Party Time


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My voice came out of its own volition, at first in cries and moans, and then in grunts and hisses. My first orgasm took a long time, because the sensation of it was so different from any other fucking I'd done, but it was deep and intense, a rumbler that shook through me for a long time. After that they came more quickly, two, then five, then eight. I don't know how long it went on, but it was a long time. I licked more pussy that night than I had all the rest of my life put together. Every time I would stop he would say, "Lick that cunt!" My tongue was sore and stiff, but he would smack my ass and twist my nipples every time I hesitated. She came a couple of times, but I couldn't pay much attention to it from the pounding I received. It felt so good, and yet awful at the same time.

At last he said, "I'm going to do it."

"Do it," she hissed, coming herself, "come inside her!"

I didn't feel anything at all when he did, just his frantic pumping along with high-pitched yelps and whines. And then he was finished and pulled out. She crawled out from under me and sucked him clean. I lay there exhausted for a long minute, certain that a million years had gone by. I felt her lips clench around my butt and her tongue squirm into me. I was so loose back there that she had no trouble.

After a minute of this she came up to my face and pressed her mouth against mine: she spit a warm trail of come sucked from my ass into my mouth and waited until I swallowed it. Then she went back to sucking her lover.

I lay on my back listening to her slurping and then decided to get out of there. When I got up and struggled with my dress, he was kind enough to zip it up for me, but beyond that he paid me no mind. I noticed that the woman's eyes were still closed. Perhaps she was blind.

I left and went to the bathroom right away. I passed some incredible gas, a buttload of sperm and a little shit. When I left the party it wasn't as late as I had feared. The whole thing had been about three hours. After that I really hated myself. My butt hurt for days and every time I looked in the mirror I felt like crying.

What was wrong with me that I kept looking for such people? Why couldn't I connect with other people beyond these assignations? It wasn't getting fucked up the ass or felched, but it was just the empty, dirtiness of it. Those people didn't care about me at all. I was a dirty, ugly, empty shell. I even thought about killing myself, for all the good that would do. I swore it off for a long time after that; I didn't trust myself to go to a bar or out anywhere, because I knew I would just hook up with the first person who looked at me. But of course I did do it again.

A guy in the back of a restaurant, this business man on his lunch break came in me and gave me his card. I threw it away without looking at it. I went down on a guy at the park and there was this girl at a dance club whose ass just called to me from across the room. I licked it out the way the woman at the mansion had done to me, and I smiled when she came on my tongue. That was why it was fun: I liked to give pleasure to these strangers. I felt like I could see through them to their deepest hearts in those moments, make a real connection, however short it lasted. And once I started again I didn't stop until the last time.

The Last Time. Well. It was a party for the friend of a woman in my office that I was casually invited to along with a few other people. I went to it, promising myself that I would just go and say hello for an hour and then go find a fuck somewhere else. My one rule was never to do it where someone I know could find out. But when I got there, my co-worker was just leaving: there was a ton of other people there, all young, well-to-do types being intellectual, or pretending to. No one noticed me, certainly not my co-worker who left with her boyfriend before I could even say hi to her. I laughed to myself and settled on the couch with a glass of wine and some chips. There were a few people who said hi, and I tried to be friendly, but as usual it never went anywhere. When I got up for a refill, I met this guy named Joel. Clean-cut, average build, racquet ball every Thursday Joel with a smile and an engagement ring.

"Hi," he said, getting some chips himself. "Do I know you?"

"I'm the friend of a friend, but she left and I don't know anyone here."

"Geez, that's kind of awkward. Well, hey, I'm Joel. Now you know someone." He brushed some crumbs off his fingers and shook my hand.

"Are you here with your fiance?" I asked.

"What? Oh, the ring, no. She's visiting her family in Vancouver, so I'm on my own."

Our conversation went in fits and starts, but it was pleasant enough. He introduced me to his friends there, a circle of gentlemen in the corner discussing an obscure comparison between politics and sports. After I slunk quietly away from them, Joel found me again and made small talk. I swore to myself that I would keep my promise, but as I did I knew I was going to break it. I was going to fuck Joel, suck his cock and drink the semen from his body. His sperm was going to be in my belly tonight through one hole or another.

Once I made that decision things went easier. I felt how attracted he was to me, how he went out of his way to brush my arm, or to pick at some lint on my shoulder. I took a chip and when I reached for some dip I brushed my tit against his arm. He looked at me, trying to interpret the movement, so I let a smile tease my lips.

"Are you teasing me?"

"I would never do that."

"You know, you still haven't told me your name."

"And what does it matter?"

"Not much, I guess. Are you. . . working?"

"Oh, no. Just looking for some fun."

"Fun? I could use some fun myself. What do you want to do?"

I gave a quick glance towards the back of the apartment where there were no people. It was an ideal place for a quick fuck. For all that he was a nice guy, Joel looked like he was the type to pop in a hurry.

He considered it, looking me over with a new kind of estimation and plain desire on his face. He smiled as he took my arm and led me back to the side bedroom, well away from the main traffic of the party. Once inside he closed the door. I gave him a kiss on the lips that he returned after a moment and grew deeper and impassioned. Holding him close I let my hands explore his back and shoulders, his chest.

I moved his hands to my breasts, and he felt them gingerly, as if still considering if he really wanted to do this. Then he got into it and began to touch me all over. We lay back on the bed and he began to open my blouse one button at a time. My bra he unhooked with one hand and my tits he nuzzled and licked. I let myself relax under his touch. This was going to be a nice one, I thought; even if he did come fast, it would be a good one. I would be the receptacle for his premarital oats, so to speak.

His hand moved under my skirt, along my thighs to the crotch of my moist panties. With one gentle finger he made me sigh as he traced the folds of my slit front to back. I felt his cock through his jeans, felt it grow hard and full at my touch. I unbuckled his belt and undid his pants, releasing his penis to my eager hands. My panties came off in his hand. My skirt lifted, he went down on my cunt, exploring, making a full circuit with his tongue and tasting my juices. Then he gently undid both of my stockings and slid them off my legs. He licked down my thighs, behind my knees and down to my toes.

"Beautiful," he said. "This is going to be sweet. Do you know how long it's been since I had another woman? Two years. I had forgotten how nice it can be." He nuzzled at my cunt some more, earning some sighs and squirms with his insistent tonguing. Then he said, "Hey, I have an idea. Try this." And he held my stocking up to my face, smiling reassuringly, and blindfolded me with it. He was gentle, yet firm. "Have you ever tried this before?"

"No, I haven't."

"Well, trust me. It's something else. Don't worry, I won't hurt you." He held my arms up to the slatted head board and tied my wrists there with the other stocking. I tried to move my arms, but they were securely bound. I was both worried and excited. Immediately I felt his hands on my tits, tugging and rolling my nipples. His breath on my belly moved down back to my pussy. His tongue returned to work on me and with my eyes blindfolded and my hands bound it was a new kind of feeling, much sharper and more precise than usual. Startled, I moaned.

His tongue worked my clit, over and around at a steady pace that he matched with his fingers. My initial panic began to fade as it felt better and better; before five minutes had passed, I was on my way, straining at the head board and grunting with pleasure. Like a swarm of bees in me, I came in a fluttering gale, grinding his face with my hips and gasping so hard I thought I would hyperventilate. I lay there, not noticing when his hands vanished for a long moment. When he came back, I heard him take off his pants and climb on the bed between my legs. His stiffness poked at me sharply and then found the right place and slid in up to the hilt in one smooth glide.

"Joel?" I said.

"I'm right here, baby."

"Come inside me. It's okay, so please do it for me. Okay?"

"Okay, baby, if that's what you want." Then he started to pump. His dick was a healthy average, a nice fit that seemed to go straight to my cervix. I felt that hollow space awakening in me, the hunger of my womb. Joel took long strokes, almost pulling out at the end and then slamming back in to his balls. He went on and on, until I had a small climax, and then he stiffened and grabbed me around the waist and shivered as he came inside me. I felt his warm come rush against my cervix and I sighed with a strange kind of relief. This was what I wanted.

"I'll suck you clean," I said after a contented moment. He pulled out, stood on the bed and put his cock to my lips. I sucked and licked him until all our spendings were gone. Then he stepped off the bed for a second.

"Wait a minute, baby," he said, "I want to go again." He came back up on the bed and stuck his dick in me again. He seemed really excited this time and he lost no time with a jack-hammer attack that went on full force for several minutes. I came and then he was pumping me full with a second load. When he finished, he stood right up and put his dick to my lips. I was cleaning him off a second time when suddenly another pair of hands took hold of my legs. Someone else was there; they got in position and entered me and I knew what had happened.

I started to struggle, but my hands were tightly bound. Joel's voice whispered in my ear. "You wanted to have fun, so let's have fun. Don't make a fuss and you won't get hurt." I stopped struggling; I thought of biting the dick in my mouth, but I knew it wouldn't make any difference. A part of me was shrieking inside, and another was trembling with excitement. In a way, I thought, this was what I was looking for, wasn't it? Just a pure experience, uncomplicated by judgement or morality.

I could just have fun. So I did my best to enjoy it. I couldn't see any faces, and no one else spoke except for some grunts and the typical moans of guys coming. I didn't try to count, but I met each one and tried to make it last. And as the fourth guy was finishing in me I started to feel it again. I squeezed at their cocks, trying to massage and milk them; I used my hips and legs to compliment their movements. They each spurted in my cunt and then came up to get licked off while the next guy took his turn.

Each cock was really different, curved in different ways with different bumps and ridges. Some ground against my g-spot, others went to my cervix and womb. I came over and over. Sweat drenched me, and semen did, too. The sheets and mattress were soaked, my ass and thighs were caked, and my mouth and chin were drizzled with it. I think some guys went more than once, because there were so many of them, it seemed, way more than had been at the party. I wondered if there was a line out the door, if someone had put up a sign and was pulling in guys off the street. I had heard of women taking like two hundred guys in a row and had images of being tied to this bed for days.

And after awhile, I stopped coming, because I was too tired and my pussy was going numb. There was so much come that it coated everything and reduced the friction so I couldn't feel much. Guys started going straight to my mouth, and another guy put it in my ass, but even that didn't get me going any more. I just waited for it to be over. With my eyes blindfolded my sense of time was distorted. Who knows how long it was.

The guy in my ass finished and then hands untied the blindfold. The lights were on and I had to squint and blink before I could see anything. Joel was the guy in my butt. The room was full of men and standing around and staring at me. I didn't look at their faces. Joel pulled his dick out and it was smeared with mucous and semen. He stood and put it in my mouth and I sucked it clean. Someone handed him a towel. He used it to wipe off my chin and then dropped it on my lap. He untied my hands.

"Did you have fun?"

I nodded very slightly.

"Good. Now get dressed and get the fuck out of here."

My body wouldn't move properly or fast. I fumbled with the towel and slid to the side of the bed. I slid on my stockings and managed to clip them on. My panties were thrust in my face and I got them on. Very slowly I adjusted my bra and closed my blouse. The front of my skirt was drenched with semen. I reeked of it. I stood and somehow managed to keep my balance. All the men watched this process wordlessly. Looking in the mirror, I looked awful; I didn't recognize myself at all. I didn't have a bag or a purse? I never carried them on my excursions? so I just shuffled to the hall.

More men stood outside. They made way for me until I made it to the kitchen and living room where all the women were waiting. The anger in the room was palpable. They stared at me with malice and rage. As I shuffled past them, they started shouting taunts: "Whore!" "Cunt!" "Bitch!" Someone slapped me. Another threw her drink in my face. The alcohol stung my eyes, but I didn't stop. I could see the door in front of me and I just focused on it and let everything pass over me. I am empty, I said to myself. I am a shadow; I'm not real.

I made it outside. No one followed me. I walked slowly to where I parked my car and fished the key out of its pocket in my shoe. When I made it home I went straight to the bathroom and stepped into the shower, clothes and all. I didn't cry, but when I got out I threw my soiled clothes away. I brushed my teeth three times and gargled over and over, and then I went to bed. I woke up at five after smothering dreams. By seven, though, I was ready for work; it was actually a good day, because I didn't think or feel anything, so none of the usual annoyances touched me. No one whispered behind my back or cast me sideways glances; no one knew. I was safe.

I got an AIDS test and came out negative. There were no signs of other diseases, either. A miracle. Just to check I went to another clinic and tested again with the same result. I did cry then, because I had been certain that I was dead. All this time, with all those people, and no protection at all, and I had nothing. It didn't seem fair, somehow. It was a fucking miracle.

I went about my daily life, but at night, I stayed home. Or I went to a movie. I read three books. I even got a library card, my first one since I was seventeen. This time I didn't hate myself. I didn't need to promise not to do it again, because there was no way that I ever would. I could stay celibate the rest of my life, and be happy.

I found out I was pregnant about a month and a half after the Last Time. I just laughed at that one. The pill is not, after all, one hundred percent effective. And I found that I was really happy. Here I had been empty all this time, and now I was full. My family was angry when I wouldn't tell them who the father was; I just told them that he and I had agreed that it would be our secret.

My son was born last year. He has a serious face and deep brown eyes. I sometimes wonder which of those men gave him to me. I would thank them and shake their hand if I knew. Through him I feel that I can finally begin to understand myself and connect to other people through more than just sex. Watching him see things for the first time, I get to rediscover the world again, too. It's easy to forget just how much there is to be thankful for.

The End

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

Im sorry you had to go through all that. Despite your beautiful son you should seek therapy and find ways to heal for his sake. Love and prayers.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

What erotica is all about. Well conceived and more importantly, well written

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