Perks of the Job

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Wife finds new extra curricular activities at conference.
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My wife's company was purchased by one of those large chain brands a few years ago. It's been a mixed bag to say the least, but one of the new requirements of her job has been to keep up with all of the new HR policies. Her company has a couple of retreats every year where they spend a few days going over all the updates to policies and talk through changes and expected issues as they roll them out. It basically gives them an excuse to have a vacation on the company dime.

This was a new and exciting thing, as she has never had the type of position that required her to travel out of town, much less across the country for days at a time. They always pick some nice vacation destination and hold their conferences at a convention center. Her first year she got to go to Vegas. She was completely floored. I was very excited for her, as I could tell it gave her a sense of pride being asked to attend and having the company cover all of her expenses. When work allows, (and the location is close to a nice golf resort) I like to tag along. She's in meetings all day, and I get to go enjoy myself and meet up with her in the evenings for dinner and some sightseeing.

Last May her conference was in Orlando. I hadn't gone to Orlando since I was a kid visiting Disney. It was one of the highlights of my younger years. Between theme park options and some world class golf, there was no way I was missing out on this one! I booked a ticket and packed my bags.

The schedule for her conferences are always about the same. Meetings and presentations all morning, break for lunch, more meetings and presentations, then a cocktail mixer in the early evening. It's usually winding down by around 7, so I figured I had plenty of time to get a round in.

The conference was at the Waldorf Astoria, so I didn't even have to leave the grounds for a world class golfing experience. I booked a tee time a little after 2, figuring that would give me plenty of time to enjoy the round, freshen up, and meet her down in the bar as the mixer was winding down. Long story short, since I was a single, they paired me up with another group. I was the 4th, which wasn't horrible, but these guys were 20+ handicappers. Multiple tee shots from every tee, driving up and down the fairway trying to find where the ball went into the rough. It was a 5+ hour beating to say the least. It also meant that I was running way behind.

By the time I got back to the room and freshened up, it was almost 8. I hurried down to the bar to meet her and found her hanging out with a few people from the conference. Everyone was several cocktails deep and having a pretty good time. My wife caught my eye immediately. She always likes to kid about my rose colored glasses, but I'm telling you she was looking absolutely stunning.

She was wearing a black cocktail dress that ended about midway down her thigh. Short enough that she stood by the table instead of sitting, as she was worried it would reveal too much if she were to try. The black dress meant she must be wearing the garter belt and lingerie we had picked out earlier in the week. I couldn't wait to get her out of here and back to the room.

A little more alcohol to really relax her, and I was going to have the time of my life tonight. I waited for the roar of the conversation to die down a bit and walked up to introduce myself to the group. As I approached them I noticed they all seemed to be gathered around one guy in particular. They all seemed to give him their full attention as he seemed to be doing a great job of entertaining them.

As it turns out, he was one of the guest speakers at the conference that day. I politely made my introductions to everyone, saving him for last. I could tell he was a bit younger than me, probably early 30's. He immediately caught me a bit off guard as I don't normally have to look up to meet anyone's gaze, but he was definitely several inches taller than I was. He had a strong grip on him too. I couldn't help but notice how fit this guy was as squeezed the life out of my hand. His biceps were bulging so much that the elastic in his shirt sleeves had quite a time trying to contain them.

I ordered a beer and joined the conversation. I could soon see why they had all gathered around. This guy was very charismatic. My first thought was that he must have been invited as a motivational speaker. With 95% of the conference being women, I bet he didn't have many issues motivating his audience! He was a great storyteller and was very knowledgeable no matter what subject the conversation ended up on. He even gave me some pointers on fixing my slice.

Throughout our encounter I couldn't help but notice that he definitely had my wife's attention. She would try and downplay it, but I caught her gazing with that lovestruck look on several different occasions. She was crushing pretty hard. I could tell he noticed as well, as he kept shooting her smiling glances when he thought I wasn't paying attention. While normally I would have been a bit jealous and upset, he was so personable and disarming that I really couldn't manage to get mad about it.

We wrapped up after about an hour and left our new acquaintance with a small group of admirers clamoring over his every word. It was starting to get late, and we were both a bit tipsy, so I thought we should get back to the room before the alcohol overwhelmed us. Over the years I've learned that she has a sweet spot. Too few drinks and she can't quite seem to relax, too many and she's out like a light. Drunk sex with her is completely amazing, but the window is very small.

As we entered the room I went for the wet bar and poured us both a glass of wine. As I handed her the glass, I mentioned the looks I caught her giving the gentleman from the conference earlier. She acted coy and denied it completely. "I don't know what you're talking about! I only have eyes for you," she said.

I looked at her with my best disbelieving face. Several drinks in now and feeling myself a bit, I decided to call her out. "Bullshit!" I said. "If I weren't here tonight, you'd have gone back to his room with him!" I said. I had intended it to come out a bit snarky and accusatory as I had felt the jealousy rise up from the pit of my stomach into my chest like heartburn, but that's not how it came out at all. Instead, I said it almost teasingly, and though she couldn't tell, I was a bit turned on by what had just come out of my own mouth.

My mind suddenly went racing. I was so confused. In that instant I realized that the thought of this guy seducing my wife had me completely enthralled. She offered more resistance to the idea for a minute before I cut her off. "I don't know how to say this, but the idea of him taking you back to his room and having his way with you really turns me on." I said. She stared at me with a very puzzled look on her face, no longer offering any resistance to my original statement. "Well, it may have crossed my mind, but only as a fantasy. I'd never go through with it! I married you because I love you. I would never ruin it with a cheap fling," she said.

It felt so good to hear that. I knew as she said that she meant absolutely every word of it. It really set my mind at ease to know that she valued us as much as I did. Over the years I've seen plenty of the hot wife porn videos when flipping through the porn sites on the web. Hell, I've even fantasized along with them a few times, but every time I could feel the tightness in my chest and my stomach turning over at the thought of her with someone else. I figured my jealousy alone would be a barrier from anything like that from ever really happening.

Now, here it is 11 PM on a Tuesday, and I'm seriously considering asking her if we can invite the guy over and see what happens! "Screw it!" I say to myself. "Hey, you want to head back down to the bar and see if he's still there?" I managed to stammer. I couldn't believe I managed to get the sentence out.

"What do you mean?" she said.

Again, much to my own amazement I replied, "You know, we could go back down to the bar and see if he's still around? We can invite him up to the room for a drink and see where it goes." I managed to get out yet again. "Holy shit!" I thought to myself. "I just said it out loud in front of my wife."

I couldn't help but think this was either going to be the most unforgettable experience of my life, or the most regrettable thing I have ever done. I slowly looked up to meet her eyes and see if I could gauge the reaction to the bombshell I just dropped. She was silent, her head cocked slightly to the side like a puppy that was trying to understand what you were saying.

"You want to do what?" she finally managed to ask.

"I just thought it might be fun for you to live out one of your fantasies." I managed.

"Are you sure? I don't know if you could handle that." She said. She had a good point. I wasn't sure I could either, but between the buzz of the alcohol and what had become a raging hard on from the thoughts going through my mind I was willing to risk it.

"I can handle it, and if I can't, it's nothing I will hold against you. This is my idea." I said.

As the elevator doors opened, I stared down at the threshold, scared that crossing over it might change my marriage forever. For better or worse I wasn't sure, but I decided to go for it and stepped forward. We stood in silence, trading looks on the elevator ride back down to the lobby. To say we were both nervous was an understatement.

I could feel my heart racing and the butterflies welling up in my stomach. What were we doing? We didn't even know if this guy was still there, or exactly how we were even going to approach him if he was. As the doors opened, we immediately had our first answer. We could see him holding court in the bar around a small group just as when I first met him earlier. I felt my stomach start to turn again, like that first big drop on a rollercoaster. I glanced at my wife and we made our way to the bar to order drinks.

It didn't take long for him to notice that we had returned, and he excused himself to come and talk with us. We ordered him a drink as well and proceeded to make small talk. We couldn't have been there for 10 minutes before my wife just blurted out, "We were wondering if you'd like to come up to our room for a nightcap?"

I was in shock. She just went for it! My stomach still feeling a bit queasy as I glanced over to gauge his reaction. "Now that sounds like a good time!" he enthusiastically replied. I felt a quick bit of relief followed by a new wave of nervousness coming over me.

"Shit, he said yes." I thought to myself. "Are we really going to do this?" kept running through my mind on repeat.

My hand was now visibly shaking from the excitement and nervousness as I pushed the elevator button. My wife saw and grabbed my hand. "It's okay," she whispered. "You say the word and I'll send him on his way." I gave her a nod, assuring her if I couldn't handle it I'd let her know. It was awkwardly silent for a moment as the doors shut and we began our assent.

We were all trading smirking glances back and forth. Then, without warning, my wife just goes for it. She turns to him, grabs him by the waist, pulls him to her and begins deeply kissing him. Again, I'm in shock. I've had fantasies about it, but to see it unfold in front of me was almost more than I could handle. I felt a huge wave of jealousy rise up immediately, and almost objected right there, but I also couldn't deny that what I was watching was making me stand at full attention.

I just stood there, dumbfounded and horny, and watched them make out for the rest of the elevator ride. She was all over him, immediately grabbing at his cock to see what he was packing. She was apparently very impressed as I heard, "mmmmm nice!" in between the sounds of their lips locking together. He already had his hands all over her, caressing and rubbing up and down as they passionately kissed.

By the time we made it to the room she already had his tie undone and his shirt was half unbuttoned. She turned and kissed me deeply, gave my cock a squeeze through my pants and then shoved me back into the chair. The chair. I'd heard it called the cuck chair by friends making jokes all my life. It was that crappy chair that all hotels put in the corner of the room that husbands film their wives fucking other men from. Now I was in the chair, for that exact purpose.

This was all so surreal! "I want you to watch this," she whispered to me as she turned her attention back to him. Without another word she unclasped his belt, and his slacks dropped around his ankles. He still had his boxer briefs on, but I could easily see the huge bulge trying to push it's way to daylight. She dropped to her knees and started caressing the bulge in his undershorts. She began cooing and slowly massaging his cock back and forth while teasing the fabric of his boxers with her teeth.

I was more turned on by this than I ever could have imagined. The jealousy kept rearing up, as I was sitting there watching my loving wife of 20 + years play with another man's dick right in front of me. Thankfully my horniness managed to keep it at bay. Watching my wife on her knees at eye level staring down another man's cock was driving me wild. This is the same woman that has always refused to blow me from her knees, telling me it was very degrading thing to ask a woman to do. She sure didn't seem to mind now. She was worshiping that bulge in his shorts.

She slowly started to work his boxers off, when suddenly his cock escaped its cotton confinement, almost as if it were spring loaded. Holy shit, this guy was hung! He was easily twice my size, both in length and girth. She was a bit shocked as well. I wasn't her first, but I knew she had never had anything like this. She turned to meet my eyes and slyly grinned. "Think I can take all of it?" she whispered softly. She didn't wait for my answer.

She turned back toward him and gently began to lick the just the tip. She locked eyes with him and gave her best seductive stare as she slowly licked his cock up one side and down the other. She lightly tapped the head of his cock against her tongue, alternating between tapping and swirling with her tongue. I sat in the chair, speechless, watching intently as my perfectly proper wife was turning into an insatiable cock sucker right before my eyes.

Was this even the same woman who could barely be talked into blowjobs for birthdays and anniversaries? As reality started to sink in I started to unzip my pants and slowly rub my cock. I watched her swirl her tongue around that large head a couple more times before she decided to really go for it, and plunged his whole cock down her throat. He let out an audible moan, as did I.

I had never seen this side of my wife. She was normally such a prim and proper person, I could hardly believe what I was watching. I must admit, jealousy was building a little more now, as I had always been told she had too much of a gag reflex for anything like that. She had no gag reflex tonight. She took it all the way to the hilt and let his balls rest on her chin while she attempted to squeeze his cock with the muscles of her throat. He tongue stuck out slightly past her lips, acting as a landing pad to protect him from her teeth.

Ropes of drool began to hang from her mouth as she bobbed her head back and forth, and I could hear those juicy, wet, glugging sounds coming from her as she slowly increased her speed. I was so jealous of the wonderfully sloppy job she was doing. Long ropes of drool dripping from her chin and his cock as she was using all the saliva she could muster to try and receive that monster. Before long he was running his fingers through her hair, working them in to get a good grip on her head. His hands were guiding her head back and forth, faster and faster, until he finally locked her head in place with his hands and began pumping his big dick in and out of her mouth.

I watched in complete disbelief as this complete stranger long stroked my wife's head. She glugged and gagged a bit, and he paused as he pulled back to give her a chance to get a breath before burying his dick in her throat again. This was such a far cry from the blowjobs I was used to as she used one hand on the shaft and would just barely suck on my tip. Something had come over her. She was like a woman possessed with that big dick in her mouth.

My wife was so turned on by this point that she'd forgotten I was even in the room. Now that he was good and warmed up, he helped her up off her knees and began kissing her neck and caressing her body. She loves to be stroked and kissed, and having her nipples tweaked ever so gently. He was effortlessly hitting all those little buttons for her, and she was loving it.

He seductively removed the cocktail dress, revealing the black lace negligee it had been concealing. She looked so beautiful standing there in all that lace! I have always had an itch for garter belts and stockings, so she had of course included it in her outfit this evening. In an instant I realized that this was meant for me, and that this man was unwrapping what was meant to be my gift. The thought of it drove me crazy with jealousy, and wild with passion. He continued to make out with her for a moment before throwing her down on the bed, her head dangling slightly off the end.

He casually walked over to her, straddled her face, and slid his cock right back down her throat while she lay there with her head hanging off backward. He began to slowly work his big dick back and forth, bringing his cock all the way back until his head rested on her lips, before sliding it all the way back down her throat. Once he got a good rhythm going, he leaned forward and began kissing her breasts, sensually kissing and licking his way down to her panties. He gently rubbed his fingers over her lacey panties right up and down her slit.

I knew how much she like this tease. It was one of my go to moves anytime I needed to get her mind off of other things and get her in the mood. He slid her panties aside and began working his fingers around her entrance, rubbing back and forth between her clit and her pretty pink slit. She moaned and bucked slightly at his touch. There was something about her moans being muffled by his big cock that drove me crazy!

I couldn't help myself and started talking dirty to her. "You like that big cock in your mouth don't you?" She glanced at me still sitting in the chair, stroking my cock while I watched.

All she could manage was a muffled "Mmmhmmm!" He began licking her clit as gently fingered her pussy. She was way too embarrassed of herself to ever sit on top of me in a 69 position, but it had never occurred to me that she was fine with being on the bottom of the action.

It was a beautiful thing to watch. They were so in tune with each other. Every time one of them added intensity, the other would match immediately. They were really going after each other, feeding on one another's passion. As he stood back up to adjust his stance I saw an opportunity to join the festivities, and immediately got out of the chair to give my wife's now soaking wet pussy some attention.

I approached from the opposite side of the bed and started kissing and caressing her legs, slowly working my way up to her thighs. I slowly licked up and down those inner thighs until her legs just fell apart. I slid my tongue slowly from her clit all the way to her slit and then back. Nice and slow, with very little pressure. I could feel her starting to grind into me, so I slowly increased my speed, still taking long, lapping strokes with my tongue all the way up and down her soaking wet slit.

As I increased my pace, our new friend increased his. Matching my pace with his own, he continued sliding his cock down her throat. This sound of him filling up her mouth while she tried to moan from the pleasure she was receiving was a sound I'll never forget! It didn't take long for her cum, grabbing my head while bucking her hips and grinding her pussy into my face and covering me in her juices. I was in absolute heaven!