Passion and Lust Lost Ch. 02


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"Honey, I think a lot of what you're feeling is anger toward yourself and anger toward me. Maybe by participating you can relieve some of that and we can move on. At least I'm hoping that's true."

"So, you think being gangbanged by me and my friends will be therapeutic and healing? Holy shit!!! What planet are you from? I couldn't disagree more."

"You know, we are where we are and can only move forward. To me that means experiencing what it's like to be used. If you can accept that then can you imagine a less threatening way for me to do this?"

"I guess it comes down to, can I accept that? Short of playing me for a fool, I guess I can accept most anything. Is this the end of it or is there more to come?"

"I can't promise anything but to be honest, there are other things I want to try and experience. I can't tell you where all this will lead or when it will end. If somehow you can think of this as a positive then our sex life can only get better and, because of that, our marriage can be more rewarding."


One Week Out

"Hi, guys. I just need a few minutes before the game starts. I want to lay out next week's 'game' now so that we can all be in role from the get go. We're going to use a dominatrix to host the festivities. The plan is for me to take on all six of you at one time. I've told each of you separately that this will be a role play. I'm the only one that won't. Each of you will assume a persona of your choosing and wear a mask. This last part is most important. No mask, no nookie. From the time you enter until you leave your mask must be worn at all times.

"Same rules as last time, well almost. No playing with my asshole, that's Billy's exclusive property. But since he won't be here next week, remember, everyone's someone else, his alter ego can't have my ass either. No watersports, scat or rough stuff. That last part does have some leeway. If I tell the dominatrix that I want whomever I'm fucking to spank me or slap me that's okay. Start easy and get rough as she tells you. Now, I know those of you that like to fuck doggy-style will be looking at my ass as you're pumping away and involuntarily spank me. That's okay if it's not too hard. The dominatrix will let you know.

"Just to let you know my expectations, I plan to fuck each of you twice. You have three choices, you on top, me on top and doggy-style. You let the dominatrix know what you want and she'll get me in position. No one speaks to me directly. All communication goes through her.

"I will only douche once, after I've fucked each of you. The order is reversed the second time around. After fucking me come around front and I'll lick and suck you clean. Other than that, anyone can offer their cock to me for a blow job at any time. I'll take as many at one time as I have hands available. If there is a queue then you police yourselves so that no one gets too much of my time.

"For those that can go the distance, I will suck you off until you cum after the second round. It will be your choice to cum in my mouth in which case I'll present your load for all to see and then swallow it, or you can shoot your cum on me, anywhere you want. I suggest you arrive next week needing release.

"One last point, I'm doing this because I want to used. Your actions should be self-centered. That is, fuck me for your enjoyment, not mine. Don't worry about me not getting off. I'll be so excited my orgasms will be on a hair trigger.

"Oh, I almost forgot the dominatrix. She will be in full regalia and her identity totally hidden from you. I can tell you she doesn't know any of you and you don't know her. I can say this with some authority, she's from out of town and will be staying with us over the weekend. [This is a fabrication made up to put Billy's friends at ease. Billy is the only one that knows it will be Angela.] You may only speak to her. No touching. She may, however choose to touch you. If she does you are to submit to her wishes. After all, she is the dominatrix of all of us next week. The proper form is not to make eye contact with her at any time. Looking down is the general practice. Lastly, you must always address her as 'Mistress.' If you don't she'll either ignore you or punish you.

"Any questions? Charley."

"Have you or Billy done anything like this before?"


"Does Billy know who the dominatrix is?"

"No. [See last comment.] Of course, he'll meet and see her out-of-role over the weekend. Any more questions? No? Billy, did I cover everything?"

"Just a few items left. Each of you will wear a name tag so that the dominatrix can address you in the role you're playing. Sticky-back tags will be available next week. The dominatrix will tell you what to do. Remember, as soon as you walk through the door you are under her control and domination. Can you all live with that? Good.

"Perhaps the most important thing of all is to keep this secret. We all did a good job last time. No one outside this room knows what happened. Well, there was some leakage but not enough to compromise us. According to Jill the wives are going nuts trying to find out what happened and who was involved. Let's keep it that way. If any of this leaks out we're all screwed.

"Well, enough of that. Jack will you turn the TV on? Beer and munchies are in the kitchen, as always."



"Can I talk to you for a minute?"

"Is it about next game day?"


"Okay, let's use the den."


"What's up?"

"If you don't mind I'd like to close the door. Is that alright with you?"


"When you called to set this up I was reluctant to agree because my wife is putting pressure on me to tell her who you are. Hold on. Hold on. She doesn't know any more than any other wife, well, almost."

"What does that mean?"

"I told her I could probably find out who the woman in the gangbang was by asking around. So, every few days she asks me if I found out anything, yet. She just won't let it go."

"Is she just a curious female or is there something else?"

"Well, kind of. The word on the street is that there was a consensual gangbang with a husband and wife. She's starting to make noises that she'd like to experience that, too. I told Billy and the guys at the last planning session that she'd said she'd fucked one of my friends and made no apology for it. I don't know if it's the truth or not. She told me while we were arguing. She could have made it up just to hurt me."


"We've had a tumultuous marriage and her having an affair and wanting to do a gangbang is consistent with that. I don't want counseling here but had hoped you would talk to her to see if this is real, the affair and her having a bangbang. If it is I'd like you to set it up for her."

"How could I do that without tipping my hand?"

"I don't think she's devious or clever enough to set this up to find out it was you. As I said, we've had our ups and downs. This might just be more of the same. But given her sexual appetite and drive it could be real. Maybe you could just feel her out?"

"Oh, Joe, you're putting me in an awkward position. Shit. Let me think about this. Maybe I can come up with something without giving away the store. Ronnie is a friend and we talk often. She's told me about some of the problems you've had so that doesn't surprise me. I'll just give her a call and ask if she's heard anything new and let it play out from there."

"She told you that?"

"Joe, you'd be surprised what women talk about. You know men have this thing about kissing and not telling. Women shout it from the rooftops. Now, go back to your game."

"Okay and thanks."


Jimmy was in the kitchen waiting for her when she came out of the den. "Hey, Jill."

"Hi, Jimmy. How're you today?"

"Great. Finding out that I get to fuck you a few more times makes it. Makes my heart sing. As much as I want next weekend to work out I have to ask, what's going on? Are you becoming a new and different Jill? Or, are you reverting back to the one I knew in school? You were wild then, you, Angela and Grace. I thought marrying Billy would settle you down. Now I'm not so sure."

"I don't want to go through all that again. It was hard enough with Billy. Let's just say there are great pleasures to be had out there and I don't want to live a life without experiencing them. Imagine living a life without knowing what it can offer. Don't get me wrong, the last time was wonderful. I wouldn't change a thing. But this time I want it different. Last time you guys made love to me. I don't want that this time."

"I've always loved you. You know that."

She put her hand on his chest, looked him the eyes and said, "Yes, I know. It's a gift I've always treasured. You're always there for me. I count on that." Lightly she said, backing away, "Who knows? Maybe I'm doing this to give me cover so that I can fuck you, again. What do you think?"

"I hope so."

"I'm glad to hear it." Leaving the kitchen she said over her shoulder, "See you next week."


"Jill, it's Angie. I want to come over Saturday morning for a walkthrough. Can we do that? Will Billy be there?

""Yes and yes."

"Make sure Billy sticks around until I get there. I need to talk to him. It's important."

"Okay, not a problem. Say, have you had a chance to get all stuff you need?"

"Yeah. What I couldn't rent I ordered from the internet. Everything should be here Monday or Tuesday. There is something you should know. I told Doug everything."

"Are you kidding me? Oh, my God! Why did you do that?"

"Well, what you're proposing is a little outside the bounds of 'what he doesn't know won't hurt him.' If I was sleeping with someone that would be different but, since I'm not, I gave you and Billy up."

"Yeah, and [Pause.] what did he say?"

"When he stopped laughing he wanted to know if he could come! He was joking but he wanted to know just exactly what I would be doing. I told him no fucking, sucking or fluffing. He said, 'In that case, go for it.' There is a promise I had to make, though, tell him everything that went on. Don't worry, he'll keep it to himself. He even helped me order the internet stuff. Maybe he plans for me to use it on him? But, I gotta tell you, we've had sex every night since and its been good, very good."

"Yeah, Billy's getting excited, too."

"How about you?"

"Well, I'm excited, too. But it's a different kind of excitement. Maybe it's more like a yearning or the promise of something to fill a void. Is that fucked up, or what?"

"I don't know. We'll see how it works out. If, at the end of the day you're glowing then I'll understand. See'ya Saturday."



"Before I forget, let me talk to Billy a minute." She found him in the garage. "Billy, please don't leave before seeing me, Okay?"

"Sure, Ang. When I'm done here I'll get cleaned up and find you."

"Great." Returning to the family room she unpacked her costume. "I'm the one getting excited, now. Oh, boy. Tomorrow can't come soon enough. Here, I thought I'd model it for you and get your opinion." Angela stripped to her underwear and said, "You'll notice I got my navel pierced. It's healed. Tomorrow there'll be a skull charm in it." Then she dropped her thong and bra before putting on the black latex pants and corset top. The pants were split up the sides to the waistband and laced revealing bare hips, thighs, and legs. The corset was open in the back and laced as well. Low cut, it pushed her breasts together and up, barely holding them. With the pants cut as hip huggers at least half her body was exposed. Next she put on platform soled 5" heeled leather boots that laced up her calf to the knee. "I don't know how I'll be able to stand after 30 minutes in these. Well, anything for you, kid." Then she pulled on the black latex gloves to her elbows.

"Doug really likes it. He wants me to buy an outfit like it, only in leather. The boots I bought. Here's the best part." She pulled a leather skull cap out that when worn covered everything from the nape of her neck, over the top and down to her cheeks, covering her nose. It looked like a Cat Woman mask on steroids. "I have no idea where he's going with this. Well, what do you think?"

"Holy shit, Angie! It's perfect. I don't know anything about this stuff but, boy, oh boy, it's going to knock their eyes out!"

"Wait, there's more. I have an accessory belt and some tools." It was something like the equipment belt police wear. Hanging from it were handcuffs, a bottle of mace, a paddle and crop. Standing there with her legs spread and her hands on her hips she was intimidating and sexy as hell.

"Wow. If I was a guy I'd have a hard on right now. Wait, don't move. I'll get Billy."

"Holy shit, Mistress Angie! Well done. You certainly look the part. Nobody's going to fuck with you!"

"Thank you, Billy. Doug likes it, too."

"Hey, Jimmy Bolton's going to be there. He remembers you from school. We'll have to use a different name. How about, 'Mistress Shannon?'"

"Works for me. Now, Billy, come over here and drop your drawers."

"Huh?" The next thing he heard was the crop slapping his face.

"The next time I tell you to do something, do it! No questions asked. And, the correct response is, 'Yes, Mistress.' I don't want to hear that 'huh?' shit, again. Is that understood?"

"Yes, Mistress." Billy dropped his pants and stood with his eyes downcast.

"I said, drop your drawers. I want to see your penis."

"Yes, Mistress." Billy cast a sideward glance at Jill. She was smiling but shrugged her shoulders.

"Don't look at my slave for approval or permission. As long as I'm here you'll take orders from me and only me. Understood?"

"Yes, Mistress." Billy dropped his shorts. His dick slowly becoming aroused.

"Now, remove the rest of your clothes, socks and shoes, too. That's better. Now stand up straight. I want to inspect you." Removing her gloves, Angela approached Billy and took his dick in her other hand and slowly stroked it while lightly slapping the crop against her leg. As Billy became more aroused she lifted it up and carefully inspected it for lesions and sores. Satisfied she gave it one final tug but held on, still stroking it. His dick was now almost fully erect. Angela inspected his scrotum with her other hand, the crop dangling from her wrist by its lanyard. Massaging his balls, she said, "Alright, you seem clean enough to proceed. When I remove my face mask I am no longer Mistress Elizabeth. You may get dressed then."

As she removed the face mask Jill asked, "What was that all about?"

"I didn't want tomorrow to be the first time I saw Billy. I didn't want any awkward moments in front of the others. And, hey, I always wondered what he looked like. Come over here, Billy boy."

His dick bobbed as he approached her. Removing her gloves Angela took his dick in her hand and slowly stroked it. When he was fully aroused, she bent down and kissed the end, briefly taking just that much in her mouth to lick and suck, and then kissed it again as she straightened up. "There. That was for me. Doug doesn't need to know. I told him I'd not get friendly with the bangers tomorrow. This way I can keep my word."

"I must say, I enjoyed that."

"If you didn't there'd be something wrong with you." Angela slowly removed her accessory belt and tools. The corset had a zip front and was dropped in short order. Removing her boots and pants she was as naked as Billy. "If I expect it of you I have to be prepared to do the same." Slowly pirouetting, she asked, "Well, do I pass?"

Slowly stroking himself Billy said, "Angie, you're a beautiful woman. Doug's a lucky man."

"Thanks. I think so, too."

As Jill watched her best friend and husband get dressed she couldn't help but think all the old inhibitions were slowly breaking down. Is it better this way? She thought so.

Game Day


Blocking the entrance she placed her crop on the first banger's chest before he crossed the threshold. "Do not enter this house unmasked." Giving him a short hard slap with the crop she said, "You knew that!

"I am 'Mistress Shannon.' You will address me as such or simply as 'Mistress.' From this moment on, until you leave this house you are my slaves. I own you and am free to do with you as I please. I make all the decisions. You will obey me without hesitation. Failure to do so will eliminate you from today's and future activities. I am the sole judge of your ability to proceed. Understand?"

All said,'Yes.' Mistress Shannon took her crop and slapped each of the slaves telling them to address her by her name. "Now, let's try this again. Understand?" All answered correctly. "Go to the front room and wait for me there. You are to stand next to each other in the submissive position, that is, hands at your sides and eyes on the floor just in front of your feet. No talking or movement. Understand?" All answered correctly.

Filing into the front room they found Damon [Billy] already there in the submissive position.

The remaining bangers arrived shortly thereafter. "Enter!" Mistress Shannon repeated her greeting and instruction. Like the group before them they required added instruction in the proper way to address her.

When they were all assembled Mistress Shannon bolted the front door and then strode into the front room. "All of you remove your clothes, socks and shoes included. When naked you are to resume the submissive position. Very well." Moving to the nearest banger Angela asked, "What is your name?"

"Tim [Charley]."

SLAP "What is your name?"

"Mistress, my name is Tim."

Writing his name on two meet-and-greet name tags Angela stuck one on his left chest, above the nipple and the other on the right shoulder blade. "If you loose either tag you will be punished. Understand?"

"Yes, Mistress."

She repeated this sequence with all slaves. Returning to face them Mistress Shannon told them to present their penises and scrotums for inspection. Moving to the first in line she said, "Slave, hold your penis out." Using her crop to move it from side to side and then up to inspect the underside she said, "Show me your scrotum." Using the crop again she lifted his testicles examining all she could. "Very well. You are acceptable." She examined the remaining slaves finding all 'acceptable.'

"We will proceed to the master bedroom on the second floor. When there you will arrange yourselves two to each side and two at the foot of the bed. When there assume the submissive position. Understand?" Hearing the proper response Mistress Shannon led them to the second floor. When all were in position she told them, "To make this work I am relaxing the rules. While on the bed or facing it you will not be required to stand in the submissive position. If you are not fucking the slave or having your cocks pleasured by her you will keep yourselves aroused. Is that clear?"

"Yes, Mistress."

"Use this opportunity to use the bathroom. One at a time and return to your positions."

When all were assembled Mistress Shannon went down the hall to retrieve Jill. Returning with her she told Slave Jill to pleasure the other slaves. Naked, except for her mask and a training collar, Jill moved to the side of the bed and got on her knees. The first slave was her husband. She took his cock in her hands and started stroking him. As he became aroused she kissed his cock's sides and underside while using her other hand to cup and play with his balls. When fully erect she took him in her mouth and sucked occasionally removing him and taking his balls in her mouth. When finished with his balls she licked the underside of his cock up to its head and took him in her mouth, again. Finished, she removed his cock and gave it a kiss before moving to the next slave.

The same sequence was followed for each. All noticed that she gave everyone the same treatment. Some held her head and gently fucked her mouth as she sucked them. Others stroked her cheeks with their dicks when she finished with them. One bent down and kissed her [Jimmy]. All kept themselves aroused by their own actions and the scene unfolding in front of them. Finally, she mounted the bed and lay on her back.