Operation: Rigid Pt. 30

Story Info
Final competition; Run for the border; Confrontation; Escape.
12k words

Part 30 of the 32 part series

Updated 05/31/2024
Created 05/01/2024
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Fighting for Freedom

I gently tugged Val to a stop in front of an unnumbered door between the lobby and room number two. I suspected the unmarked door opened into Octavio's apartment, because the room seemed bigger than the others, and there was a door behind the counter in the lobby that almost certainly opened into the room.

After a quick glance around to make sure no one was watching, and the room's curtains were tightly closed in case I was wrong about it being Octavio's apartment, I pulled my weapon and handed it to her. Carrying a weapon in Mexico was a quick ticket to jail, and I had no way to conceal it when I began to undress. She took it without comment and tucked it away under her blouse, in the small of her back, beside her own weapon. My pistol rehidden, we entered the field of battle. Octavio, along with Lucía and Rocío, were standing just inside the room, the two women with their hips cocked, waiting for us to arrive. They stared at me expectantly. I pulled my pesos from my pocket.

"Since there's two of you, it's a thousand each, right?" I asked.

"Yes... per hour," Rocío said. I quickly counted off four thousand, handing one to each of the woman and the remainder to Val. "Where's the rest," Rocío demanded as she and Lucía tucked their money into their clutches.

"You haven't earned it yet," I said as I began opening my shirt.

"Not that. The fifteen for the trip to Brownsville."

"You'll get it," I promised.

"You gave Lucía hers."

"That was before I knew you worked for an asshole, and we weren't leaving right away." I glared at Octavio as I removed my loafers. "You'll get it."

"I want it now, like Lucía," she demanded.

"For fucks sake," Val grumbled as she pulled out her wad of pesos and quickly counted out fifteen thousand before slapping the bills on the table as Rocío, Lucía, and I continued to undress. "Satisfied?" she demanded.

With a smile, Rocío gathered the money and placed it in her purse before she turned to me as I shoved my pants down, her eyes widening slightly as I tossed my pants onto the dresser with my shirt. "Oh my God! Look at the size of his cock," she breathed as her gaze swept me from head to foot.

"Yeah," Lucía purred while playing with the chain by dragging its links along her breasts and over her nipples, "along with the rest of him." Her gaze shifted to Val. "You're getting this every night?"

Val's smile was smug. "Every night... and morning," she cooed.

"Now I really hope you can fuck as good as you look," Rocío purred as she tossed aside her ultra short skirt and began working on removing her pussy high boots, the fabric joining the pile of her and Lucía's clothes in the chair.

Both women were on the thick side, but pleasantly so. Lucía's hair was showing a few streaks of grey in the brightness of the room that I hadn't noticed in the fading light outside, along with a few wrinkles. Time and gravity had done their work on her large, natural breasts, but they were still going to be wrapped around my cock before we were done.

Rocío's breasts were also natural, though slightly smaller than Lucía's, and she was the more fuckable of the two, with her firmer breasts and tighter ass, but both were looking at me in a way that spoke of their confidence in pleasing a man.

"You have condoms?" I asked as I stepped out of my pants to leave all three of us undressed.

Both women again picked up their tiny purses before tossing a handful of condoms on the table. I picked one up, leaving the other ten on the table. "Think that's enough?" Lucía asked, her tone sneery.

I nodded. "Should be."

The two women snickered as they again glanced at each other. "Should be? If you use all those, I'll drive you to Brownsville for free," Lucía said.

Rocío nodded. "And I'll help her."

"No... I meant you probably won't last long enough for me to use them all." They stared at me in clear amusement, probably having heard the same sort of shit from most men.

Rocío sauntered up to me before gripping my cock in a tight fist, causing me to hiss as she pressed herself against me. "Big talk. I hope your cock can back it up because my pussy is hungry for your big, hard cock."

"How are we going to do this?" I growled while pinching one of her nipples just hard enough that she tipped her head back with a gasp of pleasure tinged with pain, silently warning her I could play rough too. "One at a time, or all together?"

Rocío and Lucía looked at each other and smiled. "You start him," Lucía purred. "If he can fuck like he thinks he can, I want to see how much of your shit talk is true... and how much of it is just shit."

Rocío nodded before she turned her attention back to me. "If you start slapping me around or hurting me, the deal's off," she growled, still gripping my cock tightly.

"Same goes for me," Lucía said as she backed away to give Rocío and me some room.

"The only slapping I'll be doing will be my balls against your ass," I rumbled.

"I hope your big cock likes fucking a pussy long and hard," Rocío sneered as she backed onto the bed, pulling me along by my cock, "because after you running your mouth, if it doesn't, not only am I keeping your money, but I'm going to be pissed too."

"Careful what you wish for," I warned, my tone threatening.

There was no humor in her smile as it widened. "No man has ever been able to fully satisfy me. You think you're man enough to be the first?"

I ripped open the small square of plastic, tossed the wrapper onto the floor, and then rolled its contents over my cock. "You're about to find out," I rumbled as I glanced around the room.

With Lucía claiming the other bed, Octavio had settled into one of the two chairs beside the window, the one that didn't contain the women's clothes. He'd stretched his legs out in front of him and I noticed that a wet spot was already forming on his crouch. As Rocío and I softly snarled at each other, Val had hopped up to sit on the dresser, watching us with the same indifference I'd seen on her face during the games, the only difference being now is she wasn't on alert as if expecting trouble.

"You better save some of that big cock for me," Lucía cooed as she settled on the other bed, her fingers slowly playing in her wetness.

Rocío squirmed back in the bed before rising to her knees while pulling on my cock. I joined her on the large bed. "If you wanted some of it, you shouldn't have let me go first," she purred as she slowly stroked my rod.

"Guillermo," Val said softly. She held my gaze a moment before looking at Octavio as he slowly caressed the bulge in his pants. "Last chance to stop this before he ruins your whores," she said, her gaze never leaving Octavio's face. Her voice was soft but full of steel.

He smiled, but it didn't reach his eyes. "Talk is cheap." His gaze shifted to his whores. "If you fuck him soft, I'll give each of you a thousand."

"A thousand?" Rocío said, her voice incredulous. "Against his fifteen?"

He smiled at Val. "She gets the same deal as Lucía, right? That means they get the fifteen regardless. That's what Lucía agreed to."

Val held his gaze for a long moment before nodding once and turning her attention to Rocío. "That's the deal," she confirmed, but then smiled. "I wouldn't count on spending that thousand if I were you." Her attention then slid to me. "Leave no doubt," she continued softly.

Rocío smirked as I nodded once before I tumbled to my back. "The only thing in doubt is if he can last five minutes before I have him coming all over the fucking place," she purred as she waited for me to settle.

A moment later my cock was in her mouth with her breasts mashed against my hips, my hands on her head as I face fucked her furiously, her bubbling coughs, squelches, and slurps mingling with my rumbles of effort our only sounds. Normally I'd be eating the woman's pussy as she sucked me, but there was no way I was kissing this bitch, anywhere, afraid my tongue would rot off... or worse. What was it Mike had called it... 'gonnaherpesyphillis'... or some fucking thing?

I face fucked her hard and fast until she started to struggle, pressing against my legs with clenched fists, or hitting me, as she tried to power out of my grip. I released her head, allowed her to throw her head back to catch her breath, and then after a couple of gasping pants, I again forced my cock between her lips and down her throat to resume where we'd stopped. After the third reputation, she fought my attempt to force my cock back into her mouth.

"Fuck!" she coughed, her voice raspy as she tried to scramble away, her face flushed and shiny with drool and tears.

I shoved her to her back as I followed her tumble, ramming my fingers into her tunnel as she seized my cock to stroke it furiously. We stared into each other's eyes with bared teeth, hissing and snarling, our faces twisted with effort, pleasure, and lust, as we masturbated each other furiously. I didn't want to come before her, and while my tumble with Val this morning had helped take the edge off, Rocío's feverish strokes, snarls of pleasure, and the fast rippling of her breasts as she stroked me, were pushing me toward rapture.

I was nearly at my limit when she wailed loudly, her voice starting with a growl before filling the room with the sound of her release as she furiously thrust her hips at the ceiling, her wetness splattering over her body and my forearm with the swiftness of my plunging fingers.

"Fuck!" she howled as she strained, her face twisted with profound pleasure. She tried to keep stroking me as I continued plunging my fingers into her as fast as I could, but failed, her pussy making wet, puddly sounds as her nectar splattered. "Fuck! Stop!" she cried as her ass crashed back to the mattress and she twisted away. "Fuck..." she gasped as she lay on her side, her back to me as she pulled her knees up and gripped her pussy.

I slapped her firmly, but not painfully, on the ass as I backed off the bed, ripping away the shredded remains of my condom as I did. I threw the tatters to the thinly carpeted floor before walking around the bed Lucía was watching us from, her fingers slowly caressing her womanhood, the sheen of her desire clearly visible.

I stepped over Octavio's legs as he remained stretched out in the chair, but now his shirt and pants were open to reveal a thick covering of black and grey hair from balls to neck as he slowly stroked his cock, his lubrication making his hand and shaft gleam. He was staring at Val as she completely ignored him. I didn't like the attention he was paying her but said nothing. Of the three women in the room, Valencia was by far the sexiest.

I retrieved another condom from those scattered on the table, but after a moment of thought, I picked up four more and carried them to the small table between the beds. As I rewrapped my member, Rocío rolled to her back as she kicked and twisted to turn her legs toward me.

"Fuck," she murmured with a smile. "You actually made me come." Her smile spread slightly. "That hasn't happened in a while."

"Want some more?" I rumbled, secretly pleased with myself. I had no respect for a man that couldn't make a woman come... even if she was a whore.

"Oh fuck, yeah," she purred as she reached between her legs and used her fingers to open her tunnel for me. "I'm not going to fake it with you, so let's see if you can do it again with that big cock of yours."

I grabbed one of the pillows and placed it on the edge of the bed before seizing her legs and dragging her to the brink of the mattress, placing her ass on the pillow as I did. I lined myself up, but her position still wasn't right. I slapped her pussy with my cock a couple of times, causing both of us to gasp and snarl with pleasure, before I stuffed the bed's second pillow under her ass. With her legs to either side of my hips, I stood with my legs against the edge of the bed, holding her hip with one hand while rapidly slapping my cock against her pussy with the other, every impact sending a searing bolt of pleasure skittering along my nerves.

"Fuck! Give it to me! Put it in! Give me that big cock!" Rocío begged as she grabbed my rod and tried to steer it into her pussy. The moment she had the head in, I lunged deep, causing her to wail softly. "Fuck!" she cried as I pressed in hard. "He's so fucking big!" I pulled back and lunged deep a second time. "Oh my God! Holy fuck! It's so big and deep!" she snarled as she pushed hard against my legs. I allowed her to push me back slightly before I ground deep again. "Fuck!" she gasped as she began to relax. "Fuck..." she breathed as she glared at me, her lust and need evident on her face. "It's in there. It's all fucking in there," she snarled. "Now give it to me! Fuck the shit out of me with that big cock!" she wailed, her voice becoming louder and more demanding with every word as I began pounding into her. "That's it! Give me every millimeter of that fucking cock!"

I set a fast but steady place as she gasped and moaned, her large breasts sloshing as her face twisted in a mixture of pleasure and pain. My flesh was just beginning to glow when Lucía melted into my back.

"Fuck that bitch," she purred as she slid around me to gently scratch my balls as she licked the sweat from my chest and teased my cock with the chain.

"Fuck," I rumbled, my head tipping back as my pleasure surged with her touch.

"Give it to me," Rocío hissed as she glared at me. "I want that fucking cock to come in my pussy! Give it to me! Give my pussy all your come!"

"You going to come?" Lucía breathed as she returned to my back, pressing against me as her fingers erotically tormented my nipples. "I want to see that big cock throbbing as it comes."

"Fuck," I rumbled again. I began pounding into Rocío even harder as my body took what it desired.

"That's it," Lucía cooed. "Fuck her harder!"

"Give me that cock!" Rocío added, her voice harsh and demanding.

I shook my head. "Shit! I'm going to fucking come!"

With one hand still teasing my nipple, Lucía reached around me to repeatedly drag her nails gently across my tightening balls, as the chain dangling from her neck kissed my fast-plunging cock. "Do it," she purred. "Come all over her. I want to see how much come that big cock holds."

"Fuck..." I rumbled before bending at the hips and falling to the bed over Rocío, driving her deeper into the mattress with my weight.

Rocío wrapped me up as I began pounding into her harder and faster than I could while standing. She wailed softly as I levered up on stiff arms, her large, soft breasts crushed into my sweaty chest as I lifted her shoulders from the mattress. Between Rocío's tits pressed tightly against my chest, her soft grunts and huffs, the tightness of her pussy, and Lucía's nails softly scratching my nuts as she used the chain to caress my back and ass, I was being overwhelmed.

"Fuck!" I snarled. "They're making me come!"

"Give it to her!" Lucía cooed. "Give her that big cock!"

"I can't hold it! They're making me come!" I snarled as I dropped back to the bed and began power fucking Rocío.

With a barking snarl, I lunged back, trying to get my cock out of Rocío's pussy before I came, but Lucía had other ideas. With Rocío still clinging to me, I was unable to get clear before Lucía rammed her hips against my ass, driving my rod back into Rocío's channel, our sharp cries of pleasure with my sudden deep plunge loud in the room.

"Don't you fucking pull out!" Lucía snarled. "You keep that cock in her pussy and fuck her!"

"Give me that fucking cock!" Rocío sneered as she furiously worked her hips, my cock plunging and sliding into her wetness as she fucked me.

With a snarl, I tried to lunge backward again, desperate to pull my cock out of Rocío's channel before I came, but Lucía was still leaning into me from behind. With another hard thrust of her hips, she slammed against my ass and drove my cock back into Rocío. Wailing in erotic pain, I levered up to brace on stiff arms as Rocío clasped herself tightly to me while squirming her hips, her pussy fucking my cock furiously as Lucía leaned against me to pin my legs to the edge of the mattress.

"Fuck her!" Lucía snarled as she reached around me to grip my shaft.

"Fucking bitch!" I howled as I began pounding into Rocío. Overwhelmed with lust, I fucked her savagely as she held herself tightly to my chest, the pillows lifting and supporting her hips so they were in the perfect position for a hard fucking. "I'm coming! I'm coming in your fucking pussy!"

I roared in erotic agony as I powered through my rapture, still pounding my cock into Rocío as I filled the condom with my seed. I bellowed in rapture, the pleasure of fucking her as I orgasmed searing in its intensity. She began to wail, her cry starting soft but rapidly growing in volume as I continued slamming my rod into her as hard and fast as I could, her howl of completion joining my own roars of pleasure.

"Keep fucking her!" Lucía cheered.

"I'm coming," Rocío mewled. "I'm still coming."

"Don't stop," Val growled. "Keep fucking that bitch until you break her."

With a hard and deep grunt, I rammed my cock deep, panting from my exertions and rapture as Rocío gripped me tight, her face twisted in erotic anguish. After a moment, she relaxed, falling away from my chest to the mattress before smiling at me.

"You're not so tough," she purred.

I returned her smile, but there was no humor in it. "Neither are you."

Before she could answer, a hand gripped my shoulder and pulled me strongly backward. As I straightened, Lucía stepped in front of me, ripped away the condom, and then shoved me to the other bed, causing me to land on my ass with a bounce. "You better not go soft before I have a chance to fuck that big cock," she threatened as she dropped the used condom on Rocío's chest and picked up a fresh one.

"Come on, if you want some," I growled as she paused at the edge of the bed, my right leg between her legs as she opened the condom.

With a smile, she shoved me in the chest, causing me to flop to my back on the mattress. After tossing the unopened condom onto the bed beside me, she wrapped the chain attached to her neck around my cock a couple of times and then surrounded my member with her tits. After my cock was bound in chains and then surrounded, she slowly rose. The sensation of the smooth metal links dragging over my flesh as her soft breasts slid up my shaft was unlike anything I'd felt before, and it caused me to snarl in excitement and pleasure. Chain removed, I scooted forward slightly so that my hips were hanging off the edge of the bed as she picked up the condom, ripped it open, and wrapped my member. Finish with her task, she pivoted so that she was between my legs as she backed up, grasped my cock, and guided it into her waiting pussy as she slowly settled.

"Your cock is so... fucking... big," she hissed as she finished taking my entire length. With a growl of lust, I gripped her hips as she began slowly bouncing on my cock, increasing her speed and power with every stroke. "Don't you fucking go soft," she panted as she plowed her garden with my cock.

She rode me furiously for a long moment, grunting, cooing, and muttering about how my cock was fucking her pussy so good, before Rocío joined me on the bed. She swung her leg over my face and settled, clearly expecting me to eat her pussy, but that wasn't going to happen. As she lowered herself, I released Lucía's hips and seized Rocío's, forcing her to settle on my chest instead of my face. She again tried to bring her pussy to my lips, but I again blocked her, this time by pressing my thumb against her button. Realizing I wasn't going to taste her, she relented and began thrusting her hips as my fingers caressed her clit.