Out of Darkness Ch. 14


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Álvaro didn't miss her involuntary movement. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her close to his chest. "You won't lose me, I promise! You're stuck with me for at least a few hundred years." He smiled down at her and kissed the top of her head. "Stay here."

"No, please, Álvaro. I want to go with you. I'm a good fighter. I am a Beta, you know." She stood with her hands on her hips, letting him know he wasn't going without her.

Álvaro was quiet for a moment, and then burst out laughing. "You're right, I should know better than to try to protect you. You are a force to be reckoned with, that is obvious. Alright, you may come."

Álvaro's scouts ran back up the hill, and the two black wolves stopped in front of him, tongues hanging down as they panted.

Álvaro nodded as they spoke through their bond. He turned to the others. "They only found one werewolf, and he is an elder. We'll approach slowly. But keep a tight perimeter in case anyone tries to escape." He waited for confirmation that everyone understood before starting his way down the hill.

They had almost reached the door when one of the scouts called out. "I caught someone." He walked forward with a blond female who looked petrified but didn't say a word. She kept her eyes down and didn't utter a word.

Álvaro took a quick look, and his eyes were riveted to the scars that ringed her neck. He looked from her to Seraphina and back. Seraphina, do you know her?

No, I've never seen her before.

"What is your name?" Álvaro spoke softly. She was like a scared rabbit. She might faint if he scared her any more than she already was.

"Zosime, Sir."

"And what are you doing here, Zosime? Are you here alone?"

"No, Sir. I live here with my father and... I live here with my father."

He noticed the slip but said nothing. Who else was here?

"Call your father out."

The old male opened the door and walked out, approaching cautiously. Álvaro could tell immediately that he had been a high-ranking Beta in his day.

"My name is Acasio. What brings you to our home, Sir? This is a forbidden place. Erobos allows no one to come here."

"I know, and that is why we are here." Álvaro appraised the elder closely. He and his daughter were old, very old, and broken.

"Erobos will kill you for being here. You should leave now. I won't tell him you have been here." The elder looked around, sniffing the air. No signs of Erobos yet. "If you hurry, you might escape in time. He always knows if someone has been here. He always finds them, and kills them. You must leave, now!"

"Erobos is no danger to me or you, old one. His pack has been disbanded and taken over by the Council. And he is in America, where he will meet his death. None of us are in danger from him."

"You're sure?" He held out his arm for his daughter who looked at the male holding her arm. He released her and she ran to her father, hugging him around the waist. The look of relief on her face was noticeable to Álvaro.

"Erobos did that?" Álvaro pointed to the female's neck.

The old man nodded sadly and then gasped when he noticed the same marks on Seraphina's neck.

"Yes, he did that as well. But he'll never touch her again. She is my mate now."

"You took her as a mate even after she'd been marked by Erobos?" The female seemed in awe of him. No male dared look at her after she'd been marked as belonging to the Alpha. She'd spent her days here with her father to escape the stares and whispers after he'd released her.

"Of course; she is mine." Álvaro felt nothing but pity for the two old werewolves. "How long have you lived here?"

"We have been here since the Alpha killed the Vampire. We are the caretakers." The old man seemed nervous, his eyes scanning the horizon constantly.

"Taking care of the castle?" Álvaro wondered what it was about this building that was so important.

"No, not the castle. The Alpha's mate. She lives here, and we care for her."

Seraphina was stunned. A mate? But he was obsessed with Leona. How could he have a mate and think of another female?

Seraphina found her voice after a moment. "When did he take a mate?"

"A thousand years ago. But, she is not a werewolf. She is a Dire Wolf." His voice lowered, not wanting anyone who might be nearby to hear.

Álvaro tried to hide his surprise. "That explains a little bit. But why isn't she with him then? Why does he keep her here?"

"Dire Wolves are not werewolves. She is a wild beast. She is not bonded to him. She will only tolerate his presence when she is in her heat, and the Dire Wolf female only comes into her heat once every one hundred years."

"But why keep her here?"

"If she were to run loose, she would kill anything in her path. And the Alpha was worried that if any of the panthers survived, she might die. They can kill a Dire Wolf with a bite." He held his daughter tightly to him, his body shaking as he spoke about his Alpha's mate.

"The Alpha has become more and more desperate, though. His mate has not accepted him in the last several hundred years. It affects him."

Seraphina gasped. "That explains his erratic behavior. When I was first given to him he seemed somewhat calmer and more in control. But over the years he has become more violent and... evil, maybe? If that is possible, that is."

"And why has she rejected him?"


Island of Sardinia -- 1352

The cloud seemed to lift from his senses, and he looked down at the female lying next to him. All he needed to do to end his torment was to snap her neck. He opened his mouth wide, his sharp, white teeth reflecting what little light shone in the room. He was poised over her throat. Just one quick bite and this will be over for all time!

No! She is our mate! We must protect her, not kill her. I will not allow it!

Erobos was stunned. His wolf had never disagreed with him in the past. Never! He held his mouth there for what seemed like hours, although he knew it was but seconds. The two halves of his mind warred with each other; the wolf won. He slowly closed his mouth and retreated to the stairway.

The door to the cage at the bottom of the stairs swung shut behind him. His mate would be there to greet him in another hundred years. Erobos moved like his feet were stone, dragging himself up the stairs. Again, he had killed his own sons. Their lifeless bodies lay in a heap in the middle of the floor. He was drenched in their blood.

The vampire watched with amusement as Erobos trudged up the stairs. He laughed, his teeth prominently displayed. "Ah, my young wolf, you play your role well. You are but a slave to your werewolf instincts. It is a shame that your mate does not share them. And now you know that your wolf will not allow you to kill her." He seemed almost gleeful at the werewolf's obvious misery.

"Why, why have you done this to me?" Erobos couldn't think. What had he ever done to the vampire to cause him to torture him this way?

"The sins of the father are visited upon the son." He laughed at the confused look on the werewolf's face. "It is a human saying. You are paying for the wrongs brought on my kind by your father and his panther allies. And now, I have my revenge, Erobos. You killed your father and took over his pack. You then manipulated the humans to kill the panthers. Marvelous!" The vampire's pale face was alive with amusement.

Erobos seethed as his ears rang with the dead thing's taunts. He had been used! His breathing quickened. He could feel the pulse of his blood in his head. The vampire had planned it all, exploited his weakness, his love for Leona. And now he could never have her, even if he found her.

"And now, you are doomed to be tied to this beast for eternity. And your cubs will never lead your pack when you are gone. Is there anything worse for a werewolf?" The vampire let his head fall back as he laughed heartily. Yes, this had been the finest hour for his kind. He had brought down his vengeance against the werewolves and the panthers. And all it had taken was duping one foolish cub.

Something inside Erobos snapped. The rage that had been building erupted, and he lashed out at the unsuspecting vampire who had thought himself too powerful to be hurt by a mere werewolf. But the vampire had forgotten, he had strengthened Erobos with his own ancient vampire blood and that of the Dire Wolf. This was no mere werewolf. This was something unknown to the world.

Erobos shifted into a massive black Dire Wolf and leapt at the throat of the vampire who tried to fend him off with an arm to his head. But he was too slow and too weak to push the wolf away.

"No! No, you can't hurt me!" The vampire attempted to back away but merely backed into the solid wall of his castle. There was nowhere to turn. He couldn't run. He had to face the monstrosity he had created.

The sharp teeth moved closer to the long white neck. He could smell the blood just under the skin. He didn't feel the long, gnarled fingers as they grabbed at his thick coat. He didn't hear the screams of indignation, followed by fear, and finally, pain. He didn't hear the snap of the bones in the vampire's neck. He didn't stop until he had severed the vampire's head and held it in his bloody mouth.

The wolf lapped at the blood that spurted from the severed arteries and basked in the warmth that filled his veins. His body felt more alive than it had since the first time he had tasted the vampire's blood. The strength that had been drained from him by the vampire's words had returned ten-fold.

Slowly, his senses returned and he surveyed the carnage before him. Fool! You have now paid for your revenge! His eyes were pulled away from the rotting corpse by the howls of his mate in her dungeon. What did he do now? His wolf implored him to help her. He didn't give Erobos a chance to think. His insistence at caring for their mate reverberated in his skull. His hands clasped his head, trying to think past the raging wolf.

Alright! We will care for her.

Erobos soon found himself at his camp. He barely remembered the path home. He sat dazed in front of the fire in his cave as Zosime stood watching him carefully. He looked up to see the little blond wolf cowering in the darkness.

At this moment he wished nothing to do with any females. He wanted her gone. He could tear out her heart and it would be done. But she had served her purpose for some three hundred years.

Acasio, I have a task for you. You will go to the vampire's castle. Take your daughter with you; I am finished with her.

Acasio felt a wave of relief. Nothing could be worse than what they had lived through in the last three hundred years. Any task the Alpha set for him would be preferable to staying with the pack.


Island of Sardinia -- 1753

Acasio did not look forward to seeing the Alpha again. And the news he had for him was not good. He had warned Zosime of the steps to take if he did not return. He approached the pack cautiously. Much had changed since he had been here last. Instead of their caves, the wolves now lived in buildings, more like humans.

He greeted those few of the pack he knew, but there were many new faces. He knew that Erobos had been going to the mainland to overthrow the younger Alphas and take over their packs. His power and wealth had grown much in the last four hundred years.

Acasio knew that the Alpha lived in the large castle at the top of the hill. He moved slowly, not sure he should go. But he didn't want the Alpha to hear the bad news when Zosime was anywhere nearby. If Erobos wanted to take out his frustrations, let it be on himself and not his beloved daughter.

He stood at the heavy door and stared up at the stone face of the fortress. The iron face of a wolf stared back at him. it was an exact likeness of Erobos' Dire Wolf, and was terrifying to look at.

I must speak with you, Alpha.

The door opened and behind it was a female. All Acasio could see of her was her light blond hair and the most interesting eyes, almost an orange. What was the word for it? Ah, yes, amber. Her face was covered by a veil. Obviously, Erobos favored the human custom of covering a female's features from other males. He could see the fear in those beautiful eyes. He knew that this must be the poor female that had taken Zosime's place. He pitied her.

"Come this way. The Alpha is waiting for you." Seraphina closed the door and led the visitor to Erobos. She left quickly. Erobos did not like her to be in the presence of males, even old ones.

Erobos stood facing away from the doorway. He didn't turn around when he heard Acacio enter. "What is it that you thought was so important to risk death? I had ordered you never to leave her. If anything happens to her while you are gone, you and your daughter will die. And I won't be merciful, Acacio."

"I beg your forgiveness, Alpha. But it is important. You need to know." Acacio stood nervously, facing the Alpha's back.

"Then tell me and leave!"

Acacio swallowed hard, trying to find the courage to speak the truth. "The cubs were born dead." Acacio flinched when he felt the flood of rage coming through the Alpha bond.

Erobos whirled around, his face contorted into a mask of fury. "No! She will never accept me without them!" Erobos was beside himself. What would he do now? In ninety-nine years he would be drawn to her and there would be no males to fight. What would happen?

Erobos paced as he thought to himself. Maybe he could find other Dire Wolves somewhere. He had to. He stopped in the middle of the floor. Panthers can track a Dire Wolf. He slowly faced the trembling Beta before him. "We never found Leona's body, or the bodies of any cubs. There are panthers out there. We must find them; they can find more Dire Wolves."

Acacia stood mutely. Does he actually believe the panthers would help him?

"Yes, that is what I must do, find the panthers." Erobos suddenly realized Acacio was still staring at him. "Go back to her and do your duty!" Without another word, Erobos stormed off. "Seraphina!" His voice reverberated through the halls.

Acacio watched Erobos as he strode away and winced when he heard the Alpha call for the female. She ran across the room, but Acacio caught the fear in her eyes as she glanced quickly at him. He shook his head sadly. He knew what Erobos had done to Zosime when he was angry and what the amber-eyed female could look forward to. He found his own way out of the castle and started the long journey back to his daughter and the Alpha's mate.


Nevada -- Present Day

Drago lay in bed, sensing the bonds with all four of his parents. This would take some getting used to. Sorting out their feelings wasn't easy. The only feelings he really cared about were those he had for Kelly. He turned his head and smiled when he saw her sleeping soundly in the bed next to his. Their hands were still clasped.

His hand looked so huge compared to her tiny one. He straightened one long finger and stroked it lightly along the soft skin of her wrist. He watched her silently and smiled when her eyes fluttered open. "Morning, sleepy head."

Kelly opened her eyes and the first thing she saw was the handsome face of the man she knew she'd love for eternity. Something felt different though, it was like she knew they were meant to be together. She had realized her attraction to him when they were back at her apartment in Rome. But his was different, deeper somehow, like she'd somehow always known she'd find him. Weird. She smiled up at him, feeling electricity where their skin touched.

"You're in the next bed but you feel so far away." Her voice was just a whisper. She glanced around the room. "Where are your parents? Both sets, I mean."

"They're talking with your grandfather and the Alphas. There's a lot of planning before Erobos gets here." He wanted to say so much to her, but where to begin?

Kelly had learned in their short time together that she only felt safe when she was in Drago's arms. She thought about it for a moment before making up her mind and flipped back the blankets covering her. She looked down and realized that, at some point while she slept, someone had decided to dress her in a hospital gown.

"What are you doing?" Drago couldn't believe she could even make a hospital gown look sexy, but she did. He grinned when he realized her intent and pulled his blanket up for her. He scooted over to the edge and savored the feel of her warm body against his skin. His wolf had been on edge since he'd awakened and, just now, felt at ease. Drago's arms surrounded Kelly's shoulders and he couldn't resist burying his nose in her neck and inhaling deeply. Now his wolf was satisfied with her scent of lavender and orange filling his senses.

But she still smells human!

Drago shook his head a little. His wolf wasn't making any sense. Of course she still smells human, we haven't mated yet. Silly wolf was confused.

The wolf decided not to share his knowledge of their mate with his human half. He would learn the truth soon enough.

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MizTMizTabout 11 years ago

I had almost forgotten just how good this story is. The way everything and everyone are inner-woven has made these stories so wonderful to read. I can't wait to see how it ends yet at the same time I don't look want it to end. I still have a lot to catch up on before I need to truly worry about that.......

lilgirlsixlilgirlsixover 11 years agoAuthor
next chapter

Sorry for the delay. Chapter 15 is with the editor. One more chapter after that. I just didn't want to smash things together. So please don't give up on me yet :)


AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

When is the next chapter coming out? I'm dying here!!

123udontknowme123udontknowmeover 11 years ago
Explains a lot

So that is why Erobos wanted Dire wolves/panthers. I also wonder what will happen to Zosime now that her father and herself have nothing to fear. When will Erobos meet his final day? Will all 9 or so women, who are reincarnations of those past, kill Erobos for his wrongdoings to their people? Who will kill the Dire Wolf Female?

AhzureDragonAhzureDragonover 11 years ago

Another installment beautifully bring us one step closer to complete understanding. I must say I don't think I could of predicted the way you would work this whole series. It has been so artfully done while keeping me poised on my toes. Now with this latest detail I am starting to understand all the madness that I love :) now to looking for more of those happy ending and some swift justice. Hope you give us the next one so I can stay up reading on New Years Eve (to second some others options to forgo a party). Keep up the amazing work and if you ever publish this please let me know so I can happily spend the money to ensure a copy is in my home.

DoctimeDoctimeover 11 years ago
I'm Ready

Ok, I don't want to party on New Years Eve. How about letting me stay up and read a ten page finalie so I can finally get Out Of Darkness. This has been a wonderful story!!!! KUDOS

katgoddess1katgoddess1over 11 years ago

Now we know why he wanted to create more dire wolves. He is so infatuated and obsessed with the female that he could never even consider killing her to end his need for her.

fefe428fefe428over 11 years ago

What a wonderful surprise....it was like Christmas came early. I didn't expect to see an update until after the holiday.

It's so nice to finally be getting some answers rather than more questions. In a sense, I do feel sorry for Erobos. He was a victim too, of so many things, not the least of which was the hubris of youth and of course the vampire, but I he definitely needs to be put down once and for all!!!

I'm a bit confused about why Drago's wolf is choosing to keep more secrets from him. Isn't the time for that past now?

Anyway, can't wait for more!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

So now I get it. He doesn't want a mate from the panthers. He wants to find more dire wolves to have his mate. And he tried to make more but it didn't work out

MSBLING59MSBLING59over 11 years ago
LOVE IT!!!!!!


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