Pet Projects


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I married her because I love her. Still do. But being married to her doesn't mean I own her. Nor does it mean that I can tell her what she can and cannot do. Now that said, I could take it or leave it. Accept it or not. I could divorce her or love her and hope she'd snap out of it.

"Tell me about your new hair cut."

"Now this is going to be hard for you to comprehend."

"Your Mistress told you to do it, right?"

"Not exactly, johnnie. She did ask me how I felt about African Americans. I told her they were people just like me. She disagreed. Mistress told me their history, Not just about here and being slaves, which was terrible but about the superiority of their race. You saw how tall and well-built she is. She told me that was because of their genes and centuries of genealogy advancement in African Americans produced larger, stronger, faster, and smarter people."

"Okay," I said not 100% on board.

"I was sitting at her feet when she was telling me these things. It was easy for me to understand looking up at her. That was the proof, johnnie. The proof that she was telling me the truth. I started seeing her in a different light. I looked upon her as my superior and I her submissive. This wasn't in a sexual way, not at first anyway. But I wanted to show my solidarity with her so I asked Mistress how I could accomplish that."

"She told me that there are a few ways I could express my solidarity without seeming to appropriate the culture. She said that corn row hair styling was out of the question but I could have my hair cropped shirt, like it is now. She recommended a tribal tattoo on my back, just above my bottom. In fact, johnnie, she said she'd love me to have one. It would demonstrate my devotion to her."

"All that stuff about them being larger, faster, and the rest, you believe that?"

"I do. Mistress has introduced me to another couple that are her pets. They are white. She only has white pets, johnnie. All her pets must be naked in Mistress' presence and that other couple was. They are our age and the woman had her hair done like mine but she also has a tribal tattoo. Oh, johnnie, it's beautiful. It really is. I want one. Anyway, the man, he had his whole body shaved and his dick looked so little."

"Wait. So little compared to what?"

"Compared to the videos Mistress showed us."

"Videos of what?"

"Black men fucking. Watching them, I could see why they're truly our superiors. Baby, the cocks on those men had to be 9, maybe 10" and so big around."

"And I supposed all the black women were built like your Mistress?"

"Nope. Those men were fucking white women. White women with their husbands watching from a respectful distance. You could tell those husbands liked what they were seeing. Their wives were moaning and groaning, some even drooled they were being fucked for so long and so good."

Even though what I was hearing made my dick twitch, it pissed me off that this woman, this Mistress Siobon was trying to brain wash my wife. I made a mental note to check her out. I have resources and intended to use them. "This has to be some kind of scam," I was thinking.

I fell asleep while Cindy was going on and on about the other couple and how fulfilling they found serving Mistress Siobon was to them."

The next morning at the office I made a phone call. "Hello, Robert? Good. I have a problem and I want you to check it out. There's this so-called psychologist, Siobon Washington. Yes, that's right, S I O B O N, Siobon. Anyway, check her out for me. I want to know her bono fides, her past and police record she may have. Got all that? Thanks buddy. Can you have that for me by the end of the day tomorrow? I know it's a short turn-around but I have some concerns. You're the man Robert. Thank you."

I looked for the Mercedes when I got home. Satisfied that I wasn't going to be hit in the balls by some wild woman, I entered my home. I smelled dinner cooking. That was a good sign because before Cin started seeing her Mistress, she couldn't be bothered to cook or anything else. "Maybe this is good for her," I was thinking.

My wife was her old self as she came to me and gave me a big ole hug and kiss. Well her old self except for the close cut hair.

She was dressing sexy too. Little white shorts, halter top, low rise heels. That night she served me my favorites; clams casino as an appetizer, shrimp Fra diavolo, and a nice salad. Chianti with a great meal after which she wanted to talk about her Mistress.

"johnnie, please keep an open mind. She's wonderful and so good for me. I haven't felt this good in so long."

Yeah. Maybe there's something in the taste of her pussy that brings out your best."

"So this is how you listen to me. Sarcasm? Really? This is why I went to her in the first place. I didn't plan any of this. It happened. It just happened, damn you and you can't stand to see me happy."

"Look. How would you feel if you came home and found me like I found you?"

"Beside Mistress?"

"No. On my knees, naked beside some black guy. Some black guy you get to see me sucking. That's basically what I came home to. Can you see it from my point of view? How it affects me? Can you not understand?"

"You're jealous, then?"

"Worried, not jealous."

Trying to instill some levity into our heated discussion Cindy tittered and told me she'd share Mistress. "You can serve her too, babe. I won't be jealous."

"Funny, ha ha."

That hit her wrong. She started to cry and that hit me wrong. I knew I'd over stepped.

Holding her, I apologized. "I will try to keep an open mind, beyond the fact that my wife is being beaten and forced to commit lesbian acts."

"It isn't beating. It's training. It's discipline. It's what I needed. Didn't I make you a nice dinner? Didn't I? Mistress told me that I should never forget my man, my husband. Should you decide to take this journey with me or not, she insists I do what I can to maintain our home, our marriage, our happiness. Is that so bad? It's not like I'm going to live with her or anything like that."

"And if you're worried about me becoming a lesbian, nothing could be further from the truth. Mistress Siobon isn't a lesbian either. Okay, yeah, she likes to have her female pets perform oral sex, but I saw the husband of the couple she introduced me to do the same thing. And more than that, johnnie, and this may be hard for you to believe but she has men. Black men with much bigger cocks than white men and she told me she gets fucked a couple three times a week."

I kept my mouth shut about having her checked out. The results should be in tomorrow. If it is what I think it will be, Mistress Siobon will be arrested. If not, I'll give Cindy the option; either pull the plug on this shit of we get a divorce.

"johnnie? Robert here. Look man, I'm not sure you want to hear this but Siobon Washington checks out. She's 100% legit. She's highly thought of in her field. Got her PHD in psychology from Harvard. Graduated top 10 in her class. Some of her customers are important people or their spouses. She charges a lot because she is effective and has a great track record of helping her clients or patients, whatever."

"What about her record. She ever been arrested for anything?"

"No. She's an upstanding citizen. She's very Afrocentric and I understand that she does have some, uh, let's call them followers for lack of a better term."

"Followers, you say?"

"More like devotees. There may be some weird stuff going on in that regard but nothing illegal. She's legit."

I sighed, "Okay Rob. Send me the bill."

The rest of the day and the ride home I thought about what to do next. I'm no prude nor do I consider myself a racist. That Siobon was black or African American mattered not in the least. Was she sexy? You betcha. Would I like to bury my face between her big thighs and suck on that fine pussy? Hell to the yeah. Would I want her to beat me with that crop or any other device? Oh, hell no. No fucking way. She said there was no negotiating but she may have said that because my wife was present. Maybe we could negotiate, make a deal, something, where I could maintain my dignity maybe join my wife and help get her through this thing, and most of all, preserve our marriage.

"Hey babe. How was your day?"

"It was good, I guess. The usual, Cin. You know how it is."

God. Look at her. She was radiant. Short hair and all. Yoga pants with a definite outline of her pussy, no, make that cunt. her words, not mine. Her top was a T-shirt, Her nipples poking goblins in the fabric.

"How was your day? You see your Mistress today?"

"You can tell? Yes. I had a wonderful session with Mistress Siobon this afternoon. She wanted to stop by this evening to see if you changed your mind. I told her not to bother. That you were firm in your stance."

"Yeah. About that. Maybe I was too quick to judge. I mean, look at you. You're happy again. That part is evident. And I like how you're dressing these days too."

"Does some body want something,?" she smiled sexily.

I went down on her hairless pussy, er, cunt. I had to admit it, I liked it that way. Fucking her was nice too though not as nice as going down on old baldy. We made love and we fucked that night. My wife had rarely gone down on me but that evening she did it and she wanted the lights on so I could see. Talk about a positive change. Damn son.

I was not surprised to see that her bottom had been abused again.

On the way out the next morning I asked my wife for Mistress Siobon's contact info. She gave me her email address. "You going to join me?"

"We'll see honey. We will see."

"Dear Mistress Siobon," I wrote feeling stupid for calling her Mistress. "I have seen the positive changes in my wife as a result of her seeing you. First and foremost, I would like to thank you for helping her regain her old self. It's nothing short of a miracle that you accomplished that so quickly."

Perhaps you and I can get together to talk, to discuss what would be required of me if I choose to join my wife in service to you."

I signed it "respectfully yours" and added my phone number.

It wasn't long before my phone rang.

"Can you be at my office at noon? We can talk over lunch."

"I can make that happen, um, Mistress."

"Very good, piggy. You remembered."

I caught a cab over to her office. Got there a few minutes early. It's what I do. Right off I took notice of the beautiful blonde working the receptionist desk. She must have been 45 but the years had been kind to her. I also noticed her breasts which showed through the sheer blouse were still "way up firm and high", to quote Pete Seeger.

I got a scowl when she saw me admiring them. "Ms. Washington will be with you shortly. Take a seat, please."

I sat but only for a few seconds, hardly enough time to get comfortable. "This way, sir," the blonde receptionist said, leading me to the office door.

Once, a long time ago, before I was married, I would have followed the ass on that blonde for miles. Her short skirt showed lovely legs, and her buttocks rolled so fucking sensually underneath it, I could tell she had come to work commando. Like my wife, this woman wasn't wearing underwear.

"Ah, Mister Kavadis. Good to see you again." Mistress Siobon rose from behind her desk to greet me. "Shall we,?" she said striding to the door. "I know a place close by where the food is good and we can speak in private."

I opened the door, not as a slave but as a gentleman. She was as I remembered. Tall, great legs, her round-wide ass swayed with a rhythm that was almost hypnotic. High heels, short skirt, a barely there blouse. Christ but she made me hard just following her.

At the restaurant, she waited until I caught on and held her chair for her. "So, pig, what is it you wish to speak to me about?"

"Yeah. Look. Why don't we start off by respecting each other? You can call me johnnie or Mr. Kavadis and I'll call you Miss. Washington, or Miss. Siobon. Deal?"

"I like Mistress, pig."

I sighed in frustration. Siobon laughed. "Just kidding, johnnie. We have a deal."

"I had you checked out," I confessed to her. "You came back not only clean but well regarded in your field and in this town. To be sure, I was relieved."

"Waiter, a martini for me and the lady?"

"Water. I have patients this afternoon."

"Skip the martini. I'll have water too."

"Now, like I said, you checked out 100%. But what I don't understand, what I can't fathom is why my wife has devoted herself to you."

Our water arrived and we gave our lunch order. We each had a cob salad; Siobon's with Thousand Island, mine with bleu cheese.

"I had you checked out as well, johnnie. Not for my benefit but to make sure you weren't some kind of tyrant at home or work. You are thought highly of in business, thorough and diligent, and your wife tells me she wants for nothing. Nothing but you, your time, and your attention. She wasn't getting any of that and that's why she came to me."

"I get that. Cin and I have discussed that and as I said in my email, you have done wonders for her. I am truly grateful. But there's this other thing..."

"You mean the tap on your balls? That was for her, Cindy. I wanted her to see that women have the power to get their man's attention. It was all a show for her, including the slaps. I hope I didn't hurt you too badly."

"You didn't but that's not where I was going. You've turned my wife into some kind of sex slave and I don't appreciate that. Isn't there some ethical restrictions against that?"

"What she and I and others have is purely voluntary. I gave Cindy the choice and she made her decision to serve me. Yes, I know, I have my kinks, my fetish. There's nothing illegal about them. I don't charge for her time in case you haven't noticed. Not since the second visit."

"I hadn't noticed."

"You see? That's your problem and that affected your wife. This isn't an office visit but I'm going to give you some professional advice. Give your wife the attention she deserves, johnnie. Let her know she's important. That's all you need do to preserve your marriage and her sanity. She's never going to leave you, not even for me. But let me tell you, I wish she would if only because she is such a genuine, caring woman."

"If you feel that way, why treat her like a slave?"

"It's an exchange of power, johnnie. Cindy trusts me and has given herself over to me for guidance, direction, discipline, and yes, sexual gratification. You are welcome to join her. I would love to have another successful white boy kneeling naked at my side."

"Believe me, Siobon, I have considered it. I find you very beautiful and very sexy."

"I know."

"And I'd love to take you to bed but I won't do that. Won't try to do it. I love my wife completely. I love her enough that if she chose you over me, I'd let her go."

"And that devotion to her is why I want you to join her, join me. But know this, you will never put your dick in me, never."

"So I can kiss your boots and other things? I understand you're very Afrocentric, Siobon, and I saw firsthand how you enjoy same sex, well sex. Cin told me about the videos and how well hung the men in them are. I have no desire nor will I ever have the desire to perform oral sex on a man, black or white."

We looked into each other's eyes for the longest time. I think it was one of those, "who blinks first" things. "You are strong willed, johnnie. That's what makes you successful in your career. But that will that you carry around with you like a chip on your shoulder prohibits you from exploring new things, opening yourself to new experiences, discovering new pleasures."

"Would I like to see you worshipping a black man, sucking his cock, groveling at his feet? To be frank, yes. Would I love it if your pretty white wife spread her legs for any black man who wanted to fuck her. I would indeed. I find the blending and bending of sexes and races most arousing."

"Cindy would never do that. Not in a million years."

Siobon looked at me like she was seeing me for the first time.

"johnnie, you silly boy. You have no idea of the control have over her, your wife and others. I could have her turning tricks this afternoon if I so wished. I could call her right now and tell her I want her to take a job in a strip club and service all comers, free of charge. And you know what? I could tell her I want her to have bi-racial children, to breed with my black lovers and pump out babies once a year until her poor cunt is worn out. You have no idea of the power over her she has given me."

Suddenly I felt her shoeless foot on my crotch. Her smile said it all but she put it into words anyway. "You have an erection. Hearing me tell you what I could have your wife doing makes you hard. Oh, johnnie, you are a dirty, nasty pig."

"Look who's talking," I stammered. "Your nipples are showing."

I admit now that it was a weak move. But that's all I had at that moment.

"Yes. I too am aroused but not about your whore wife. No, the slut isn't what I'm thinking about, johnnie, piggy. I see you naked begging to be able to suck a nice big black cock, one that you want to see enter your wife and fuck a black bastard up her cunt. That's what arouses me."

"I want your precious wife to watch as I train you with my crop. to watch you grovel as she does, kissing my boots and begging me for permission to bury your face in my cunt. And every time I feel your dick twitch, I know you are receptive to the idea."

This was going badly, not at all how I thought it would go. Siobon now had the initiative, my hard-on had given her that.

"They say my cunt has the power to make grown men beg, johnnie, piggy. I'm told that it has magic powers that can bend white boys, make them do things, nasty things just to be able to kiss it. I'm wet now, piggy. Wet thinking about taking you back to my office and sharing with you the magic powers of my cunt. And you, pig, you want that too. I can see the surrender in your eyes piggy. I can feel it with my foot."

I could feel my resolve crumbling. My will power being stripped away. "Waiter, a martini please and hold the vermouth."

Siobon laughed out loud. "I'm right. See how easy it is for me to turn you?"

She looked around and seeing no one close, she discreetly unbuttoned her blouse a little. Flashing a distended nipple, she asked me if I'd like to suckle it for her. "I want you to make me feel good, johnnie. I want you to suckle me as you did your mother when you were first brought into this world."

The waiter came with my drink and Siobon pulled her blouse closed.

I swallowed my drink in a single pull, fished out three twenty-dollar bills and put them on the table, adjusted my erection, and got up. "I'm leaving Miss. Washington. Leaving before I do something I might regret."

Her laughter followed me out the door.

Chapter two is coming soon. Your comments and emails are welcomed.

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mattenwmattenwabout 1 year ago

Sorry, but did you get crap in your brain? What nonsense. He goes to the police, reports the black whore and that's it. She goes to jail and he sues her and becomes wealthy. Even you mentally degenerate fans must realize that this story is bullshit!

TrstxxxTrstxxxalmost 3 years ago

Start of a great story. Fantasy to be broken and owned by a Mistress.

awyldsideawyldsidealmost 3 years ago

Well, if it were me and my wife, I would get her as far away from this racist cunt as possible. The fact that she says she could have my wife turning tricks tomorrow means that either my wife stops seeing her or divorce. Period. He already made the comment earlier. She already basically cheated on him, sex with someone else. I’m hoping that there was a prenup.

jay1459jay1459almost 3 years ago

Love this story. Cannot wait for more. Thanks

cdCindy1cdCindy1almost 3 years ago

I can't wait for chapter 2. Serving a mistress is a dream of mine that I hope to have come true one day.

eviltwin52eviltwin52almost 3 years agoAuthor

Anyone leaving anonymous hate messages doesn't have a life and doesn't deserve one.

SissywithabeardSissywithabeardalmost 3 years ago

I love it! And I cant wait for chapter 2 and oh how I would love to find a woman like that.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

who writes this crap get a life on dont write and more please

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