All Comments on 'Partner Games Ch. 04: The Test'

by m_storyman_x

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stevie1965stevie1965over 5 years ago
Enjoying the overall story

I have enjoyed all of the chapters to date but this one left me a little confused. I'm not sure I get why a group that doesn't practise and enjoy "train" sex type situation would subject potential new members to it just to make sure they also don't enjoy it? It seems like a very strange way to interview new members. A little like saying we're gong to whip you to make sure you don't enjoy being whipped!

Perhaps I'll re-read this chapter and see if it makes more sense second time around, but am still looking forward to the next chapter!

lovemesomephillylovemesomephillyover 5 years ago

What did Jerry do wrong again?

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Following close

Enjoying this series, immensely. But i have to weigh in on this one, just a tad. Couple of points where i played catchup, because he switched pussies, and i didnt realize he had left the one before. No big, just broke the flow of dopamine. The other is like has been said. What made Sue good, and Jerry not? Our protagonist. And his wife were both stating that it wasnt their thing? Not trying to break things down micro level, and i could see that one couple in, and one couple out could be a story device, later. But i would appreciate a couple lines from the author perhaps stating the thoughts behind these points, dont need a rewrite or edit, just a drop of clarity. Keep it up, one of my fav authors!

darvon86darvon86over 5 years ago
Jerry went Sybil

I enjoy your stories greatly, and this series is no exception. But Jerry's late actions in this chapter threw me, as well as Bill and Joan's final actions.

All through this series I would rank Sue as the most enthusiastic about switching et al, with Bill next, then Joan, and finally Jerry. Also Joan seemed to be the instigator not Bill, so that boasts her up a bit in being Pro-Strange.

But all throughout this series Jerry is the reluctant participant. Even in this chapter he was last to disrobe. And then afterwards Jerry makes one "too-enthusiastic" response.

I couldn't fit that one response with the character of Jerry that you built previously. It threw me for a loop.

Then you have Cyn state that his one comment obviously DQs that couple from the club. Which again strains my link to the reality of this story.

Finally you have Bill and Joan acquiesce, without any voiced objection, to lying to their close friends, who probably expect to continue their fun with Bill and Joan. This action is, for me, really grating. It is not the response I expected from these characters and it actually makes me start to dislike this couple.

So from Jerry's comment onward, the story broke the link, for me, to the universe the prior stories built. And turned a liking of the protagonist couple to a irritating dislike.

Again, I know you are a talented author and I enjoy your stories. But the ending on this chapter leaves me confused and negative to the protagonist.

It seems that these 4 chapters were the setup for individual club adventures with Bill and Joan, and we probably won't see the names Sue or Jerry again. If so, that is another point which disconnects me as a reader from this story.

I am very interested in seeing what you do in Chapter 5.

FseriesFseriesover 2 years ago

Yep. The wheels have fallen off this car. The beyond the level of comprehension that they’ve allowed themselves to be manipulated into mass cheating is incredible. Like I said before, all he wanted was his wife being more normal in the sex department since she was more or less frigid. And now he doesn’t have a wife anymore. He has nothing special or important with her. She’s shared it far and wide.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Well, that was a turn of event seeing Sue and Jerry kicked out of the group. In another way I wasn't totally surprised about the decision. Jerry seemed too eager to jump into it and he is also a slow cumer. It was definitely an interesting chapter in the sense of showing us a lifestyle which is usually in "the shadows" of social activities. Again, great dialogue and marvelous description of action. Now I wonder what is next in chapter 5.

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I love the outdoors, fishing, hunting , boating, photography, writing and of course SEX ! I have a fertile mind of ideas and have written many of them in my stories here. After 40+ years of marriage and raising a family I'm ready to live some of those fantasies, even though...

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