Pawn Teases at the Pool

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Ryan takes his kids to a relaxing day at the pool…
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"So, I know you're home today. I'll be done with this job early. If you wanna... you know..."

The little excited emojis and heart decals that followed sweetly reinforced Nikki's intentions. Ryan chuckled. He was leaning back on the couch. He darted his eyes around, as if he were being watched. It was a silly notion. The wife was at work. The kids were in their rooms upstairs, transitioning from breakfast to the day ahead.

Ryan responded with a panting emoji in return. "Sounds tempting. But I did promise the kiddos I'd take them down to the pool later today. I imagine it would be around the time you're getting done."

Sad faces. "No time for little old me?"

"Working is your kryptonite? Lol. We'll see each other soon enough, babe."

"Sooner than you think," Nikki replied with a wink.

* * * * *

As forecasted, the sun was bearing down today. Ryan enjoyed the sweat. Perhaps it was his newfound approach on life. Whatever the reason, an excuse to go to the pool was inviting. The contrast of the sweltering warm air in the midday sun and the cool water enveloping his body called to him.

While Ryan enjoyed taking a swim in the pool, he wasn't able to do so alongside his children. Typical of their age, they were more than happy to take their dad up for a car ride to the pool. Once there, they were too old to be seen with him. And when they started running into their friends - dad became an afterthought.

It wasn't long before the pool swarmed with teens and the younger crowd. As nice as the water was, a self-consciousness of being the creepy old guy in the crowd settled in. Ryan made his way out of the pool and to a lounging chair on the sidelines where he and his kids had set their belongings on their arrival. If he couldn't partake enjoying the water, then he could do the next best thing: people-watching.

The pool draws all kinds. Jocks and dweebs. The waifs and the portly. Form vs. function. Sometimes you get interesting cocktails. It was fun to drink it all in. Ryan was never immune to how great some ladies could look. In his youth he might see how many he could get the attention of. A wave, a smile. A friendly hello. On good days he could get them to check him out. A solid boost for the ego. Of course, that was years ago.

Only this time it felt different. There were still knockouts, as always. The college freshmen back over summer vacation. The occasional milf rocking shapely hips and developed breasts despite having numerous kids in tow. They dotted the landscape, as ever. He would notice them in scanning the masses, appreciating them for a moment before moving on. In years past, Ryan would mentally compare them to memories of his youth versus his wife today. And he would be content knowing he had his fun. Now, given Ryan's affair, his outlook changed. He still saw them. His eyes still did not linger. Yet he could say to himself that he has better. What's more, she craves him. He was part of the younger crowd, even if it wasn't public or celebrated. The notion filled Ryan's spirit. A wellspring that gave him renewed vigor. Relaxing in his chair, he was quietly elated.

It was then that she caught his eye. He had been scanning the crowd. He spotted his son with his pals monkeying around in the pool. Then his daughter and her friends making their way back to the waterslide. Then Nikki. Beaming. Her skin reflecting a perfect amber glow in the waning hours of the day. Her hair gently bobbing and waving as she walked. Neither were wet. She must have just arrived. The white bikini she wore left little to the imagination. Her already perky attitude accentuated by her chest. Those breasts were cupped perfectly. Her belly and hips invited everyone to admire her body.

Likewise her privates beneath were only covered in the technical sense. There was enough there that he couldn't tell if she sported a cameltoe. But you could tell she must have shaved. As she was facing his direction, he did not have a view of her butt. He could only imagine her cheeks on display as she made her way around the pool.

Nikki wasn't alone. She was with someone, both looking around at the crowd. Her friend was more modestly dressed. A teal one-piece covered her body. It was flattering, but the suit didn't call attention to itself. Her friend was fine, to be sure. But Nikki clearly outshone her friend. And while they were clearly looking for a place to lay their towels and belongings down at, the expression worn on her friend's face suggested there was already an unwanted excess of attention drawn their way.

As they made their way through the chairs and umbrellas, Ryan caught himself leering. He quickly turned his attention elsewhere. Soon he spotted his son and daughter at various points in the crowd. They looked like they were still having fun. Good. Ryan gathered his thoughts. He figured if Nikki was here with a friend, then it would be best to let the two have fun. No need to interfere.

Scanning the crowd, his eyes eventually spotted the duo wading in at the shallow end of the pool. They no longer carried anything - they must've found a spot. When they were at about waist height, Nikki's friend turned to her to ask something. Ryan had no chance hearing them above the conversations and splashes of the crowd. They conversed for a bit. Then Nikki dipped her hand in the pool and flung droplets of water at her friend. After a turn of the shoulder, her friend responded in kind by lowering her arm in the pool and sending a wave up at Nikki. The water splashed against her body, chest and all. Ryan's ears perked as Nikki's gasp rose above the din. She was dripping wet now, a look of fun surprise etched on her face. Her shoulders were squared back, her arms outstretched on either side. There was no mistaking the pronunciation of her breasts. Her skin glistened in the sunlight. Ryan drank it all in, being able to admire his lover from a distance.

Nikki said something back at her friend. Then they moved on. As they did, Nikki looked over at Ryan. She had spotted him! Based on how her eyes immediately shot towards him, she must've spotted him earlier. As always she wore that devilish smile. Her gaze captured Ryan. Even though the eye contact only lasted mere seconds, it had successfully ensnared him. A twist and flick of her head, the flair of her hair glinting in the sunlight, and she moved on with her friend deeper into the pool.

Again he found himself leering and diverted his eyes. No doubt they were already drawing enough attention. There were enough young adults who made their way over from university to make a splash. He suspected he noticed a few getting their fellow bros attention to the hot piece of action in the white bikini. And he though he caught a few thirsty dads eyeing up his girl.

His girl. Was she really his girl? Ryan felt he had to take a step back and re-assess himself. Sure, there was their affair. He was giving himself to her. And with his experience in the matter, he felt Nikki was giving herself to him. But did it really make and sense? After all, she was less than half his age. Nikki could have anyone. Ryan's wasn't anything unique. He was in shape, but his virility couldn't possibly match some of these hardbodies. Besides, he was married. Tied up. A headache to plan around. Really, what did Nikki see in him?

Sure enough, as if on cue, a pair of handsome young twenty-something waded up to where Nikki and her friend were in the pool. They exuded confidence. Defined. Even from his distance, Ryan gauged they were go-getters. And of course, they had their sights on 'his girl.' He watched as they flirted and postured a bit to impress the two girls. Nicole's friend wore a big grin, as if she were hanging on their every word. Yet he couldn't help but notice skepticism written across Nicole's face. She was trying to force through a polite smile. But it was clear the boys were not impressing her.

The dark haired boy sidled closer to Nikki. He looked friendly, but it was clear he was playing for a good impression. They chatted some more. It was burning Ryan that he was on the sideline. He wasn't a part of this. He never was. The game ended for him long ago.

What's this? Nikki scrunched up her face and moved away from the dark haired boy. She's shaking her head! Was she turning him down? Ryan noticed Nicole's friend was being chatted up by the other boy. And now her friend extended her left arm, hand down. Ryan thought he caught a glimmer. A ring! She was married!

The two boys stood there for a brief moment. Then the dark hair boy motioned to the other. They swam off, no doubt looking for their next conquest. Nikki and her friend turned to each other and held their hands over their mouths, sharing some well-earned laughter.

Ryan chuckled from the sidelines too.

As the sun lowered in the sky, Ryan kept tabs on both his children. His children proved to possess boundless energy. Occasionally they would swing by their dad. Usually to hit him up for money to get a snack or a drink if their friends were doing the same. He was too distracted to turn them down. He had to enjoy it, and let them enjoy it, when the opportunity presented itself.

Ryan also kept an eye on Nikki. He found it difficult not to. It was one thing to admire her beauty from afar. The way she climbed out of the pool, giving a view of her finely toned ass as she lifted up and out from the side. Or when she used a ladder - watching one cheek shift weight to the other. Nikki would occasionally reach behind her head, messing with her hair. She swung her shoulders back as she did, every time pronouncing her breasts. And whenever Nikki and her friend went to the diving board, she was the one to watch. Her tits bounced just as any red-blooded male would hope as she sprung from the board and into the water. Every time, every action, was with Ryan in full view. He swore she was doing everything intentionally. To get a rise out of him.

And it was working. Every so often he would shift to hide the stiffness growing beneath his black swimming shorts. Eventually he would remind himself to stop staring and find his kids. Or check with the wife. But Ryan's appetite was growing - his eyes never failed to find their way back to the main course.

The evening was soon setting upon them. The crowds were starting to thin as the temperature finally began to dip. There were dishes to serve and enjoy. So too did Nikki and her friend make their way out of the pool and back to where they had set up camp with their towels and clothes. As they made their way back to the main building, Ryan instinctively got up. His mind was set on something, and no amount of second thought or consciousness would deter him. He strode towards the duo as they hugged. As her friend made for the doorway, Ryan approached Nikki.

"Hello there."

Nikki turned around. That mischievous grin greeted him. "Long time, no see. Have fun at the pool?"

"Oh, the kids are having a good time. I got to see what I wanted to see."

"I bet you did," Nikki replied coyly. "Dinner time is coming up. I'd offer, but with the kids and wife waiting..."

Ryan placed his hand along her back. "Let's take a walk, shall we?"

Nikki's eyes lit up with surprise as Ryan took the lead. She was all too curious to follow.

The two walked alongside the building, Ryan's hand remaining on her back. Touching her, feeling her skin brought on a rush of memories of their trysts. Of her soft complexion. How tender she felt in his arms, yielding to his touch.

"Who was your friend?"

"Oh, Sara? We're besties. You didn't want to play. So I asked her if she'd be up for cooling off at the pool today."

Ryan hesitated for a moment as they continued walking. "Those two guys from earlier. You turned them down?"

"Hmm? Oh God. Yeah. No. No, no. I've put up with their type before. The 'Wham, bam, thank you ma'am' guys. We were just the catch of the day for them. No thank you."

"You could have a lot of fun with young studs like that."

Nikki looked up at Ryan, trying to figure him out. "I've had my fun in the past. It gets old fast. Playtime ends before anything happens. They're just trying to run up numbers. I've decided if I'm going to be with someone, then we're going to play and fun stuff is going to actually happen."

Ryan turned at the corner. Nikki closed in on him. Her hands found his chest. "Like us," she said.

She was looking into his eyes. Not with the wild lust she had possessed in their previous encounters. Rather, she was staring dreamily, as if lost in his. Nikki's lips were parted, inviting a kiss. Her breasts pressed against him. He could feel through what little fabric covered Nikki that her nipples were taut. She felt as light and malleable as the time they first fully shared each other. Ryan's dick grew stiff as his drive to take her raged in his mind.

His erection was not lost on Nikki. "Oooo," she giggled. "Someone has a naughty mind."

Ryan chuckled. "I can't be the only one who got a hard-on looking at you today. I mean, look at you."

"This number?" Nikki took a step back and turned slightly. She playfully posed for Ryan. "I picked it up earlier today. Not exactly cheap, but it's surprisingly comfortable."

"Aren't you afraid it's going to give people bad ideas?"

Nikki giggled again. "The one it's meant to give bad ideas to is you, lover."

"It's working."

Ryan closed in on Nikki from behind. His arms enveloped her, one around her midriff, the other enjoying the give of her breasts. She felt as light and supple as he remembered. Nikki gasped in delight. She tilted her head back slightly as Ryan's leaned his head in. He gently kissed her neck, starting from the side and working his way towards the back. Her head rolled in kind, giving access to her lover.

As he kissed her neck, he found Nikki slowly leaning forward. Her hips pressed against his, making his erection all the more noticeable. She was grinding against him, undoubtedly feeling the hard-on pinned under his clothes. The bubble of her ass and her teasing gnawed at him. His craving to have a taste possessed him.

He broke from his kisses, his arms coming to rest at his shorts. Nikki remained slightly bent over as her hips still worked on his. He made his move. In succession, he pulled his swim shorts down and guided his cock to her warmth. Nikki gasped in surprise. She was his to take. His hand reached between her legs, fiddling with her bottom piece so as to expose her womanhood. When he had scrunched enough material aside, Ryan penetrated her pussy. Nikki's slickness welcomed him in eagerly. Her muffled squeal served not only as a welcome, but as encouragement. With caution to the wind and only their libidos to guide them, they began fucking.

Ryan grabbed her hips. Each stroke inside Nikki felt sublime. The jiggle of her ass with each thrust was hypnotic. He could feel the fabric of her bikini bottom with every motion. It served as an immediate reminder that they were in public. The threat of being stumbled upon or caught was very real. It made his heart race. His mind was alive, the realization of a long dormant fantasy now being played out.

Their heavy breathing filled the air. She was meeting every thrust, inviting him to press deeper. Her juiciness invited his long, deep strokes into her pussy. Ryan increased his tempo. Nikki reacted by throwing her head back and letting out a long moan.

He reached his right arm underneath her, sliding underneath her belly. Ryan motioned to lift her vertically. Nikki gasped in delight, rising and meeting his body. She was being such a good doll, he thought. Yet he had to reprimand her for not being quiet. He raised his hand up to her chest. His palm came to rest between her bouncing cupped beasts. His fingers precipitously close to her throat.

Ryan nestled his head next to hers. Her own arm came to rest above his butt. They paused. He tried whispering, but found his voice a forced breath. "Quiet, my dear. You're going to make a scene."

Nikki briefly laughed between her controlled breathing. "You're the one making a racket, loverboy. Pounding me like this. Who do you think you are?"

A lusty chuckle responded. "I'm the king. And I'm claiming my piece."

He resumed driving into Nikki's snatch. She responded with another yelp, only this time restrained and quiet. Her breathing quickened in pace. Ryan got the impression she wanted to say something, but bouncing on his cock was getting the better of her. Instead of formulating words, only gutteral cries and moans escaped.

"Take me," she finally cobbled together. "My king. Cum in me!"

He had her cumming on his cock! Nikki shook in his arms. Feeling her quiver on him, her pussy clamping on his meat, encouraged his own climax. His strokes became quicker and shorter, pushing deep inside her orgasmic young frame. His breathing grew rougher. Louder. Ryan felt his senses overload and gave in. He sprayed his seed inside her with every twitch of his dick.

They held themselves, standing. The warm air of the setting sun washed over them. Their panting came down together as they descended from their lust-fueled highs.

"Fuck," Nikki said. She pulled away from Ryan, her pussy releasing his semi-stiff member back to the air. Her hands came to her chest, attempting to fix up her top before fitting her bottom piece. "I was totally expecting to just make out."

"Too much?" Ryan countered, smiling.

"No!" she giggled. She leaned up and pecked him on the cheek. "Better than I could hope. Only now I have to sneak out without attracting too much trouble."

"Yeah, I suppose we both do."

"Easy for you to say. You don't have jizz streaming down your legs."

"Cover up with your towel."

"I know, I know. Just," she paused, falling back into his body. Her head nuzzled against his chest. "You know..."

Ryan was surprised by her affection. Nikki always came off as confident - she had never emotionally called to him. Yet here she was, vulnerable. Tenderly, he softly reciprocated with a kiss on the forehead. After a fleeting moment, they broke. She smiled at him briefly. Not wickedly, as he had known her to, but cordially.

Together, they made for the pool. They said their goodbyes as the approached the public, hoping they weren't drawing any accusing stares. Nikki made for the doorway to the changing rooms and exit. Ryan headed for the chair where he had spent the better part of the afternoon.

He had just sat down when he saw his kids approaching him. For having ignored him the better part of the day, they were quick to ask where he had been. Ryan explained he got up to walk around. They must have just missed each other. It was a flimsy excuse, to be sure, but it went unchallenged. Making sure their stuff was together, they too headed to the changing rooms to get ready to head home.

The evening proceeded as expected. Ryan was good-old-dad and husband. Dinner was settled and everyone was relaxing as the night settled in. Yet Ryan's mind still reflected back to his day with Nicole. Of being teased. Of being a man. Taking his woman then and there. The danger of being caught, and how alive he felt. How safe he was at home now, and how sedentary it was for him. Of Nikki's lasting smile at the end of their session. He pondered on what to make of it all. Where would things go from here?

His phone buzzed. "Looks like another scorcher tomorrow... ;)"

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