Paul's Journey


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"Does that mean you want to be my girlfriend?"

"Hunny, I almost want to marry you. That is a little sudden though. I guess I could settle for girlfriend."

So now I had a girlfriend, and a steady diet of great sex to go along with it. Believe it or not but my grades actually went up. We spent a lot of time together, and not just with sex. We went out on dates and to movies. We even went to a theme park for a day. We were really enjoying each other's company.

It had been about a year and a half after that first night and Christy had moved in with me, when I got the call that would turn my life for the worse. Eric, my twin, called me up and said he was wanting to come for a visit. He was in town and was staying at a nearby hotel. To tell you the truth I was a little worried. I knew Eric's reputation and more than that I knew Eric. I had seen the girls he would fuck and then drop like a bad habit. It was just sickening to see the look on those girls' faces when he told them it was only a one night thing. Yea, if there ever was an cold hearted asshole, it was my brother.

I told Christy all about Eric and his reputation and I also told her about how used to do it. How he would seem so innocent and charming that it would make women melt for him. I told her not to believe a word he said that he was an asshole, and not to be trusted. My warnings didn't help any.

On the day Eric arrived at our apartment it was a nice sunny day. The birds were singing. It was spring of my final semester. I had a class early that afternoon and another one the next day. I was studying when there was a knock on the door. Christy got up and answered it. A few seconds later I got up to see who it was. There he was my twin brother. Bane of my existence. The complete opposite of me. He was taller, thinner, and better looking. He was shaking Christy's hand and he had that look in his eye. The look that he saw something he wanted and was determined to have it. My stomach turned and I instantly wanted to shove him right back out the door and tell him to never come back. Maybe I should have.

Christy invited him in and then he saw me.

"Hey bro, quite the place you got here, and quite the lovely lady as well."

"Yea she is wonderful. Have a seat dude. Take a load off."

Eric and I always called each other by different names. Eric was dude and I was bro. I guess it was better than Pauliewog like my sister used to call me. She only uses it when she wants something.

"So you are looking good. You've lost a lot of weight. We are starting to look a lot more like twins." He said with that warm smile and those hazel eyes. I knew better than to trust him.

I sat down on the sofa and Christy sat next to me. I put my arm around her to show Eric that she was my girl and I would do anything to protect her, especially from the likes of him. Christy cuddled into my side.

"So what brings you to town?" I did care about the bastard. He was my brother after all.

"Oh, mom wanted me to come and check on you and see how you were doing while I was in town. I came into town to be at a friend's wedding. Apparently he wants me to be the best man."

"Who's the lucky guy?"

"Do you remember Alex?"


"Well he and Lisa are getting married the day after tomorrow. Since I was going to be in town already I figured I would stop by and spend a few days with my bro. I see that you already have someone to keep you company."

"Yea, Christy moved in a few months ago. I never told mom or dad. I don't think they would approve." I was hoping he would keep the secret for me.

"I know they wouldn't. Dad would jump on his religious high horse and tell you all about how it was a sin and that you were damaging your relationship with God." He said to mock my father who has been a Missionary Baptist preacher for nearly 35 years.

"Well, what he doesn't know doesn't hurt everybody else." He said with a smile.

"Thanks dude, I really appreciate you keeping it secret."

"You obviously told mom about her because she can't help, but tell me that I need to be more like you and find a good girl to be married to. By the way are you two getting married?"

"We've talked about it a lot, nothing is set yet." Christy was quick to answer that one.

Truth was, I was more than ready to get married. You know all that jazz about how guys don't want commitment and girls do. In our relationship Christy didn't want to get married just yet. I think she was afraid of what marriage actually means. She knew I didn't believe in divorce and loved her with all my heart. She was more than willing to spend the rest of her life with me, she just didn't want it to be legal yet. I guess I should have taken that as a sign of vulnerability.

As the day wore on and I started to relax, we began to have quite the good time. We talked about old times and old friends. Trouble we used to get into as kids. We even told Christy about the blackberry incident.

When we were kids, my dad was a farmer. On his farm he had sheds and behind one of those sheds there were some blackberry bushes that my mom usually used to make blackberry pie with. One of our favorite past times as a kid was to slide down the roof of the shed and land in a giant pile of hay. We loved doing it all the time. Only problem is that on some days the roof of the shed would be to hot and we couldn't slide. So, my sister got the bright idea that if we put blackberries on the roof and smashed them it would work better and cool off the roof. The make a long story short, mom came looking for her kids at lunch time when she found three very scared and very blue kids. Soon after, we got the beating of a lifetime.

Anyways, everything seemed to being going so well that I almost forgot about my class. I told Eric I had to go and that he would need to leave as well.

"Oh, yea sure, bro. I have to get going anyways. I'll see you tomorrow though right?'

"Sure dude. I have a morning class at about 8am that last a couple hours. I should be home around 11."

Eric stood up and moved to the door. He turned and glanced at Christy. Smiled and then out he went. It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. Eric actually left a good first impression on Christy.

"He wasn't as bad as you say he is."

"That's all just a front, babe. He is cold hearted and he doesn't care who he hurts to get what he wants. If there was ever a sociopath, it would be Eric."

I got up from the sofa and went and took a shower. I was soon joined by Christy. She wanted to have a little fun before I left. We made sweet love in the shower. I always loved hearing her moan with pleasure, and to think I was the one causing it just made it that much more exciting. I had to leave soon so I left without coming and with promises to finish me off afterwards.

Later that afternoon, when I got home I found Christy sitting on the sofa reading a book. I had decided to take her out for evening. We went to a restaurant and ate till our hearts content then we came home and made love again. This time I got my long awaited orgasm and shot several ropes of my hot cum into her willing and waiting pussy. We soon fell contentedly to sleep.

The next morning I woke up at 6am to get an early start and get ready for class. I was dressed and ready by 7:30. I gave Christy a kiss on the lips and told her to be continued later. Out the door I went without a care in the world and love in my heart for Christy.

Class took a little longer than usual and I didn't get home until about 11:30. When I walked in to our apartment, I saw Christy huddled on the couch. She looked like she had been crying and when she saw me she burst into tears again. I was a little shocked and confused as to what was going on. She just looked at the ground afraid to meet my gaze. That is when Eric came out of the bathroom. I instantly knew what had happened.

I went crazy and lunged for Eric. He was caught off guard and stumbled to the ground. I jumped on him and punched him in the mouth and yelled at him.

"How could you do this? You're a monster. How could you touch her? You raped her and now you are going to go to jail you piece of shit."

"He didn't rape me!" Christy's declaration brought me out of my vengeance fueled rage.


"He didn't rape me."

"What the fuck is going on. Then why the hell are you crying?"

"We had sex, but he didn't rape me."

I felt like someone had just stabbed me right through the heart. The pain and anguish was written all over my face. I stood up and over to the chair where I finally collapsed. I was too stunned to do anything but sit there. My whole life was ending. Christy meant the world to me and now I felt like I was losing her.

Christy stood up from the sofa and walked over to me. She knelt in front of me and sobbed. I was filled with sorrow and seeing her after what she and he had done was only making it worse.

"Why?" I could barely get the word out.

"I don't know how it got started everything went so fast. One minute we were in here talking the next we were ..."

She trailed off after that. She wasn't even able to say it. I was getting angry now.

"Am I not good enough for you? What did I do wrong? What drove you to do this? There has to be some reason why you would do this."

"I don't know how to explain it, it all just happened." She was sobbing even louder now.

I was shaking and I felt like I was about to vomit. I jumped up and ran to the bathroom and puked my guts out. Shaking from head to toe, I walked over to the sink and cleaned myself up. I looked myself in the mirror. The question kept rolling over and over in my head. WHY? I splashed water on my face and tried to focus but it was hard to concentrate. I guess that is a side effect of one's life ending. I just stood there looking at myself, all the while wondering what the hell was I going to do.

When I came back, Christy was curled up in the corner of the sofa crying again. Eric was still sitting on the floor

"I thought you loved me."

"I do love you, Paul."

"If you love me then why the hell did you go and fuck this piece of shit. I told you he was tricky. I told you that he was fake. I told you all about the other girls in his life and how he was fuck and dump kind of guy. He just wanted to fuck you and then never see you again. Don't you get that?"

"I know what you told me. It's not like I was duped into fucking him."

"Then why the hell did you fuck him?"

"I don't know."

"It'll be ok guys." His voice was like someone raking their fingernails across a chalkboard.

"Shut the fuck up. You're my brother. Didn't it occur to you not to fuck my girlfriend? Do I mean so little to my own twin brother that he couldn't even control himself? Thanks asshole, now that you have what you wanted, what next? Huh? Were you just gonna fuck her and hope that I never found out about it and then went on your marry way to next girl?

"That was kind of the plan, yea. I mean you really did pick one sweet piece of ass there, bro.

That did it. I lunged for him again this time I just kept hitting him. Blood was pouring down his face and I was pretty sure one of my fingers was broken, but I just kept hitting him. I wanted to kill him, and I would have it Christy hadn't grabbed my arm and pulled me off of him. I have never hit a woman before in my life, and I never will, but I really wanted to. That was enough for me to realize I had gone too far. I stood up on shaky legs and wobbled over to nearest piece of furniture I could find.

I collapsed into the chair and wept bitterly. I didn't know what to do. I was lost. Christy came over to me and knelt down in front of me.

"Paul, I love you so very much. I know I did probably the worst thing possible. I know you feel terrible. What do you want me to do?"

"I don't know. All I know is that I want him gone."

I stood up and walked toward Eric. I had my hands clenched. I was ready for murder this time. I didn't yell, but as calmly as possible, I talked to my once brother.

"I want you gone. I don't want to ever see you again. You are the lowest form of life on this planet. I don't know what kind of monster it takes to sleep with his own brother's girlfriend, but you need some real help. Now get your worthless ass up off my floor and go you piece of shit."

With that, Eric jumped up and out the door he went. Good riddance to bad rubbish, as I always say. After Eric left I turned to Christy, and we looked at each other for what seemed like eternity. I wanted to forgive her. I knew how Eric was. I knew about the manipulation. The only thing that was keeping me from taking that step towards resolution was that I had warned her about him. She had said she wasn't duped. Did that mean she made a willing decision to do this? Was she the instigator?

I sat down on the sofa and buried my face in my hands. I kept hoping this was all just a bad dream and I would wake up and see Christy, my beautiful Christy, lying there next to me sound asleep. I felt Christy sit on the sofa next to me, but I didn't look up. I wasn't even sure I even wanted to see her ever again. I was nauseous and my whole body hurt. I felt like I had just been food poisoned or ate some bad Chinese food. My mind was racing and all I could do was cry. One thing kept me from driving to the nearest bridge and hurling myself to sweet oblivion, I needed to know why. I looked up to see Christy staring at me. That beautiful face with the hazel eyes and the big red pouty lips were enough to soften my heart just a little.

"I need to know why. From the way you sounded it was almost like you were the one who made the move on him. Please tell me that it isn't true. Please tell me he suckered you in to this. I don't know if I could handle it if you told me you were the one who started it."

She was silent for a few moments, and her forehead scrunched up. She looked as though she was trying to think of what to say.

"I did make the first move." The words were like shards of glass piercing their way through my chest.

"Why? Why would you do something like this? I don't understand." Then it occurred to me why she did it.

"You don't want to get married do you?"

"I didn't say that."

"Then what the fuck are you trying to say by fucking my scum bag of a brother?"

"I do want to get married, and I want to get married to you. I just wanted to have one last hoora, before I committed myself to you."

"How much more committed do you need to be? I mean we already live together. We sleep together. We eat together. We make love together. I have already made my decision to be with you for the rest of my life. I have committed to you and have forsaken all others. Without you I am nothing."

"I know you say that now but we still have a long life ahead of us and I was just wanting to live a little before we married."

"Live a little? What the fuck? If you want to live a little go bungee jumping or slide down the world's tallest water slide. Don't go and fuck my twin brother. That would be the worst thing you could have done." I was getting louder now.

"I know, it was kind of a spur of the moment decision. As soon as it was over I regretted it, and I will regret it for the rest of my life. It has got to be the dumbest thing I have ever done in my life."

"For a woman as smart as you, yea it was pretty fucking dumb. What happened to men being the ones who had problems with commitment? Why the hell did I find one of the few girls afraid of it?" I was talking more to the ceiling fan than I was to Chirsty.

"I'm not afraid of commitment. I was just confused and I made a stupid decision."

"Oh really? Not afraid are you? What if I wanted to go get married right now?

" I would jump up and marry you."

"Really, just like that huh. One roll in the sack with my brother and now you are ready to commit?"

"Yea just like that. I'll marry you and commit to you and forsake all others."

"All others? Even my douche bag of a brother?"

"Especially him."

"Why, did he not do it for ya or something?"

"The truth?"

"I think I deserve it."

"He has a big dick but he doesn't know how to use it. I could get more pleasure out of my pinky. That is the problem with most guys with big dicks, they think that is all they need.'

"Are you saying I don't have a big dick?

"You have a wonderful dick and you know just how to use it to get me to cum like no other person has on this planet."

I was feeling much better now. Maybe I could get over the whole she fucked my brother thing. Then another thought ran through my head.

"I know this is kind of a stupid question right now after all that has happened." I was much calmer and felt better.


"Did you guys use a condom?"

"Of course, do you really think I would that walking cesspool come near me without using protection? He was mad about it but I made him put one on."

I stood up walked into the bathroom and started the shower. I began to undress when I noticed Christy was standing in the doorway. The look she was giving me was one of a person who was uncertain but also in love. I could tell she loved me and that was enough for me to believe that she would never do it again. Whether she would hold true to that or not only time would tell. I looked at her and smiled. The first smile I have had all day.

"Would you like to take a shower with me? We will have to be quick, cause we only have a couple hours."

"What does that mean?"

"You said you would marry if I wanted to get married right now."

"Yea, and?"

"The county clerk's office closes at 3:30, it's almost one now. If we hurry we can get a license be married by the justice of the peace."

"Even after all that I put you through?"

"Of course, what is a good romance if you don't struggle for it? I love you, and that is all I need to know. I am more than willing to fight for that love no matter what the obstacle."

She smiled at me and I had to admit I did miss that beautiful smile. If I had just left and never came back I would had to have lived without that smile. All the pain and all the suffering was worth having her smile at me and her knowing that I was still choosing her.

I continued to undress and she joined me. We climbed into the shower and into each other's arms. I kissed her deeply and our tongues wrestled each other. We had never really had a fight before. I mean we had out little spats and what not, but never an actual fight. As the warm water cascaded down over our bodies, I was aware of the raging hard on I now had sticking into her stomach. I wrapped her in my arms as though I might lose her. The thought of losing her was what really caused all the pain. This woman was my life and to lose her would be the end of me. it was a joy to know that she was mine and she would always be mine.

She pulled away from our kiss and looked me square in the eyes. She had the look of determined love.

"Paul, I want you to know how sorry I am that I had sex with Eric. I cannot believe I did that. It was so stupid of me and I hate myself for it. I am going to spend the rest of my life to make it up to you. I love you so much an, and when I saw the pain on your face and to know that I was the one who caused it killed me. I don't ever want to cause you that much pain ever again. Can you ever forgive me?"

"Baby, of course I forgive you. The thought of losing you was too much to bare. I couldn't picture my life without you. I love you."

The passion of our kiss was intensified by our desire and love for another. We devoured each other's mouth. Our hands were roaming all over each other. My right hand founds its way down her chest and past her flat firm stomach. I could feel the smooth folds of her labia as I parted her lips. She was wet and slippery. I slowly inserted a finger which caused her to gasp. I worked my finger in deeper and curled it trying to stimulate her G-spot. She moaned and her hands went to the back of my head and pulled me down to her nipples.