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"Yeah, I'm up for those things too. And in the evening I want to see a show at the Moulin Rouge, and maybe go clubbing?"

"Ok, it's a deal big brother," Emma smiled, holding out her hand.

"No touching!" I growled.


So we had a fantastic day. The view from the Eiffel Tower was out of this world, and Notre Dame was so beautiful. We had lunch, and walked by the river. We went back to the hotel, showered, then went out for dinner. After dinner we found a nightclub, so we went in. The club was amazing. I danced with a couple of French guys. Mark soon found a girl to get cozy with in the bar and on the dance floor. Later some older girls came in and the two guys I had been dancing with lost interest in me and went off to the other girls. I was a bit lost for a while, standing by the bar, but ,Mark came up to me.

"What's wrong, squirt?" he asked.

"Don't call me that, and nothing, just no one to dance with."

"I saw with a couple of guys."

"Yeah, they're over there," I nodded in the direction of a large group of French people.

"Oh, do you want to go?"

"What about you, and your...friend...?"

"Oh, no it's ok, I need to look after you. Let's go."

I walked back to the hotel in shock. Well, Mark led the way, with me always about five steps behind. We never spoke a word.

Back in the room mark stripped to his boxers. I went in the bathroom and changed to my usual nighttime attire of vest and panties. Mark was in bed watching tv when I came out.

"Anything on?"

"Same as this morning. Civil war in somewhere or other," he replied.

I climbed into bed, and rolled away from him.

"Night...and thanks for looking out for me at the club," I whispered.

"No problem squirt."

"I'm not a squirt. I'm an eighteen year old...woman."

I soon fell asleep. When I woke up it was still dark, and Mark's arm was draped over my bare stomach. I smiled to myself then fell asleep once more. I woke up a bit later surprised to feel his erect penis pressing against the back of my panties.

"Mark, are you awake?" I whispered.

Nothing. I rolled onto my back and stared at the ceiling. Sometime shortly after I went back to sleep. Next time I woke up, it was just getting light. I looked across at my brother who was asleep, lying on his back. For some reason I was feeling horny. I slipped my fingers into my panties and began to play with my pussy. But it didn't feel right so I stopped and just lay there quietly listening to my brother's soft breathing. I rolled over and lay my leg across him, lying on my stomach. I arched my leg so the inside of my thigh lay across his groin area. To my surprise I could feel he had another erection. I pressed my thigh down against it. After a while I edged closer to him so my chest was against his arm and rib cage, then I pulled my vest up so my bare breast were touching him. I lay like this for ages, but he never stirred. Bored I gave up, rolled away and looked at my watch.

I got up to have a shower, where I masturbated, thinking about the two guys in the club and to my shock, my brother's erect cock. I came out the shower wearing just a towel. Mark was now awake.

"You're up early," he said.

"Couldn't sleep. How about you?"

"Slept really well."

He showered, we dressed and went down for breakfast.

That day we walked up and down The Champs Elysees then ended up in the Louvre museum. We came back to the hotel to shower and change then went out again. We tried to get into the Moulin Rouge but it was fully booked so we ended up having dinner and watching a show at The Lido, which involved dozens of beautiful girls dancing topless. Mark was very impressed. In truth so was I, it was a great show and the dancing was amazing. To my surprise, once we got off the metro we walked back to the hotel with our arms linked.

Mark went to the bathroom and came out wearing just a pair of briefs, instead of boxers, which did nothing to disguise the package that was lurking inside. While he was in the bathroom I had put on my usual vest and panties, although the vest was shorter and looser than my previous ones. I climbed into bed and switched on the tv. I flicked through the channels and found one showing porn. I watched for a few minutes until I heard the wc flush. I was about to change channels but decided against it. Christ I was feeling horny.

Mark came out, wearing the aforementioned briefs, and looked at the tv.

"What's on? he asked.

I nodded at the tv. He climbed into bed and we lay together, silently watching a pretty poor soft porn movie. Eventually I rolled over.

"I'm tired. G'night," I muttered.

He carried on watching the tv for about ten more minutes, before switching it and the light off.

Once the light was off, and Mark was lying down, I slid closer to him, till our bodies were almost touching. I leaned my head against his arm and shoulder.

"I can't believe we haven't had a fight yet," I whispered.

"I know. I was thinking that this morning," he replied.

As we talked I edged my hand up to his chest and began casually stroking one of his nipples.

"I don't know what it is, but I actually seem to be enjoying being with you," I said.

"It's strange, I know, but I can't think of any reason to be arguing with you," he laughed.

"That is weird," I smiled.

He lifted his arm. I leaned against the side of his chest, as he draped his arm around my shoulder and rested his hand on my bare stomach.

"You know what's weird. If mom and dad saw us now, they would be in shock," he commented.

"What right now, cuddling up in bed together, they'd have a heart attack."

"Just like Amy's dad," he replied.

"Talking of Amy, I told her that we were sharing a bed, she said we'd either end up killing each other or fucking each other," I joked.

"Well...I certainly don't want to kill you."

I lay silently for a moment, trying to grasp what he just said.

"So, does this mean that you actually think that I really might be a nice person," he whispered.

"Let me think about that one for a moment..."

As I said this he moved his hand up from just below my stomach to just below the top of my crop top. I slid my hand down till my fingertips were just touching the elastic at the top of his briefs.

"No, I wouldn't go so far as to saying you're a nice person. Yet," I joked.

"That's a relief. Don't want you thinking I'd gone soft."

We continued to lie in that position and somehow we both fell asleep. To my surprise I slept really well.


I woke up to the sight of sunlight streaming in through the window. I was spooning Emma and my cock was rock hard, poking against her ass. As with previous times I tried to gently edge away from her before she felt it, but as I did that this time, she edged back and pushed her ass against my cock.

"Hmmmm, don't move, I'm so comfy," she sighed.

"Sorry, I thought you were asleep."

"No, been awake for about half an hour."

She wiggled her ass against my boner, as I draped my hand onto her stomach.

"Did you sleep well?" I asked.

"Like a baby. You?"


Then she finally rolled over onto her back, her hips still touching my cock, which gave the occasional twitch. She switched on the tv, which was still on the porn channel.

"My god, it's not the same movie as last night?" I joked, as on the screen two women were cavorting with some lucky guy.

We lay there watching the movie for a while.

"I can't believe I'm watching porn with my big brother," Emma laughed.

"Just hope I don't tell mom!"

Then she climbed out of bed, and opened the window. She came back to bed, picking up her cell phone, and she began sending a message.

"Amy says hi," she finally said.

"Hi Amy. How's her dad?"

"Getting better. I told her we're having a lazy morning watching tv."

At that she stood up and moved to the end of the bed.

"She wants a picture of you. She doesn't believe we're lying in bed together."

She snapped a picture.

"Zoom in on my head and shoulders. Not one of me lying in my underwear!" I protested.

She did, and took another photo.

"She likes the pictures. Very much," Emma laughed.

She put her phone down and went to the bathroom.

"Shower time. See you in a minute."

As soon as she was gone I reached over for her cell phone. I entered her date of birth and unlocked her phone, opening up the conversation. Fuck!! There were two pictures from Amy. One was a full frontal nude. The other showed her lying on a bed, wit her legs up and open, clearly showing her pussy! I scrolled up and saw the two pictures Emma had taken of me. The first was the full body length of me, the second, she had zoomed in, but not to my face but to my briefs, clearly showing the outline of my erect cock.

I read a bit of their conversation...

Amy; have you seen his cock?

Emma; no.

Amy; why not?

Emma; he's my brother!! You pervert...

Amy; so...?

Emma; you're sick...

Amy; I'm not the one sharing a bed with my gorgeous brother.

Emma; you don't have a gorgeous brother!

Amy; so you admit he's gorgeous!

Emma; well...BUT...when he's been asleep he's actually poked me with his boner...accidentally...

Amy; lucky bitch. What did it feel like?

Emma; well...all I say is I've had to masturbate a few times this week!

Amy; Emma!!

I had to stop as I heard the bathroom door opening. Emma came out wearing just a towel. I got out of bed, aware that I was still hard and went to the bathroom, where after jacking off, I had a shower. I came out, also wearing just a towel. Emma was sitting on the balcony, still dressed in a towel.

"I made you a coffee!" she called out.

We had a coffee machine in the room but we hadn't used it before. I went to the balcony and sat with her. We sat together, planning our trip to the palace of Versailles and sipping coffee.

"I'm going to ring mom and dad," I said, standing up and going in the room.

I picked up my cell phone and then lay on the bed, dialling the number. Mom answered.

"Hi mom, it's Mark!"

"Oh hi honey, how's Paris?"

"Beautiful. Warm and sunny."

"And how's Emma?"

"She's fine. We're having a great time."

"Is she there with you?"

"Yes, we're sharing a room."

"And you haven't killed each other yet?"

"Why does everyone think that?" I laughed.

At that Emma came in to the room from the balcony. She turned her back to me and delved into her suitcase.

"Your father's not here, he's playing golf with your uncle."

As mom spoke Emma dropped her towel, exposing her naked back and ass to me, before quickly slipping on a pair of panties.

"Sorry mom, what did you say?"

"I said your father is playing golf. With your uncle. Aren't you listening?"

Emma pulled a t shirt over her head, not putting on a bra I noticed.

"Sorry mom, I was momentarily distracted."

At that, Emma turned round, smiled and waved a jokey finger at me.

"Let me talk to your sister."

"Ok, bye mom."

I passed the phone to Emma. I turned to my suitcase to find some clothes, as my sister began talking to my mom.

"You'll never believe this mom, they messed up the booking. We actually have to share a bed!"

I looked at Emma, fear spreading across my face.

"I know, what a nightmare, Emma continued.

I couldn't hear what mom said, but Emma continued.

"Ha ha, Amy said I'd either kill him or screw him by the end of the week. So you'd better order a coffin mom!"

"Yes mom, Sorry mom, I know I shouldn't talk like that. It's just what Amy said. Ok bye mom. Love to dad."

"Why'd you tell her that?" I asked as she handed me back my phone.

"Cos its funny.

I went to the bathroom to dress and we went down for breakfast.


We had the most fantastic day at Versailles. What a beautiful place. We walked in the gardens, had a guided tour of the palace and then caught the train back to Paris to change before we went out for dinner. After dinner we saw a poster for an '80s disco'.

"That looks fun. You must remember the eighties," I joked.

"I was born in 1994, you cheek."

"Well mister that's still a long time before me."

In the club I soon found myself dancing with a cute but definitely older man. I'd say he must have been at least forty. Mark tried to dance with a couple of girls but they weren't interested so in the end he just gave up and stood by the bar, drinking a lot of beer. We had been at the club for nearly three hours. Mister cute but old was getting more adventurous with his hands, and I must admit I was tempted but... I looked over and saw Mark looking the worse for wear over by the bar. I pulled myself away from the clutches of my sugar daddy and helped my big brother out the club. He was very drunk. I got him into a cab then up the hotel elevator to our room. I got him onto the bed, stripped him down to his boxers then got myself undressed. I wore a blue sports bra and light green panties. I watched a bit of porn on tv, masturbated next to my sleeping brother then lay down to sleep.


I woke up with my head pounding and my throat feeling like a dry river bed. I glanced at the time. Just after six. Oh god I felt awful. I climbed out of bed, noticing that I was just wearing boxers. How did we get back from the club? I poured myself a glass of water, then stood on the balcony. The room was so hot. Finally I went back to bed, turning towards my sister and placing my hand on her stomach.

"My god, he's alive!" she laughed.

"God, I feel so rough."

"I'm not surprised."

"How did we get back from the club?"

"Ah, so you don't remember me helping you to the cab, in the elevator or to the room? You don't remember thinking I was your girlfriend in the elevator, or your mom when I got you undressed?"

"No, sorry. At least you left my boxers on."


"Sorry," I repeated.

"'S'ok. What time is it?"

"Six, ish."

"Get back to sleep then," she told me.

I woke up just before nine. I was spooning my sister and my erect cock was poking against her ass.

"Feeling better yet?" she asked, rolling towards me.

"Yeah, a lot thanks. Sorry about last night."

"Not a problem. It happens."

I got up to pour another glass of water, then climbed back into bed next to Emma, who was lying on her side. I turned to pace my hand on her stomach but again poked her with my still hard cock.

"You get a lot of those, don't you?" she said, coolly.


"You get a lot of erections."

"It's a guy thing."

"I'm only saying, it's not like I'm moaning or anything," she responded.

"It's a man thing. We get them during the night and early morning."

"I know."

"It's just a man thing. We can't help it."

"I know. It's not like you have to explain."

"I mean, it's not cos of you."

"I know. I get it."

"I just didn't want you thinking it's because of you. It's just what men do."

"Jeez Mark, stop it. I understand."

"What you getting upset for?"

"I'm not."

"You are."

"I'm not."

Our first row of the week.

"You are. You sound pissed off."

"I'm not. I just happen to mention you get a lot of erections. I didn't mean anything by it."


"Then you start going on about how it's a man thing. I know it is," she told me.

"I just didn't want you thinking I was getting them cos I'm in bed with you."

"I know that. It's a man thing I get it."

"So why are you angry."

"Shit! I'm not. You just automatically assumed that I thought I was making you hard."

"Don't you?"

"Fucking hell brother! No!"

"I just don't want you thinking that you do?"

"Do what?"

"Make me hard. You don't. Don't flatter yourself that I'm turned on by sharing a bed with you."

"That's the last thing I think."

"Is it?" I asked.

"Shit Mark, just drop it."

"Well you started it."

"Not really but I just want you to understand that I'm not so vacuous that I think your morning boner is down to me."

"Well it isn't."

"I know. I just said that."

"Don't flatter yourself. I'm not some weirdo who gets turned on by looking at his kid sister."

"Mark, just...just fuck off..."


"Look I don't wanna ruin this week by arguing with you. I just can't be bothered. Why don't you just...just...go have a shower. You stink of beer."

"Fine, I will," I said, climbing out of bed and going to the bathroom.

I slammed the door and showered. I had planned on jerking off but right at that moment masturbation was the furthest thing from my mind. I dried off, wrapped a towel round my waist and went out to the bedroom.

Emma was on the balcony.

"I made you a coffee!" she called out.

She was still wearing her sports bra and panties. I'd assumed she would have changed. I walked out to the balcony and stood behind her.

"Sorry," I whispered.

"It's ok, we've done well to get this far without an argument."

I edged a step closer to her then wrapped my arms around her waist, placing my hands on her stomach.

"We have haven't we?"

I edged another inch closer, pressing myself against her. My cock pushed against her panty clad ass. We stood like this for a minute or two, as my cock stiffened. Soon I had an erection. To my surprise she began to wiggle her ass against my stiff penis, almost grinding against it. She continued to do this and I pushed harder against her.

Then I slid my hands up over her stomach, stopping when I reached the elastic at the bottom of her sports bra. She carried on grinding against my cock. Feeling bolder I slid my hands onto her bra, cupping her breasts. She sighed lightly. I then slipped one hand inside the bra and onto her breast, feeling her erect nipple. With my other hand I unhooked my towel so it slipped to the floor. I was now totally naked. I pushed my other hand back to her bra and edged it upwards, uncovering her tits. Looking out I saw that some construction workers on the building across the street had spotted us and were watching. Emma continued to grind her panty covered ass against my cock as I fondled her breasts.

Then she slid her hand down to her panties, hooked her thumbs into the elastic and pulled them down. Her panties slid down her thighs the fell to the floor. I felt my cock poking against her naked ass as she continued to wiggle it against me. At this point she moaned as her hand went between her legs and she began to masturbate. I knew that her grinding was driving me closer to orgasm.

"Oh fuck, yes," I moaned.

She sighed quietly as she rubbed her pussy.

"Oh shit I'm going to, I'm going...oooohhhh,". I moaned as I came.

Jets of sperm filled the tiny space between us, covering her ass, my stomach and her lower back.

"Shit!" I exclaimed.

Emma's moans got louder as she continue to masturbate herself, still grinding her cum covered ass against my spent cock.

"Mmnnnngggg," she moaned as her own orgasm struck.

She stopped, stood still and smiled.

"Oh god that was...ohhh."

She turned towards me. For a moment she seemed lost for words.

"I think I'd better clean up.We made a bit of a mess," she smiled.

I watched as she walked back into the bedroom and toward the bathroom, naked except for her bra bunched up around her neck.

I went back into the room and sorted some fresh clothes from my case, and stood glaring at the tv, still naked, in a state of shock.

Emma came out, looking fresh, and fully dressed.

She narrowed her eyes and gave me a smile, a different smile to one I had ever seen from her before. It was a smile that suggested something secret and entirely intimate between us.

"You'd better...well you'd better..." she stuttered, looking at my sweaty, naked body.

I nodded and went back to the shower, with a pile of clothes in my hand.

I came out to find Emma sitting on the bed, watching the news on tv.

"Breakfast?" she suggested.


We traveled down in the elevator, mostly in silence.