Our First Visit to a Couples Club


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Kathy sensed my nearness to cumming, and she started sucking and stroking my cock harder than before. Still holding her head in my hands, I asked her, "Are you going to swallow for me, my sweet slut?"

She nodded yes, and then sucked me fully into her throat, her lips touching my pubic bone. It was a thrill I had never experienced, and I felt the pressure in my balls explode. My cock erupted in her mouth, sending seemingly countless hot ropes of semen down her throat. The intensity of my orgasm was amazing, and her continuing to suck my cock as it drained its load made me groan loudly. I asked her to stop only because the sensitivity of my cock was overwhelming after the intensity of my orgasm waned.

I leaned back and my cock slid from Kathy's beautiful lips, glistening from a mix of both our juices. I told her, "That was wonderful," and I pulled her up to me and kissed her deeply.

She replied,"You are very sweet, and I want to be with you again."

The four of us spent the next 15 minutes coming down from a fantastic physical and mental high. We dressed, exchanged kisses, hugs, and phone numbers, and left the club. Janet and I had been physically pleasured and satisfied to a degree we had never experienced.

The trip home was quiet, as we both reflected on what had happened. A new dimension had been added to our intimacy, and the pleasure we realized that night was equaled only by our delight in seeing each other reach new heights of passionate fulfillment. Our kiss good night and testaments of our love for each before drifting off into a deep sleep were the most meaningful ever.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Great! Your story read like our routine pillow talk before and during sex. We have a strong fantasy to swap with a couple, but my wife won't go beyond role playing with me. Maybe, in time, we can live the fantasy like you did.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Wonderful story! We tried the couples club scene several times, but only once found the right couple for us, and then our foursome play lasted privately for three years. It's hard to have all the players be completely satisfied by the arrangement, but it can happen. Keep on writing!

IFAFILHGIFAFILHGover 3 years ago

FINALLY- yes.. finally an author that gets it right..wife sharing and swapping and keeping the husband and wife together in the same room just like it should be ...to all the dumb ass writers that separate couples read this story and learn how to do it correctly

26thNC26thNCover 5 years ago
Yeah, sure

You're closer than ever? No you're on your way to divorce and unhappiness like all swingers..

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Like others who have commented

We would love having the experience you described but we are too shy and very nervous about being seen by people we know. We have read your story several times and act it out in our fantasy play. It's very hot and very well written. Thanks!

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