Orbital Academy 11


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Jackson pulled out completely, moving his hips so that when he next thrust forward his cock slid inside of Cynthia's waiting cunt. His breath was coming out ragged as he thrust faster and faster, first slamming into Cynthia then switching back to Samantha. Even their pussies were different, gripping his member in different ways, and he couldn't tell which he liked more. He was already feeling the orgasm building in him when Cynthia came, her sex clamping down and quivering around his length as her whole body shook. Samantha murmured something in the other girl's ear, and whatever it was it made Cynthia cum even harder. The tightness around him was bringing him close, and without thinking he pulled his member out and slid it between the bodies of the two girls.

Both of them obligingly rubbed against him, sliding their mounds and clits over his wet cock. The stimulation was enough to send Jackson over the edge, moaning as he came. Neither girl stopped their rocking grinding, and the sticky wet contact made his orgasm last longer than any he could ever remember. He grabbed Cynthia's ass and Samantha's thigh as he shot his load between their bodies, his mind blanking out at the pleasure.

Jackson leaned back with a sigh, catching his breath, as Cynthia sit up. Samantha's hips were still rocking as if against her will, and a slight whimper escaped her lips. "Oh you poor thing!" Cynthia murmured, "we had all the fun and left you frustrated! Let me help you with that." Jackson watched with a smile as Cynthia moved downward, burying her face between Samantha's legs. If Samantha had any more reservations they were gone now; she reached down to run her fingers through the other girl's hair as Cynthia worked her magic with her tongue.

Jackson's eyes drooped, and he yawned. Even as he enjoyed the sight of his two girls playing with each other, the CPU in his head flipped through his goals without being directed. Goal 72999 was selected and locked in. Jackson was surprised, but shrugged...it had been nearly 48 hours since he had last slept. He settled back as Samantha started moaning again, watching the pair with a smile. Cynthia had started to play with herself as she ate Samantha out, Jackson's cum dripping off of her stomach to land on her wrist as her fingers slowly slid in and out of her own pussy. With the explicit scene in front of him, Jackson closed his eyes...


Jackson was told that he slept differently than other people, the process more akin to defragging a computer than typical sleep. He didn't really know how it compared, but he knew he felt refreshed in every way after sleeping. It felt like only an instant later that he opened his eyes, mind fresh and sharp. Cynthia was asleep on his right, her red hair mussed and spread over his shoulder. Samantha lay on his left, awake, dragging a finger back and forth across his chest and looking pensive. "Something wrong?" He asked quietly, taking advantage of the brief moments he could focus on everything around him as he mentally flicked through his tasks. "That was...a lot nicer than I thought it would be," she replied thoughtfully, "I thought it was going to be all nasty and kinky and a little gross but it was...I dunno, more tender. She's sweet," she nodded at the sleeping girl on his other arm. "I think so too," Jackson replied. Goal 11125 clicked into place, and Jackson sighed when the alert ping reminded him to breath. "I think I like this. It's better than with Aaron. The co-worker," she clarified at Jackson's questioning glance. "You don't have to give him up you know," Jackson assured her, "I was serious about that. We don't have to be monogamous." "I just...I think I want to do this all the time," Samantha said carefully, "Just the three of us. Not monogamous but...tri-nogamous." "I think I would like that too," Jackson smiled, sitting up. It was what the CPU told him to say, but happily it was also the truth, "we should talk about it, the three of us." "Where are you going?" "I have to save my squadmates." "Is there anything I can do to help?" The offer was made without hesitation or reluctance, and Jackson smiled at her. "As a matter of fact, there is."


The conference room was small, but even so the empty seats were clearly gnawing at his squadmates' minds. They all sat at one end, Jackson at the head of the table, Missy, Aimee and Li on his left, Cynthia and Samantha on his right. "I should start by letting you all know that what I'm going to propose is probably stupid and definitely dangerous," Jackson didn't mince words. "You two," he indicated Cynthia and Samantha, "could lose your jobs. The four of us," he indicated his squadmates, "could be killed." "We're going down to rescue them," Missy murmured. Jackson was gratified to see the hope spring so instantly into her eyes. One recruit accounted for already, he thought. "We are. There's more to it than that, but yes, we're getting them back." "Jackson, Missy," Aimee began, awkwardly, "you know we want to get them back too, but even Captain Appet won't let us go, let alone the people we actually need clearance from." "No, they wouldn't," Jackson agreed, "which is why we're not going to clear it."

Before the protests or arguments could start, Jackson had pulled displays up on the screens in the table, historical data from planetary runs. "Do you know why we use a complicated systems of a satellite and drones to run planetaries, instead of just flying through with cruisers?" He asked. "Drones are easier to replace than human life," Li responded, but Jackson shook his head, "If they were worried about human life we would've come up to an alternative to planetary runs altogether. No, the difference is the fuel. Cruisers burn jet fuel, and satflyers use hover thrusters." His squadmates gave him blank looks, and he forced himself to hold back and keep calm. He sometimes forgot how slowly normal brains were at following a path, sometimes you had to spell it out for them. "Back when we used cruisers for planetary runs, according to the records, it took an average of five minutes before winged opposition engaged them. Ever since switching to satflyers, the fastest an air team has been attacked is fifty minutes," he selected numbers, pulling them to the forefront so that his squaddies could follow his train of thought, "this is true even though the satflyers are bigger, slower, and less armed."

There were still blank looks, and Jackson clenched his fist. Don't lose your temper, the subgoal is to get them on your side, he cautioned himself. "However the Terrans find our aircrews, it's not by sight or radar," he patiently explained, "it's by the fuel traces somehow, or maybe the noise." "That seems like a really inefficient way of finding us. Why wouldn't they just use radar?" Aimee asked "I don't know, but it's clear that they don't. The air team can identify Terran movement on the ground, but on every single planetary that encountered resistance," another data set flitted up onto the screens, "the Terrans on the ground attacked out of sync with their aerial units. As if they have to find the ground team and the air team independently. They can't see us as well as we can see them, that's the only answer that makes sense. Everyone assumes the Terrans have better technology, but what if it's not better, it's just different?" The room was silent at the suggestion, as his squadmates pondered the question. "Even if that were the case," Li said slowly, "and that's a big fuckin' 'if', by the way...how does that help us get our team off the ground?" Jackson grinned. He was rather proud of this part. "We land on the planet in cruisers."

Blank looks again... Jackson mentally sighed. "Right, from step one then..." He ran through the plan once more in his head, fine tuning it on the spot before he presented it to his squadmates. "Cynthia fuels and preps four heavy cruisers. Samantha clears them for takeoff," he turned to them, "If you get into hot water later, you can say I manipulated you into doing it. It's on my record that I'm augmented, they'll believe you." "What, you be manipulative to get what you want? Nooo..." Cynthia grinned, absentmindedly rubbing her shoulder where Samantha had left a small bite mark. "Wait, Jackson you're augmented?" Li looked shocked, but Samantha interrupted. "We'll do it, for you Jackson." She may have been hesitant about their relationship at first, but Jackson appreciated her loyalty now that she was committed to him. That was another difference between her and Cynthia; once Samantha decided she was on your side, nothing would get in her way to help you. Night and day, he thought affectionately, before re-launching into his explanation. "The four of us squaddies will boost towards the planet in the heavy cruisers. The Orbital might yell at us, but they won't shoot us down. As soon as we hit the fog, we cut engines." "That's insane," Aimee looked incredulous, but Jackson powered through,

"By my calculations, we turn the engines back on at about halfway between the fog and the ground and hit the thrusters full blast, pointed down. The fuel vapors won't kick up until we're past the treeline, whatever tech they're using to detect fuel vapors can't find them beneath the treeline. I know this," he held up a hand to stop the interruption he knew was coming, "because the drones use jet fuel, just like the cruisers, and we've never had a planetary in which the Terrans found the drones. Not one. Now, even with the cruisers at full thrust we'll hit the ground pretty hard, but from there we'll be in position to mount a rescue, well supplied and with the element of surprise on our side. The heavy cruisers can accommodate a second passenger, so we'll have enough space to get everyone back off the planet, with a little squeezing. We head back to the orbital at full speed, and a heavy cruiser at top speed can outrun anything the Terrans have ever thrown at us in the past."

Jackson stopped, and waited for the objections. He himself had a couple, but he wasn't going to volunteer the information while the others were still on the fence. "I'm in," Missy stated flatly, as he'd known she would. "That's...a really good plan, Jackson," Aimee sounded impressed, "why don't we take that plan to the General? Maybe, if he heard how well you've thought it out, he would okay the mission?" Jackson shifted his weight uncomfortably. "I...don't think that's a good idea," he said. The others looked at him curiously. Jackson had to think about it for a few moments, a few breathing reminders pinged by as he put his words in order. The thought had occurred to him as soon as he'd woken up, his freshly defragged mind making the leaps necessary. Now he had to explain it to normal brains.

"The air team wasn't being attacked when it went down. Terran forces didn't attack the ground pod either," he tried laying out his thoughts sequentially, "but we both lost power. There's no common technological link between the two, there's no simple explanation for why they would both fail on the same mission. At least, no explanation for an accidental error." "Are you saying someone sabotaged the planetary?" Missy's eyes were burning, and Jackson was startled at how much venom was in her voice. "Not only that, but someone in the Academy. No one on the ground would risk their own lives like that-" "And one of us wouldn't do that to our squaddies," Aimee interjected, "-right, that too. So assuming someone on the orbital wanted some or all of us to die on this mission, who is able to make that happen?" "Are...are you saying it was one of the scrubs?" Aimee asked uncertainly. Jackson was about to sigh again when Missy's voice, cold and quiet, cut him off.

"General Auspus," she said, her voice iced with rage. Jackson nodded, "General Auspus. He had no logical reason for sending us down in the first place, it surprised everyone, Captain Appet included. The sabotage must've been a just-in-case measure. The only problem is that I have no clue why he would want anyone on our squad dead. We're good students, and if he didn't want us here he could just expel us-" "We saw him." Missy's voice was still cold, but there was a dullness there, like an ache in the depths of it, that sent shivers down Jackson's spine. "We saw him, Preston and I did, in a conference room. He was using some kind of tool that was covering him in purple sparks. He told us if we told anyone he would expel us." Tears streamed down Missy's face, and Jackson had no clue how to respond to what she was saying. Instead he turned to the scrubs, who were watching the proceedings silently with wide eyes. "Two of us knowing this almost got all of us killed," he said quietly, but earnestly. Cynthia nodded her understanding, but Samantha looked confused. "Please, for your own safety, don't ever tell anyone about this," Jackson clarified. Samantha's eyes widened even further, but she nodded her understanding.

"We'll use your plan then," Li awkwardly patted Missy on the shoulder, and the others murmured agreement. "Good. Let's get some gear together and plan on taking off early tomorrow morning," Jackson stood. "Even after we rescue them, won't we be back in the same position?" Aimee asked tentatively, "won't General Auspus still want to silence us? It would probably be good to have a plan to not die after we rescue everyone." Jackson mentally scrolled down to that very goal, 48657, increasing its priority. "We'll cross that bridge when we come to it," he said grimly.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
I brought up my confusion, at the end of OA 07, and the reason for it. Now that I've

finished OA 11, I understand what the author had in mind. With that said, some background in the early chapters is needed. You never want your readers to wonder what is going on with a story when the reason is a lack of background scene establishing or lack of character development.

The goal could be accomplished without a re-write; a prologue or OA '00' would accomplish it. There's no need to give the reader more info than the 'Rooks' in order to salvage the suspense aspect; the sweet spot might be in between what the average Orbital citizen knows and what the most informed military official knows.

With this addition, THEN Orbital Academy might be ready for the big time, but not until then, IMHO.


AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Love it.

This is a wonderful sic-fi story punctuated by throbbingly hot sex scenes. I'm a big fan, Maddirose.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
I'm a fan

Please. Do. Not. Stop. Writing.

This story has all the makings to become epic.

I'ts really hard to wait for next chapters. But please, do not rush, take your time thinking the story through, whatever you do, but please do not stop writing before its completely done.

Then you can sell it to those guys who make Game of Thrones series (HBO?) and can retire early, commiting all your free time to writing a sequel:)

MaddiroseMaddiroseover 10 years agoAuthor

@jpz: yea, I think I have the most fun writing the chipheads, Jackson and Arthur :)

@anon1: I'm glad it works on both levels! I would hate to sacrifice the sexy for the sci-fi (or vice versa!)

@anon2: OMG you're absolutely right! I'll put in a title change request right away, thanks for the heads up!

jpz007ahrenjpz007ahrenover 10 years ago

The chiphead! Wow, this guy is even more awesome from his perspective.

Way 2 go threesome!

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