Pea Pod


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Meka told the other wives and I was smothered by women squealing, “Dolly.”

When it all died down, Gwen was eager to make it official, “The first thing that we need to do, is change everything, your checking account, and anything else that we can to just ‘D Gordon’. Then I think that we need to get you a birth certificate, with a bit younger age, and the name ‘Dolly Ann Gordon’, affixed to it. After everyone sees you using your ‘D Gordon’ identity long enough, we will be able to convince most of them that someone miss entered your information into their computer systems. I’ll be able to verify it is really you, and you always have been a woman.”

“Great, it sounds like a plan Gwen. I hadn’t come to the realization that I cannot be ‘Doug’ anymore. Although ‘Doug’ is the only one who can legally prove to be a citizen and have my money and possessions,” I told her, but I started to cry anyway.

Meka held me, “Why are you crying Dolly?”

“I don’t know. It’s like Doug is dead, and I miss me,” I blubbered.

Meka looked over at Gwen, “This is normal for someone who has been transformed. She is struggling with a new identity.”

I wound up in the center of a group hug.

“I’m okay now! Can I breath, please,” I asked, since I’m the littlest of the group, they hadn’t realized that they were crushing me.

Gwen announced, “We have to finish getting, Beath and Windy dressed. I am taking everyone out for Ice cream!”

“Can I make a suggestion?” I asked.

“Sure,” the two English speakers replied.

“It’s about names. Windy is a normal name around here, but Beath is way different. Would she object to us calling her Beth?” I asked, not wanting to insult her, but her name was close to Beth and it would make things on Earth easier for her.

Meka explained to her and she agreed to the change.

We dolled everyone up and drove us all to, ‘Swensen's Ice Cream Factory & Shoppe’, where we entered, and were seated by a very nervous looking fellow.

“What’s wrong with him, he acted like… I don’t know,” I asked Gwen in a near whisper.

“Turn on your old hound dog, male mind Dolly, and then pan back and look at what is seated at this table,” Gwen coached.

“I never thought of that. We are five very hot looking babes!” I told her, with a very strange mix of feelings.

“Bingo!” she answered.

Gwen wound up ordering for us all, her main theme being, ‘Chocolate’.

When we were, served the expression, on our otherworldly wives faces, was delightful. They all had a mixture of shock, surprise, and enjoyment written there undeniably.

Meka, the spokeswoman, declared, “Never have we tasted such a food!”

Windy had been shoveling it in a bit too fast, and cried out, not knowing the source of the pain.

I handed her the water glass and after a couple of sips, she relaxed.

I told Meka, “Brain freeze, when you eat something frozen too fast, the back of your throat gets too cold. She just has to eat a little slower, and it won’t happen again.”

Meka translated, and the women went back to enjoying their treats.

When we finished, and were driving back to my apartment, I suggested that we stop at the grocery store and pick up more ice cream, which we did.

Once inside my place I grabbed Meka and asked if we could all bring the ice cream to our other wives in the jungle. She hugged me and said, “Dolly, your wives will be so grateful. We can tell them your new name as well.”

We were mobbed the instant that we stepped through the portal, with much hugging and squealing.

Meka announced, in her native tongue, my name is now Dolly, the only word she uttered which I recognized.

They responded with uproarious approval. Of course, none of them had seen me since the transformation, so many were intensely fascinated with my boobs! That led to their discovery of brassieres, which of course meant that I was disrobed to the waist. There was much groping and caressing, and Meka almost had to take a fire hose to them to save me.

I found out later she had to promise there would be a rotation, where they each would get to bed me, like had been, done when I first came to them.

When we passed out the ice cream, (I had brought plastic bowl and spoons.) there was much showing of gratitude. I tried to get Meka to tell them it was Gwen’s idea, but Gwen wouldn’t let her. I wound up covered with ice cream from the waist up, with all of the kissing, from ice cream covered faces.

Beth and Windy were nearly, stripped by the women examining their new clothing, which they were proud to display.

Meka had to promise that they all would be wearing clothing just like it soon and that as soon as they managed to learn English, they would all be taught to pick up men, which had the women cheering and promising to study very hard.

The men of Reno were in for a treat.

We popped back to the apartment with two more wives who were, taken in hand by Windy and Beth to be shown, around and introduced to the wonders of Earth. Later the four of them will be seated in front of that wonderful teaching device to absorb English.

While that was going on, I jumped on the internet trying to look for resources that could help me establish my new Identity, and learned a new term, transgendered. Which took me to all kinds of different sites, I soon learned of a ‘Therapist’ in Reno from a site called ‘’.

I called the number and asked to speak with the therapist, and obviously, she could not come to the phone. I left a real hook to get her to call me, I told the receptionist that I have a new cure for gender dysphoria, and want to discuss with her, the exclusive rights for her in Nevada, and please have her call me soonest.

Twenty minutes later the phone rang with a woman on the other end who told me her name and continued with, “This is probably some kind of sales job from a drug company, like Prozac that won’t really help, but I still had to call, on the outside chance that you are not me.”

“Actually, I have a cure that you will not believe until you see it Doctor. This might sound strange, but I have discovered a way to turn men into fully functioning women. You see it happened to me, quite by accident,” I took a deep breath and continued, “I was calling you first to find out how I can establish a new identity, since I am not male anymore. Can you help me? If you can or even if you can’t can I arrange with you to visit me at my apartment, so that I may show you how we can help your patients?”

“Your apartment? I am very hesitant to go to the apartment belonging to someone, which I have never met. Is it alright if I bring a friend?” she offered.

“Male or female?” I asked back.

“Does it matter?” she asked suspiciously.

“If you bring a male, bring a transgendered male or they won’t be allowed the full demonstration, it is simply too dangerous, that is if he wants to continue being male,” I informed her.

“You must be joking! Just to visit your apartment, a man would not remain a man?” she said incredulously.

“No, I said if he wanted to view the demonstration, he would not remain a man. You’ll understand after you visit. When would you like to come over?” I inquired.

“It’s four O’clock and I’m through for today. Let me have twenty minutes to grab some paperwork, and call a friend, and I’ll be on my way,” she agreed and I told her my address, we would see her in about an hour.

When I told Gwen she was ecstatic, and she asked, “Well is she bringing a man or a woman?”

“She never told me, so we’ll see when she gets here.”


When Dr. X (I don’t want to get sued or have the poor woman buried in phone calls) showed up, she had with her a man wearing a dress, and it was painfully obvious.

We were, introduced all around and I started with, “Hi I’m Dolly,” dumb huh? I quickly recovered my balance with, “The former Doug Gordon. Until two weeks ago, I was a man.”

The big guy in the dress gasped loudly.

I picked up an old photo of myself and showed it to them, “That’s me, or it was me anyway. If I had put on a dress, I would have looked like…” I let it drop realizing it would be impolite.

“You met my wives. Yes, I said wives. Three of them sitting here with us, were not from around here. You will understand shortly. Am I correct in assuming that Francis here is suffering gender Dysphoria?” I asked knowing the answer, but I thought it best to make certain.

“Yes, Francis has been living as a woman for five months now,” Dr. X confirmed.

“That’s a hell of a lot longer than I have! Anyway, are you ready to see why I brought you here?” I stood up preparing to lead them on, “Oh, and I am going to need your most solemn vow to never tell anyone about, what you are about to see.”

Both made their promises.

Dr. X handed me the large manila envelope she had been carrying and said, “This is everything that you will need to change your identity, except my signatures on the documents, which if what you claim is true I will be more than happy to provide.”

“Oh Dolly, that’s wonderful,” Gwen hugged me excitedly.

“Thanks Gwen,” I hugged her back, “Last chance Francis, if you follow me there is no going back, you will be sitting down to pee for the rest of your life!”

“I will also be thanking you every time I do!” was his answer.

We led them into the back room, “Hold our hands, you are not going to believe this,” and promptly walked them through a solid looking wall.

In the stone temple, all of my other wives surrounded us quickly but were, shooed off by Meka.

“You were lucky Meka was here,” I told Francis, “My wives would have nearly fucked you to death if she hadn’t sent them packing.”

His eyes grew big and round.

Dr. X, just looked puzzled, so I started negotiating, “Francis here is going to be the only freebie, the next man who wants a change will have to agree to stay male for a month at least, before being changed, to provide stud services.”

“That might be a problem, most of the transgendered men once they reach Francis’s stage have been, well, chemically castrated by hormones,” she informed me.

“That’s not a problem. My wives have a kind of super-Viagra that would bring him around in twenty minutes whether he thought he could or not. Come along Francis, let’s go loose Mr. Happy, and fulfill your dreams,” I started marching them up the hill to where we had spotted the plant, the last time.

When we neared it, Francis passed by me, walking in a trance like state, toward the ‘lady in white lure’, and just as it happened to me, Francis was, taken. Except, he didn’t struggle.

Dr. X screamed, “Oh my God… Francis!” However, the only evidence left of him, was a big overstuffed pea pod.

“That’s all there is, other than to come back in a week and help the beautiful Frances back to Earth,” I realized my mistake the instant I said it, but too late the Doctor folded up like tissue paper.

We carried her down to the temple and five or six of us lie with her until she came around.

“Feeling better Doctor?” I asked.

“Oh my God, I’m half naked in a bed with five women!” she screeched.

“Don’t worry they won’t molest you, unless you ask them nicely,” I giggled and pulled away from her so she wouldn’t feel like she was covered in tits. “You were in shock. This is the old jungle remedy they use to bring you out of it.”

“Come on girls let’s get dressed, and take the good Doctor back to my place,” I announced, and Meka translated.

Once on the sofa, again I told the Doctor my long and strange story, and asked her about my proposal.

She agreed that if Frances comes back like I promised, she would put the proposal to a select few of her patients, and if they were unwilling to perform the sex part, other arrangements might be made, like sperm donors, or substitute studs.

We shook hands and agreed to meet in five days, during which we were quite busy, selling jewelry and such.

The day arrived and we ported back with a picnic lunch to await Frances’s birth. We didn’t have to wait long. Meka had plenty of experience with the plants.

We watched it fold open and the different tendrils as they released her. Meka helped her stand up, and a beautiful redhead with about a D cup bust, who stood around five foot two, came walking toward us.

“Francis, is that you?” Dr. X asked.

“Bet your sweet ass it’s me!” she declared.

“That was the code phrase we work out. This is unbelievable! You can really change a man into a woman. Ca… Can she have babies?” she asked

“Only if you can get some man to fuck her, then yes, she can have babies!” I teased.

Frances came over to me blubbering her sweet heart out, hugged me, Meka, Gwen and finally Dr. X. “I’m a real girl. I can feel it! Thank you, thank you,” she declared.

Dr. X was crying, so I asked, “Why are you crying? Are you just happy for her?”

“No, now I wish I hadn’t had the surgery to become a woman. This is so much better!” she wailed.

I hugged her, “You are still genetically male aren’t you?”

She stammered, “Y… ye… yes, I suppose I am, why?”

“You had better call your office and tell them you are on vacation for five days, then,” I told her.

“You mean… I can still do it?” she squealed.

“I don’t, see why, not? Damn I did say that Frances was the only freebie, well I guess you will just have to help us by sending clients to see us, and we’ll call that the fee. Okay with you?” I looked deep into her eyes smiling.

She pulled out a pocket recorder, spoke into it briefly, and said, “Just play that over the phone to my receptionist, I can’t wait!” she marched strait into the maw of the plant and declared, “Take me!”

Five days later Dr. X was so happy she boinked the lot of us.


That was two years ago, we own our own apartment complex now. Our drug is in the final approval stages by the FDA. The village if five times the size it was when first I was there, and I am now eight months pregnant! Isn’t life strange?

The End


Pea Pod (Version 0.1)

By Wholeman

Everything else is Copyright (c) 2003, by: Stone on the Moor LTD. Freely archived, copied, transmitted, and redistributed, printed, fantasized about or masturbated to or used to perpetuate marital bliss. (Just don’t tell her you read this stuff)

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
ZZchromosomeZZchromosomealmost 5 years ago

I read this years ago and I've been searching for it ever since, but it was posted so long ago that the tag words were horribly useless. Five Stars!

Dawn191270Dawn191270over 6 years ago
Well yes please .. On my way

That was so good . Thank you so much , I do wish you would not use the C word but what do I know . You made me cry with this story . I wish I could so much find my pod .

Trance GeminiTrance Geminiabout 18 years ago
Nice job!

I thought the story was good, the premise was a great idea. My only criticism would is the deal with the commas? There are commas coming out my ears here! It's very hard to read with them scattered about like curved snowflakes. Please get a better proofreader--I'd be glad to do it, even, if you'd like.

Otherwise I thought the story was wonderful and I'd love to hear stories of individual sexual encounters of the girls in Dolly's apartment building, hehe. :) Great work!

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Best Story I've read

Absolutely the best story I've ever read, on Literotica or otherwise. Well, second best, the sequel to this is the best. Thank you for posting this!!!

justagirlathartjustagirlathartover 19 years ago
Terrific Tale!

The author obviously has a very imaginative mind, and something that came to mind while reading your tale is something I read long ago "The only thoughts that can be summoned to mind must in fact have form and exist somewhere, otherwise those thoughts could not be summoned" Whether you believe that statement or not makes no difference, your belief or disbelief does not have any bearing on its reality.

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
a very good story

I really loved the story. It was a good read.

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
Simply Fantastic

We realize it is science fiction, but it is one of the best stories in this catagory that we have read. We just wish it were true because we know several guys that would like to take a trip in the Pea Pod.

Laura & Lisa, bi sisters @ CU

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