Peaches and Cream Pt. 06


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He looked at her with teary eyes "I needed you and you were not there."

Catherine stood up and gathered her stuff. "I am always there Matt. I put my friendships, my family and yes my studies after you. So the one time I need to put something first this is how you act. I don't know what is going on here but I don't like it. When you get yourself together call me."

Catherine sat in the basement flipping through channels. She couldn't sleep and she didn't want to keep Nicole awake. What was wrong with Matt? Why would he be upset she hung out with friends at home. Cat loved Matt, he knew that. But love didn't mean spending all their time together.

Cat understood Matt's disappointment for missing his meet. He had to know she wanted to be there. This was the first meet she'd missed. However, Matt knew how important school was to her. How upset she was at herself for failing her mid term. This wasn't just about a test but Catherine's future.

Catherine planned to apply to North Carolina State's graduate program in the fall. The competition for State was tough. A failing grade would make for an easy rejection. At brunch on Sunday, her father broached the subject of Matt's post graduation plans. They wanted her to make plans for her future not a future contingent on Matt.

"I would ask what you are doing down here but I know the answer." Catherine made out Alicia in the glow of the TV. Alicia wore pink sating PJs and furry bedroom slippers. She walked over to the couch and sat down next to Cat.

Catherine, Nicole, Alicia, and Tiffiny were suite mates. Nicole and Cat roomed together and shared a common room with Alicia and Tiffiny. "Cat, I actually came down here to talk to you. I heard about the fight with Matt or more importantly I heard you stormed off from the library and he was crying. And since you are sitting in the dark with a box of tissues the rumors can't be far off."

"You really need to stop listening to the rumor mill Alicia. Yes, Matt and I had a fight. He was upset about Saturday."

"So he told you then? That's a relief, I didn't want you to hear it from the streets."

Catherine turned and looked at Alicia. "Told me what?" Catherine could see Alicia get nervous. "Alicia, what exactly was Matt supposed to tell me?" Catherine turned off the TV and turned on the lamp.

"I wanted to tell you but Nic and Tiff thought he would tell you. Cat, I know we aren't best friends but I don't want to hurt you." Alicia looked at Cat. "There is a rumor that Matt hooked up with another girl Saturday night at a party. In his defense, he was wasted."

Catherine felt like someone punched her in her gut. "Alicia, you know how the rumor mill is. Maybe someone is stirring up trouble." She looked at Alicia with pleading eyes.

"Cat, I wouldn't tell you if it wasn't true. Matt didn't see me but I was at the party. He and Chris came together. They were drinking and doing shots. Matt loves a good time but he was not himself. She was all over him from the moment he hit the door. At first, he was pushing her off but the drunker he got the more flirty he became. I saw him kiss her and then they went into a back room. I can't say for sure what happened next.

But then you came back Sunday and he went ghost. Matt is attached to your right hip so for him not to show up was telling. I knew in my gut something more happened. I talked to Tiff and she told me to wait. Maybe he would come clean. Nic agreed. None of us want to hurt you. So when I heard you two were fighting in the library, I thought he told you."

"That son of a bitch. He basically accused me tonight of not loving him and putting school before him. Then he accused me of missing his meet to carry out some clandestine meeting in Fayetteville. And all the while he cheated on me."

Catherine was angry. And the anger was preventing her from crying. How dare he make her feel like crap for missing a meet when he fucked someone else.

"I am sorry Cat."

"One question, do we know the girl? Does she go to Salem or is she a Wake Forest bow head"

"Wake. Girl, I would never allow one of us to behave like that. That goes against the sisterhood."

Catherine knocked on Matt's apartment door. It was Tuesday night. A week since they fought in the library. A week since Alicia told her the rumor. She didn't scream and cry. No, she thanked Alicia for the information and gone to bed. She'd spent the rest of the week locked up with her books.

Matt hadn't called. He didn't call when he went to the Track Invitational in Maryland. Nor call when he got back. Catherine knew Matt and he was avoiding her. He didn't want to tell her and did not want to know what she knew.

He opened the door. "You stood me up Thursday and again tonight. I figured Thursday you were headed to Maryland for the meet but what is your excuse for tonight? Are you avoiding me, Matt?

"Peach!" Matt looked genuinely happy to see her and pulled her into an embrace. "I didn't know how to apologize to you. My behavior last week was awful. I am so sorry. I never want to argue with you, Cat. I love you. You mean the world to me." He squeezed her tighter. "Say you will forgive me."

"Matt, what do I need to forgive you for? We had a fight, all couples do that. Between track and graduating in a month, you have to be under stress. I just hope you know I would never lie or keep anything from you."

"I know Cat. I was a jerk about last weekend. I know you would never keep anything from me. And I would never hurt you."

"Matt, if we can't talk honestly with each other then this relationship is doomed. I love you so much, Matt."

He kissed the side of her neck. "Cat, I have missed you." He kissed her ear. "You're so beautiful." He ran his hands up and down her back.

"Matt, let's talk." Catherine slipped out of his embrace and sat down on the couch. "What happened last weekend? Why were you so upset with me."

He sat down on the couch next to her. "When I think about my future, I think about you. You were so stressed out about the test and your future. It made me wonder do you think of me when you think about your future? And then you didn't want to go to the meet. It felt like you were rejecting me. And I called and you were out partying with people I did not know. I am sorry. I should not take my insecurities out on you."

Matt leaned in to kiss her but she stopped him. "You're not going to tell me are you?" Catherine stood up. "I just thought you couldn't look at me and lie. However, I am wrong."

"What are you talking about Cat?" Matt looked as nervous as Alicia did when she told her.

"Last Saturday night? Any small detail you are leaving out? Maybe something about a certain blonde?" Catherine looked at him. "Not ten minutes ago I said if we can't be honest with each other this relationship is doomed. So then you decided to lie to me."

"I didn't lie to you. I just never brought it up."

"A lie by omission is still a lie. I can't fucking believe you. You accuse me of being duplicitous and you fucked someone else. And then you try to make me feel sorry for you. That somehow I am at fault for your bad behavior."

Matt stood up. "I don't know what you have heard Catherine but I promise you it isn't true. You know how the rumor mill is. Yes, I went to a party Saturday night but I promise you nothing happened. I wouldn't betray you like that."

Catherine stood up and looked him in the eye "Alicia was there or were you too drunk to notice. I can't believe you were going to stand there and lie to me. What else are you lying to me about? Do you even love me?

Matt grabbed her arm as Catherine pushed past him. "Catherine, never doubt my love for you. I don't want to hurt you. Let's just move past this, call it growing pains."

"Let go, Matthew." Matt had never heard Catherine's voice so cold. He obeyed and let go of her arm. "Did you really think I would not find out? Did you think you could get away with this?

"Cat, believe me, I didn't fuck her. I was drunk off my ass and she was there. I was missing you so badly."

"So you thought what the hell let me comfort myself with some available pussy." Matthew had never heard Cat talk like that. Dirty talk during sex made her blush. "Matthew, why don't you look me in the eye and be honest. I don't believe you. So why don't you tell me what happened."

"I was doing shots with the guys. I don't even remember her name. She was one of those girls who hang around athletes. One minute we were dancing and the next I was kissing her. We went to a room, made out some and she sucked my dick. I passed out and came home Sunday. I swear that is all that happened. It wasn't even good. She's not in your league."

"Is that supposed to make me feel better? Knowing that I give head better than some random chick. A girl whose name you don't know! What the hell is wrong with you? I took hell from my parents because of you. I put you first and what I get is "you give great head".

"I wouldn't be at that party if you'd stayed home. I wanted to come in from dinner with my parents and talk to my girl. But where is she? Not at her parents' house studying but out having some fun without me. She didn't even call to find out about the meet. No, she was out having fun. Maybe I felt entitled to go out for the night.

Besides you never said what you were doing Saturday. How do I know you weren't on your knees for a "high school friend"? After all, I know how those "good Catholic girls" are."

Catherine slapped him hard across his face. "I would call you a son of a bitch, but I have respect for your mother. You know what Mat: don't come to campus, don't call me and don't write. This is over. I never want to see you again after today."

Catherine grabbed her purse and headed toward the door. Matt ran to stop her. He wrapped his arms around her pulling her back against him. "Peach this can't end. I love you. Bronte says in Wuthering Heights to "Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same." That is us, Catherine, we are the same soul."

"Not anymore, Matt, not anymore." Catherine walked out the door.

Matt would talk to her for the last time two weeks later in the parking lot next to her car. The last time he saw her in person was the day she graduated from Salem. He watched as she accepted her diploma with Summa Cum Laude honors. He'd heard she was accepted to NC State Applied Mathematics master's program.

Over the years, Matt's thoughts drifted back to Catherine. He could still see her smile and hear her laugh. He loved his wife but not the way he loved Catherine. She was right to end it. Matt came to Virginia ready to start a new chapter in his life. He made peace with the past. Catherine was a ghost and that is all she would be.

Catherine learned to push her feelings for Matthew down and lock them away. Over the years she kept her lovers at arm's length, never wanting to hurt like that again. Most men grew tired and broke it off. She loved Nic, Tiff, and Alicia but found it painful to talk about college. Over the years they kept their reminiscing mostly to senior year.

Her only keepsake was the pearls he'd given her for formal. She wore those when she needed extra confidence or felt lonely.

But the one thing Catherine knew is that Matthew spoke the truth that night. Their souls were indeed made of the same thing. The problem with finding your soul mate and walking away is that everyone else is second best. And Catherine did not settle for second best.

Present Day

Catherine woke up to the sound of a whining puppy. The storm had climbed up on the bed and wedged herself between Catherine and Matt. Gambit afraid to use the puppy stairs sat on the floor whining. "Ok baby. Mama's up." The sound of her voice only made Gambit whine louder. "You should learn to use the puppy steps lazy dog. But why should you when it's easier to train me."

Catherine looked over to Matthew sleeping obliviously to the dog's whining. She was too old for this. Her body ached, her head hurt and her throat was scratchy from screaming. She should have said no the second time Matt woke her up but her clit had betrayed her.

She kicked off the covers and got out of bed. Cat grabbed her robe from behind the door and headed to let the whining puppy out. In auto drive, she went about her usual morning routine, stopping by the bathroom first. Gambit gave her a dirty look while she washed her hands, brushed her teeth and discarded her very dried contacts.

"Storm, tinkle tinkle time." She called out heading towards the kitchen. Catherine stopped to turn on the Keurig before opening the back door. She heard Storm hit the floor and her paws running on the hardwoods. Cat let both dogs into the back yard thankful for her father's advice to fence it in and returned back into the kitchen.

Cat noticed her phone on the counter. She swiped the black screen and unlocked her phone. Eleven missed calls and 15 new text messages, what in the world. Catherine's stomach dropped as she scanned through the text messages. All were from John. They started out casually but each successive message got more upset. The last message basically begged her to call him. Catherine didn't have the heart to listen to the voicemails.

Catherine felt sick. How could she have done this to him, to herself? She felt tears prickling at the sides of her eyes. Last week she's been a successful mathematician with an adoring boyfriend whose biggest problem was whether to buy a new car or not. Today she was an adulterous woman with her ex-boyfriend in her bed, her current boyfriend sending her sad texts, a sex hangover and it hurt to pee.

She sent a quick text to John stating she would call him this afternoon and she'd gone to bed early and turned off her phone. That wasn't a lie, she had gone to bed early. Catherine took a deep breath, a cup of coffee and shower would help clear her mind. Catherine's stomach growled. In the frenzy of last night, they'd skipped dinner.

Catherine turned to the cabinet to grab a mug when she felt his arm wrap around her waist. "Good Morning, Peach." He kissed her cheek and neck. "Sad to wake up to your empty bed this morning." He slid his hand under her robe and brushed it across her nipple.

"Sorry, but Storm had to pee." Matt nipped her neck. "Not the company I was referring to but I know why you are jealous. She is an excellent snuggler."

Catherine laughed. "No worries, I don't need a bed to make you happy Cat." Matthew untied the belt to the robe and slid it off her shoulders. His hands grabbed her breast while his lips went to work on the back of her neck and shoulder. Catherine let a moan slip as she felt the tingles down her spine.

She silently thanked God for failing to open the blinds. Her neighbors, an older couple, would not appreciate the show. In fact, John had done her knee replacement. John...Cat should stop this. S sane woman would tell Matt to stop and put on her robe. Cat moaned again. Matt pushed the robe further down her arms until they slid past her fingertips.

Matt slid his leg in between Catherine's slowly rubbing it against her. He lowered his hand to her pubic bone pressing down before he reached between her legs. He slid his finger in her wetness and then traced along her inside lips. With his free hand, he pinched her nipples eliciting a sigh from Catherine. "I love it that I still know all your sweet spots. Let's see if you like this." Catherine screamed from the electric shock through her body when he pinched her swollen clit.

"Now the fun begins." Matt pushed Catherine's legs apart before dropping to his knees. He kissed her inner thighs slowly ignoring the main attraction. Catherine spread her legs wider allowing him greater access. Matt blew against her, the hot air sending shivers through Catherine.

His tongue wiggled in the crevice between her thigh and vagina tracing her outer lip. He then moved over to the other side. Flattening his tongue, he licked the outside like an ice cream cone. Matt could tell Catherine was close. He could see her magic bean sticking out of its hood and her juices were flowing freely.

Catherine grabbed the counter since her legs felt like jelly. Her skin was on fire and she felt lightheaded. "Matthewwww" she moaned over and over. He took the tip of his tongue and slid it between her lips. He licked from the top to the bottom not touching her exposed clit.

Catherine moaned loudly as waves of pleasure rolled through her body. Her moans turned to a scream when he took her clit in his mouth. The orgasm crashed through her body turning her legs into a quivering mess. Catherine closed her eyes as fireworks exploded in her brain when he increased the pressure.

Catherine felt his mouth leave her and replaced by a very hard member between her legs. "This is going to be quick and dirty." Matthew grabbed Catherine's hips and pulled them back to him before biting her ear. "Don't take it personally but I am going to fuck the hell out of you Catherine Sarah Miller."

Matthew slammed himself into her and began to thrust in and out. He groaned into her neck as he felt her muscles tighten around him. He let go of her hips as Catherine leaned forward on her elbows. His hands roamed over her body stopping to squeeze her breast before moving downward.

He began to rub between her legs. He could hear Catherine's breathing increase as she tightened around him. He increased his tempo and rubbing. Matt watched as she threw her head back and screamed. He could feel the ripple of the muscles of her vagina as it exploded in an orgasm. He soon followed screaming out her name.

Matt and Catherine stood there locked in an intimate embrace. Matthew didn't want the moment to end. He pulled her close to him in a hug. "Peach, you're still the best woman I know. We were made for each other. You can say you don't want me but your body betrays you." He placed his hand over her heart. "And your heart still tells me you love me."

Catherine closed her eyes as tears fell down. "Our souls are made of the same stuff."

Catherine turned on the shower and stood under the hot spray. Her guilt was overwhelming. She loved John. Sure it wasn't the passionate all consuming love she'd experience with Matt. But love at 20 and 39 was supposed to be different. Their relationship was built on mutual respect and shared goals. How could she betray him like that? He was a good man and they could have such a good life together. But how could she be with him when her heart belonged to another. He deserved better than second best.

But what did a future with Matt looked like? She'd buried her feelings for him for almost 18 years. Their relationship was a youthful fantasy. She wasn't the same sheltered girl he knew college. They'd grown up and possibly grown apart. Would they even work? Great sex covered only a few ills.

Cat knew her first step, she needed to talk to John. Turning off the water,Catherine heard a knock on the bathroom door. "Cat, can I let the dogs in? They are giving me pitiful looks. I think they blame me for being outside"

Catherine stepped out the shower and pulled on the terry cloth robe she kept in the bathroom. She opened the door and chuckled at the sight of Matt in her robe. "Yes, your morning distraction kept them from their breakfast. Speaking of breakfast, I need to eat soon. Can you feed them while I get dressed? Mix together a scoop of dry food and a tablespoon of meat because Gambit will only eat the meat. And check their water bowl." Cat kissed Matt "Thank you in advance."

"A better thank you would be letting me see what's under that robe." Matt pulled her into a hug. "Matthew..."

Matt recognized that tone. "You're getting hangry aren't you." He kissed her forehead. "I will feed the dogs while you get dressed. Then hop in the shower while you eat an apple or something. Take me to my apartment so I can change clothes and then off for pancakes, waffles or whatever your heart desires. And after you get your strength back up when can continue catching up."