All Comments on 'Phil & Connor Pt. 04 - FWB'

by DoughallDeeson

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MarcLuciFerMarcLuciFer5 months ago

What a perfect way to end this! I was glad that Phil handled that situation with Jake the way that he did and that he told Connor what had happened in the boat as soon as possible. Doing that showed honesty on Phil part and allowed his and Connor's relationship to develop trust. I'm sorry to see this story end, but you ended it well.

Cane23Cane235 months ago

Exciting and hot. Kind of story you feel really, really good after reading. Without too much drama but with good plot, this is hot story with great sex scenes.

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Writer of erotic and non-erotic tales. I'm male and married to my wonderful hubs. Spending my time cooking, baking and writing - oh and working out.