Passing the Torch


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She extended her glistening fingers to her husband's mouth. He grunted as he lapped up the proof of her excitement. His eyes flared with passion, and he forcefully lifted her onto the sink. He freed his erection from his pants and quickly buried it inside her.

"Oh, yes!" Vanessa yelled, knowing full well that her ecstatic shrieks would be heard out on the patio.

Images of Bella on the massage table flashed through her mind, and she pictured Ben's hands on the young woman's sexy body. Bella's vulnerable state, her body and desire exposed for them all, brought back sweet memories from when Vanessa herself was given to an older man. Abandoned lust overtook her mind.

"Promise..." she panted as her husband slammed against her. "Promise me you will fuck her!"

Ben merely responded with a guttural noise. It was all the answer Vanessa needed. She came, pulling her husband along into climax.

To be continued...

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AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Category: Loving Wives - Married extra-marital fun: swinging, sharing & more.

Description: Former hotwife nudges a young couple in the right direction.

Tags: hotwife, massage, exhibitionist, topless, fingered, slut wife, teacher, watching, young wife, husband watching

Yes, this is where this kind of story should be. Yes, you have been clearly warned about its sub=genre and elements. No, the tags do not include BTB, revenge, etc.

So, don't read the fucking story if you already know you don't like these kinds of stories. To come and moralize in the comments and probably 1-bomb a very well

piece of fiction is just proselytizing in the form of trolling.

In "real life", were the older wife's decisions and actions inappropriate? Sure, something like this really deserves upfront discussion before implementation. Will young hubby and then young wife come to regret getting sucked in and perhaps ruining their marriage? Certainly possible. Was it well written in both technical and narrative senses? Hell yes. I sure hope young hubby taps old wife in front of young wife in future installments, but the author and the characters have to tell their own stories.

Okay, getting off my soapbox now. The BTB, anti-sharing crowd just gets under my skin. ;-)

1509196215091962over 1 year ago

Love the idea of the older couple taking gentle control and leading them to experience what they both want, and fear sharing the truth with each other. Have read the story several times, and enjoyed each reading.

mcrr2225mcrr2225over 1 year ago

Hey Anonymous, it's fantasy it's not real life, get a grip. It's a great hot story!

lc69hunterlc69hunterover 1 year ago

So beautiful, the concept

ThomasLordThomasLordalmost 2 years ago

Great start to what looks like the beginning of a great series. I debated between 4 and 5 stars but decided to round up to 5. I would have liked more detailed descriptions of Bella’s body to get to a solid 5 but close enough.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

How in the hell does this story have such a high rating? I couldn't even finish it.

If you want to destroy your own marriage with this crap, and you both agree on this, fine, go for it, knock yourselves out. I really don't care. Just don't drag others who want nothing to do with this down with you.

I don't see this pair "passing the torch" so much as pressuring a younger couple who have no interest in swapping husbands or wives into "the lifestyle" of full-swap, which they don't want and which is only going to harm their existing monogamous relationship.

If there are some couples who live this lifestyle and somehow managed to keep their marriage intact, good for them, but this isn't for everyone. Odds are, only 1-2% of couples will ever feel comfortable crossing this particular line; that's less than the 15-20% who have cheated behind a partner's back and far less than the majority who are quite content to let "forsaking all others" mean exactly what's marked on the tin.

Marching in on a religious-like crusade worthy of Matthew 28:18-20 "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey..." to interfere with someone else's viable monogamous marriage and push a lifestyle which they might not even want is a dick move. I realise these are fictional characters, but I have to wonder if you tell this tale as a parable to encourage your readers who are in "the lifestyle" to go forth and muck up real marriages for their supposed monogamous friends.

To each their own... just stop trying to recruit people who don't want to be in this lifestyle of yours.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I loved this story. Reminds me of us four decades ago, married in our late teens, and both so innocent. Our awakening came two years later when the only holiday we could afford was to hitchhike around France. Picked up by a late 40s couple we were offered the chance to stay in their holiday villa in exchange for helping out open the place up for the season. Of course the details differ...but Oh God the journey was the same one!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

How in the hell does this story have such a high rating? I couldn't even finish it.

Pass the torch? Hahahaha...this is the story of an old whore and her patsy cuckold husband trying to turn a young couple onto.the same pathetic relationship that this fucked uo couple has.

Look this kind of a lifestyle is an aberration. It axtually works in so few relationships that most of the data that is available about hotwife and swinging show the divorce statistics over 95%. And this is with most people telling lies and not being honest in surveys about reasons for splitting.

Writing this bullshit about a happy old couple who have the perfect marriage 25 years into their relationship...the whole time she's been spreading her legs for every swinging dick with her wimp husband's blessing that she fuck hundreds of men over the course of their marriage?

Yeah. It's bullshit. Because long term happy and loving relationships like this lifestyle? They simply do not fucking exist in large numbers. Sure there will be those outliers. But that's what they are. Outliers.

And trying to convince a young and obviously jealous husband that he should let his wife act like a total slut? And the young wife that there is no harm in going naked around all kinds of strangers in compromising perfectly OK. And extra marital sex is equally OK. Yeah. In the continuing sagas of this young couple's story? They will be divorced in less than a year after the wife's experimentation with fucking other men begins. No way this husband accepts it long term as his lifestyle.

And fo all of you who cheer the pathetic cucks and sluts for wives who are now pissed off at my words. That's not me talking out of my ass. That's statistics people. This. Young. Marriage. Is. Doomed.

If these two old pathetic people fuck this young couple and tell them there are no's all just sexy fun? As unstable as this relationship seems to be right now with the hot young wife wanting to show off her naked body to everyone and the husband's misgivings? They ARE immature. Stupid. They fight at the drop of a hat. They do mot communicate effectively. They incapable of staying calm when they get upset. No way this works.

It's doomed to fail. That's the story.

And I hate it when stupid ass cuckold/swinger stories get above 4 stars. This story made me sick. Like the STDs this dried up old whore will pass onto her former student when she fucks him and his marriage up.


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