One Orgasm At A Time 01

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A woman is forced to give back all the orgasms she stole.
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It was the best sex toy Dolly had ever had. Even after a month, she was using her Sensationaliser every chance she got, pleasuring herself again and again until her body couldn't take any more.

Her friend Dix had told her about it. "There's a cock that goes inside you, that you can enlarge or shrink. And a sort of tail that teases your arse. And..." here Dix tailed off, eyes closing and a blissful look appearing on her face.


Dix opened her eyes and smiled. "And the suction bit will make you swear off men -- and women! -- forever." She gave a sigh. "I'd marry mine, if I didn't already have a husband."

Dolly had been sceptical. She loved sex -- touching and feeling another person, smelling their scent, tasting their body, sharing their warmth. No lifeless toy could possibly replace that.

And yet here she was, a month later, and it seemed the Sensationaliser had barely left her pussy. Climax after climax it had given her, in every way possible. It teased and pleased her, it fingered her, filled her, fucked her, sucked her. It brought her to the brink, held her there, then let her crash over, again and again.

And when she had enough, all it asked was to be put in its charging cradle. It didn't snore, or hog the bed, or wander off for a piss. It did its job and didn't complain.

And it was about to do its job now. Dolly had called in sick, showered and returned to her bedroom. The Sensationaliser's power light was a steady green. Fully charged.

"Good morning, lover," Dolly murmured as she took it from its cradle. "I see you've recovered your energy. Are you ready to get to work?"

She pressed the power button and the device hummed to life in her hand. Just the feeling gave her a tingle. Today I'm going to do nothing but play with myself.

Throwing the rumpled sheets and blankets to one side, she crawled onto the bed. Her bare skin was still slightly slippery from the oil she'd rubbed into it after her shower. The light from her bedside lamp gleamed softly on it.

She lay on her back and spread her legs. "Now, lover, show me what you've got."

The bulbous head glided along her lips, humming gently to itself. It was heated -- Dix hadn't mentioned that -- and it wasn't long before Dolly felt herself become slick. Soft sounds of moisture joined the Sensationaliser's muted buzz.

She'd planned to draw out her first orgasm of the day. Let it build up slowly, teasing herself and holding off the climax until it burst free. Now, though, she found herself impatient. A quickie, that was what she wanted. After all, she had the whole day to enjoy herself.

Pressing the toy's head against her entrance, she felt herself spread as it slid inside. Groping around, she found the remote control and fingered the "Larger" button. The toy grew, stretching her until pleasure was on the verge of pain.

Holding the toy in place, she pressed another button on the remote and gasped as she felt the silicon lips suck at her button. There was a licking function too, but that wasn't what she wanted just now.

The first spark of her orgasm awoke, and she quickly let the pressure build. Soon she was writhing on the bed, her legs twisting, her heels digging into the mattress. Undeterred, her lover kept going, patiently sucking until the fire exploded inside her, racing through her body and making her limbs spasm, bursting from her mouth in a guttural cry of ecstasy, then dwindling into shivers that ebbed and flowed through her from head to toe.

Gasping, she collapsed onto the bed. Her face was damp, and her breath rasped in her throat. She pulled the Sensationaliser from between her legs and turned it off. "Thank you," she whispered as she returned it to its cradle. "I needed that."

"Not as much as the person you stole it from."

Dolly sat upright with a squawk, arms groping for a sheet to cover her nakedness. Who...? The voice was female, but no-one she recognised. "Who are you?" she demanded. And how did they get into my bedroom?

Knees pulled up, back pressed against the headboard, she tried to make herself as small as possible with the sheet pulled up around her. She blinked hastily, peering into the gloom that the small bedside lamp couldn't banish. At last she made out three figures, although they seemed to materialise out of thin air as she looked.

They were female, she thought, and dressed in robes. The one on the left was in bright red, the one on the right in a soft silver. The middle one, taller than her companions, was in a bright gold that appeared to leap out and stab at Dolly's eyes, even in the dim lamplight.

"Wh-- who are you?" Dolly asked again as she arranged the sheet over her ankles and feet.

The three women's features were hidden by deep hoods, and their hands were tucked inside wide sleeves.

"Tell her!" the one in red whispered.

"Pandora," the tall one began, and Dolly gave a start when she realised that she was being addressed by name, "thief of orgasms."

"Thief," the last one murmured. "Orgasms." She sounded pleased.

Dolly felt her mouth work wordlessly. Her mind fought to find some kind of grip on the situation, but failed.

The silence dragged on, until the one in red spoke again. "Come on, come on! We all know where this is going."

The middle one's head turned slightly, as if in disapproval. Then she turned back to Dolly. "Thief of orgasms I name you, for that is what you are." There was an intensity in her voice. "How many orgasms have you stolen from those that deserved them more?"

"Stolen?" Dolly managed at last. "How-- I've just been... playing with myself." Despite herself, she cast a guilty look at the Sensationaliser.

"Playing," sighed the one in silver. "Hmm."

"With yourself!" The words exploded out of the one in gold in a hiss. "Selfishly!"

"So selfish," breathed the woman in red. "All that playing, all by yourself." Her head had turned towards the Sensationaliser. Dolly thought she looked like a cat about to pounce.

"Who are you?" she asked again. "How can I have stolen orgasms?"

"We are the Three Aspects of Orgasm!" the tall one boomed. She seemed to become even taller, rising and towering up over the bed.

"Arousal," the one in red moaned.

"Climax!" the middle one cried.

"Satisfaction," the final one murmured. It sounded like she was trying to stifle a yawn.

"And you," Climax spat, raising a hand to point at Dolly, "you have caused an orgasmic imbalance!"

Dolly gaped. I've done what? She noticed that Arousal's head had turned to her, and realised that she'd let the sheet slip. She can see right between my legs. The thought didn't upset her, though, and she even found herself shifting her feet to provide a better view.

"An orgasmic imbalance in space and time!" Climax was shouting now, arms raised over her head. "We have had to divert orgasms from other people -- people more deserving, people who work for their orgasms!" Her breath was loud and throaty. "You stole them, and you will give them BACK!" With a final roar, she seemed to relax, still breathing heavily, but calmer now.

"Hmmm," sighed Satisfaction. "Give them back."

Dolly felt her mouth start to form a question, but Arousal beat her to it.

"You will find them all, and you will fuck them." She leaned forward, almost radiating hunger. "You will fuck them, suck them, do whatever it takes. Use your hands, your mouth --" her voice was a deep moan "-- every hole in your body. You will let them use you, until--"

Now it was Climax who broke in. "Until you give them the orgasm that you owe them."

"Wouldn't that be nice?" Satisfaction sighed happily to herself. The others ignored her.

Dolly roused herself to sit on her knees. The sheet had slipped all the way off, revealing her naked body to the gaze of the three Aspects, but she didn't care. "Now wait, I'm not going to do that! I mean, I enjoy a good fuck as much as anyone--" more than most, in fact "-- but I have responsibilities. I can't just--"

Everything goes black and silent, as if she's suspended in space.

Faintly, as if through a thick curtain, she hears Arousal's voice. "Do you think she'd mind if I took that?"

Another eternal moment of blackness, then--

"-- go around looking for..." The words petered out as she realised that she wasn't in her bedroom anymore.

Instead, she was standing on a carefully manicured lawn, surrounded by tall trees on two sides. On the third side the grass met a gentle stream that babbled cheerfully on its way past. On the fourth, a row of shrubs cut into imaginative -- and lewd, Dolly noticed -- shapes led to a gravel path.

At the centre of the lawn stood a pergola, overgrown with creeping vines that were ripe with white blossoms that filled the air with a strong perfume.

The air was warm -- much warmer than it had any right to be on an early morning in late autumn. But then, it couldn't be early morning, Dolly thought, not with the sun so high in the sky.

That was just as well, because she was still naked, with the sheet clutched in her hand by the corner. The air caressed her skin, gliding between her calves and blowing softly between her thighs.

What's happened? Am I dreaming?

The whole situation seemed unreal. It had to be a dream, surely? One moment she'd been in bed, talking to those-- those whatever they were. Aspects of Orgasm?

Still, there was none of that numbness that she associated with her dreams, none of that feeling of removal. Her senses were all working, all registering impressions and sending them to her brain.

She felt the grass beneath her bare feet, scratching her soles and tickling between her toes. The soft breeze stroked her skin, and when she looked down she saw it stirring the short curly hairs below her stomach, still sticky from before.

Her ears registered the splashes of the water in the stream and the cry of a bird somewhere in the trees, and her nose filled with the flowers' perfume, and underneath it the scent of grass. Her tongue remembered the cup of coffee she'd had before showering.

This wasn't a dream.

"Fuck." Or not, as the case may be. She raised her voice. "Hello? Is there anyone there?"

Silence, except for the stream's babbling reply.

"Hello? Anyone want to fuck?"

She was about to call out again when she noticed that the sound of the stream had changed. It was less, somehow. Running her mind back, she realised that it had actually been two sounds, and one of them had stopped.

It had been the sound of someone sobbing.

Dolly turned to the pergola, the only place where it could have come from, and wound the sheet around her body. Stepping forward, she carefully pushed aside the hanging creepers and peered through.

A woman was sitting on a stone bench, face in her hands. Dark chestnut hair was piled up on top of her head in an elaborate style, revealing a pale neck and trembling shoulders above an old-fashioned dress in a delicate yellow.

Dolly hesitated for a moment, then made a decision. If it's a dream, then I might as well take control and enjoy it. And if it's not... Well, then I only have one choice anyway.

She brushed aside the creepers and stepped through. The other woman looked up as she approached, revealing a pretty face streaked with tears. On the bench beside her was a folded piece of paper, covered with scrawled writing. It began with "Dear Jane".

"Wh--" the woman -- Jane? -- started before breaking off, her eyes taking in Dolly's nearly naked form. Her mouth formed a silent "O" and she clutched delicate hands to her bosom.

She was quite beautiful, Dolly thought, and deliberately dropped the sheet. The "O" became larger, as did the dark, soulful eyes.

Those eyes took her in. She knew what they saw. Her mane of golden curls. Her large blue eyes, prominent cheekbones, full red lips that were set in a permanent pout. The smooth skin of her chest that swelled into two firm breasts -- a little larger than a handful to most men -- topped with firm, pink nipples. The soft femininity of her belly and the dusting of light brown curls beneath that could never conceal the pink lips between her pale thighs.

Naked, her mind resolute, Dolly stepped forward and knelt on the grass before the other woman. She fixed her gaze on those dark eyes, and gently placed her hands on the yellow dress. She felt a flinch in the thighs beneath her fingers.

"Shh," she whispered. "I'm here for you."

"Are you--?" The other woman darted a glance at the distant trees. "Are you a nymph?"

Her accent sounded as old-fashioned as her dress. Posh, and despite her obvious nervousness it was clear she had no doubts about her place in this world. The tears had dried on her cheeks, Dolly noticed.

Sure, why not? she thought. If this girl believes it, at least I won't have to come up with an excuse.

Out loud she said, "A nymph I am, Jane, and I am here to give you pleasure." She tried to mimic the other woman's speech, dragging up memories of how people in those BBC costume dramas sounded. It came out strange. Deciding to say as little as possible, she slid her hands along the thighs before her and pressed outward. "Let me."

"You know my name!" The woman bit her lip. After a moment's hesitation the legs spread, and she slowly pulled her dress up. The look on her face was nervous, but underlaid with eagerness.

Dolly leaned in, hoping to finish the job as quickly as possible and return to her own life. She pulled back, however, when she realised that Jane wasn't done. There were more layers of material needed to be raised -- petticoats, Dolly supposed. In a strange way having to wait was arousing, and she found herself holding her breath in anticipation.

At last Jane's legs were revealed. Stockings of fine pale wool covered them to above the knee, with small yellow bows at the top. Above that smooth white skin appeared, firm and plump in equal measure, and very inviting.

Jane pulled the last layer of clothing up, then hesitated. Her legs were pressed together. Dolly glanced up, putting a reassuring smile on her face. "Jane," she whispered, letting her breath stroke the bare thighs. "Jane."

After another moment the legs parted. Dolly wasn't sure what she'd expected -- her knowledge of intimate hygiene in historical times was limited -- but she was pleased to see a neatly trimmed bush, the hairs as glossy as those on Jane's head.

She leaned forward and inhaled. Lavender filled her nostrils, and underneath the warm scent of femininity. Breathing out again, she looked up. Jane was gazing down at her over folds of dress that were bunched up around her waist. Dolly smiled again, and Jane gave a shy smile in return.

With her eyes still on the other woman's, Dolly opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue. It met soft curls, and she pressed it down. Above her, Jane gave a sound that was somewhere between a gasp and a whimper. Her eyes closed and she leaned her head back. Then it came forward again, and her gaze locked with Dolly's. Any sign of nervousness seemed to have gone.

Dolly's tongue explored further, forcing its way through the hair until it encountered warm flesh. The other woman's folds parted willingly and Dolly tasted her tangy sweetness. Raising her hands, she grasped the smooth thighs and dug her fingers into the soft flesh. Jane gasped again, trembled, shifted her position on the stone bench.

Dolly was enjoying herself, she realised. Despite the sudden strangeness of the situation, despite her unwillingness to be coerced into sex, she relished how Jane was responding to her tongue. A weight on her head revealed itself to be a hand, and fingers twined in her hair and pressed her face forward.

The woman's arousal was flowing more and more easily, letting Dolly's tongue glide up and down from her entrance to her button. Gasps turned to soft moans, which then became gasps again.

A hair stuck to the roof of Dolly's mouth, but she didn't care. Jane was getting close, she sensed, her body searching for release but trying to hold it back for as long as possible.

Dolly concentrated her efforts on the woman's clit, hard and swollen and easy to draw into her mouth. In and out, in and out, sucking it with her lips and flicking it with her tongue. Jane was letting out keening moans now, both hands in Dolly's hair, hips bucking against her face.

Dolly moaned into Jane's pussy, feeling her own excitement course through her body like electricity. She shifted her knees, rubbing her legs together. This only heightened her arousal. She imagined how Jane's lips would feel on her pussy, how her fingers would feel as they slid along her gash to find her entrance...

But now Jane's fingers were clutching at her head, clawing at her scalp. The keening sound choked off, and the thighs in Dolly's hands stiffened and pressed against the sides of her face.

Dolly sucked the woman's button into her mouth, feeling her shiver and spasm again and again, hearing a high-pitched cry of "Yes! Yess!", then "Nooo, no more..."

Gently Dolly let the softening button slip from between her lips, kissed it, stroked the thighs as they unclenched and relaxed. With a deep sigh Jane's body sagged back onto the bench. Dolly looked up. The hair was still stuck to the inside of her mouth, and she felt the stickiness on her calves where her own arousal had leaked out.

Jane looked down through lidded eyes. A look of contentment spread across her face like sunrise. She leaned down, opening her mouth to speak--

Everything goes black and silent, as if she's suspended in space.

A familiar voice sighs happily. Satisfaction.

The grass under Dolly's knees felt different. Rougher, more uneven. A cool breeze stroked her skin with rough fingers. She was still naked, with the sheet bunched around one ankle.

"Fuck!" Her body was tingling with excitement. She tasted Jane on her lips, her tongue. The woman's hair was stubbornly stuck inside her mouth. "Fuck!"

Cursing in frustration she rose to her feet and pulled the sheet up around her. Tying one of the corners into a knot above her breasts she looked around at a scene that was a world away from Jane's garden.

The sun was just above the horizon, separated from her by an expanse of gently rolling grassland. Wherever she looked, all she saw was blue sky and green grass, relieved only by tufts of cloud and the patterns that the wind made as it teased the grassland.

There was no-one in sight.

"Well, this is just fucking brilliant." Dolly turned around, gazing out over the empty landscape. High above a wide-winged bird hovered. "How am I supposed to give someone an orgasm if there's no-one here?"

It was tempting to reach underneath the sheet and stroke herself. Her body ached for release, for the sweet ecstasy of orgasm. Here, in the empty wilderness, with only the sun and the wind on her skin, she could plunge her fingers into herself until she exploded.

But of course that was what had got her into this mess in the first place. Too many self-induced orgasms. And while she wasn't sure whether playing with herself now could make her situation even worse, she wasn't willing to find out.

Instead she concentrated on working Jane's hair loose. It was a useful distraction, right up until she managed to spit it out. Then all that was left was the scent of the other woman on her face, and memory brought another surge of frustration.

She opened her mouth to call again when she became aware that the pounding wasn't just in her ears. It was in the soles of her feet as well, a rhythmic thumping against the undersides of her feet like a sound that was felt but not heard.

It didn't take long to find out what the source was. A black shape emerged over a dip in the ground that was indistinguishable from the grassland around it. The shape became a floppy hat of tanned hide, then a head, then the body of a man on a pony.