Pam & The BadBoy Ch. 01

Story Info
Wife is cheating with another man.
7.2k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 06/07/2006
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As she slipped her delicate feet into the pair of sandals Pam wondered to herself what she was doing, where her mind was at. The question continued to nag at her as she reached for the door knob and stepped from the motel room.

Her heart leaped inside her chest.

There he was. Sitting outside his room. He'd pulled one of the chairs from inside to take advantage of the warm sunshine while reading the paper. He sat wearing only a pair of jeans, his strong torso partially hidden by the paper he held, his wide shoulders displayed above it, across them his long hair was draped. He'd heard her come outside and was looking up at her, his bright eyes sparkling from within the rough and confident features of his face, most of which were covered by days worth of stubble.

"Morn'," he smiled at her.

Pam's voice caught in her throat for a second while she pulled the door closed and stepped away from its opening toward him.

"Uuhhh- Hi," she managed to stumble finally.

"Beautiful day," he announced.

Her conscience didn't recognize his words and so she remained silent, frozen momentarily. She was staring at him, her soft green eyes flowing over his face and shoulders, her heart beating rapidly. Just looking at him she could feel her desires being awoken, a hunger starting.

Suddenly her mind raced through the events of the last couple days which had brought her to this point.

Her and her husband had come to town on a working get-away, his company having sent him here to try helping the local office work through some problems. Pam, newly unemployed due to the economy, had tagged along for a much needed stress relieving vacation. The day after they'd checked into their motel the man she was presently staring at had checked into the room next to theirs. Her very first sight of him had ignited the kindlings of arousal within Pam's loins.

He was tall, powerful and rough looking. He rode a motorcycle and wore leather. He had strong arms and long hair. And he was exactly the opposite of every single guy she had ever dated, including her husband.

After that first sighting she had spent countless hours fantasizing about him. About what he would be like in bed. About the way he would treat her. The ways he would touch her. The feel of his roughness against her soft skin. The sensation of his hard hands fondling her.

And now, two days after living with only a thin motel room wall between them, she had decided to speak to him, to spend some time getting to know him. Her mind told her that this was what she was doing, that she was just looking to spend a few minutes chatting. A curiosity type of thing.

But her body knew better.

"Sooo, what's up?" His voice broke through her rambling thoughts.

"Oh. Um... Um...," she stammered at first. "I... uhh... I, uh, just thought I'd say hello."

They had exchanged a few pleasantries during the couple of days, but they hadn't introduced themselves or gone further than the obligatory 'How-you-doing?'-type-of-thing.

"Well theenn... Hello."

The mischievous grin he said this with reached his eyes and sent a pleasant shiver through Pam. Again she froze for a moment, insecurities rising.

But twenty minutes later she was stepping across a motel room threshold once more. This time into his room.

It was an mirror image of the one she was sharing with her husband. The small, round table with a couple of stiff back chairs. A long, low dresser with the TV and advertisements holder on it. At the back was a vanity and sink, the wall behind them covered by a mirror. To the left of this was the door into the bathroom with its tiled floor and short tub. In the center of the main room sat the bed.

The bed.

Covered by a too-colorful comforter with a mass of pillows piled up at the head, it was big, thick and firm. And the sight of it . . . of this one . . . of the one in this man's room . . . in the room she was now inside of . . . caused Pam's heart to race faster, her palms to feel clammy.

"Here you go," he said, his voice breaking through the mixture of thoughts running through her mind once again.

He was standing a few feet away holding a cold soda out toward her. A cold soda he'd pulled from the little refrigerator setting next to the dresser. The cold soda that he'd offered her outside and she had followed him into his room to get. The cold soda that would probably not be drank any time soon.

Pam reached out and accepted it from him but failed to pull the tab, instead letting the hand holding it drop to her side and hang there. For a minute the two of them stood in silence, looking at each other.

Nervously she stood with her feet close together, her body swaying ever so slightly as her body rocked uncertainly.

She was short and petite, her small frame delicate. Beneath the loose t-shirt she wore, her large breasts were partially camouflaged. From beneath a pair of cut-off denim shorts, the material of which hugged her small ass tightly, her legs stretched briefly down to the slip-on sandals she wore. Her long, strawberry blond hair hung way down her back, a small collection of the tresses draping down her front on either side as well. Her bangs partially hid her soft green eyes as she looked at him.

In just his jeans he stood well above her, his own long hair hanging past his shoulders. His bare torso looked strong, tone and hard. Not cut and buffed like a weight lifter, but meaty and powerful like a man who is used to physical labor. His eyes drilled into her with a strange kind of understanding that Pam had never gotten from a man before.

For a minute she struggled to maintain eye contact with him, fighting to hold her eyes steady as she peered up through her bangs. But she soon gave in, her willpower weakened, and she cast her eyes to the floor, staring at the carpet a foot in front of his bare feet.

When she did this she felt a surge of emotion rush through her, felt her body shiver slightly, a barely visible quivering.

Still staring at the floor she saw his feet come into view a moment later. She watched them step past her, felt his body move the air around her. A second later she heard a quiet swish then the clack and snap of the door being closed behind her. Pam's heart beat faster and she felt her face growing red.

His feet came back into view.

She felt the soda in her hand being taken away then heard it being set down on the dresser just feet away. A moment later his feet were directly in front of her, less than two feet of carpet between him and her. Looking out from behind her bangs she saw his hand reaching up toward her, saw his fingers as they approached her face. Pam's heart thundered in her chest, she sucked in air, tried calming her quaking nerves.

His hand cupped her chin, his thumb brushing her cheek, and he lifted her face upward. She thought about what she was doing, wondered why she was here, why she'd even come into this man's room. All of the doubts and concerns were washed away though as soon as her face was tilted up enough to see his face once more. His eyes drilled past her bangs and into her own soft orbs. Waves of something she barely recognized surged through her entire being.

Her heart skipped a few quick beats and she felt her body warming even as small goose bumps appeared on her arms and legs.

He held her chin, his hand cupping her face, his thumb caressing her cheek. His other hand came up and he brushed some loose hairs away from her face, the fingers stroking her other cheek as they did this. Pam's face grew warmer, she felt her blood rushing to it. Her eyelids fluttered, her mouth opening slightly.

Lifting her chin more he leaned down to her then, his face and lips descending. She closed her eyes and raised herself up on her tiptoes. Air softly swished past her skin then his lips brushed against hers. Electric tingling sensations raced across her nerves as they kissed, their lips lightly pressing into each others. For a second their lips parted then he leaned right back in, kissing her once more.

The hand which was not cupping her chin slid around to the back of her head and was playing in her hair, the fingers twirling her tresses, massaging her scalp. The difference in their heights caused Pam to lean back as they kissed, pushing her head into these fingers.

After a long kiss he broke their connection and straightened back up, smiling down at her. Her eyes shined with the weakness she felt in her legs and the hunger in her body as she returned his stare. The sparkle in his eyes, the smirk on his lips sent small electrical jolts shooting through her body, made her heart flip-flop inside her chest. Between her legs she could feel lustful embers glowing hotly.

"You wanna play with the bad boy, huh," he whispered knowingly.

Pam's bottom lip, hanging slightly open, quivered just a little as his statement struck a truth hidden deep inside her. She could only blink rapidly a few times in response.

"Then, let's play, Bitch" he grinned.

Suddenly the fingers massaging her scalp twisted themselves into her long hair and jerked back, snapping her head back with them. The suddenness of this caused her to falter on her tip-toes and she dropped onto her flat feet, one foot dropping back a little to help her catch her balance. His other hand dropped from her chin and covered one of her breasts, the fingers squeezing the pliant flesh under her shirt.

"Uugh!" Pam whimpered, her mouth falling open as a massive mixture of pain and excitement exploded within her.

He remained poised in front of her, smiling down at her as his hand continued to massage her covered breast. His eyes filled themselves with the sight of her tilted back head and body, her firm tit being manipulated under the cloth. She looked up at him from her now half-closed eyes, the mixture of emotions she was feeling reflecting in their limpid pools.

Beneath her shirt her tit was being plied and reshaped by his hand. Her nipple was growing hard and stiff at the top, starting to protrude into the shirt's material, making an impression. Between her legs her glowing embers suddenly burst into flame, her growing desire blazing.

"You wanted to see how the 'bad-boy' would be," he smiled. "Wanted to play on the dirty side for once, didn't you. Well, I'll show you what it's like."

"Uuggghhhh," she whimpered.

Looking up at him she saw his smile widen, turn more mischievous. The hand on her tit slid away, roved down her body, across her stomach and over the top of the shorts hidden beneath the t-shirt. The hand continued down over the front of her thigh to brush along her flesh at the hem's edge before slipping back upwards. As it rose it slid to the center. It cupped her crotch, the fingers pushing at the denim material covering her sex.

Pam's hips reflexively pushed forward slightly, into and against that hand. Her eyelids dropped closed.

"Uuggghhhh," she whimpered again.

He held her there for a minute, his fingers filled with her strawberry hair, pulling her head back. His other hand at her crotch, the fingers rubbing at her sex through the shorts.

She started to grow damp, felt her juices wetting her vagina. Her hips pushed into the fingers more. Bending her neck she leaned her head back further. Her breathing rasped past her parted lips. Sensations of pleasurable pain ran through her body.

He held her like this for several minutes, his hand continuing to rub and push at her sex through the material of her shorts, bumping and rubbing at her stiffening clit. Eventually he pulled it away.

Stepping to one side he pushed her forward with the handful of hair that he held. Pam's head was straightened, her eyes opening, as he pushed her toward the bed. He walked her across the floor by the handful of tresses he held. When they made it to the foot of the bed he stopped her and spun her around so that her back was to the mattress.

She waited anxiously, her body trembling with excitement and nervousness.

He stood in front of her, still smiling down into her face. She stared up at his smiling eyes and rough face, her own eyes flashing with impassioned innocence.

Once more he leaned down to her, his face descending towards her's. Pam lifted herself up onto her toes again, raised herself to meet him as he bent in to kiss her. The hand still filled with her hair held tightly, pulling the tresses and her scalp. As his lips pressed into her's she felt his other hand once again cupping her breast, felt his fingers plying at her fleshy mound, squeezing and massaging it. Beneath her shirt her nipple grew even harder, blood rushing to the sensitive nub. His thumb brushed across the hard button, pressing and sliding as it wiped back and forth several times.

"Mmmmmmmm," she moaned into his mouth as his tongue drove past her lips.

Her mind was a mass of tortured thoughts and emotions. Her heart reeled with a mixture of the passion he was creating in her and the regret she felt at betraying her husband. She felt herself growing extremely aroused, felt her body tingling with excitement, her pussy starting to ache with anticipation.

He kissed her hard, pushing his mouth against hers and driving his tongue in. Pam responded by lifting herself higher on her toes, swirling her own tongue across his. Her body pressed forward, her chest pressing her tit into his squeezing hand.

The hand slid away, dropped from the massaging of her breast and down across her stomach. She felt his fingers blazing a trail down across her abs, felt them pressing into her flesh as they did. When they ran into the top of her shorts his fingers filled themselves with the material of her shirt and pulled. The garment's front was jerked from inside her shorts, pulled free. Cool air rushed underneath it, blew across her flesh causing small goose bumps to rise up. A second later his hand followed that small breeze and drove up to grab at her breast without the hindrance of the shirt.

As his hand came into contact with her tit flesh Pam felt a bolt of electricity rush through her from where his hand covered her hard nipple. His fingers squeezed into the mound and massaged it, his palm covering her nipple and flattening it down. His lips remained locked onto hers, their tongues diving and delving at one another's.

"Mm-mmmm," she whimpered as her knees began to weaken.

He held her up though, his handful of hair locked by his strong arm holding her upright as his other hand played with her tit, squeezing and mauling the tender mound. His fingers found her nipple, rolled and tweaked it, pulling the stiff nub.

A moment later he pulled his lips away from her, pulled back and straightened himself. He smiled at her as she whimpered quietly, his hand on her tit still playing and causing her body to respond inside. A shiver ran through her as she struggled to remain on her tiptoes, the handful of hair not releasing any of the tension it held. He watched her as he manipulated her tit, watched her eyes close, watched her lip quiver gently.

She whimpered again, mewed softly as he tweaked her nipple hard. Her breath panted past her lips, sighed through her open mouth.

"Uuuhhhhhhhhh. Uuuuhhhhhhhhhhh."

"Man, you're one sweet looking woman," he commented happily. "Look like a nervous little angel."

Pam's hands, which had basically remained hanging at her sides, came up then and her fingers gingerly reached out for him. They touched the sides of his stomach, tickled at his flesh. Soon she was holding onto him, her hands grabbing at his waist and her nails lightly scratching at his skin.

"Yea, a nervous and horny little angel."

Suddenly his one hand released her hair while the other did the same with her breast. A split second later she felt both hands grab the bottom of her t-shirt and begin pulling the garment up. Now back on her flat feet she raised her arms so that it could be pulled over her head, then her hands quickly replaced themselves at his waist, her thumbs scratching at his abs. Her hair, now released, hung across her shoulder and down her back, disheveled but shimmering with its color.

With the tossing of her shirt to the floor her entire torso was washed with cool air. Her large breast stuck out, the stiff nipples red atop them. The actual tips were rigid, standing hard and strong, filled with blood and aching with passion. Alarmingly aware of the nudity she was showing at this point, Pam's eyes hung down, she stared towards the floor, uncertain and shy about what was happening. In her vision she saw both his hands coming up and each cupping one of her breasts. He held the two of them, his thumbs wiping at her nipples and sending shots of lust through her body. She watched his hands squeeze and ply her soft, milky mounds, watched him play with her hard nipples, his thumbs brushing them and pressing them flat.

He stood there smiling at her, at the sight of her exposure before him and her eyes hidden behind her bangs.

Shockwaves of desire raced through Pam's nerves, her entire body tingled. She sucked in breaths between her lips as small whimpers escaped her throat.

"Mmm. Mmm."

He continued to fondle her like this for a couple of minutes, his hands cupping and squeezing her tit flesh, his thumbs brushing across her sensitive nipples.

When his hands slid down away from her breasts Pam opened her eyes to watch them travel the short distance across her abs to the top of her shorts, her head tilting further to watch. She watched as he undid the button, watched his fingers grip the zipper head and slide it downward. Then she watched as his hands came up to her hips, his fingers slipping in between the shorts and her, then start pushing down. With her heart racing, her breath shallow and heavy, Pam reflexively shifted her legs and hips to assist him in pulling the shorts down. They soon fell into a pile around her ankles.

"Mmmmmmmm," he sighed appreciatively as her pussy was bared.

Instinctively Pam pulled her one foot from the shorts and kicked them aside with the other. She stood with her feet slightly apart, her hands on his waist. The neatly trimmed and thinned hairs around the very edges of her pussy stirred ever so slightly with the air, a thin coating of her juices could already be seen starting to seep from her slit.

From behind her bangs she looked up at him through the tops of her eyes, a cautious nervousness shimmering in her pupils. She saw his smile, saw the way he stood admiring her now, his own eyes traveling over her body a few times before locking onto her hidden stare.

"Nervous angel," he whispered.

She felt his hands lay onto her hips, felt his fingers encircle her waist. His hands slid up and down a few times, brushing her flesh and warming her passions even more with their touch.

After a minute one of his hands rose up, the fingers catching under her chin and tilting her head up. Her hair flowed back away from the sides as she bent her neck to look up at him. He was already leaning down toward her when her half-open eyes saw him. She lifted herself up on her toes and closed her eyes, parting her lips slightly in preparation for the kiss that was coming. His lips pressed into hers for a second then his tongue drove past into her mouth. She reacted by swirling her own tongue at his. As they kissed the hand on her chin rolled back and filled itself with her hair again, tightening, tugging at her long tresses. His other hand slid up her body, its palm and fingers pushing along her flesh as it rose. Soon it cupped one of her breasts, the fingers gripping her fleshy mound, the palm covering her hard nipple and rubbing at it.

"Mmmmm," Pam murmured.

Up on her tiptoes she was forced to teeter, her feet trying to shift and find a more stable position. His mouth pushed against hers, his tongue delving across hers with force. Beneath his palm her nipple grew harder, the sensitive nerve endings being ignited by his touch. He cupped and squeezed her large breast, rolled the nipple between his fingers, tweaked it. His lips pushed harder at hers, his hand pulling her hair tighter even as it pressed her face into his. Her own hands grabbed tighter at his waist, her fingers squeezing at his flesh as the fire within her loins raged higher, her lust burning hotter.