Overpowered at the Office Ch. 06

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Following an act of rebellion, Simon loses patience.
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Part 6 of the 9 part series

Updated 10/31/2022
Created 02/05/2015
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Sandra stared up at Simon with wide eyes and her full lips parted to contradict him, but no sound came out. As much as she wanted to lie, she couldn't - her body had spoken for her.

Simon, seeing the stunned, defeated look on her face, didn't wait for a response. Sandra watched in confusion as his chest suddenly rose above her. In frustration he tipped his head and arched his back in perfect imitation of the 'Cobra' yoga pose, giving her a clear view of his solid physique, the strain in his thick, taut arms betraying the tension in his body.

As Simon arched, in his mind he made all kinds of promises to a God he didn't believe in to suppress his climax. Just being naked on top of Sandra felt better than any sex he'd ever had. Feeling an unfamiliar longing, he realised that as much as he needed to get inside her, he wanted to withhold his orgasm for the right moment. He'd just been gifted with an invaluable prize, and had every intention of holding her unwilling arousal over her head like his trophy. Her body's response was like a silent submission to his dominance, infinitely more precious than the coerced film on his phone.

When Simon discovered Sandra's incredible wetness, realised her body wanted him much earlier than anticipated, a thousand exciting thoughts followed and he very nearly came. What stopped him was the mental image that he wouldn't get to take her like he promised, he wouldn't make her come, that she would somehow triumph over him sexually. It was enough that he couldn't control his desire for her - she wasn't going to get more than that over him.

While it was the last thing in the world he wanted to do, while his cock roared abuse at him for even considering his next action, Simon decided to retreat. He needed to collect his thoughts and calm his overheated body. With Sandra trapped right where he wanted her, he could afford to take the time to cool off. He wasn't fool enough to ignore the fact that the current hold he had on himself was dangerously temporary. Leaving Sandra would hurt him, but if he didn't walk away now he was going to lose, and that wasn't an option for their first time together.

"FUCK!" he screamed angrily, making her cry out in fright beneath him. Without any explanation he dragged himself from the bed and stalked naked from the room, leaving her bewildered and not least of all, relieved.

As soon as he was through the door Sandra immediately rolled onto her stomach, not believing her luck at literally the last minute. Ignoring the humiliating slickness between her thighs and trying not to get tangled in her open robe, she used the scarf to pull herself up onto her knees by the headboard.

Not spending a second thought on when or whether Simon would come back, she made the most of her precious moment alone and frantically worked at the knots around her wrists. They were brutal, pulled furiously tight by Simon in his determination to keep her helpless while he did his worst. Idly she wondered why he'd stormed out in a rage.

'That fucker, is definitely on drugs,' she thought absently, shifting to manipulate the tangled scarf with one hand at a time. Fortunately she was talented with undoing knots, and in her current state of urgency her desperate fingers made short work of the restraints. She barely flinched when she caught a nail, drawing blood.

Finally getting both hands free, Sandra took a deep breath as she pictured her future like a dawning sunrise. She'd turn Simon in to the police and not care whether he spent time in jail. She no longer wanted revenge, justice or retribution. She didn't give a fuck if he sold the sex tape online and made a million dollars, didn't care if the whole world called her a whore - she was going to be free. She'd abandon her beloved job in a heartbeat and disappear. He'd never have power over her again. Tears ran down her cheeks as she fought to control her movements and make minimal noise.

Rubbing her sore wrists, she paused, listening. If she heard him coming back, she would scream out the window. It didn't matter if the police thought she was a petty attention-seeker, their arrival would cut the assault short. Then again, Sandra knew very well that if she screamed Simon would silence her quickly, possibly before anyone could decipher where her cry for help originated. The better thing would be to sneak down the hall and out the door to immediate physical freedom. Riskier, but without question the more worthwhile option.

As she crept toward the door she listened for footsteps. Simon wouldn't bother to tread quietly if he believed she was still tied up. Sandra could hear the kitchen tap running full force. Shutting out her terror and all accompanying thoughts that might shake her resolve, she nimbly darted from the room and dashed past the kitchen down the hall.


In the kitchen, Simon turned on the tap and splashed cold water over his face and body, particularly his protesting cock.

If he was going to do this thing properly, he couldn't be stopping and starting, with the nagging possibility he might explode without notice. Angrily he acknowledged he should have realised this when he'd first had Sandra's breast in his mouth, but he'd been too distracted by her amazing body, accessibly naked under the robe.

Simon's bruised ego was reeling from the fact that for the first time ever, he had been forced to back down from a sexual encounter. With women he always had masterful control over himself; he was never quick unless he wanted to be, he took as long as he wanted, he came when he chose.

A combination of sexual frustration, anger, and male pride formed one irrational thought - his overwhelming reaction to Sandra was somehow her fault, she'd set him up. He hadn't expected to find her so scantily clad, and he hated how close his plans had come to disaster on the one occasion it actually mattered to him. A part of him hated Sandra for making him want her more than any other woman.

Musingly Simon wondered if he should masturbate. After exploring her body so intimately he would no doubt release quickly, and then he could start over again without worrying about an unexpected climax. His expression morphed from a murderous scowl into a Cheshire cat grin when he considered he could get three orgasms in the same night, courtesy of Sandra, who'd done everything in her limited power to spurn his advances. The third time would be the charm - they'd come together. Boy, was she in trouble.

The moment he turned off the tap, his fantasising was cut short by the faintest snippet of sound - a floorboard creak.

'Impossible!' he thought incredulously, ironically imitating Sandra's shock when she'd heard him close her balcony door.

A shadow dashed past the doorway. He lithely poked his head out in time to see Sandra tiptoeing, still in her robe, down the hall.

Blinding rage clouded his mind as he charged after her. After already making him feel inadequate, she was going to leave and make a complete fool out of him!

Sandra's hand barely touched the front door before two bare arms circled her waist, lifted her like she weighed nothing and tossed her over a rock-hard surface, temporarily knocking the breath from her body. Staring at the ground from the great height of Simon's shoulder she gasped, struggling to catch her breath, while her mind screamed 'NO! NO! NO!'

Simon carried her into the bedroom and threw her unceremoniously onto the bed. He quickly slammed the window shut and stood naked above her with a foreboding expression darkening his brow. Accustomed to his dark eyes simmering hot in arousal like melted chocolate, now they glared at her in his fury like cold, solid onyx. Sandra held her robe closed and cowered on the bed beneath his towering rage.

"How the hell did you get out?" Simon thundered, feeling both inexplicable anger and deep admiration for the woman in front of him. He wasn't sure whether he wanted to beat her up or get down on both knees and propose. Not only had he underestimated the effects of Sandra's physical appeal, he'd underestimated her courage and intelligence. He was twice her size and strength, had ambushed her in the night, tied her up, threatened her, and still she'd managed to almost escape him. He was furious with her for the fear she caused him, not fear of repercussions for his actions, but fear that she'd be out of his reach and gone from his life.

Not waiting for an answer, he stepped forward and grabbed her wrist. Sitting down on the edge of the bed, he roughly dragged her across his lap. Sandra cried out and her heart sank with the knowledge that now he'd caught her again, her chances of escape reduced from minimal to zero.

Facing the floor, she lay across his naked lap, his large erection uncomfortably jutting into her side. Aware she had crossed a line in his eyes, she pleaded with him.

"Please, Simon," she begged, "you know you've taken this too far! You have to stop! Stop!"

Simon didn't answer, but she felt the air on her naked behind as he whipped the robe back. For a moment he pinched and kneaded, for the first time admiring the smooth, round firmness of her ass. Then she shrieked as he brought his hand down upon it.


He didn't use his full strength, not even close, but he used enough force for his palm to sting, and her right buttock turned a lovely pastel shade of pink as she sobbed.

Simon was furious, and painfully aroused. Luckily, the cold water and short time away from Sandra had somewhat calmed his body, and he felt confident he could continue where he left off.

Giving her ass one last indulgent squeeze, he flipped her onto the bed without warning, roughly tearing the interfering robe from her shoulders and throwing it well away from the bed. Watching her, he decided it was better for her hands to be free, so he could have the pleasure of restraining her himself.

Now completely naked, Sandra instinctively held out both hands and braced herself for the impact of Simon's chest as he lunged at her like a football player, the force of him knocking her legs open, crushing her into the bed.

As she tried to scratch him he easily caught her arms and held them above her, using his weight to press her deeper into the mattress. He noticed one of her hands was lightly bleeding - probably from undoing her bonds.

'Well, that'll teach her,' he thought angrily, though he made a mental note to tend to her hurt when he was finished.

No time for kisses and eager for the taste of her, he viciously licked her like an animal, from her collar bone right up to the top of her temple while she cringed away in disgust.

"Sandra," he breathed, moving upward until she faced his solid chest.

Sandra knew what the telltale shift up her body meant. As he planted a wet kiss onto the very top of her head, he lined his cock up and began to press forward between her legs, parting her pussy lips.

"Simon, please, no!" she wept into his chest, "Please, don't! What did I do to deserve this? Tell me, please, what did I do?"

He felt her warm tears on his chest, hardening his nipples as he strained not to bury himself completely in one thrust.

"You're so fucking wet," he ground out, ignoring her plea. "Don't lie to me anymore. You're going to get what you want. I'm going to give it to you, I'm going to-" he exhaled sharply as he sank into her an inch.

"Ahhhh!!" she cried out, legs tensing around him. Even through her wetness she felt a burning ache as her pussy slowly expanded, stretching to accommodate his girth. "Stop! I can't, Simon, wait! I can't! Stop!"

"Shhhh..." he hushed her, and his hand blindly reached down to touch her breasts while the other held her wrists and supported his weight. His eyes were closed as he sank in another inch. "This is it, baby. Don't be afraid, I'll go slow...Oh God, Sandra, Oh god..." he moaned in pleasure.

Sandra shut her eyes, not wanting to watch his wide chest move up and down as he slowly raped her. She bit her lip and tried to relax but groaned as her surprised pussy spasmed around the unfamiliar invasion, driving him wild. He slowly sank in a third inch.

"You're so wet for me," he said thickly, deliriously, pulling out slightly before pushing in again further, making her cry out in protest. "You're so wet...Sandra..."

It was true, she was gushing juices from their play before. Now her pussy produced more lubricant as it registered the natural motions of sex, helping him go deeper with less resistance. Soon enough, she felt her body begin to warm and with each small thrust trendils of pleasure rippled out from between her legs, extending down her limbs, up her torso right through to her chest. Just like he'd promised her earlier, the sex was starting to feel good.

"I hate you!" she screamed, trying to wrench her hands free of his grasp.

He laughed hoarsely, withdrawing an inch before pushing in again. She felt tighter than a closed fist. In all his imaginings, nothing could have prepared him for the elation of being inside her. As he slowly pumped he began to think of all the different ways they could have sex in future. He pictured himself bending her over, taking her from behind, watching her pussy stretch around him while he disappeared into her tightness as she moaned to receive him.

"All of me," he gasped, in a trance, "you're going to take all of me..." he entered deeper.

"AGHHHH!" Sandra shrieked, her pleasure stunted as she was stuffed with six inches of the biggest cock in her life, knowing there was more to come. Like a terrified child calling for the safety of its mother, she instinctively screamed for the protection of her ex boyfriend. "OH GOD, PETER, HELP ME!!"

Simon at this point, despite his searing desire, despite her calling out another man's name, felt an inkling of remorse. He didn't want to brutalise her, in his deluded mind he decided their relationship would be long-term. Soon enough her body would adapt to accepting his size, as girlfriends do when they date a new guy, but he knew he had to take care in their first encounter if he didn't want to hurt her. He knew she wouldn't orgasm like this. He pulled out a little and she sighed in relief.

"Sandra," he panted, "Sandra, I'm trying." With a huge effort, he slowly withdrew completely, and she winced as he exited her tight tunnel with a very audible 'pop'.

"I don't want to hurt you," he whispered into her forehead, leaning his chin against her, brushing his lips along her hairline. "I'm trying my best."

Straining her neck to look up into his crazy eyes, seeing him stare blindly ahead at the wall in front, she believed him. But she also believed he was completely bonkers.

"Sandra," he gently scolded, "you can't make so much noise. I don't want to have to gag you again." Like her, his skin shone with sweat from his exertion, his broad chest moved with his heavy breathing.

Sandra, thanking God he was no longer inside her, arched her back and craned her neck to look up at him, trying to wipe the horror from her face.

"Could we rest a moment," she pleaded, "for me?" She fought her feelings and tentatively kissed his chest.

Feeling her willing mouth on his body, he leaned back to look down at her. She forced a smile up at him, and it quivered across her pretty face.

"I'm yours, Simon," she continued breathlessly, trying to look seductive, figuring out his sickness, "I submit to you, and only you. Show me mercy." She watched him consider, saw him encouraged by the fake flirtation in her eyes.

Deciding to give her a short break, he slowly released her hands, wondering at the sudden change in her, loving it, taking it for granted in his lust. He eased back, kneeling between her spread legs, and wrapped a tight fist around his cock.

"That's it, Simon," Sandra cooed, arching her back, pretending to enjoy his other hand roaming across her naked breasts. "I'll make it up to you," she offered tremulously, trying not to cry. "You won't regret it," she panted, flinging an arm back in feigned passion, hand desperately rummaging along her bedside table.

"Yes, I knew you'd come around," Simon smirked triumphantly, pinching her breasts with one hand while he pumped his cock with the other. His eyes were dazed, he felt drunk in his desire. The victory and immense power he was experiencing went straight to his head and clouded his senses.

"You belong to me now, I am your master," he continued, masturbating over her. "You're mine. You're going to love me," he claimed hotly.

Finally, a sob caught in her throat as she found what she was looking for. "I'm ready for you now, take me!" she insisted shakily, rubbing one hand up and down his chest, caressing him, feeling his breath catch at her touch.

Simon didn't need telling twice and surged forward, probing once again at her tight pussy. Body to body, cheek crushed against his chest, Sandra squeezed her eyes shut and swung her arm around.

Simon screamed, feeling the shocking stab of something sharp and cold penetrate his side.

For a split second Sandra faced his accusing stare, his face twisted in pain and rage at her betrayal, before she felt a blow to the side of her head, turning her whole world black.

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kiwiplumkiwiplum8 months ago

Good one, finally a surprise

near1111near1111over 8 years ago

I am proud of the Little Sandra. I realy hope she will wake up and see him bleeding to the death on the ground. 5 stars!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Is he really sick? Love that she stabbed him! Good girl!

Bellie444Bellie444over 9 years agoAuthor

Still pending. Now I know how long it takes to approve postings next series I'll endeavor to complete all writing before I submit.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

when is the next episode going to come out...I'm so excited

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
She's going to be sorry she stabbed him

Did she really think she could overpower somebody twice her size?

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Take note people that this IS the ending

She's dead and he's dying. Just let the whole mess die with them.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
a blow to the side of her head, turning her whole world black

Dear Bellie444: Love the ending of this chapter.

Your fans eagerly await Sandra to regain consciousness. Hmmm? Wonder what happens when she opens her eyes? Simon won't be going down easy. He is going to be eff'in angry about her betrayal. Men get pissed off about that sort of stuff. A bitch who stabs a guy in the back (or the side).

My guess is that an angry Simon ties her up real tight next time, and when he pounds her pussy again, he won't be gentle about it. My bet is that Sandra gets the "fucking of a life-time," shortly after she regains consciousness.

There could even be a "hard pounding of her ass," as he works through his feelings of betrayal and rage. Perhaps the next chapter will be about Simon's "rage sex."

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Woah the ending! Didn't quite expect it, wonder what'll happen next. Keep writing. Best of luck!

MasterfuljimMasterfuljimover 9 years ago

Good for you girl. God I love a fighter. Let's see him talk his way out of that one when the cops come acalling.

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