I inherited it after they died. I've lived in that house ever since I was five years old."

For what ever reason I did not tell them that I also inherited my grandfather's business, Secure Security Systems. We make and supply electronic security devices for homes and businesses. If you have a security system provided by companies like ADT, Security Link or any of the other large firms the equipment most likely was manufactured by my company.

A few years ago I added licensed and armed security personnel for those individuals who require that kind of protection. I only hired former veterans who have ended their service to our country. I put Dave Collins in charge to head up the operation. It has worked out well.

The rest of the trip was spent talking about the improvements I made to my home. Pamela was especially interested in the sunroom/greenhouse with all the rose bushes.

Walking the short distance to the entrance of the mall I noticed each of them shivering from the cold wind.

"Let's get something to eat before we do any shopping. It is my treat," I told them.

After finishing lunch we hit the stores. Tracy told me she would buy some winter jackets and clothes for Pamela and a jacket herself. I went into the electronics department and bought two iPad tablets for my nieces. When I returned I saw that the two sister had an assortment of things to purchase. While waiting for the sales clerk to finish with three other customers Tracy said she would run over to the ATM to make sure she had enough money in her account to pay for their purchases.

When she returned she quietly said something to Pamela and they both began to replace their selections back on the racks from which they came.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"My bank account showed only ten dollars in it. Thursday morning I deposited the insurance check to replace our destroyed property from the fire. There should have been at least three thousand dollars in it. When I checked the bank statement it showed a withdrawal of almost the entire amount. I didn't do it. The only other person who could have possibly done it was Frank. Somehow he must have gotten my password and the extra bank card I kept hidden and stole my money."