Outpost: Hetero Version


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It seemed that some of the aliens had elected to remove the mattresses from the bed frames, which were far too small for their exaggerated height and weight. They had lined them up on the floor side by side to create a soft carpet to sleep on. The pack was spread between the several crew quarters, with maybe four aliens to a room. They weren't large enough to accommodate many more.

Schaffer wandered between the rooms as he searched for somewhere to sleep, ideally with an intact bed, but it seemed as if the aliens had cannibalized every last one. With a sigh of resignation, he selected the room that contained Osha and at least two other lumps of fur that he couldn't identify. They had formed a pile in the center of the room, lying down on their carpet of mattresses a short distance away. It was hot enough that he felt no need to huddle for warmth. He might even be able to remove this damned suit if he could find some human clothing, but one thing at a time. For now, he was tired and wanted to rest. He'd need to be alert and sharp if he was going to unravel the secrets of the satellite console.

As he started to fall asleep, he felt something brush his leg, jolting him awake. One of the aliens was flicking their tail around, probably dreaming. He began to doze off again, then a second time the tail bumped him. He grew annoyed and rolled over to see what was going on, only to be met with the sight of Osha engaged in a deep, obscene kiss with one of her bunkmates while the second watched with longing eyes. Osha was leaning over the smaller female, one of the bead women, plunging her long tongue into her mouth. The woman's breath came in staggering bursts as Osha ravished her, one furry hand gripping her chin to keep her from turning her head away, flashes of pink tongue and lurid sounds escaping from their locked lips. The woman was positively writhing under the assault, her eyes closed and her voluptuous body twisting and jerking as she rubbed her thick, meaty thighs together. Osha was dominant, predatory, clearly having fun with her victim. She drove her knee between the woman's thighs, pressing it into her groin and eliciting a squeal of delight that made Schaffer's member pulse and ache as he watched in stunned silence. They were a mere meter away, he could reach out and delve his hands into their soft, supple flesh. He could join the pile if he were so inclined.

But no, he had already had one embarrassing lapse, just another day or two and he might be out of here. He tried to pull his eyes away from the scene, but they were drawn to Osha's slippery, serpentine tongue as it slid out of the bead woman's mouth like a pink snake. It was even larger than Runt's had been. How was it so long and agile? If she were to kiss him with that organ, she might choke him. He watched, his face beginning to burn and his erection fighting against its constraints as her tongue slithered back into her partner's mouth, linked to her lips by a drooping strand of saliva. Osha moved her mouth downwards, sinking her teeth into the woman's neck, biting and mouthing through the soft fur as if the woman was her prey and she was delivering a killing blow. The woman arched her back and struggled, but Osha held her locked in an embrace, her thigh grinding against her groin and her hand gripping her face. The woman struggled against her assailant as if trying to fight her off, but her low moans and soft gasps betrayed her. This was all part of the chase, part of the game, and she was loving it.

The second bead woman shuffled up behind Osha, wrapping her arms around her buxom body. Even to another alien, Osha was uncommonly large, the span of the woman's arms only just meeting around her paunchy belly. She delved her hand into the tire of fat, taking handfuls of her flesh, roaming up towards her monstrous breasts. When contained in her leather sling they were imposing enough, but now they hung free, swaying like a pair of furry wrecking balls. One of them could probably have filled the average car seat. The bead woman cupped one of them in her palm, lifting it, its weight and softness making it swallow her hand up to the wrist and spill around it like an oversized water balloon.

Schaffer felt as if he were going insane, he couldn't take his eyes off them. He remembered Runt, how the alien had been dragged into the pile of mating aliens by Zagza, the low cries and muffled groans of ecstasy that had emanated from within. What had happened to her in that roiling mass of aliens? What would happen to Schaffer if he followed Runt's example? That long tongue would break him...

He realized that he was trembling, his hand subconsciously moving towards his groin. Osha had tried to include him before, but he had turned her down, Runt had only needed to ask, and they had gleefully included her in their sordid proceedings. He felt the request rise to his lips but stifled it quickly. What was he thinking? These were aliens. Yet the pressure was building up inside him, a violent desire that refused to be contained.

"Osha, Schaffer wants...to come..."

The aliens stopped their writhing, three heads rising from the pile to stare at him, their blue eyes reflecting what light there was in the semi-darkness. He immediately recoiled, regretting his outburst and hoping that they hadn't understood.

"Shoofa..." Osha crooned, her voice low and sultry. A wide smirk spread across her face, and he felt her sinuous tail coil around his ankle, his heart pounding in his chest as she dragged him across the mattresses with the fluffy appendage. The two bead women had abandoned their prior activities and were waiting for Schaffer to be pulled close enough to grab, like tigers waiting to be fed at a zoo. Schaffer resigned himself to his fate, a fresh excitement growing in his chest, butterflies swarming in his stomach. He couldn't endure the constant temptation, the background radiation of carnality that was always hanging over him like a dark cloud. After what he had allowed Runt to do to him...no, what he had done with Runt, what did it matter if he surrendered to the pleasure?

Three giant pairs of hands grasped at him as he came into range, Osha taking the lead as she bundled him up into her arms and pressed his face deep into her furry cleavage. Her muscles bulged, even through the fat and fur, her embrace was like iron. Her heavy boobs engulfed him, heaving around his head and over his shoulders in a cascade of quivering flesh. It was like having a fully loaded military rucksack perched on each shoulder, weighing him down, the delicate strands of her insulating coat tickling his skin. She turned him around so that he was facing her two companions, Osha's oppressive bust acting as a kind of meaty travel pillow as he watched then approach.

The two women shuffled closer on the mattresses, eager to get a look at him, and they began to fumble with the clasps on his suit. They knew how it worked better than Osha did, as they had modified it with the pelts, and soon his bare chest was exposed. One dragged her claws down from his clavicle to his navel, not applying enough pressure to cut, but just enough to leave red trails in his skin. They had probably never seen a naked animal like this before, his smooth, pink hide must be a novelty to them. He gasped and squirmed, the welts stinging slightly, heightening his senses.

Osha's warm breath blew his hair from above as she watched, breathing heavily, her massive chest rising and falling on his shoulders. He couldn't move his arms, she had trapped them at his sides, which at once made him feel vulnerable and oddly aroused. This was their party now, they were making it clear that he would have no say in it, Osha having long since discovered his penchant for becoming compliant when held for long enough.

A pleasant shiver rolled through him as he felt Osha's long tongue worm its way down to explore his ear, the hot, slimy organ teasing his earlobe and circling the opening. She sucked the tip into her mouth, chewing it softly with her sharp teeth. Schaffer struggled and writhed in her grip, it was almost too much for him to tolerate, but she did not release him. Her body was so warm against his back, he felt as if he was melting into her.

The two women struggled with his underwear, eventually releasing his throbbing member to bounce in the air. They looked at it with curious eyes. It was so alien to those that they were used to, shaped differently, clad in smooth skin. One gripped his shaft in her hand, her fluffy fur teasing him as she stroked it, pulling back the foreskin and seeming to understand how it worked. She rubbed one of her fleshy pads on the exposed tip, making Schaffer jerk and wriggle in Osha's arms. The larger alien laughed at him, pushing her nose into his hair and nuzzling.


He craned his neck to look up at her, his eyes bleary and unfocused. She caught his chin in her thumb and forefinger, holding his head, then leaned down to deliver an upside-down kiss. His body jerked as her tongue pushed past his lips, his gasp of surprise and delight muffled by the thick, muscled organ. It just kept coming and coming, her huge tongue bulging his cheeks, coiling and twisting. It was even longer and thicker than Runt's had been, roiling with such strength, Osha clearly more practiced than her less experienced counterpart. It reached the back of his throat, its tapered tip exploring his esophagus, painting tingling shapes. He clenched his fists, fighting back a gag as tears welled in his eyes. She withdrew slightly, sensing him tense up. She contented herself with wrapping his tongue in a prison of slippery muscle, her large, puffy lips closing around his.

He had never been kissed like this before, so impossibly deep, so impossibly ravenous. His mind clouded, and his body went limp, his brain unable to do anything more than process these overpowering sensations without overloading. He felt Osha's second hand close around his neck, gentle, yet firm as she asserted her complete control over their coupling. All he could do now was let her have her way, he couldn't have fought her off if he had wanted to, and he didn't. His brain fizzed and popped as she locked him in her lurid kiss, parting her thick lips occasionally to let him breathe. Her lung capacity must be immense, he felt as if she could keep this up for hours. She tasted of metal, her viscous saliva mingling with his own, dripping down his chin in globs.

He shuddered in Osha's embrace as he felt a new sensation, slippery, wet heat encircling his member. He shook his hips, gripping the fur of Osha's enormous thighs in his hands and attempting to loose a muffled Oh God that was stifled by Osha's roiling tongue. One of the women had wrapped their tongue around his cock, slipping the tip beneath his foreskin and coating it with her saliva. It was rough, the textured surface covered in tiny bumps and papillae, but coated in lubrication it felt almost intolerably good. She took more of him into her mouth, closing her lips firmly around the tip and crawling them slowly down his shaft. Her tongue wound around him tightly, tracing the lines of his bulging veins and scouring the sensitive underside of his glans.

He started to become lightheaded as Osha's relentless kiss continued, grunting as he felt the woman's lips press against the base of his member. She had taken him all the way into her warm mouth, her tongue squeezing and stroking with all the agility and dexterity of a fist as her throat struggled against him, twitching and milking as she swallowed him deeper.

The second woman joined in now, running her fluffy fingers over his exposed chest as she explored him, pricking him with her hooked claws to draw out gasps and shudders that seemed to entertain her. Her mouth found his neck and Osha released her grip on his throat to allow the woman access. He tensed as he felt her carnivore teeth press against his jugular, her tongue sneaking out to drag across his skin, leaving trails of slick drool. She alternated between biting and mouthing, covering his neck and shoulders in soft bites and lingering, sucking kisses. The first woman continued her maddening blowjob, beginning to slide her pursed lips up and down his length. She paused when she reached the glans to suck and lick, before pushing down again, taking Schaffer into the tight depths of her gullet.

Schaffer loosed a sound he had never heard himself make before, which made Osha draw back for a moment to check that he wasn't in some kind of pain. He blushed redder and squirmed as she gazed at him with her blue eyes, her concerned expression morphing back into a salacious grin. She leaned in to chew his ear again, Schaffer like putty in her hands as the second bead woman ran her claws and velvet fur over his skin, the first closing her lips around the base of his cock.

He couldn't tolerate this for much longer, his entire body was aflame with pleasure. Every weak point, every vulnerable area and erogenous zone was being bitten and kissed, licked or teased. He felt as though he was being slowly eaten by the pack as they worked him over. The second woman grazed his shoulder with her teeth, being a little rough, but that only served to excite him further. He felt soft, slippery lips begin to slide up and down his shaft more ardently. The first woman was bobbing her large head fervently now, driving him closer to the edge. Her thick saliva escaped the corners of her mouth as she pressed down, lubricating his cock in a layer of warm drool, falling free and matting the fur of his suit.

Osha had stopped kissing him now, but her eyes were fixed intently on Schaffer, watching him shiver and gasp. It was almost as overpowering, and he felt his cheeks sear with fresh heat as she scrutinized him. Her gaze was sordid, greedy, her tongue escaping her mouth to wet her lips in anticipation. The second woman moved lower, roaming towards his hips, biting and licking his ribs on the way down. Osha pressed her cleavage around Schaffer's head in her absence, her musky, deeply sexual scent flooding his senses as her warm fat pressed against his cheeks. Her arms wrapped around him again, holding him against her body, perhaps anticipating his building orgasm.

The second woman reached his crotch, joining her sister. He yelped as he felt a second tongue slip beneath his shaft, seeking out his balls and cupping them, teasing the sensitive skin. His vocalizations were stifled as Osha pushed a thick finger into his mouth, careful to avoid cutting him with her pointed claw. It was fluffy, and it felt strange on his tongue, but he sucked obediently as Osha leered at him with drooping eyelids. He had a feeling that this was only foreplay to her. She couldn't blush, but her chest was heaving around his head, her powerful heart pumping. The wetness between her thighs was starting to leak onto the mattress, soaking into her fur.

He looked down, unable to even see his loins, they were obscured beneath the snow-white heads of the two bead women as they mouthed and licked. The first woman drew back for a moment, letting his member leave her mouth so that she might catch her breath. A mass off stringy, thick saliva fell free, hanging from her chin and sliding down Schaffer's shaft. The second woman nibbled at him, licking and spreading the goo around, keeping him warm and slippery while her counterpart wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. After a few moments, she slammed down again, even more vigorous now. The second lowered her head, sucking his testicles into her mouth and toying with them, the warmth and wetness making his head spin.

Osha just watched, but Schaffer got the feeling that she was the one setting the pace and calling the shots, as if his wracking pleasure was for her own amusement rather than for his benefit. She nuzzled, resting her chin on his head as she watched the two bead women work.

The pressure in his loins was becoming urgent and unbearable, he could feel his emission rising from inside his body, struggling to pass his muscles as he tried to stem the impending flow. The aliens seemed to sense his rising climax and increased their pace, one woman sucking his member deep into her spasming throat, her dexterous tongue coiling his shaft and wringing it rhythmically. The second watched eagerly, teasing his balls with the tip of her tongue and dragging its rough surface over his inner thighs. He was almost afraid to release, but he couldn't hold it back for more than few seconds longer as the textured tongues of the bead women drove tingling jolts of electricity through his nervous system. He closed his eyes in the hopes that not being able to see their glistening, pink tongues as they roiled around his shaft might help, but it was to no avail. He could still hear their obscene sucking and licking, even as Osha's bosom muffled the sounds. All he could do was suck on Osha's finger and writhe, unable to even cry out in his maddening torment with her digit pressing down on his tongue. He would break, he would die, he couldn't handle this kind of stimulation. The admission only pushed him closer to the edge, morbid curiosity and overpowering lust mingling, demanding to find out what would happen to him.

He arched his back as if trying to snap his own spine as the first woman drove him deep into her gullet. Pillowy, slippery walls of muscle massaged him, rippling over his tender glans in waves of contractions as she choked and swallowed. It drove him over the edge, and he surprised even Osha with the power of his struggling, the buxom alien having to increase her grip on him to keep him from slipping out of her arms. He bit her finger, a little harder than he had intended as his senses left him, but she seemed to enjoy it. She watched him intently, whispering something in his ear that he didn't understand, but whose lurid tone translated well enough.

The woman held him there as he came, shuddering and twitching as he shot thick, heavy wads of his emission into her waiting mouth. She teased his glans with her tongue, swirling the mixture of saliva and warm ejaculate around, the contact of her rough organ on his hypersensitive tip loud and deafening in his mind. He couldn't think, couldn't see, all he could do was feel as every spasm of his beleaguered muscles forced another spurt of his stored up frustration into the alien's maw. He felt like a fruit being pressed for juice, his pelvic muscles aching with the effort.

She waited patiently for the last drop to leave his pulsing member, her lips sealed around his shaft. When he was spent, she pulled away, keeping the mess in her mouth and letting a string of who-knows-what hang from her chin. Schaffer panted, watching her through drooping eyelids as she leaned towards her friend. Osha's breathing was just as heavy as his, practically drooling as she watched the two aliens press their lips together, the profane concoction of his cloudy fluid and their thick saliva escaping their mouths as they embraced. Their tongues entwined like mating snakes, fighting for purchase against slippery flesh as they tasted one another, and him. They held each other's faces in their hands, the kiss becoming more passionate, more violent as strands of fluid and fat globs of his emission were traded, the embrace increasing in vulgarity as more of the mixture spilled from their lips to matt their pristine fur. He couldn't take his eyes off them, his member jumping as he watched their bawdy display.

Osha pulled her finger from his mouth, stroking his chest with her furry hand. It was almost like a loofah or some kind of luxury bath towel, so soft and fluffy as she traced the contours of his muscles. He sighed with contentment, enjoying his afterglow as he rested his head in the soft cushion of her breasts, sinking deeper into her yielding fat. She was like a living recliner, the overhang of her belly supporting him as her boobs sagged around his shoulders. He could have stayed like that forever, his consciousness fading in and out as the warmth and euphoria got the better of him.
