Paradise Isle, Dimitry Pt. 05


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Slave Laney was smirking...

Reading the slaves reactions, Mistress Jillian laughed. "I'm not suggesting a fucking, only a sucking. She's very good with her tongue."

Mistress Marylin, clearly intrigued, chuckled. "That could work. He's been good, but not that good. And I don't allow him to screw anyone other than me."

"I understand.

"You see, one of the things that the CP nanites have done for my Demi is expand her tongue. Its size is now extraordinary. I absolutely love it. She's become very good at pleasing us with it, licking pussies.

"She is totally inexperienced with cocks, though. And I think she should at least learn a little about boys and their pricks."

She turned to look at Demi and winked. Demi blushed, understanding that her Mistress was just teasing her. Dimitry knew how cocks worked.

Marilyn seemed to like the idea. "Hmm. For your slave girl's sake, I think we can work something out.

"Perhaps she could demonstrate now, before I remove his cage. That would give me the chance to observe her enhanced tongue, and verify her ability while she warms him up. Not that he needs it. It will probably be awfully painful for him. But no pain, no gain. Right Gary?"

"Yes, Mistress, and thank you Mistress." He replied excitedly. He apparently wasn't worried about the pain. All he was concerned with was the release.

"Don't thank me yet, boy. If this little slut's tongue isn't well behaved. I just might refuse to let her have you."

Then she turned to Jillian, "sorry, no offense."

"None taken."

Gary though, looked terrified.

Marilyn chuckled. "Well, boy why don't you come up and sit here on the bench. Just on the edge and spread your legs nice and wide. That way the pretty little slave girl can have easy access, and we can get a good view of her skills."

Demi didn't like this game one bit. Of course, he'd heard the whole exchange, them discussing her like she was just a robot, or a slave. And she absolutely hated the thought of even touching a guy's cock, let alone sucking on it. She really wanted to refuse, with a 'hell no!' but she knew she couldn't. She was a 'good' slave girl. She had to be.

She watched as Gary took his seat and spread his legs, revealing his caged and hairless cock and balls. Damn!

"Okay, slave, move over between the boy's legs." Mistress Jillian ordered, and she pulled on the leash to help Demi along.

She moved reluctantly. But she did move.

Slowly, hesitantly she shifted over on her hands and knees, until she was kneeling between his legs, shifting her gaze between up at his face or straight ahead at his tiny caged prick.

Meeting his eyes, she could see both hope and lust. It made her sick.

But looking at his crotch was even worse.

"Now Demi, I expect you to do a fine job. Even though you've never sucked cock before, I know for a certainty that you fully understand the process. Right?"

When Demi didn't answer immediately, she gave her leash a tug. "Right?"

"Yes, Mistress."

"First show Ms. Marilyn your luscious tongue."

Demi glanced over at the woman and then pushed her tongue out, all the way.

She watched her expression. It was obvious that she was awestricken. Most people were.

"Oh my," Marilyn muttered. "That has to be the longest, most impressive tongue I've ever seen. In person, anyway."

Demi froze as the woman reached out a finger and poked it with a long red fingernail. "It's almost like a snake's. Have you considered having it split? Then it would be even more reptilian."

Oh, hell, no. Demi thought, and pulled her tongue back into her mouth.

Jillian chuckled. "I hadn't thought about that. But I do kind of like the idea.

"Demi you can suck on him now," she instructed.

Demi met her mistress's eyes for a moment, then took a deep breath and slowly leaned forward to carefully kiss the chrome of Gary's cock cover. Of course, she tasted nothing. It was warm, smooth and metal. She ran the tip of her tongue around until she found the hole at the cage's tip. There she did taste a little salty essence. Not terrible, but...

"Come on, girl, get that massive tongue working. I want to see it in action." Mistress Marilyn urged.

Demi backed away, just a little and poking out her tongue all the way out she began licking the cage and the delicate skin that poked out through the bars.

Gary sighed and squirmed in his seat.

"Gary, be still," his mistress ordered. Then she turned to Jillian. "I've never seen a girl's tongue that long, or that yummy before."

Mistress Jillian chuckled, "yummy?"

"Yes, yummy. As in, I'd love to feel it inside me. Fucking my pussy. I'm certain it would feel better than my Gary's little cock."

Jillian laughed. "I wouldn't know about his cock, but I do know that it does feel wonderful when she pokes it inside me and wiggles it around. My orgasms are fantastic."

"I'm jealous."

"Well, you could trade him in."

"No, I'm married to him, and he is a pretty decent slave."

"Then take him to the clinic and get him enhanced with some of their nanites."

"I just might."

While the two mistresses had been chatting, and chuckling, Demi had continued licking Gary's poor cock. She could tell he was both loving and hating her work. It had to be hurting him. She could feel even more of his flesh being forced out through the bars of his cage. His cock was doing its damndest to grow and harden, but all that was doing was push on his pinched balls. They looked like golf balls, ready to burst out of their skin pouch.

Demi licked and sucked on him for several minutes. There was no taste, but she hated it nonetheless. It was more the thought of what she was doing - licking a guy.

"I think he's ready." Mistress Marilyn said, casually, after Demi had been at it for far too many minutes.

Jillian laughed. "Ready for a stroke?"

Marilyn chuckled. "Okay little Demi, sit back so I can remove his wonderful cage. Then you can finish him off. It shouldn't take much."

She then turned to Jillian. "As long as you're still willing?"

Mistress then spoke up. "Yes, of course. My Demi has never tasted cum before. I know it's a nasty, acquired taste, but she might just enjoy it."

"I never allow it into my mouth." Marilyn confirmed. "It is disgusting."

"Nonetheless, Demi, you will swallow every drop." Jillian ordered.

Mistress Marilyn chuckled. "It's been quite a while; his tank will be full. She'll get a good taste and a belly full."

"Demi?" Mistress prompted her, crossly.

"Yes, Mistress." Demi sighed.

"Yes, what?"

"Yes, Mistress. I'll swallow all of his cum." Demi said, hating every aspect of the requirement.

She wanted to get up and run. But the leash would stop her.

She wanted to scream 'no'. But she knew that would do no good.

So, she just closed her eyes and waited for Mistress Marilyn to finish unlocking the guy's cock, there in front of her face.

It wasn't like she'd never seen a cock before. Dimitry had owned one for the first twenty-six years of his life. But she'd certainly never sucked on one.

Now freed, Gary's cock sprung to life. It seemed big enough - red, swollen and dripping.

With everyone watching, Demi closed her eyes and leaned in and began by kissing the thing's tip. Tasting the pre-cum as she did.

"Open your eyes, Demi, and watch what you're doing." Jillian said sternly. She wanted her slave to have the full experience.

Demi moaned, quietly with her lips around the cock, and that little vibration drew a moan from Gary. And he was immediately scolded by his mistress. "Stay still, you don't want me to come to believe that you prefer this slut to my love!"

"She does have a wonderful tongue," Jillian said, chuckling.

Marilyn laughed. "That she does."

It did only take a minute for Gary to lose all control and begin pumping into Demi's mouth. As he started, Marilyn reached over with both hands and held her head in place on his cock, to make certain she got it all.

Demi hated it, she had been wanted to pull back and off, she'd accept the punishment, but she wasn't allowed. Marilyn held her tightly as he pushed his cum out and down her throat.

She did taste enough of his sperm to know that she loathed it.

Demi choked but swallowed. No choice. She breathed through her nose, but couldn't seem to get enough air into her lungs. She started to feel panic as he continued to empty into her.

It was so very awful!

She was relieved when she felt him slow, and a few moments later his mistress' grip on her head was to removed. As soon as she could, she backed away, letting his shrinking cock slide out of her mouth.

Disgustingly a dribble of cum slipped out from between her lips as she did.

Mistress noticed. "Demi, it's only polite for you to clean up after sex. Please lick that prick off and swallow every drip down, before you abandon that poor boy."

Demi didn't reply, but resignedly she leaned back forward and again wrapped her mouth around his cock, although it was getting soft. She almost reached up to hold it, but then decided she had no interest in touching the thing with her fingers.

Besides he was now squirming again form her touch. Demi remembered how sensitive Dimitry's cock used to be after sex.

She didn't spend much time cleaning, and again pulled off to sit back on her heels, looking up at her mistress, imploringly. She really wanted to be done with it all.

Jillian understood. "Alright Demi, come on back over to your sister. Let his Mistress handle him, now.

Relieved Demi crawled back over to the side, as Mistress Marlyn took her place, squatting in front of her slave boy to put his cock back into its tiny cage.

He groaned, but held his position as his balls were squeezed through the ring and his cock pushed back into its tiny prison.

For a moment, Demi felt sorry for him. She could only imagine how difficult it must be for him.

Having completed her task, Marilyn sat back down on the bench. "Off now Gary, back on your knees, slave boy."

He moved slowly, settling back onto the ground. As he did, he glanced over at Demi and mouthed "thank you," in her direction.

Without thinking she replied with a "you're welcome," in the same manner.

Marilyn leaned over to give Jillian a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you, Jillian, I'm certain my Gary loved that. I hope your slave did too."

"You're quite welcome. I'm sure my Demi enjoyed it as well. Didn't you Demi?"

"Yes, Mistress." She replied, sullenly.

"Oh, come on, Demi. Answer me fully."

"Yes, Mistress. I enjoyed sucking him off." She did her best to put a little life into her answer this time; knowing that was what her Mistress wanted.

"Sucking who off?"

"Sucking off slave Gary, Mistress."

"Good. I'm proud of you."

"Thank you, Mistress." This time she smiled meekly. Happy to be done with the game.

Ms. Marilyn stood up and pulled her slave up too. He had a little trouble - his is legs were a little shaky.

"We'll be going now, unless you'd like to stop in somewhere for a drink. I'd like to hear more about her tongue and those nanites. It might just be the perfect enhancement for my boy."

Laney giggled as she happened to be looking at Gary at that moment, and she thought the terrified expression on his face was hilarious.

Jillian thought for a moment, then answered happily. "I think that would be fun. I'll even let her describe the experience."

She stood up and gently pulled her girls up, too. "Come along girls."

Demi got to her feet and took a moment to brush off her knees.

Marilyn led Gary down the pathway, while the other three followed.

As they walked along, Jillian looked back over her shoulder at Demi. "I'm certain you could use a drink - wash out your mouth."

"Yes, Mistress," Demi acknowledged. She certainly could, she could still taste the guy's salty and sticky cum. It was a gross reminder of what she'd just done.

They passed up a large club with a live band and eventually found a quiet bar. There, they settled into a table for four. Jillian instructed her two slaves to sit, while Marilyn had her slave kneel beside her chair.

"I usually have my girls sit with me, and talk while we eat." Jillian explained to her new friend.

Marilyn nodded. "They are well behaved, and pretty to look at."

"And it will make it easier for Demi to tell her story." Jillian said, proudly.

"Good point. And she can show me, too. I'd like a better look if I'm going to have my Gary's tongue done."

After they'd ordered and received their drinks, and Demi had rinsed out her mouth, Jillian began the story.

"As soon as Demi became mine, even though she's certainly pretty enough, I took her to the hospital here and had her improved. She got her tattoos. And then we visited the CP clinic. Her tongue was only one of the modifications done by them with their wonderful nanites. I had her breasts enlarged and her nipples made bigger and more sensitive. That was a gift to my Laney, as she loves to suck on girls' tits."

Marilyn looked at Laney who just smiled and giggled. "I do. I guess I'm just a baby at heart."

Jillian laughed. "She's my baby," she said before turning to Demi. "Tell Ms. Marilyn about your tongue Demi. How much trouble it was and how you use it on me."

Shyly, Demi started in. "It took several days for the nanites to grow my tongue to its current length and thickness. The longer it got the more difficult it became. I bit it often and that hurt. And I had trouble forming my words. They came out mumbles and with a lisp, but I learned to deal with it, and now..."

"And now you speak pretty well, although I can still hear a bit of a lisp, like you said." Marilyn interrupted.

"Yes, Miss."

"But tell me how you use it on your mistress."

Now Demi felt really embarrassed. "Um, my tongue is good for fucking my Mistress. I can reach deeply into her pussy, and tickle her G-spot. Mistress enjoys it immensely."

She then looked over at her Mistress to confirm her statement.

Jillian smiled and nodded approvingly. "Yes, it does. It's better than a dildo. And certainly, much better than a cock."

"That does sound wonderful." Marilyn said, clearly intrigued. She reached down to rustle her boy's hair. "Hear that, Gary? I really should get your tongue enhanced like Demi's Then I wouldn't need your cock at all."

She paused to giggle. "Wouldn't that be nice my pet. We could upgrade your cage to a Chasti-Permalock device and keep your silly cock locked away permanently."

Then she laughed some more.

To the other girls it sounded like she was just teasing, but from the terrified look on his face, Gary wasn't so sure.

After that, Jillian and Marilyn's conversation moved on to other topics, and the three slaves sat and knelt quietly to listen.

Their food arrived and while Jillian and her slaves ate, Marilyn fed herself and her kneeling slave from her plate.

While she ate, Demi got over her embarrassment with having to tell the story of her tongue, but the feeling was replaced by a concern for poor Gary. She could imagine how difficult it must be for the guy with his cock caged so much of the time. And now with the threat of a tongue expansion, she could feel how terrified he must be. Poor guy.

Eventually, they finished their food and drinks and said their goodbyes. The women all exchanged hugs and kisses, leaving Gary out of the mix, until the very last minute when Demi, still worried about him stepped over and gave him a hug and a nice kiss.

Only while walking away, did she realize that she had just kissed the guy who she'd sucked off. And that thought made her sick.

As the three of them worked their way back to their room, Mistress turned to Demi. "So, what did you think, slave? Was it good or bad? You can answer truthfully."

"It was terrible, Mistress."

"Oh nonsense. Girls blow guys all the time. And a lot of them swallow cum. Some even like the taste."

"Not me."

"Oh, don't be that way, Demi. Laney's sucked off random guys several times, and it hasn't killed her. In fact, I think she enjoys it. Right my love?"

"Yes, Mistress. I don't mind sucking on a cock for you once in a while." Laney replied, obediently.

"See, Demi, you'll get used to it."

"Please Mistress, never again." Demi said, even though she knew it wasn't what her Mistress wanted to hear.

Sure enough Mistress, got peeved. "Demi, stop right there. If I tell you to suck cock, you'll suck cock! You'll like it, and thank me for it. Understand?"

"Yes, Mistress."

"Yes Mistress, what?"

"Yes, Mistress. I'll suck cock if you ask me to."


"And I'll like it and thank you for it, Mistress."


That night, in bed, Demi couldn't believe how her life had changed, not in just the last days, or weeks, but since Dimetry had made his mistake in the bar back in Moscow.


To be continued...

From the Author: Please comment on my stories. All thoughts, positive or negative are welcome. If negative, please extend the courtesy of providing constructive criticism. Thanks.

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ChangeYourPasswordChangeYourPasswordabout 1 month agoAuthor
Thanks for the Comments. All are appreciated.

This tale will indeed continue apace. I understand that some readers were disappointed that it turned from TG/TF, to more of a DS story. That’s the way things go sometimes…

Others think Dimetry should be resting more forcefully, but my vision is of a guy who has been submissive all his life. To his father, his government and now to her Mistress.

In any case, I hope you all enjoy my writing.

CapriciousRainCapriciousRainabout 1 month ago

Fantastic! Stay true to your intent and vision with this story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

The whole vibe between Demi and the other two sluts is off big time. This is a guy who changed to disguise his identity, not to become a stranger's lesbian slave, so it seems like he should be freaking out about being ordered to do anything. He wasn't into the lifestyle beforehand so being so accepting of his place doesn't fit. Someone in his place and with his background would be planning their escape and next hideout, to not only get away from the Russians looking for him, but these two sluts who tried to blackmail him. It's just my two cents but I don't like this one as much as past Paradise Isle stories.

thekeenreaderthekeenreaderabout 2 months ago

Want to hear more about Gary and Bailey too

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

I would love a stand alone story about the dog girl. ^.^

tarthearttartheartabout 2 months ago

honestly, I thought this chapter was a bit dark. I'd like to see more resistance in Dimitry.

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