Passion and Lust 05

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Lust has her fun with Allen, then meets her sister.
9.9k words

Part 4 of the 5 part series

Updated 10/31/2022
Created 10/30/2013
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Allen slowly opened his eyes on another day, surprised to find his vision completely absent of the usual morning blur. He flexed every part of his body to make sure it all still worked. His legs were a bit sore, but that was expected. In fact, he'd probably feel a bit robbed if they weren't.

His hand wandered around the bed, but didn't find Val next to him. Lifting his head, he saw her standing up, dressed in her usual skimpy outfit, staring out the small window into the world. He allowed himself a little smile. No woman could stand like Val, so sure of her body, uncaring if either no one or everyone was staring at her with so much exposed and six extra limbs. It wasn't a show she put on, either. Just a natural state that was so uniquely her.

"Can't say that's ever happened to me before," said Allen while he sat up.

Val turned from the window, eyes a touch vacant as they landed on him. "What are you talking about?"

"Cumming so hard I passed out." He yawned. "I figure I should've at least had the strength to flop over and stare at the ceiling for a while."

"I do tend to have that effect on people." There's the grin. Allen wanted to make a snide comment about her morning attitude, but decided letting it go once in a while might not be too bad. Besides, this was a pretty great morning.

"Doing some people-watching?"


Allen fumbled with clothing himself before walking over to Val. "Yeah. Watching people. Kinda self-explanatory." He got up on his toes to look out the window, curious if there was anything in particular that might have caught her attention. Nothing stuck out. "Well, I don't know about you, but I wouldn't mind every day ending like yesterday." He practically skipped to the kitchen, bypassing the coffee and nabbing a bagel. Plopping himself down at his small table, he rested his feet on it and smiled up at Val who'd gone back to staring out the window.

"I did enjoy it."

"'I did enjoy it'? Damn, woman, you almost sound disappointed. I know I ain't some kind of sex fiend, but I'm not a limp fish, either!"

"Sorry, I didn't mean it that way. It enjoyed it thoroughly."

Allen narrowed his eyes. "So what was that little hesitation for right while we were in the middle of things?"


"We were going light speed, hot and heavy, everything was great, and then you froze up."

"Yes, I do remember it. I'm afraid my mind had run off for a moment." Her gaze turned away from the window, but not to Allen. "I am sorry. I do not mean to annoy you or be dismissive. Yesterday was wonderful and I would do it again in a heartbeat."

"I hear a 'but' in there."

"But I feel a touch irresponsible at the timing. Right after I found out my sister was on the loose, I went and enjoyed a nice dinner? There are much more important things for me to be doing."

"You know, it's okay to take a day off every now and then. Do that whole 'relax' thing. I remember a certain night when you all but forced me to take it easy."

"You were being unreasonable."

"And you aren't now? I mean, yeah, we're in a pretty tough spot here, but that doesn't mean we've gotta spend every waking moment worrying about it." He stuffed his face with more bagel.

Val's demeanor had gone right back to what he'd seen when they'd gone to find Lust. It annoyed Allen just thinking about it. Val—the perky, reasonable, funny chick who'd run around the city with him, somehow not only tolerating his rough edges but forgiving the transgression that first brought them together as well—turned into a hopeless pessimist the moment she thought about her sister. Not only did it make him queasy to see her face fall and hear the life drain from her voice, but the way she dismissed every practical suggestion thrown her way made Allen want to punch a hole in the wall.

"I have been thinking. About my sister."

"No shit."

She shot him a disparaging gaze before continuing. "My methods have shamed me to such extremes, all I can think about is if I made the right choice, took the right path. And even if I did, did I act in a fashion of cruelty or merit?" All of her arms dropped to her sides, limp. "The spirits of old are still out there, somewhere, somehow. The fact that humanity still thrives is proof of it. They are fickle, Allen. Nosy. Curious. Absolute. Part of me wonders if this is a chance they gave me to reform myself."

Allen slowly sat up, eyes sharpening with focus. "What are you saying?"

"I think I should try something else with my sister. Perhaps I need not imprison her again."

"Woah there! I get she's your sister. I get it's not easy putting her back in whatever limbo you had her in, especially knowing that's where you're headed too. But if what you told me about her is true, this is the fate of the entire human race you're playing with. Not cool!"

She turned to Allen, eyes pleading. "It's been so many years, though. She may have changed her mind, just like I'm thinking about changing my own!"

"Yeah, and maybe she hasn't, and when you go to her with eight open arms and she shanks you in the heart, where's that put humans?" He shook his head furiously "Damn, Val, this is not the time for cold feet!"

"Shank me?" She placed four hands on her hips and loomed over Allen. "She's my sister! She would never try to kill me! She knows just as well as I the balance between us must be maintained!"

"Oh, she wouldn't kill you? Just like you'd never try to imprison her? If you know her so well, why don't you tell me why she decided to fuck over the human race? Or, even better, talk her out of it? This is reality, not your dream world, and in reality, people don't just change." He shoved his face into hers and jabbed at her chest with a finger.

"Spirits are not people."

"Oh, so you're better than us?"

"I believe by definition we are superior."

"Ah, I get it." Allen thumbed his nose and paced around the room. If he stood in Val's face any longer he was liable to do something stupid. "Humans are expendable. Why should you care about them?" He threw his hands up. "Shit, why should I care? Not like I've got much to look forward to anyways."

The glare in Val's eyes cracked, if only a little. "Allen, I did not mean humans are worthless. But you must understand this is not the sort of conflict you could easily understand. What I did by imprisoning my sister was nothing less than a calamity among spirits."

"Yeah, no, I get it. It's fine. A lowly little human couldn't possibly understand you. God knows why I even tried."

"Please, don't take this the wrong way. I'm not trying to put the human race in jeopardy! Quite the opposite, in fact!"

"'Take it the wrong way'? There's no other way to take it! You've just got your head up so high in the clouds you don't even realize what you're saying. There is a serious risk your sister will ruin us all if you give her even an inch—and you're planning on giving her just that! I think that qualifies as putting the human race in jeopardy."

"I will take every measure to ensure nothing happens! And you could at least have some faith in my sister."

Allen gestured holding a glass upside down and shaking something out of it. "Sorry, Val, all out. She kinda lost it when she tried to remove our desire to reproduce."

Val crossed several of her arms. "You cannot dissuade me."

"Yeah, I can see that." He grabbed his keys and headed for the door.

"Where are you going?" Allen almost wanted to smile at the sudden loss of confidence in her voice.

"To do something about it myself? To run away? Fuck if I know."

The door slammed, its echo following Allen down the empty hall.


Allen's feet slapped against the sidewalk with each angry step. He shoved his hands so far into his pockets he about pulled his pants down. Everyone on the sidewalk gave him a wide berth, though he was too engrossed in his own thoughts to notice.

Screw her. She probably had this planned from the start. I should've noticed from the way she talked about her sister.

How would a human like him ever talk reason into her anyways? Why should he? This wasn't his fight, she'd said as much. When did he ever invest so much in the safety of the human race? Val said the other spirits were still hanging around somewhere—they'd take care of things if they got out of hand, right? Surely this wasn't the first time there'd been infighting.

Oh wait, they were spirits, no those irrational, flimsy humans. Val didn't want someone like him sticking around, dragging her down. She had important things to be doing.

So wrapped up Allen was he almost stomped right on by his destination. The bell over the door of Diamond Eye rang painfully loud at Allen's entrance and he expected a few angry stares at the noise, but to his surprise, no one was there.

He shrugged. He wasn't there for the company, he was there for some good news. Something to assuage this building frustration before he exploded. Taz had been holding onto Val's old jewelry for a little while now; maybe he had some sort of lead on their true value or a seller. He trudged up to the counter and hit the call bell several times.

No answer. No sign of Taz. Not even a "Just a moment!"

Huffing, Allen crossed his arms and leaned up against the counter. It felt a little creepy in here with no one else around, just him and all these valuables. Almost like someone was dangling bait in front of him to try and get him in trouble. He kept his eyes on the back room, not the displays. Emotion may have driven him to stupidity in the past, but it wasn't getting to him this time.

He hit the bell a few more times, but still no answer came. What was Taz doing? It was business hours. Was the place empty 'cause everyone else had left when they got no reply as well? Allen craned his neck to try to get a better view into the back. Maybe something happened to him? This day did not need to get any worse.

After a glance back at the front door, Allen hopped over the counter and crept toward the back. "Taz?" He didn't want to scare the guy by sneaking up on him, but he had to find out what was up. "You okay back there?" Each step weighed more the closer he got to the doorway to the back room. Would he find Taz collapsed or just napping on the job? If anyone walked in right now he'd look just like a—

"Excuse me?"

Allen's head whipped around so fast he almost lost his balance. His eyes widened as they traveled up the form before him. A tower of a woman, over six feet tall, lithe legs and slender arms. Skin smooth as a baby's bottom, white but not pale. Her clothing made him think southern; a pair of torn short-shorts, a white button-up shirt with far too few buttons done, tied up to expose her navel. Dirty blonde hair flowed down her body like a waterfall. Her smirk and lazy lean gave off a haughty, care-free aura, reckless to the point of danger. Striking hazel eyes bore down upon him.

Allen swallowed hard. This woman was a perfect mix of sex and trouble.

"Uh, hi," he smoothly replied. "I was just—"

"Taking a look? Sure. That's why you were going about it so suspiciously." She stepped over the counter in one smooth motion, those seemingly-endless legs tackling the obstacle with aplomb.

"Look, I was worried about Taz, the guy who..." Allen's voice trailed off as his head finally caught up to the present. He'd just checked the door himself. How did this woman get behind him? And her appearance: tall, drop-dead sexy, intimidating and confident—give her another six arms and she'd be Val.


"Oh, so you know Taz?" She took a step toward him, crossing her arms under generous breasts about to explode out of that tiny shirt of hers.

"Well, yeah, he's got some stuff of mine he was take a look at." He stood up straight, adjusting his collar. "I was just wondering where he was. Didn't want him running off with it, y'know?" His forced laugh drew a smile from the woman. "I guess he's not here, then. Probably shouldn't be back here. I'll just go ahead and—"

He tried to step toward the door, but the woman blocked his way. Allen found himself face-to-face with a pair of fine tits. And for the only time in his life, he wanted to nothing to do with them.

"Sorry, I got in your way. Let me—"

When he stepped to the side, she moved with him, even edging close enough to prod Allen with that impressive chest.

"Look, lady, I'm leaving. Just get out of my way."

He laid his hand on her arm with the intention of pushing her out of the way.

The world flipped upside down. Without realizing why, Allen found himself on his back, staring at the ceiling. He hadn't even seen her move, or felt where she grabbed him to toss him. All he could do was try to calm his spinning head.

A familiar smile and hazel eyes filled his vision. "Naughty little thief, trying to take something that isn't yours. I'm going to have to do something about you."

Allen couldn't look away. There was something in her eyes, something that pulled at him. He grew dizzy and faint and light began to fade from the world. He had one last thought before blacking out.

Were those... wings?


Consciousness returned to Allen through a blurry haze. Blinking, he brought his mind back into the present. After a few moments, his vision focused and he took a look around.

He sat in the middle of a rather plain storeroom, boxes and bags and shelves all pushed against the wall, a single door to his left, and a light just a touch too bright over his head. A stale air permeated his nostrils. He made to stand, but could hardly flex his muscles before realizing such an action would do him no good. Rope bit into his ankles and wrists, and the chair he sat in was bolted to the ground.


Could've been worse, though. Could've not woken up at all. If Lust was as bad as he thought she was, then Allen's life probably meant nothing to her, just like any other human. The thought creased his face with a frown. Well, maybe that wasn't entirely correct. She was asking him about the Stone. Maybe she wanted to learn where it was before killing him. Or mind-breaking him. Or both. Val was able to snatch information straight from his head, though. Couldn't Lust just do the same?

Allen sneered. Val. He knew it'd been a bit hasty to run out on her like that, but he couldn't bring himself to lend her any pity. Wasn't he allowed to get angry at her? Wasn't that reaction deserved?

A throbbing head brought his thoughts to a halt. He wasn't made out for this shit. Lay the fate of the human race on someone else's shoulders, Allen was running out of time to care for it.

The door swung open. Allen's gaze shot toward it. Striding in like she owned the place, the amazon of a woman stole Allen's breath with a glance. She'd changed her top. She now wore a sweater with no sense of decency, cut incredibly low to reveal the full depth of her cleavage. Those sweet legs, lithe frame and complete confidence dominated the room and stirred within Allen's loins feelings he'd rather have done without. Still, he managed a glare.

"You don't seem happy with your current arrangement."

"Fuck you."

"Already? I'd hoped to tease you some first."

"No, seriously, fuck you and this crap," he said, gesturing to his bindings. "What the hell is going on here? I came into the store looking for someone and you knock me out and tie me up!"

"Oh really? Because it seemed to me like you were breaking in. You certainly acted like a thief." She crossed her arms, tucking them neatly under her impressive bust line. "Perhaps you still have something of mine?"

Allen growled to himself. He knew exactly what she was talking about. "I told you, I was here to see Taz, that's all!"

"Ah, of course." A finger tapped her cheek. "But isn't it a bit odd to be on first-name basis with the store owner? Unless you're a frequent customer, of course. And in that case, I think you might be able to help me."

Beneath a scowling exterior, Allen began to sweat.

"You see, I've been looking for something. A rather valuable jewel. I believe I already mentioned it to you." She made the approximate shape of the Stone with her hands. "About this size, a shade of red that practically glows, and I know it's nearby."

"Never seen it before. And I'm still tied up! I can't help you, crazy woman! Let me go!"

She rolled her eyes and sighed. "Insisting on being difficult, are you?"

A chill, originating from Allen's right shoulder, crashed over him like an icy wave. When he looked at his shoulder, his jaw dropped. An extra arm was growing from his shoulder, one that was definitely not his. Longer than his own arm, smooth, paler, and decidedly feminine—Allen knew whose arm this really was, despite the fact it was attached to his body

It gave him no time to consider why it had appeared, for it made its purpose known quickly. Like a snake, the arm slithered across his body and into his pants, then struck.

"H-hey!" he said.

"Really? Are you going to do that while we're talking? Have you no shame?"

Warm fingers wrapped around Allen's shaft, tracing throbbing veins and kneading obscene thoughts deep into his mind. Attempting to pull his hips away from the hand only served to strengthen the encroaching pleasure.

"This isn't me and you know it!" barked Allen.

"The arm seems quite attached to your shoulder." She shifted her weight, tossing impressive hips to the side while tucking her arms even further under her breasts. If she pressed any harder, they'd probably burst free of the sweater holding them.

It wasn't worth it, Allen decided. The woman was impossible to talk to and knew exactly what she was doing; all he'd manage to do was get her to antagonize him further. Imprisoned as he was, he wouldn't be content with surrendering to this. He wrestled with his bindings, rubbing his ankles and wrists raw, but made no progress, all while the extra hand—Lust's hand—dove deeper into its work.

Precise motions drove up and down his member, making sure to give the entirety of his cock its attention. Adding a twisting motion to each pump, the hand adjusted its speed to Allen's reactions. When he moaned, the hand set into a rhythm. A soft palm massaged his head while skilled fingertips drove pleasure into his shaft. Traveling to the base, the hand cupped and fondled his balls, letting them tumble through its fingers like water. It continued to play a symphony a pleasure, one Allen heard all too well.

When a familiar burning began to swell within his core, he knew his time was running out. His will could not match the skill of her hand.

"Stop this. Let me go."

"Still insisting it's me? Are you blind?" Lust stepped forward bringing every detail of her luscious body into the lone light in the room. Allen caught her licking her lips before she kneeled in front of him, presenting her chest and face to his throbbing member. With her practically inhuman height, she still had to bend over for it. Heat flushed through his entire body.

"You're the sort of gentleman who wouldn't cum on a lady's chest and face, right? Especially when she's still clothed—it'd take a thorough washing to get cum out of a fine sweater like this." The hand pumped faster, tugging at the dormant orgasm within him and began to force it to the surface like a reeling in a hooked fish. Allen hadn't the strength to resist. Skilled fingers and smooth skin squeezed and pumped harder and harder.

"Nnngh!" Allen fought back a moan as best he could, but the pleasure was still clear on his mumble. Lust's grin grew as deep as it was dark.

"Don't do it, Allen. Don't soil me with your seed, don't dirty me with your cockjuice. It would be so rude."

Something carried along in her voice tickled Allen to his core and broke the last of his concentration. With one last journey over his tip, the hand won.