Perversion of Major Lyrana


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"Why did I do that?" Lyrana asked again with a more composed voice even as she recognized the sensation filling her. She barely managed to stand up while holding her burning stomach. There was no way she was going to be able to eat anything in hours. The amount of semen in her was almost enough to give her a slight bulge like after a large diner.

Even as Lyrana knew what her body wanted to do, she could not just drop all her managerial paperwork to do it. Especially since she felt like any short masturbation would not do a damn thing to the current state of her body. And she did not even want to think of inviting another orc if Jurok did not come back to finish the job.

So Lyrana went to her desk only to realize how wet her underwear was when she sat down. But she still forced herself to keep working until the time in her self-imposed schedule allowed her to take a break. And none of the orcs who came to report her something during the next few hours even attempted to show her their cocks so she was not even given a chance to surrender to them.

** * **

Even after laying in her bed for three hours, Lyrana had not been able to sleep. She still had another three hours left but nothing she did seemed to let her even pass out. Not even the increasingly fierce masturbation she was subjecting her clit to.

"Why can't I cum... please cum," Lyrana muttered while forming a ball on top of her blanket. She only wore a simple white nightgown that matched the rest of her bedding. Her hands were locked between her legs while her face was a complete mess. Even her silky silver hair was undone but she did not even bother trying to tie or fix it.

Suddenly Lyrana jolted up from her bed and to in front of her mirror. She barely recognized the messy figure and there was odd indifference in her purple eyes.

"Those damn beasts, how dare they... how dare they do this to me," Lyrana flared. "Why do their cocks look so edible."

There was no response from the room that doubled as Lyrana's office and bedroom. Her desk was in the middle with cabinets and her foldable metal bed was on the left side from the door.

"I can't take this, why didn't I, use Sergeant Jurok," Lyrana suddenly exclaimed while wedging her hands between her thighs under the nightgown. She had pulled her hands inside through the sleeves in an odd attempt to hide the perversion that was happening under the white fabric.

"This is not me... it's their fault," Lyrana muttered while recognizing the woman in the mirror, less and less. A woman who could not stop thinking about the two orc cocks she had seen and wanted more.

"Soldier, do the act of sex with me right now," Lyrana voiced in a commanding tone but then she shook her head. There was no way she could command anybody to do something so improper in the middle of the war with her. Not that it would have been that much different if she had been back at the capital.

"Do the act of sex with me right now, please," Lyrana then said with a more coy tone. It made her crouch down to seemingly form a ball in her nightgown to bury her face into her knees as her hands were still trapped under her gown.

"I can't say that," Lyrana stuttered. "Not to an orc... or to anybody."

"But I need it... my damn body... it's so wrong," Lyrana muttered while she turned to look at the door. Suddenly she wanted to just open the door and let the orcs march in so she could surrender to them.

Before Lyrana had the time to regret it, she unlocked the metal door with her magic and it began to slide inwards. She immediately heard distant steps that jolted her. Panic filled her and she lunged to her bed to hide under a blanket while pushing her hands into her sleeves to look more normal.

Even if Lyrana did not use words, it was still an invitation. And she did not want to invite an orc to do such deranged things. There would be no elf in the republic who would not laugh at her for an eternity and she could never look her sister in the eyes.

An idea formed in Lyrana's mind that tried to find any loophole through her confused pride, if it was just her body that invited the orcs, she would not be at fault. So she slid her bare legs from under the blanket.

As the bed was partly hidden by the open door, without going in, a passerby would never see Lyrana's legs. It took only minutes for her to realize it and so she began to think. The only solution she could think of was to move the bed to the other side of the room. She did so with her telekinesis and even made sure with her eyes that now every person who walked past would see a glimpse of her bare legs.

Then Lyrana began to wait under her blanket, all the while slowly showing more and more of her legs like every passing second meant she needed to make the bait more appealing. After all, she needed the orcs to do one specific action, and that was to stretch and punish her pussy until it no longer wanted their green cocks like it was obsessed. Not that she wanted to form those words in her mind.

Approaching steps stopped Lyrana just when she was about to reveal her hip. She listened to the heavy feet until they halted just where her door was. There was no way the orc was not seeing her long legs from where he stood.

There was a sound of fabric and a belt, but no steps to approach Lyrana. They were followed by the start of a fleshy constant jerking. The noble elf immediately realizes that the orc had just started to touch himself while staring at her from the corridor. And his hand sounded extremely fast like he was not even planning to use her.

For several moments Lyrana just listened to the fleshy sound from under her blanket but then she pulled up the cover enough to even show the silver pubic hair that crowned her mound. But it only made the orc move his hand faster.

Part of Lyrana wanted to drag the orc in with her magic and teach him a lesson, but that would have been so much worse than just asking for sex. She did not even know what others of her kind would think about her if they knew she had raped an orc.

Suddenly there was a wet blast on the floor and Lyrana once again knew what was happening without looking. The raw smell from the orc's large climax filled the room for a moment even through the blanket before the bunker ventilation dealt with it. Though the pool was definitely going to stay on the floor.

Then there was a quick sound of a spray bottle before the heavy steps rushed away. Lyrana peeked from under the blanket to see "Slut" written with red letters on her door and the large pool of cum shining in the lamplight of the corridor.

Lyrana swallowed hard while she heard a pair of heavy steps approach the door. She knew just from one glance at the clock it was a patrol of two. In an odd panic, she hid back under the blanket while letting her legs stay fully visible. At least now they should know what was wanted from them.

"What the hell," an orc flared while he almost slipped on the seed on the corridor floor. Though in the next moment his eyes locked to the open doorway.

"Horik, do you see that?" another orc asked. Lyrana knew him to be Kurk as the two usually managed to get patrol assignments together.

"I see that, shh," Horik said with a weirdly hushed tone. "Not so loud."

"Is that major?" Kurk asked. Just his voice made Lyrana's heart beat faster as she knew what they saw.

"Who else," Horik grunted. His confirmation forced Lyrana to swallow a rush of saliva. It was just like she planned and at any moment these brutish orcs would start ravaging her body guided by their instincts. And at no point, she asked them to do it.

"What should we do... she has slut written on her door," Kurk voiced. As it was not written by Lyrana, she simply nodded under her blanket that it was a misunderstanding that helped the orcs realize the situation. But there was no way she would ask money from them and all she needed to do was to refuse that if offered to not become an actual slut.

"Naturally, we should report it to her," Horik grinned and stepped into the room. "Hey major, you awake?"

There was no way Lyrana was going to reply. Her entire plan relied on the orcs just savaging her while she pretended to be asleep. That way she could refute it ever happened and if worse came to be, she could just deal with the ones who spread unfounded rumors that weakened morale. Nobody who actually mattered would believe something this absurd had happened.

"Major?" Horik asked and stepped closer, his hand grabbed the blanket to pull from it. Lyrana gripped it from the inside in a sudden panic and the orc let go. She immediately knew her ruse was over but she hoped the orcs were too dumb to realize she was awake.

"Come in and close the door," Horik said and walked away for a moment. Kurk did as he was told. Lyrana was forced to swallow hard while she thought about being locked in the bunker room with two orcs.

Horik placed his rifle to the rack close to the door and then came back next to Lyrana's bed. Every moment the orcs just stood there made her heartbeat louder.

"What are we going to do?" Kurk asked. Lyrana could swear she felt traces of their heavy breathing on her legs. It made keeping them still and relaxed even harder.

"I think our major is feeling a bit horny," Horik voiced. It froze Lyrana, why did the orc need to say something so vulgar instead of just using her. Even if they had guessed she was awake, they did not need to say it.

"You mean she wants to be fucked? This seems a bit odd," Kurk pondered. His words made Lyrana's face burn, she did not even want to think what it meant.

"You hear about all the stories about fucking elves? Not all of them are fake," Horik explained. "Sometimes those noble sluts just can't take it anymore, right, major?"

Lyrana pressed her eyes and teeth as close as possible but she almost jolted when strong hands grabbed her thighs and rotated her on the bed. Her feet were lowered to the cold cement ground on one side while her head was over the other edge of the bed. She barely managed to hide under the blanket and her feet burned hard enough to barely feel the cold.

A hand landed to feel up the purple infertility pearl in Lyrana's navel that had been revealed by the move. Fingers trailed around it while the orc knelt down between her spread knees. The noble elf had to almost struggle to stop every visible part from trembling.

"You know what they say, only sluts and nobles have these, and sometimes they are both," Horik said while Lyrana's breathing turned ragged. The orcs were indeed being savage but not in the way she had imagined, at this rate they were going to destroy all of her pride even before the sex would start.

"You sure about this? Major never seemed the... type," Kurk said. Lyrana almost nodded to his words, she was definitely not the type to do this. It was just her body that was going crazy while being trapped in the bunker with the green savages.

"Major, I'm going to fuck you hard and cum in raw if you don't do anything," Horik said while he undid his belt and took off his pants. A moment later his tip landed on Lyrana's wet vulva and the only comment he gave about it was to press in.

The time in Lyrana's mind suddenly stopped, the orc was finally doing what he was supposed to do. Once her noble body was brutally ravaged by him, its sick desire would stop. Or at least she had hoped so until the pleasantness of the slide almost shocked her.

While Lyrana was stretched open, all her focus went to not to even whimper. Her walls had already swollen and her elven elasticity ensured the strongly pulsing shaft easily slid into the side cavity of her inner gate to give her a slight bulge. Though when Horik tried to pull back, the suction effect applied pressure into her core.

"Hiihii," a weird whistling sound came from Lyrana's breathing. The noble elf clutched her face in panic while she was barely able to comprehend the sensations of her body. The big fleshy cock almost merged as a part of her with a syncing pulse.

"I told you she is awake," Horik grinned and forcefully dragged his length outward with his hip only to thrust it back in. This time Lyrana managed to resist even any accidental sounds from her breathing. Though as she clamped shut her jaw, the heat and the need to breathe harder was almost enough to make her dizzy. Though the shape that had filled her core was definitely not helping her keep her focus.

The green cock moved within Lyrana like it belonged there, her folds trailed it like a perfect flesh mold. She was not being savaged but made whole by filling emptiness she had not known had been there. But that realization only made her cover her blushing face with her hands even as the blanket more than still did that.

"I want to see her elf tits," Kurk announced. They were barely covered by the blanket but he still sat down on the metal bed with enough weight to creak it. Though once Horik heard it, he thrust hard enough to cause a similar follow-up sound.

The creaking echoed in Lyrana's ears while she decided to pretend to be asleep once again in her lustful panic. If she could convince these orcs she let out weird sounds in her sleep, maybe they would not think she is awake. So she let her hands relax to the sides of her head while her face formed a natural gaping smile with closed eyes.

Kurk's hand landed on the blanket but he only moved it enough to reveal Lyrana's erect nipples. Her perky mounds gaped apart as grabbable pillows. The orc's finger gave her left nipple a gentle brush that almost made the noble elf gasp but then it quickly retreated all the while the cock kept feeling up her insides.

"Can I suck them?" Kurk asked while taking off his shoes. Just the idea of letting it happen tilted Lyrana's lips, but as she had no choice, she needed to let it happen. After all, if anybody would ever ask, she had just slept this night and the orcs were making things up.

"If this wet major slut does not say anything, I don't think she cares what we do with her. So let us take our time," Horik grinned and leaned back to almost stop thrusting. The end of Lyrana's pussy felt almost empty without his shroom-tip and her opening clamped harder on the length it could.

Kurk knelt on the bed and leaned down to breathe on Lyrana's left breast. The hot air spread along her silky skin only a moment before the orc licked his lips and leaned to kiss the noble's nipple. His burning tongue slid out to explore the elven flesh while his hands parked next to her torso to give him support.

"I think Lady Lyrana just got tighter," Horik irked while holding his base to give his tip a slow massage within the elven folds that suctioned into his green flesh. Every bit of his length that was out was visibly glistening along with his balls.

There was no reply and Kurk's jaw simply parted wider until his small side tusks even touched Lyrana's mound. His tongue kept playing with the increasingly hard nipple while he suctioned the entire area in random sequences. Like he was trying to eat it without biting, a sensation that kept shifting her tingling flesh in an almost disorienting manner.

Suddenly Lyrana heard the mechanism of the door open. It immediately jolted her to lock it in place with her telekinetic magic but not before it gaped open just enough for Urkok to jam the tip of his pistol through.

"Major, open the door, I need to deliver a report, the morale among the men has deteriorated and there has been a serious case of vandalism," Sergeant Urkok shouted through the barely opened crack on the door. It more than froze the two orcs next to Lyrana even as Kurk's tongue kept moving.

Lyrana did not need more orcs to see her like this, three was more than enough for her. Or maybe four if the one she had seen first counted. She could just use them when she needed them. Though she did not even think some of them might talk to each other at this confusing moment.

"Not now captain, I'm busy," Lyrana flared and pushed the tip of the handgun that had blocked the door from closing with magic to slam it shut. Then she bolted the mechanism that prevented it from being opened from the outside. Even as a seemingly invisible force had done it, it did not matter since she had said words out loud.

"Aah, so the major has been too busy to talk to us," Horik grinned while leveraging his cock to push against Lyrana's clit. She tried to close her lips with her hands but to no avail, even if Urkok might have tried to break the door if she had not said anything, at least then she could have pretended to be asleep when more soldiers rush into the room.

Though since her body was this far gone to enjoy the touch of the orcs, it was far better to have two of them at her beck and call than letting more of them see her like this. So the noble elf began formulating a new plan.

"Listen up, you will never tell anybody about this and in exchange, you will be assigned as my personal attendants who will serve me every day like this," Lyrana announced from under her blanket with a commanding tone. Though most of her focus went to the delivery instead of her word choices.

"Daily? You sure drive a hard bargain, but how could we refuse," Horik shrugged and Kurk just sucked harder the breast he had seemingly claimed.

"I mean, you might serve me like this every day if I need it," Lyrana uttered. "Not that I would need this daily."

"Hey, don't go walking back on your words," Horik exclaimed and holstered all of his length into Lyrana who bit into her lower lip almost instinctively. His hands landed on her spread thighs to press them into the side of the mattress.

"Just finish, we talk later, I need to deal with cock, Captain Urkok," Lyrana uttered as she suddenly realizes how close she was. She would definitely cum just from the pressure of the large load she knew the orc had.

"Can you show me your pretty face while I cum?" Horik asked while his thumb landed on the major's swollen clit to push it up. While he just held his pulsing rod in, she was almost able to visualize in her mind a clear picture of how her vulva suctioned around the green meat in a spread state even as she had not seen it.

"No," Lyrana voiced. What the orcs were doing to her was already imprinting to her memory and body, if she saw them do it, she was not sure how she could live the way she did anymore.

Horik just grinned and positioned to ensure the movement of his hip before dragging his length out to start his final assault. Just the first strike creaked the bed's frame even with the extra weight to stabilize it from the other orc. The following ones turned it into a constant sound.

Lyrana's face twisted while she desperately bit her pearly teeth shut. The battering pressure already made her ears twitch and it was only getting worse. The orcish assault on her elven core was fully filling every depth in her body to the point the magical infertility pearl in her navel moved a bit at every slightly bulging strike. All the while thirst burned her lips even as they were soaked with saliva.

"Ihii," Lyrana let out a weird throat sound a moment before her eyes jolted up. A massive pulse of burning pressure surged through her body, it immediately jolted out her tongue with enough spit to soak a section of the blanket.

Horik only groaned while he unleashed a torrent of raw seed with enough force to even pressure some of it out of Lyrana's tight vulva. It burst to his balls even as most of it was locked into the end of the elf's pussy as it desperately tried to either get deeper or out.

Lyrana's knees trembled like they tried to resist being locked in place by Horik's strong hands and her hip's movement only served to burst more of the creamy orc seed past the green rod blocking her entrance. It triggered him to pull back just to avoid getting spilling on his muscular legs as he had taken off his pants like he had predicted this.