Penny's Promiscuity Ch. 48


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Izzy's affair with Tony had been a genuine and considerable shock for me.

Should I have seen it coming? Had I been so mixed up in my own murky sex life that I hadn't noticed my naïve, promiscuous daughter falling for the most prolific, least ethical seducer I knew?

Izzy had had a crush on him for years, she had told me. Why hadn't I known this?

My daughter's story had rung so true and had been so believable that as the long night rolled on, it evoked deep and painful memories of my own past.

Like most teenage girls I had had my share of crushes on older men, in my case two, both of them fathers of my school friends. They can't have been older than their early forties.

The biggest crush was on the father of a girl I only remained friends with because of her Dad. His name was Derek -- no, David. To the teenage me he was gorgeous; tall, dark and athletic and I thought, so smooth, so suave and so sophisticated.

In my early teens, I used to write his name on the inside of my diary along with little pink hearts. At school I used to daydream about being romanced by him, having lunch in McDonalds with him alone, walking through the streets and parks holding his hand.

As I grew older, the dreams became more sexually oriented. The lunches became romantic dinners, the coke became wine, holding hands became kissing, walking became touching and feeling in the darkness of the cinema or even the large, moodily lit lounge in their house.

I was too young and naïve to imagine what sex with him might actually be like, but I did know how it felt to have male fingers on and inside my vulva and indulged those imaginings to the full.

At night, the slightest rubbing of my night dress or pyjamas against my vulva could evoke erotic thoughts or dreams involving him which at first, I struggled to understand.

Why, with so much history myself, had I not understood Isobel's vulnerability.

The object of my teenage desires had been unknowing and had made no attempt to behave with me in any way other than as his daughter's father. My virginity had remained unchallenged, at least by him.

Now, with the perspective of time and experience, I could not put my hand on my heart and say that if he had made even a half-determined move towards my knickers, I would have resisted firmly enough to prevent him succeeding. Had David been as forward and persistent as Tony, I might well have connived at my own defloration years before it had actually happened.

To my shame, the idea was far less disturbing than it should have been. Indeed I began to wonder how different my sex life might have been if my hymen had been broken lovingly by an experienced, caring, older man in his large, warm bed rather than the crude, brutal, painful and humiliating way in which it had actually been breached.

Isobel's hymen could only be a distant memory. Older and considerably more sexually experienced than I had been, she was still in many ways naïve and would have been easy prey for an unscrupulous, determined, predatory seducer. It was not hard to see how his blitzkrieg approach could have led to Tony's cock entering my daughter's vagina long before she understood the danger that she was in.

That was, of course, assuming she had needed seducing. With Izzy, that could not be taken as read.

As I knew so very well, once she had been penetrated; once she had felt the amazing sensation of having that short, thick, almost deformed appendage within her body, her considerable lust would have taken over and her enthusiastic participation in whatever fucking followed would be guaranteed.

And I had seen with my own eyes how enthusiastic my daughter could be once a boy's erect cock was inside her vagina. With Tony's monstrous girth stretching her youthful entrance to its elastic limit, who knows how completely lust might have taken over and what it might have driven her to do or have done to her.

They had slept together many times, albeit over a short period. Their appetites and opportunities for sexual adventure would have been legion. In the darkness, many of the times Tony and I had fucked came vividly into my troubled mind.

I remembered how it had felt, lying on my back on the bed, my legs parted obscenely wide, looking up into his frowning face as he hammered himself into my vagina.

I remembered the times when on my knees, his cock had burst into my body from behind, the top of his thighs slapping against the base of mine, his hands gripping my hips so hard they left finger marks.

I remembered clinging on to him, my dress around my waist, his pants around his ankles, my back against the wall. I remember wrapping my legs around his waist, his hands under my bony buttocks, supporting my body as he fucked me hard and brutally against the wall of his apartment lounge.

I remembered how it had felt to take that monstrous appendage into my mouth; how sweet the precum on its tip had been before he had penetrated me; how bitter my own fluids had tasted after it had brought me to another, helpless, messy climax.

Slowly but surely, in my mind, my own face and body changed to my daughter's.

The night grew darker. In an hour or so, Leanne would wake for her night feed. There was little time for me to sleep but it was impossible anyway with so many questions filling my head; questions to which I knew I could never know the answers.

Tony, Julie and their family had been so close to us for so long that Izzy and Jack could have been taken for brother and sister. They had behaved as such for many years.

At first, the two of them being sexually involved had felt almost like incest; it had taken me some time to come to terms with them being sexually involved as a couple.

To learn that she had also been fucked by Tony was far, far worse, but if I was honest, was that just because he had fucked and discarded me first? After all, they were not really related, she was well over the age of consent and, as I knew only too well, no sexual novice herself.

As I sat in the darkness of the nursery, Leanne's tiny mouth latched onto my tiny breast, my vulva already damp, my mind was still spinning.

Deep down inside, did I still want Tony? Was it just jealousy that was making me feel so upset?

God alone knew how many times he had fucked and cum inside my daughter, but had he spanked her too, as I had seen with my own eyes she loved so well?

Had he fucked her roughly on all fours as I had also seen, her tiny boobs hanging down, her long dark hair over her face as she came?

Or had he looked down caringly on Izzy's pretty young features as he made love to her as a real lover would?

Had he seen elements of my own face in hers and thought of me as he penetrated her?

Had he felt that by fucking my daughter he was fucking me once again?

Had his cock stretched her youthful entrance wire tight as it had my own?

Had she begged him to fuck her hard; to make her cum as I had so often begged?

Had the feel of her tight vagina around his cock, brought Tony memories of my loose, overused passage?

Or, most likely, had I not featured in his thoughts at all?

Had Tony heard Izzy-Oh-God screaming out the words that had given her that undesirable epithet?

Had he done as she had pleaded, making her cum as hard as I had cum?

Had her fingernails raked his shoulders, arms and sides in ecstasy as mine had so many times?

Had he climaxed himself soon after, cumming as deep inside her vagina as he had so often in my cunt?

Had Izzy felt that thick phallus throbbing and pulsating inside her tight, young body?

Had Tony's cock pumped rope after rope of semen against her soft, pink cervix?

There was no way he would have used a condom; I knew that for certain.

Had she been on the pill at that time?

Had she known about his vasectomy?

Or had she been so carried away by lust that the risk of pregnancy hadn't even occurred to her?

After all, that was exactly how I had been impregnated by Darren.

Like mother, like daughter?

Leanne's feed ended. She went back to satiated sleep but for me, sleep was impossible.

I tried to blame Tony for it all but knew my daughter's sexual history too well.

I tried to blame Izzy instead, but knew Tony's nature too well.

I blamed myself for not noticing what was happening before it was too late.

But even the worst nightmare must come to an end and eventually, as the new day approached, sanity slowly began to return and, though no closer to sleep, I began to ask myself calmer, more sensible questions.

Why did I feel so strongly about their brief affair? Was it just jealousy?

If it was, then there was no justification for it. Tony and I had finished before their first fuck. Izzy knew nothing of his and my messy relationship at the time and could not be blamed for taking him from me.

And why should anyone be blamed at all? Neither of them had been in a relationship. Neither had cheated. No-one but me had been hurt, and that was by accident.

Apart from Tony's blitzkrieg technique, there had been no real coercion. Izzy had been seduced, not forced and by her own admission, had enjoyed it so much she had come back time and again for more.

It took no imagination at all to know how Tony would have felt with a sexy young girl knocking on his bedroom door. What man would or could have resisted?

Perhaps, unlike my own affair, it had done neither of them; or indeed anyone else any harm.

It might even have done my daughter some good.

So why did I feel so angry and betrayed? And so extraordinarily aroused?

There was no way I could let this pass without challenging Tony -- but that meant talking to him again.

That was a prospect that filled me with strong and completely contradictory emotions that in the darkness assumed almost monstrous proportions.

It was a relief when I heard Leanne waking for her early morning feed.


"Hi Penny. What a surprise! Great to hear from you so soon. Does this call mean you've come to your senses and realised you and I were made for each other..."

"You have been fucking Isobel, you heartless bastard," I said in as cold and hard a voice as I could manage.

It was the following morning and only Leanne and I were in the house. My heart was thumping; for the first time since our affair ended, I had called Tony on his mobile phone. It was the phone he used to communicate with all the poor women who, like me and now my daughter, had come under his spell and surrendered our bodies to the mercy of his short, ugly, monstrously thick but highly effective cock.

"What?" he replied, as if taken completely by surprise.

"You fucked my daughter, Tony. She's less than half your age and she's almost a member of your family as well as mine. How could you do it?"

There was a long pause.

"Did she tell you?" he asked, clearly unnerved.

"You're not denying it?"

"Why would I? It happened. I'm not ashamed of it; I hope Izzy isn't either."

"You're an amoral bastard!" I hissed angrily. "Is no-one safe from you? Are you eyeing up Leanne for your next conquest?"

I paused to draw breath giving Tony a chance to speak.

"Did SHE tell you about it, Penny?" he asked again, slowly and precisely.

"How else would I know?" I snarled. "She knows about the two of us as well, by the way."

"Well I didn't tell her anything," he growled. "I might be an amoral bastard, but I never, ever kiss and tell, you should know that by now."

"I do know you didn't tell her. She found out by accident when... never mind that! You fucked my daughter Tony. You fucked her straight after you dumped me!"

"It wasn't like that..."

"It was exactly like that! First you dumped me, then you fucked her. Was that your wet dream? Both mother and daughter? Well you succeeded. Well done! You men are pathetically predictable!"

"It wasn't like that at all. You and I had something really special, Penny. Izzy was an accident. It sounds callous but it was. Neither of us expected anything like that to happen, and when it did happen, she wanted it every bit as much as I did. Ask her if you don't believe me!"

I already knew he was telling the truth, but I wasn't in any mood to admit it. Instead I moved the goalposts to give my anger a sharper edge.

"I'm surprised you didn't suggest fucking both of us together in the same bed!"

"Don't be ridiculous. I never even thought about Izzy in that way until the night it happened. If anything, she's the one who had a crush on me."

"Huh!" I snorted derisorily, though I knew from Izzy that this was nothing but the truth too.

"And you say I'm predictable?" he continued. "You could just as easily accuse your daughter of wanting to fuck father and son! That knife cuts both ways, Penny. She wasn't exactly difficult to get into bed you know, and she was pretty bloody enthusiastic when we got there too. Does that remind you of anyone?"

For a moment, that comment stunned me into silence. Hadn't Izzy herself said something along those lines? And as for being an easy lay, well yes, we all knew where she might have acquired that characteristic.

There was a tense pause before Tony continued.

"Listen, if Bella told you all about it, then she will have told you how it happened, right?"

Bella? Was that the pet name he had for my daughter? God, they really had fallen for each other!

"Her name is Isobel and yes, it was a familiar story," I said acidly, trying to ignore the implication. "Horrifyingly familiar and with a horrifyingly familiar ending too."

Tony ignored this barb and carried on.

"If she told you that, then she should also have told you what happened next. How she enjoyed it so much, she came back for a second helping, then a third. Did she mention that? Does that have a familiar ring too?"

"Why are you telling me this? Do you just like rubbing my nose in it?" I demanded.

But Tony was not going to be diverted.

"Penny, your sweet, vulnerable daughter wanted it every bit as much as I did. More probably. She spent hours on the train just to come here and sleep with me again."

I bit my lip to avoid confirming what he was saying. Tony took this as permission to carry on.

"She's not the poor victim you think she is. There was very little your sweet, innocent daughter didn't want to try once her knickers were off. Even I was surprised. Does that sound like a poor, naïve girl who was fucked against her will and hated every moment of it?"

I knew this was true too but was not prepared to give him the satisfaction of hearing me say it. Sensing my temper moderating, Tony continued calmly.

"I might not be every woman's ideal husband, but in all my life, I've never forced anyone to have sex. I didn't force you and I didn't force Bella. Neither of us planned it; neither of us knew it was going to happen, but it did happen and I'm not sorry about it, just like I'm not sorry about you and me."

"Her name is Isobel..." I protested weakly, but Tony's words had an unmistakable ring of truth.

My anger now seemed both misplaced and hypocritical.

"Afterwards, she wanted more just like you wanted more," He continued. "But unlike you, I knew that with Bella, it was never going to be anything but a few fantastic hours of purely physical sex."

I couldn't think what else to say.

"And just like you, she was bloody good at it!" he added emphatically. "Really fucking good if you want to know!"

It was meant as a compliment to us both, if a twisted one. There was a long silence during which my mind span, my body tingled with anger and, I reluctantly had to accept, with significant arousal.

"I'm not the bad guy this time, Penny. And if Bella... Isobel has told you the truth, you already know this. For what it's worth, it was me who wanted to bring it to an end before she got badly hurt. I know she was upset at the time, but it couldn't have gone on much longer before she realised there was no future in it."

"But she's with Jack now," I replied.

"Yes. She's with Jack. It's over between us."

"She's not sure it's over," I told him.

"It's over Penny, whatever she told you. It was good while it lasted -- very good to be honest - but I'm not going to risk hurting my son, however uncomfortable the two of them being together might make me."

My former anger was rapidly being replaced by embarrassment driven by increasing self-knowledge. I realised I had called Tony simply to yell at him rather than with any real injustice in mind. And if I was really honest, after a night full of dreams and memories, perhaps subconsciously I had needed to hear his seductive voice again.

"That took a bit of getting used to for me too," I confessed.

"I'm still not sure I how I feel even now," Tony added. "You know they've never visited me here?"

"Now we both know why."

There was a long pause.

"It would be very strange to see them both together," Tony eventually said.

"And hear them," I added without thinking.

There was another pause.

"She is rather noisy in bed, isn't she?" he mused quietly, inadvertently answering one of my many questions.

"That's definitely too much information," I told him firmly, finally coming more to my senses. "I'm sorry I called. It was a mistake."

"No, Penny; your calling me wasn't a mistake. Bella and me getting together wasn't a mistake either. What would be a mistake is if you and I didn't talk anymore. And not ever seeing each other again would be a much bigger mistake."


"I do still want you, Penny," he said softly in that voice of his that despite all that had happened, could still turn my knees to jelly. "We were so good together, in bed and out. Really good. You know I'm right."

"Tony please..."

"It would be our secret again, no strings this time, no baggage. Both of us going in with our eyes wide open. You calling all the shots if you wanted..."

It wouldn't be just my eyes that he wanted wide open. To my shame and in the face of all that I now knew, the idea was alarmingly exciting; I could feel myself lubricating at the mere sound of his voice saying those so seductive words.

But if I let him get too close to me again, with my infamous lack of willpower, who knew what might happen?

It was definitely time to go and go quickly before it was too late.

"I'm going to hang up now..." I began but he cut me off.

"I know you want it, Penny. And you know you want it," he carried on, ignoring my attempt to end the conversation. "We're both good in bed and we're both good at keeping secrets. No-one else need ever know..."

"I mean it, Tony. I'm going now..."

"Given a straight choice between you and your amazing daughter, I would choose you every time. No contest."

This was the most obvious piece of unconvincing flattery I had heard in a long time, so why were my nipples erect and my panties soaking?

"Goodbye Tony," I whispered, pressing the red 'end' button.

I pressed it a good deal more reluctantly than I would have wished.

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Jlyn1Jlyn1over 1 year ago

I'm really pissed.Tony seriously.Almost want to stop reading if this is heading where it appears.Tony needs to pay dearly.Pete would kill the mother f******r.

Hiker66BikerHiker66Bikerover 3 years ago
JG’s fertile imagination just keeps on delivering!

We now know that no respectable middle class English lady is safe from seduction by the dastardly Tony, this serial seducer of other men’s wives and daughters. Perhaps Penny can persuade her loving husband, Pete, that he would enjoy watching her ‘perform’ with Tony in their marital bed. It would be so much more convenient and cheaper than paying for Adam and Eve.

JG’s fertile imagination just keeps on delivering ever more outrageous, but believable, cuckold fiction. I look forward to being shocked in the next chapter!

Cuckoldtobe79Cuckoldtobe79about 4 years ago
Absolutely brilliant all the way through

Finally got around to registering so I can comment ! This series is magnificent! Absolutely enthralling and absorbing! So juicy and intense and also realistic. Look forward to the next episode 👍

WhoGivesAShitWhoGivesAShitabout 4 years ago

It’s a laundry list of rotten people. Penny remains a cheater at heart, it’s just a matter of when. The real question is one Penny and Isabel didn’t ask Pete: is he STILL cheating? His answer didn’t state that he’d stopped, and Penny hasn’t asked (or suspected)... but I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s still fucking Julie. She conveniently had other plans at New Years, which would have been a drunken event where she or Pete might slip up.

tkh3nkey2110tkh3nkey2110over 4 years ago
This woman has too many secrets!

After a near miss at losing her husband Penny still keeps secrets from him. And, after the way Tony treated her, and him fucking Izzy, Penny is still attracted to the SOB. What is wrong with her? For an educated woman she isn't using her brain, she's thinking with her twat. And men are always accused of thinking with their little head. Still great! A 5 Star Rating and a Favorite.

SkubabillSkubabillover 4 years ago

I'm hoping Pete finally gets some justice. I'm not sure I can deal with her betraying him again.

ss6504ss6504over 4 years ago
Take Risks!

If you want to breath life into this series, I strongly suggest you take risks. Risks such as Penny cuckolding Peter with Julie, or - way out there risk - cuckolding Peter with both Tony and Izzy!

jonbogeyjonbogeyover 4 years ago
The perfecr setup

I hope she cheats without Petes knowledge, and succumbs to Tony landing in their mqrital bed.

SambajirajeSambajirajeover 4 years ago
My first comment on this story.

( Grammar error ) - There are two possibilities. First, she would tell Pete honestly everything, that she had the urges about Tony and want to get fuck by him. I can't predict his reaction what will he say or do. but, it won't be positive that is a sure thing. Or, she will start her thrilling steamy sex affair again.

There are very very high chances that she would choose the 2nd option. Because of her mind, heart and will are very weak. She's a slave to her body and lust. Her love for Pete is not enough to overwhelm this thing. Or she won't have felt like this even after knowing what kind of cheap bastard tony is.

She would have already jumped on his d***k if it wasn't for Pete's trust in on her. After everything, she did Pete still accepted/ forgiven her the way she is and allows her to continue her sexual activity ( allows or not she would have done what she wants). She don't want to betray that trust again. But, everyone knows, that won't stop her for too long.

If she meets him in person, Tony's only single move and she would explode and go straight right-back to were they start from. Cause in every aspect she's weak.

Worse than a drug addict.

It's up to the author but, I'm betting on, she will cheat again and if she really does I want the author to make it much more intense than before, take it to new hight

Kicker73Kicker73over 4 years ago

I keep hoping the saga will end....

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Keeping the Faith

I read your latest chapter, and I can't pretend that I didn't get a real thrill out of the fact that I've been proved correct about Tony. What a twat he is!

Penny is still the sex loving hotwife she has always been, and she shouldn't be judged for her behaviour. She became a hotwife as a result of suggestions made by the man she eventually made her cuckold.

Some people have suggested you kill these characters off by bringing this saga to an end. My suggestion? Carry on until you think a natural conclusion has been reached. Those who are not enjoying it don't have to read on, do they?

26thNC26thNCover 4 years ago
Even good

Even good writing can't save this story any longer. You've crossed too many lines trying to make it erotic. Now it's just nasty.

tennesseeredtennesseeredover 4 years ago

Two things about this story amaze me.

First, this story pushes the boundaries of almost anything else on Literotica, and it's very well written and literate, too. Very few authors have such talent.

Second, so many punters are shocked, shocked! to read such delicious naughtiness as is dished up on a regular basis by the talented and generous JG. They want to drive her away! Stay the course, JG, and ignore the party poopers.

OverthefallsOverthefallsover 4 years ago
Please let this story die.

It hasn't been good for a dozen chapters. No one is really reading it and the scores continue to fall. You've beaten it to death. Start something new.

KalimaxosKalimaxosover 4 years ago
Love how easy Penny is.

There are plenty Pennys out there. Trust me.

Some are weaker than her and would excuse their lover anything.

They key is spotting one in a crowded room.

WhackdoodleWhackdoodleover 4 years ago
Men will do whatever it takes to have sexual.

You need an empathetic ear? Done. You want to be loved? We can fake that too. We will, cheat, steal and lie for sex because THAT is our nature. And if a man hasn’t introduced you as his girlfriend/partner/whatever to his friends, then you can bet money that your only a piece of ass.

So the fact that you wrote Penny as thinking she misjudged a man who got her daughter drunk while listening to her heartbreak and then proceeded to take her to pound town is insulting. She should be furious at the level of betrayal.

Tony was a family friend for years. He groomed Penny and her daughter and when the time was right, fucked them. He almost destroyed her marriage and then moved onto her daughter immediately after he dumped Penny and then after dumping Izzy, proceeded to try and seduce Penny again and you keep telling us that her panties are wet?

At this point, either give your central characters some fucking brains or have them blow their brains out. “Mutually Assured Destruction”? Fuck that.

Theakston58Theakston58over 4 years ago
I have enjoyed the entire story... until now.

That Penny cannot see any difference between Tony fucking her and Tony fucking her daughter is disgusting in the extreme. I was holding out hope that Penny would finally see Tony for the heartless predator he is and stop her associating with him. I see now that she is as amoral as he and they are sure to resume their cheating on her husband. I’m sure that Tony gets a real charge out of fucking Peter’s wife and then his daughter. Returning to his wife would be icing on the cake. After all that Peter has done and tolerated to make Penny’s life better, as bad an idea as that is, she will return to cheating on him. There is no one left here to like. I hope you again write other stories so I can continue to enjoy your work. I’m done with Penny’s Promiscuity.

Still a fan,


legsfeettoeslegsfeettoesover 4 years ago
Mother and daughter

What man hasn't fantasized about having a mother and daughter together? A quite arousing thought! For me, it's my divorced neighbor and her mother. I enjoyed your chapter. Five stars. I'm curious where the story will go now. Will Penny get back with Tony?

The tale also reminds me of the story in which a young man picks up a 50-something woman, who promises that she will take him to her home for sex with a mother-daughter duo. As he enters the woman's home with visions of sex with her and her young daughter in his mind, he hears her say, "Mom, are you awake?"

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