Pastor's Wife

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Roger comes home to an unexpected surprise.
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She was wearing an Easter dress, but it must have been from her teen years. It was a light blue floral print reminiscent of Laura Ingalls. The top of the dress had two straps with a frill made from the same cloth. The side of the dress had been cut open and she had used white elastic bands to make room for her mother sized breasts. The bow that would have been above her waist was just below those large round orbs. The bottom of the dress, equally frilly, had been taken up so it only just covered her roundness of a full bottom. Her long legs ended in black Mary Jane's with tiny lace capped socks. Unbidden, she shook a little when she looked in the mirror.

Before she knew it, her husband was home.

Jackie, as Jaqueline liked to be called, had taken the kids to her mothers for the night. When she walked out to her husband, his jaw dropped.

"What is this? He stammered.

"Exactly what you think it is," she demurely whispered, one of her fingers seductively at her lips.

Roger rushed forward and pounced on her. He threw over the couch, she lifted her ass up in response. The dress had ridden up once she was bent over. A wad a spit landed on her husband's cock, and he slid it in her pussy without any pretense or foreplay.

"Uhhh," she moaned. "Ooh," she crooned.

Roger took her hair in his fist, and started slamming into her from behind. She got up on her tippy toes to give her a better angle. But Roger shoved her down so he could enjoy it more.

"Ah ah ah ah," he panted.

"Oh yes, please," she muttered. "Fuck me harder Roger!"

"Is that why you're dressed like a whore?" he said with a hint of anger.

"Mmmmm," was all she replied.

He yanked harder on her hair, and his nails dug into her soft white tushy. His rhythm picked up the pace as he slammed into her pussy repeatedly from behind.

"Tell me, why are you dressed like a whore? Can you imagine what the congregation would think if they knew the pastor's wife was acting like a harlot? Hmm?"

"Uh uh uh uh," she panted. "Mmm yeah mmm. Give me more" she replied.

He was beside himself, no matter how hard he fucked her, she taunted him making him harder and hornier. He grabbed her waist with both his hands and slammed into several more times before ejaculating into her.

He shuddered to a stop, held his cock inside her as his cock spat several wads of cum into her tortured cunny. She was breathing hard as he did. Finally, he pulled out.

"Clean yourself up. I need answers."

She slowly leaned up, and promptly sank into a squat. As the semen began leaking out, she placed her hand underneath her well fucked slit, and squeezed with her vaginal walls. Her husband's white cream flowed out and she licked it up. Then, she used her fingers to scoop out what was left. Finally she stood up, and started walking to the master bedroom and the attached restroom.

"Answer me!" Roger said as she walked by.

It was only after she showered that she crawled into bed, Roger waiting for her leaning back up against the backboard.

"Roger, I see how you look at Katie at the Youth Ministry. For Christ's sake! She was only 11 when she joined and the fact she is now 19 and a youth pastor makes no difference. I know you want her, I know you desire her. That's not going to happen. While you were calling me a whore, I noticed you were also fucking me harder than ever before."

"I don't look at her," he said weakly.

"Oh stop, I know you do and some of the other wives have noticed too. So, I'm going to be your loving wife in public, and I'm going to be your slutty whore wife in the bedroom. That should keep your dick in your pants. And if you don't, and I find out you were entangled with Katie Parker; I will divorce you and take you for all your money. Do you understand?"

She gave him a girly smile before going to bed nude. Roger didn't know what to say and remained silent. He kicked himself for being too obvious about Katie.

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AnonymousAnonymous9 minutes ago

Four stars, a simplistic story. Wifey definitely knows how to manage her husband. If what she's giving him at home isn't enough for him, then she needs to kick his ass to the curb.

26thNC26thNC19 minutes ago

Preacher man best keep it in his trousers, he just had a come to Jesus with the Mrs.

hindsight2020hindsight2020about 10 hours ago

This story makes little sense.

mattenwmattenwabout 16 hours ago

One commentator, usually anonymous, said: "Who would want to stay married with such a hateful wife?" What is your problem, I ask? This man is lusting after another woman who is only 19 years old! Is it possible that you are confusing cause and effect?

He is the guilty one and not her. She simply showed him why he is guilty!

AnonymousAnonymous1 day ago

Why is the wife hateful? It's the husband that is the problem.

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