Pastor Sarah Ch. 12


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As he leaned forward to give Rita a kiss on the cheek, he suddenly stiffened as he saw Candice.

“Donald, have you met my associate, Candice?”

“We have not been formally introduced, however, I think I do recognize her from church.”

Candice extended her hand, and Donald reluctantly shook her hand.

“Well, what brings the design queen to my humble business today?”

“Careful with that flattery Donald. It can get you in trouble. I have a list here of the furniture and equipment to update the secretary and pastor’s area at the church.

“Donald took the list and started to read through the items. Why do they need such high quality furniture?”

“When we advertise that it was donated by your firm, do you want people to see inferior quality?”


“You know you can always use a tax write-off.”

“Why do two people need three computer?”

“One will be in the parsonage and they all need to be compatible for the network?”

Donald continued to look at the list. When he looked up to say something, he saw Candice rolling a twenty dollar bill and decided not to ask any more questions.

“I saw most of the items on the floor when we came in, so I assume you could deliver as soon as the painters get finished later this week.” Rita said.

“I will have to check the warehouse, but we should be able to meet that timeline.”

As they stood up to leave, Rita took the twenty and ran it under her nose.

“Don’t you just love the smell of twenty dollar bills?” She tossed it on his desk.

Rita held the door for Candice to leave first and letting the door close, turned back to Donald and said, “I would love a demonstration of your technique if you would like to stop by office around 4:30.

She was out the door before Donald could respond.

As they were walking to the car, Rita said, “I forgot to ask if Dennis Sweeney was a customer of the club.”

“Never saw the man before in my life. However, it doesn’t matter. She is so hungry for female companions, between us we have this account sewed up.

Rita said, “Give Sarah a call and let her know about the furniture and equipment.”

Barbara answered the phone and Candice said “We got your stuff baby, just the way Rita wrote it..”

When Barbara turned to tell Sarah the news, she said, “Hit the speaker phone.”

“So how much money do you I have to raise to pay for this stuff?” Sarah asked.

Candice said, “Not one cent.” Candice said, “It was all donated by the man who rolls the twenties.”

“No shit!” exclaimed Barbara. “Oh, I am sorry Pastor Sarah, that just caught me by surprise.”

“That’s ok Barbara, but I think I am missing something in this story.”

“We have a weak signal on the cell phone, you tell her the story Barbara. Oh, by the way, is Ruth still working at the club?

“As far as I know, why?”

“Rita needs to add some people to her design group, like yesterday.”

“I pass her house on the way home, I will stop and ask her.” Barbara said.

“Ok, who is Ruth? Rita asked.

“She was working for one of your competitors and the guy said that unless he gave her a blow job, he was going to fire her. So as she is giving him the blow job, the guy’s wife walks in. She demanded he fire her or he was no longer a part of her father’s firm. Then the wife supposedly sent a letter to all the design firms in the area claiming that Ruth falsified her credentials.”

“Was this about three months ago.”

“It could have been. She had only been at the club about a month when I left. She didn’t want to come to the club, but like a lot of us, when you get blackballed, you have to find work. She is one of the most popular dancers there. She is built about like Pastor Sarah and has naturally blonde hair. It drives the guys nuts to see that blonde hair sticking out around the black G-string. Some of them try to touch it when the are giving her the tips. One guy made the mistake of grabbing it and pulling it. She broke his glasses and his nose with her knee.”

“I think I am going to like this lady. I received that letter and wondered what prompted it. I may still have it in my file. I know both the husband and the wife. Maybe Ruth could help us get a couple of their people. We are also going to do something about more office space. We own the building we are in and the company that has the upstairs floor has been complaining about the amount of rent and have passed the deadline to renew their lease under the existing terms. The way you are bringing business in, we should have no problem filling the space.”

“By the way, when we get back to the office, write yourself a check for $10,000.”

Finders fee for the Sweeney contract. Plus I need to keep you happy.

The finders fee isn’t really necessary and I have never been this happy in a job.

No, you have earned every cent of it and more. You are the best thing that has ever happened to this firm. I was about ready to give up the business before you came. Chasing receivables and having to lowball quotes to get work. It really didn’t seem worth all the long hours of hard work. You have made it fun.

Candice sat quietly, finding it hard to express her emotions reflecting back on all the people had rejected her and refused to give her a chance.

Finally, she simply said “Thank you.”

Which was followed by “You are Welcome”

Walter and Samantha spent most of the day on the deck and then they figured out a plan for the next video segment.

They would walk in nude and get in bed, getting under the sheet for a nap. They would pretend to go to sleep to make the camera stop recording. Since there is no way to tell the time lapse, shortly after the camera started they would have sex again, staying under the sheet. They kept changing positions and giving plenty audible signs of love making, but all the camera could capture was an active sheet.

Since it was time to start back, they sat up and said a goodbye to Martha.

Walter said, “I hope you had a good day with Sampson. See you at the dock.”

Walter walked to the edge of the room and stood still waiting for the camera to stop. Then he walked carefully out of range of the camera and reached up and turned it off. Since they had used this camera on the boat many times, he had some blank tapes. He replaced the video of them with a blank tape and set the camera to record.

While he was changing the tape, Samantha had gotten clean linens and changed the bed, making it appear that no one had used it.

When they arrived at the dock, Martha was sitting on the dock reading. She caught their lines and secured the yacht.

“How was your day?” Martha asked.

Samantha remarked “Great!”

Walter said, “Actually we would really like to share the details with you, so I have invited Samantha to join us for dinner.”

“I can’t wait to hear, Martha exclaimed. I need to go below to use the head before we start home.”

Walter noticed that she carried her tote bag with her which had her book, walkman and water bottle in it. When she returned the camera was obviously in the bottom of the bag.

They stopped at the store for Steaks and a couple of bottles of Red Wine.

Walter did the grilling while Martha and Samantha made a salad and baked potatoes in the microwave.

During dinner, they talked about the difference Sarah was making at the church.

“Before she came, I was sure we were going to have to close the doors.” Martha said. “At the rate she is going, we could be the largest congregation in town before the end of the year.”

“Have you met her parents yet?” Samantha asked.

“No we haven’t. I hope they find time to come and visit soon.” Walter said.

“I think Sarah wants to get everything in good shape before their visit.” It is very important to Sarah that her father is proud of her”

Laughing, Martha said, “Can you believe she has Walter in charge of the volunteers painting the education wing this Saturday? Walter isn’t sure which end of the paint brush to use.”

“She wasn’t after my painting ability, she noticed my leadership talents.” Walter said with a flair of indignation.

Martha and Samantha started to laugh and Walter just frowned at them.

As Martha started to do the dishes, Samantha suggested that she and Walter go relax and she would do the dishes. Martha started to resist, but Samantha said it was the least she could do.

Samantha joined them on the deck when she had finished the dishes.

“So, tell me about this great adventure you had today. Martha said.

“It would be easier to show you.” Walter said. “Why don’t we go in the den.”

When they got to the den, they sat on the sofa with Martha in the middle. Walter picked up the remote control and the camera had recorded Martha checking to be sure it was working and her as she left the room. After a minute or so, it stopped. Martha knew she had been found out, and wondered if that was the end of the tape, when Walter’s greeting started.

“You think you are pretty smart, don’t you.” Martha said.

“Hey this was your idea.” Walter responded.

When Samantha greeting played, Martha just started to laugh, however, she got a more serious look on her face when the action started. She was watching so intently, that she didn’t realize Walter was unbuttoning her dress.

When she realized it, she smacked his hand and said “Walter, we have company!”

“Don’t mind me, I enjoy a good show as she gazed at Martha’s bra covered breasts.”

Martha was really intently watching the 69 action and moaned a little as Walter ran his hand up leg and started rubbing her through her panties. Samantha placed her hand over Martha’s bra covered tit and started a gentle massage.

When they left the room and all the cameras was recording was an empty bed, she suddenly realized whose hand was massaging her.

She started to say something, and Samantha said, “Relax and enjoy it as she unsnapped Martha bra and gently started licking her nipple.

Martha had never had an experience with a woman, but in some strange way, this seemed right. By now Walter had pulled her panties to the side and was fingering her with increasing speed.

When Martha realized what was happening, she leaned over to kiss Samantha on the cheek. Samantha turned her lips to Martha and suddenly they were locked in a passionate kiss.

Samantha unbuttoned her blouse and took Martha’s hand and placed it on her breast. As Martha moved her hand gently around Samantha’s tit, she felt the nipple harden under her hand. This new experience combined with the sounds of love coming from the television made by her husband making love to the woman she was now fondling was setting her on fire. Walter had removed her underpants and had buried his face in her pussy. The old and new were coming together with Walter’s tongue working the magic it had for years and this beautiful young woman finding her attractive and lighting a new fire within her.

As he had for years, Walter brought her to the edge of an orgasm and then backed off. She stepped back and watch Samantha teaching Martha the joy of making love to another woman’s. As though it was a well orchestrated plan, Samantha’s mouth tongue was now exploring Martha’s pussy and Walter had taken Samantha’s place. Like a starving child, Martha reached out and grabbed Walter’s cock giving him a better blow job than she had ever given him in their married years.

Martha was aware that Samantha’s technique with her tongue was totally different than what she had been experiencing with Walter and she started to hump against Samantha’s mouth. Martha orgasm was timed perfect as Walter exploded in her mouth.

As they collapsed in a heap on the sofa, they heard the conclusion of the tape and Walter voice saying “I hope you had a good day with Sampson.”

Walter went to get a drink for everyone and Samantha looked at Martha and said, “So, would you like to compare notes on Sampson?”

As Barbara was preparing to leave for the day, Sarah said, “Feel free to use the church computers and reproduction equipment for the extra jobs you will be doing. If today was any example, you will have all the work you can handle. Do you have a computer at home?”

“No, I had not been able to afford one.”

“Take the one from the parsonage when the new equipment is installed.”

“When Candice invited me to come to church, I had no idea what could happen.”

“Wear something that will photograph well tomorrow. We will do a display ad in the paper to let the world know you are here. We want it to look very professional, so you can send a copy of the paper to mom and dad.”

Laughing, Barbara said, “I don’t think what I wore for my last photo session would be very appropriate.”

When Barbara left for the day, Sarah took a bath, and slipped into a terry cloth robe. The door bell rang at 4:30 sharp. Sarah opened the door and said, “Come right in Bill. Let’s go up to my bedroom.”

As Sarah was walking up the steps, she said, “You really did a great job of pushing Barbara’s compensation package through. She is really pleased and she is going to be a great asset to the church.”

When they arrived in the bedroom, Bill was amazed to see candles lit and hear romantic music playing.

Once they were in the room, Sarah said “You did such a great job today, you are going to get more than a blowjob for your down payment.” Watching his eyes to catch his reaction she opened the robe and let it drop to the floor leaving her standing nude.

Moving toward Bill, she started to undress him. Bill was speechless at the change in Sarah.

Finally bill said, “I am glad Barbara is happy and I am glad you are pleased. You are making a real difference in our church.”

“Well thank you Mr. Johnson.” Sarah said in an official sounding voice as she led him to the bed. “You just lie down there and the pastor will take care of your every need.”

Sarah had promised him a blow job and he received a first class blow job. Sarah swallowed every drop of his cum and licked him clean.

Lying on her back, Sarah asked “Have you ever buried your face in a blonde pussy?”

“No, I haven’t.” Bill replied.

“Well, this is your chance if you are interested.” He was definitely interested and as he kissed, licked and probed, she talked to him like a street whore pulling his head against her pussy. Between his efforts and her getting herself excited, she had and orgasm that surprised her in its intensity.

“What a man!” Sarah said as she reached for his cock and found it hard. Guiding his cock to her pussy, she said “Fuck me now! Bill had never met a woman that could move as much as she did with a man on top of her. She gave him quite a ride.

After he came, he rolled on his back and said, “Wow, you are fantastic.”

“So, was I right about being better than those high priced lap dances at the strip club.?”

Bill laughed and said, “You could put them out of business.”

“I am in the process of finding them all jobs where they can screw who they want when they want.”

She gave Bill a kiss and said, “This was just a sample of our night in Atlantic City.”

Barbara stopped at Ruth’s house on her way home. Barbara was sitting at her kitchen table nursing a beer and looking very depressed.

“You look terrible. Barbara said. “What is the matter?”

“I had all I could take of being grabbed last night. After my last set, I quit.”

“Great!” Barbara exclaimed.

“What do you mean great? The landlord is threatening eviction and the children’s father is eight months behind in child support.”

“Do the names Rita and Bill Johnson mean anything to you?”

“Rita Johnson is one of the top designers in this part of the country.”

“How would you like to start working for her tomorrow?”

“Right!, after the wife of my former boss falsely smeared my name throughout the industry, I never expect to work as a designer again.”

“Do you have a telephone book?”

“Hi Candice, I am here with Ruth. Is Rita available to speak with her?”

“Standing right here at my desk, Candice said as she handed the phone to Rita.

“Hi Barbara, how is the recruitment going.?”

“Great, Ruth is available, would you like to talk to her?”


“Hello Mrs. Johnson, it is a privilege to speak with you.”

“Rita, please. Rita said, “It makes me feel old when peers call me Mrs. Johnson. I have a letter about you in my file. Let me begin by saying, I kept it, because I didn’t believe a word of it. How much was Mr. Fart-head paying you?”

Ruth was so surprised to hear her ex-boss referred to that way she started laughing and then answered the question.

“Would you consider working for our firm if I offered you a 50% increase over that amount?”

Ruth almost dropped the phone before saying “Would I ever!

“Does Mr. Fart-head have anyone on staff who specializes in 19 century mansion renovation?”

“Yes, in fact he has Pierre who just completed a mansion in Newport. He has some good contacts with painters who specialize in that type of restoration as well as any molding that needs to be replaced or ornate woodwork. Some of the stuff for Newport had to be imported. Wilma is a textile specialist with people who make curtains from scratch, weaving the fabric and has imported some unbelievable carpet material. They both know all the furniture people.”

Rita asked, “Is there any possibility you could start tomorrow?”

“Just give me your address and tell me what time.”

“We normally work eight to five, but we have flex time if you need it.”

“That works great.” Ruth responded. “Would you like me to contact Pierre and Wilma?”

“Yes, just have them give me a call. I am also looking for a cad specialist especially for my commercial clients.”

“I will have Gates call you.” Ruth said. “His name is William Bradley, but he looks like Bill Gates and is a real nerd, but his three dimensional presentations make you feel like you are walking through the house or office. He can even open and close cabinets, turn the lights on and off, open and close curtains, etc. I know he is not happy with the working conditions because they don’t appreciate or know how to use his talent.”

“He sounds like just the person I am looking for, so if any of them are interested, just have them give me a call and I will see you tomorrow morning.”

“How did all this happen?” Ruth asked Barbara.

“The Lord works in mysterious ways. I have to go right now, but we will catch up on the details. Good luck with your job. Rita is a wonderful person and her husband is a great guy.”

Rita asked Candice to drop off some fabric samples to Elizabeth Blake on her way home, which Candice was very willing to do. She wanted to find out more about Victoria.

“Hey girl, Victoria wants to get together with you soon.” Elizabeth said as Candice carried the samples into the house. “She was on the phone as soon as you left and talked non stop about how beautiful you were. Her husband is flying to London tomorrow afternoon, so she wanted to know if you and I would stop over tomorrow night for dinner.”

“What a place that is!” Candice said. Did you ever see such a large bedroom? This is really a big project. What size houses are the other two names you gave me?”

“One is about the size of our house, but needs 100 percent renovation. The other is almost the size of Victoria’s but in better overall shape.’

As they were talking, Peter came home and told Candice how much he had enjoyed meeting her husband.

“We will have to do it again, Candice said as she was leaving.”

Elizabeth walked to the car with Candice. “Would you like me to pick you up tomorrow night to go to Victoria’s house?” Elizabeth asked.

“That would be great, see you then.”

Candice was anxious to get home to show Sampson her bonus check.

As soon as Candice left, Rita put on a thong she kept in her office just for special occasions. She wasn’t sure whether Donald Buckley would show up or not.