One on One

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How can a broken girl make it happen?
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I'm not a professional writer, this is just for fun. There may be a few spelling or grammar issues; sorry about that. This is a weird and slightly twisted tale. I hope you enjoy the story despite all its flaws.


Moray was sitting across from Weird Amy in the Study Hall, a room set aside for students to work and study in. Not as quiet as the Library, but not as noisy as the cafeteria. They were proofreading each other's English Lit papers. It was Friday morning and the papers were due by the end of the day. Amy always insisted on printed drafts when reviewing work. He'd rather do this on the computer because there were spell checkers and grammar checking apps that made editing easier. But it was Amy, so it wasn't worth arguing over.

He didn't agree with the premise of her essay, but he wasn't grading it, just proofing it. And she thought his concept was inane, way too mainstream, done to death by everyone who ever wrote about Dickens. But like Moray, she was just making sure there were no grammar or spelling errors. The content was up to the writer, grades were up to the teacher.

Moray was 18, a Grade 12 student at South Clarke High. With shoulder length black hair, blue eyes, of average height and scrawny build, he seemed to be mostly invisible to girls. Being shy and a target for bullies didn't help with either his self esteem or his desirability. Sure, the school had a zero tolerance rule for bullying, but that was seemingly unenforceable because those guys always watched each others' backs. The only people who got punished were the victims when they fought back.

Amy was another 18 year old senior. She had messy brown hair, too wavy to keep in a pony tail, but not curly enough to have any style, always sporting that disheveled bed-head look. Brown eyes, a slightly crooked nose, and glasses gave her face a very plain look. She dressed in baggy, poorly fitting clothes from the thrift store. Amy had discovered the secondhand clothing shop when she was 10, and picked up a blazer that was way too big for her, which just resonated with her sense of style. Ever since then, she'd been buying all her clothes there.

Everyone called her 'Weird Amy' because she was, and she was the butt of a lot of jokes and subject to a lot of teasing. Moray didn't mind hanging out with her, because she was smart, and definitely helped him with English and Art and any other classes that were more subjective than scientific. She often asked him for help with Math, Chemistry, and Physics. He was good at that kind of stuff. Another huge plus with Amy was that she never teased or bullied him.

Amy dressed weird and acted weirder. She was often singing to herself, or having bizarre arguments where she role played both sides of a debate. And she couldn't stand being physically close to anyone. She ate her lunch by herself, usually outside unless it was below freezing, and even then she'd eat outside in the snow some days. She always sat off to the side in the classrooms. She hated being touched by anyone, and would completely freak out and have a screaming meltdown when someone deliberately messed with her.

In Elementary school she'd been bullied and teased all the time. There was a group of girls whose main form of entertainment was to torture her by crowding her, hugging her, or shoving her up against a boy. Life for someone like Amy was a constant battle just to stay sane from day to day. When she ended up paired with Moray for Chemistry in Grade 9 she found someone who not only tolerated her weirdness but accepted her as who she was. And someone who would never tease or harass or bully her. He became her best friend.

Amy had finally learned how to deal with bullies when she got to high school. The only thing that would deter them was a broken nose or a bruised testicle. When some girls tried to mess with Amy she gave two of them black eyes. When one of their boyfriends took umbrage with how Amy treated his girl, he ended up with a prosthetic nut. Most people stayed away from Amy after that.

Today, Amy was sharing a table in the Student Lounge with Moray, as they worked on their English Lit essays. Jenn, one of their classmates, walked in and sat down next to a couple of other girls at a nearby table.

"God what a fuckin' day." said Jenn.

"How was your date last night?"

"You mean Sean? Jesus fuckin' christ, news travels fast."

"So what happened? Rumour has it that he ditched you in the middle of nowhere?"

"Huh. Yeah. We went to Ginos for pizza. First date, so pizza's okay I guess. But then he asked me to split the bill."

"Pffft. Not much of a date, then."

"You got that right. And then he has the unaggravated balls to demand a blowjob in the parking lot."


"Yeah, right there in the car. I said 'You gotta be kidding me' and he says 'You want a ride home or not?'"

"No way!"

"Yeah, that's what I told him. No Way. I got out of the car and he just took off. Lucky for me Shannon was home and she came and picked me up. Sometimes I hate my sister but she isn't always such a bitch."

Jenn's phone pinged and she looked at it. "Oh, I gotta run! See you later." She hurried away, and the other girls decided to leave as well. The fact that they would talk about this kind of thing right next to him left Moray wondering if he really was invisible. Invisible to girls at least. The bullies sure saw him, including Sean, the guy who was such a dick to Jenn last night.

Amy scratched at his paper a bit more with her pen and said "Not bad, just a few little changes. How's mine?"

"Almost done, last page." He finished reading the conclusion and passed it back to her. "I could only find one error. Looks like autocorrect got you. Other than that, it's fine."

"Cool. Thanks. Hey, what do you think of Jenn's story? Why are guys like that?"

Moray looked around before answering, not wanting to say things that might be overheard. "I don't know. I think Sean's an asshole. What kind of person does that? Takes you to a crummy place, makes you pay half, and then expects a blowjob?"

"Yeah, sounds like a dick move. But I guess most guys will do anything they can to get a BJ. Better than masturbation, right?"

"I wouldn't know anything about that."

"Why not? Cause you never got a blowjob, or you never masturbated?" She looked at him for a few seconds, then said "Moray is blushing." Amy leaned forward. "Which is it? The BJ or the wanking? What makes Moray blush like that?"

"Jesus, Amy. Don't be so weird."

"Hey, that's my game. Can't help it. And I still wanna know. You masturbate, don't you?"

He looked around again, no one else was nearby. "Fine, yeah, so what if I do? Everyone does."

"What about BJ's? Ever had one? Or gave one?" she asked.

"No. You know I never had a girlfriend. Just like you never had a boyfriend."

"Moray, you don't have to be hetero to get a blowjob. What difference would it make? A mouth is a mouth."

"God Amy, you're too much sometimes."

"Fine. So your answer is 'no comment'. Figures." She picked up her phone and tapped away for half a minute. Moray's phone pinged. "Read that. It's about self pleasure. I was doing some uh, research, and found it. See ya." she said as she gathered her things and left.

What the everliving fuck? thought Moray. He might be invisible to girls, but this one is sending him masturbation stories? What for? To make him even less interesting to girls? What the hell was she up to? What did she want from him? Why was she so weird?


Monday after lunch, Moray was in the library when Amy found him.

"Did you read that article over the weekend?" she whispered.

"Why are you bothering me about this?"

"Is that a yes or a no?"

"Fine, yes I read it. Happy?"

"Did you see the bit about auto-erotic oral sex?"

"Yeah. So?" He had read it. And the phrase that stuck in his mind was 'Most men, and some women, can reach their own genitals with their mouth'. That had captured his attention and made him think. And made him want to try... something. But he wasn't about to admit anything in front of Amy. Or anyone else for that matter.

"Did you try it?"

"What? No!" he said, too loudly for the Library.

"Shhhh. Why not?"

"Did you?" he asked, pushing the question back.

"Of course."

Moray sat there in shock. Did Amy just admit to trying to lick herself? What the fuck? He could not help asking the obvious question. "Did it work?"

She giggled "Yeah, it did." She looked at Moray's shocked expression and said "Tell me again that you didn't even think about trying it."

His blush was all the confirmation she needed. She looked around and saw the librarian watching them. Probably making too much noise. "Meet me after school, by the East doors. We gotta talk about this." Then she was gone, leaving Moray wondering what the fuck he was going to do. Amy knew. And she had no filters at all. What's gonna happen to him when she started blabbing around the other girls, or worse, to some guys about this? Fuck. He was dead.


There she was, sitting against the wall by the doors. Scrolling through something on her phone. "Hey Amy."

She smiled up at him, and got to her feet. "Let's go."


"My house. It's closer than yours."

"You know where I live?"

"I know all about you Moray. Where you live, your favourite food, what Universities you applied to, yadda yadda yah. Google and social media are the great levelers. We all know everything about everyone now."

He didn't know any of that stuff about Amy. Mostly because he hadn't tried to find out. In any event, he had little choice but to follow her. All she had to do was threaten to disclose what that website had instigated. Even the idea that he *might* have done it would be enough to get him beaten up twice a day for the rest of the semester.

They got to her place, a typical suburban bungalow. "Take your shoes off." she said, dropping her bag and kicking off her sneakers. Which were mismatched of course, as were her socks. One was purple and the other was red. Weird Amy.

She led him to the basement. Her room was down there. Moray wondered why she'd be living in the basement instead of upstairs. It was a big enough house she wouldn't have to be down here. But here she was. Probably part of her bizarre sense of style. And it was definitely decorated by Amy. Nothing matched, nothing went with anything else. It was just like she dressed, old random junk.

She flopped onto the bed. "Make yourself comfortable."

There was a Lay-Z-Boy and a beanbag chair and the bed. Or he could sit on the floor. He chose the recliner. He was just about to ask Amy what he was doing here when she spoke.

"Tell me about it."

"About what?"

"About your self-administered BJ, what else?"

Abso-fucking-lutely not. "You first." he said, deflecting her question.

"Okay. Well, the article said some women could lick themselves. So I tried it. It's a bit of a contortion, but I'm flexible enough."

"So, it, uh, it worked?"

"Uh huh. Got right in there."


"What'cha mean 'and'? I said it worked, didn't I? I got myself off with my tongue. Cool, huh?"


"Your turn." she said. "Tell me."

"Yeah, I tried it." he muttered, looking anywhere but at Amy.

"Tell me, Moray. I want to know."

"Okay. I guess I'm flexible enough too. I can get the end of my dick in my mouth."

"Did you get off?"


"Nice. How did it feel?"

"Uh. Good. Different. Really different."

"That's what I felt too. Better than fingers, right?"

"I guess."

"Huh. 'I guess' he says. Maybe it's different for guys. Show me."


"Show me. I wanna see you do it."

"No fucking way. I'm leaving." he said as he got up.

"No! Don't go. Wait. I-I'll go first, okay?" She sounded different all of a sudden, nervous, almost desperate, not the usual freaky in-your-face Amy. She pulled at the baggy red plaid shirt she was wearing, hauling it over her head and dropping it on the floor. Actions speak louder than words, and her actions halted Moray in his tracks. Amy wasn't wearing a bra or undershirt. So when she took off her shirt, her tits were on full display.

She never bothered with a bra, they were too constricting and uncomfortable. And her breasts were small and firm enough that she didn't need any support. Her nipples were small, with light brown areolas around them. These were the first real live tits Moray had ever seen. Until now, this kind of stuff was all online, or theoretical.

Amy stood up and unpinned the kilt she was wearing over top of her ragged jeans. That fell away and she kicked it aside as she undid her belt. The oversized baggy jeans slid down without even undoing them, being held up solely by the belt. Her panties were white cotton briefs with fire hydrants on them. Weird but not surprising. She hooked her thumbs in the waistband and hesitated.

"I go, then you go. Right?"

Moray nodded mutely as he slowly sank back into the recliner. He was confused and conflicted. This was Weird Amy, who never touched anyone. The Ultimate Loner. And yeah, she was acting VERY weird. But she had tits. And she was showing them to him. And stripping off her - holy fuck, she was naked, apart from the mismatched socks and the glasses. He could see her pussy now. She was furry down there, lots of short reddish brown hair. "Jesus." he muttered, as he tried to surreptitiously rearrange is now rock-hard dick in his pants.

"So, they didn't get into specifics or anything in the article, but I found some videos online. You gotta like tuck your legs under your arms to reach." And she did, curling up into an impossible looking human pretzel on the bed. And holy fuck, he could see everything! She was wide open, legs splayed out, pussy fully spread. This was the first pussy he'd ever seen, and it was just like the porn videos he watched. No, this was better than porn, this was real!

Amy leaned her head down to her crotch and started licking herself. She lapped away for a minute then pulled back to say "I can't get my tongue inside, but I can lick my clit. Feels so good." Her head dropped back down, tongue busy at the apex of her sex. Then she brought a hand to her pussy and started rubbing her fingers up and down her labia. When she slipped a finger inside, Moray groaned. This was so fucking weird, and so fucking hot at the same time!

Having an audience intensified what Amy was feeling, and she worked herself to an orgasm in only a few minutes. Her tongue slithered back and forth over her clit, as her fingers plunged in and out of her pussy. Faster and faster went her tongue, her clit now visible and glistening as it throbbed in time with her heartbeat. Eyes on Moray, she continued to pleasure herself. Her fingering showed him that she was wet and getting wetter. She whimpered and shook through her peak, tongue and fingers working their magic on her pussy. With a groan, she unrolled and flopped bonelessly on the bed. "Holy fuck Moray. That was so good."

A minutes or so later, during which time he studied Amy's nakedness, she stirred and pushed herself up on her elbows. He'd been trying to commit everything he saw to memory for later masturbation sessions. Porn was good, but this was better. A real live naked girl!

"Your turn." she said. "You need the bed?"

"Uh, I think the beanbag chair might work better." He got up, and winced as his dick was pinched in his pants. He was shy about showing off any of his body. All too often the bullies at school had shamed him and that kind of negative reinforcement was tough to overcome. Moray pulled his shirt off, then undid and dropped his pants. Amy was still naked, which was enough of an incentive to make him peel down his briefs. She watched him intently as he undressed.

When his cock popped out and bounced into view Amy's eyes went wide. "Moray, wow man, you're like, huge! I guess I gotta call you Moray EEL from now on, eh?"

"Uh, I'm not, really." He was a little bigger than average, but not porn star material.

"Yeah, maybe so, but it looks pretty big to me. No wonder you can reach it, huh?"

Moray slouched down into the beanbag chair. Yes, this would work. It actually forced his back into the proper curvature to help him get down that far. When he'd tried this the other day, he'd stroked himself until he was close and just finished off with his mouth. But having seen Amy get naked, lick herself, and then orgasm, well, shit, he was almost ready to cum right now. He stroked himself for a minute to make sure he was close, the lowered his head to his crotch.

It was a stretch, not easy to do, and he could barely breathe with his rib-cage compressed like that. Then again, he was so close to cumming it wouldn't be for long, so holding his breath was fine. He got the end of his cock in his mouth, and swiped his tongue across it, sweeping up the precum that had been oozing out. That was a taste he'd been surprised about. It was quite good. Much better than his actual cum, which had a strange taste and weird slimy texture. The fat firm rubbery head felt so strange in his mouth, and his lips and tongue were amazingly stimulating. Movement distracted him, and he saw Amy crouching down in front of him.

"I couldn't see anything from back there." she said. Moray could see her tits and her pussy too, as she squatted in front of him, peering closely at what he was doing. That view of her was fucking phenomenal, and he felt that familiar tingling that presaged an orgasm. He moaned through his mouthful of cock at the sight of her so close. Then Amy's hand covered her pussy. He thought that maybe she was shy about having him see her so close. But then he noticed that her hand was not hiding her sex, it was moving, and she was playing with herself. He could now see her shoving her fingers into her pussy, masturbating furiously as she watched him.

That did it. The whole erotic weirdness of the situation, her nakedness, and the very new and amazing feeling of sucking the end of his own cock was all he needed and he started cumming. The hot jets of semen shot into his mouth, and he swirled his tongue around the head of his cock, adding more stimulation to his orgasm. Sucking out the last drops, he uncurled and sat up. His breath whistled through his nose, mouth still full of cum, then he downed it. He still wasn't used to the taste, but it wasn't all that bad.

"Jesus FUCK Moray! You swallowed." Her hand was slapping wetly at her pussy now, hammering her fingers into herself, the sight of what Moray just did triggering her own orgasmic peak. Amy shuddered and tensed up, sat down heavily on the floor, then sprawled on her back. She lay there, oblivious to his gaze as he watched her slowly stroke her fingers over her pussy, enjoying the pleasant after-effects of a resounding orgasm.

A minute or so later she stirred and sat up. "That was the absolute coolest thing ever. Was it good?"

"Yeah. It was awesome. God Amy, you're amazing."

"Show me how you jack off."


"You're still hard, show me how you do it. I'll show you how I do it too." She got back on her bed and sat down, deliberately spreading her legs to show him her pussy again. Definitely Weird Amy, and not shy, not at all.

That sight was enough for him to start touching himself. He watched intently as Amy began to masturbate, fingers delving into her very wet pussy. His hands began their work as well. Stroking slowly, enjoying the feeling as the sight of Amy fingering herself sent his libido into overdrive. They both gradually sped up their motions, breath coming faster, lubrication flowing, those tingling feelings soaring higher and higher.

The wet sounds of Amy's fingers working her pussy was just the impetus Moray needed. He didn't often cum twice; usually when that post-orgasmic lethargy set in, he was done. With the stimulation of watching Amy, he found himself approaching orgasm again. He shifted off the beanbag and onto his knees, to allow him to thrust his hips forward. He held his breath as he came, tensing up, each thrust of his cock into his hand sending a looping glob of cum into the air. Most of it landed on Amy's discarded kilt, but the farthest shot hit her foot.