Picture Perfect Ch. 03


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I didn't wait for her response. I turned and left the entrance hallway, heading straight to the kitchen area to see Aleksi. He was standing carelessly in his underpants and a thin white shirt, unbuttoned, that threatened to slip down off of his thin shoulders. He gently stirred a pitcher of iced tea with a long spoon.

"I'd say you're dressed enough," I chuckled, giving his bottom a light smack.

He grinned and leaned back against me. "Overdressed," he whispered. He let his head fall back onto my shoulder and drew his pretty mouth into the shape of a kiss. I kissed him, wondering idly if Angela was watching, but deciding in the end that I didn't really care. Aleksi was too cute. He was my world.

"Have some iced tea, baby," he purred, lifting his head so he could pour me a tall glass. "I made it just how you like it."

I took the offered glass and sipped. "Mmm--yeah, it's perfect." I kissed his pale, soft cheek. "Thanks, doll. You take good care of me."

He poured another glass and turned his head. "Would you like some? It's nice and sweet."

I turned in the direction he was looking. Angela had been standing at the edge of the room looking bewildered and noticeably uncomfortable. When he addressed her, she forced her expression into a friendly one. "Oh, that's really nice of you to offer," she said, modulating her voice to a softer, sweeter tone than I was accustomed to. "I need to get going pretty quick, though, so I should just grab my things. Jason, would you mind...?"

I smirked. If we were putting on a show for Angela, she was certainly putting one on for Aleksi. The fake politeness was amusing--the fake cutie-pie voice, even more so. "Of course!" I replied smoothly, leaving Aleksi's side so I could search among my cluster of boxes. Finally I located the one labelled "Ange's Leftover Shit" and set it on the kitchen table. "There you go--I think that's everything."

She regarded the writing on the box and rolled her eyes, then tore the flaps open so she could see what was inside. She looked a bit embarrassed by the contents. Among other assorted items were several thongs--I'd found them littered here and there like whimsically coloured dust bunnies when moving my furniture. I never could understand why she had so many--they did nothing for me, and just looked like an obligatory wedgie.

"Well... can I carry it down for you?" I offered, between sips of iced tea. The thought of her tripping and falling down the stairs while trying to carry a box didn't actually bring me any pleasure. It might have when we'd first broken up, but I felt as if I'd matured several years in the weeks I'd known Aleksi. In fact, this whole game now seemed extraordinarily dumb. I'd rubbed my new relationship in her face like a snotty teenager.

"No," she said bluntly. Her cheeks flushed a deep shade of scarlet, perhaps in remembrance of what she'd tried to do downstairs. "I'll manage. We're done here."

"Okay--if you're sure," I replied, setting my glass down. "I'll grab the door for you at least."

She clutched her box tightly and raised her chin. She gave Aleksi a careful smile. "Well, goodbye," she said in her sweetest voice.

"Cheers," he said simply, raising a half-empty glass in her direction.

I walked her to the door and held it open for her, but she paused before starting down the stairs. "Fuck you, Jason," she hissed with intense vitriol. "Fuck. You."

Her heavily made up face was twisted with hatred, and while I couldn't exactly blame her for hating me, her ugliness in that moment made me all the more relieved I was now rid of her. I shrugged helplessly. A moment ago I'd been willing to grant her as much dignity as possible, but at this, I had to finally chuckle. "All right. I think I'll leave that to my boyfriend, though." I smiled as I slowly shut the door in her face. I strolled back to the kitchen feeling twenty pounds lighter.

Aleksi leaned against the fridge, smiling dreamily. "You mean that, baby?" he asked softly. "You want me to fuck you?"

I quirked an eyebrow and pressed up against him, inhaling the sweet scent of his hair. I hadn't given it much thought, but it was possible I was near to being ready. "Maybe," I whispered, kissing his soft neck. "Maybe...."

He shivered and let the shirt slip from his shoulders. "Did you have a fun time showing off?" he purred as he slowly pushed me toward the bedroom loft.

"Not as much as I'd hoped," I admitted, unbuttoning my pants. "I think... somewhere along the line... I musta' become a grown-up."

"I suppose one of us should be," he sighed, and peeled off my undershirt, dropping it on the stairs as we ascended. "Don't leave me too far behind though. I'm still just a feckless little creature who only cares about boys and pretty things." He smirked coyly.

I chuckled and licked his neck all the way up till I reached his earlobe, and caught it between my teeth briefly. "It's okay, doll--I like you just as you are."

He helped me off with my pants and looked straight at me with a glint in his striking blue eyes. "Shall I call you 'daddy'?" he whispered.

"Uh..." I grunted, my face feeling suddenly very warm. "I... uhh...."

Aleksi shoved me backwards onto the bed and then rolled me over so I was face-down. He leaped atop me like a cat. "Maybe you should call me 'daddy'," he hissed, his mouth right next to my ear. His hair tickled my skin. "Maybe I need to make you my little bitch."

"Oohh..." I breathed. "Bitch" sounded like something exotic in his charmingly muddled European accent. My cock throbbed eagerly as it hardened, pressed tightly between my belly and the sheets. "...Fffuck!"

"Fuck you?" he asked, his voice thick with honey. "Fuck me? Just... fuck?"

"Mmm," I groaned as Aleksi pressed his erection against the cleft of my ass. "F...uck."

"Oh, I know," he chuckled indulgently, kissing just behind my ear in a warm and gentle way that made me shiver. He slid a soft, slender hand around my neck and took hold of my throat, gradually increasing the firmness of his grip and stopping just short of cutting off my breathing. I felt my heart rate ramp up, and the blood rush faster through my body. Every inch of me felt warm and excited.

"Tell me what you want, Jason," he breathed into my ear. "You know I want to be inside you. You haven't let me yet. I believe you are ready. But you must say it. Tell me. Tell me what you want."

I inhaled and exhaled deeply, unable to keep a creeping smile from my face. This soft, ethereal, beautiful creature was in complete control of me, and I didn't want it any other way. My heart swelled. "I... want you...," I panted, "to fuck me... in the ass."

He let out a long breath and nuzzled my cheek, planting a feather kiss there. He slid one hand down to caress one of my lower cheeks. "I know," he whispered. "And it's going to happen. Right now."

"Gently?" I whimpered.

He let go of my throat and stroked my hair. "Baby... I know it's your first time. I'll take good care of you, yes? I will be in control here. But you know you can trust me."

"Yes--yes!" I huffed, idly wondering what the guys from work would think if they saw me in this state. Aleksi never failed to reach past all the macho in me and reduce me to a quivering pile of desperate need.

"Get on all fours and stick that sweet ass up in the air for me," Aleksi instructed.

I crawled up the bed a little and pressed my forehead against folded arms as I thrust my behind out toward him. "You won't do it all at once, will you?" I whispered. "You'll... like... prep me?"

"Shhh," he soothed, placing a slow kiss on each of my lower cheeks. "You trust me, remember? No more questions. Be a man now!"

I laughed abruptly at his last command, though I felt bizarrely close to tears. I yelped and sobered quickly when he slapped me soundly across the ass. I narrowly stopped myself from yelping again when his tongue darted against my asshole.

"Focus," he said huskily. "Relax. Think about what my mouth is doing to you. Think about my tongue. On you... in you. Your whole world is my tongue, my hands."

I felt the flick of his warm tongue again, and he slid his hands around to grip my hardening cock. His touch and his words were perfect and soothing. He was indeed my whole world in that moment--all of me seemed focused within that tight ring of sensitive flesh that my boyfriend's tongue was massaging with slow relish. I'd grown gradually accustomed to being rimmed, but this time, knowing there was serious intent behind it, I felt hypersensitive, almost quivering. I let his tongue do its work, pushing, coaxing, swirling. He meticulously relaxed my opening as he lubed me up thoroughly with his own saliva and stroked my cock all the while.

I'd been so lulled into a perfect haze of relentless, throbbing pleasure that I tensed up and cried out when his mouth left my asshole.

"Shhh, sh, sh," he soothed, kissing both of my buttcheeks. "Down on your side now. Left side. It'll be easier for you."

I rolled onto my left side, groaning. I felt like a taut bowstring waiting to be released. Aleksi gave a low, silky chuckle and stretched out into a spooning position behind me. He hooked a hand behind my right knee and shifted it out ahead of my left, and then he kissed the back of my neck and gripped my cock, stroking me slowly a few times.

"Okay," he whispered, taking my hand and guiding it into place where his had just been. "Take over for me here, yes? I'm going to focus on the backdoor now."

I breathed hard as he kissed my neck again and slid his fingers down my cleft. I hadn't been aware of him grabbing the lube bottle, but his fingers were dripping with it. He gently stimulated my opening for a minute or so, and then slowly slipped his index finger through my now slick and slightly loosened ring. I took in a deep breath as he slid in up to the last knuckle.

"Oh--weird!" I blurted out, my toes curling. I wasn't yet sure I liked being penetrated.

"Just wait," he whispered, sliding out and adding a second finger. I felt some nonspecific movement, and I wasn't sure what he was doing with his fingers, but all of a sudden a burst of ecstasy seemed to bloom inside me.

"Fuck--!" I barked abruptly at this entirely new and surprising sensation. The level of pleasure suddenly surging through my lower regions was almost like panic. I pushed my whole body back against his, needing to meld with him. "Whatever you're doing don't stop!"

"Oh, does my baby like it?" he purred, and chuckled gently, his warm breath wafting over my neck.

"Aleksi!" I groaned, pushing back harder against him.

"Baby...." His voice was hoarse and sultry. He nipped at my neck and slid a third finger inside me.

"Aleksi, fuck!" I cried out, my voice ramping up to an unmasculine squeal that I was surprised to hear coming from my own throat. His fingering was a slight bit painful now, but it simply mixed with the ecstasy, giving it a little spice rather than detracting from it. I writhed uncontrollably, rooted to his fingers, possessed by this overwhelming pleasure-pain-panic maelstrom. "I need you! I need you!"

"I knowww," he moaned. "I need you too. Deep breaths... relax... and push out a little."

"What--what?" I gasped, not understanding the instruction in my current state, but then he pulled his fingers out, and I wailed like a child to lose the sensation. A few moments later he pressed the head of his hastily lubed-up cock against my opening, and as it popped in, I emitted another pathetic noise and tensed up, arching my back.

"Relax," he repeated, his voice still low and honeyed. He reached around and wrapped his hand around mine, which was still wrapped around my stiff tool. "Breathe. I've got you, Jason. I'm inside you. Let's go deeper. Just push out a little as I push in."

I forced myself to calm, controlling my frantic breaths. I finally understood what he was saying and pushed, opening up my passage a bit more to accept him. He slid in further. It was a weird and foreign sensation, being filled, but I was desperate for my beautiful man, and gradually I was overwhelmed by the sweetness of that full feeling. Then, when he hit my prostate, I again had that sense of burgeoning, almost unbearable pleasure. I moaned and curled my legs back, tangling them together with Aleksi's. Together we massaged my rock-hard cock as he slid in and out of me with cautious slowness a few times, pausing between to allow me to acclimatize. He licked and nibbled at the back of my neck.

I remembered seeing lions mating on a nature documentary once. They made an unearthly racket, and the male's jaws held the female by the scruff of her neck. I, Jason, gasfitter, ex-boyfriend of Angela, onetime straight dude and homophobe, was a fucking lioness. I was a lioness being fucked. I was yowling desperately while pretty Aleksi gnawed on the scruff of my neck. A few weeks ago I would have been horrified by the thought of being so emasculated. But my thinking had been so backwards. Nothing was being taken from me except, perhaps, my last vestige of virginity. I was a man, making love to a man. This was masculinity multiplied. Two men loving each other was the most masculine thing in the world.

"Harder," I groaned. "Fuck me harder!"

Aleksi bit my shoulder and growled. He grabbed hold of my bent right leg and angled it up, slinging it over his hip. Opened up in this manner, I felt my body accepting more of him. His hand slid in under my thigh and gripped my cock as he pushed in closer, deeper, until I could feel his balls, warm and snug against my buttocks. He pulled out nearly all the way and then plunged back in.

"Yes!" I barked, pushing my ass out to meet him. "Faster!"

"Ohh, you feel sublime," Aleksi moaned. "I'll fuck you any way you please, Jason."

His hips began to pump steadily. I opened up everything to him, let go of every lingering hesitation. His cock pistoned in and out of me. Aleksi--my boyfriend, my lover, a force of nature I held in my grasp, and he held me in his. He fucked away all of my boundaries. I felt completely exposed, raw, and yet utterly, euphorically safe. The warmth of his breath on my neck was pure love. For the first time in my life I felt full in every way possible.

The approach of my oncoming orgasm felt like the first rumblings of an apocalypse. I'd never felt a climax come up from so deep inside me--for a few moments I was sure I was about to die, and I was wholly ready to die fucking.

"UH--!" I roared. "AH!"

"Yes yes!" Aleksi groaned. His thrusting ramped up intensely, and I knew from his breathing and tensing that he was about to cum as well.

"YES!" I echoed, my voice cracking, as he pumped my shaft steadily with his beautiful, slender, nimble hand, and everything in me seized up as I was fucked over the edge. My leg, still curled around his, pulled him involuntarily closer against me. My eyes widened, and my jaw locked open as a hot, thick stream of cum shot forth, strafing the white sheets in front of me. Bright flashes of light seemed to dance across my vision. I groaned helplessly as the climax persisted, consuming me; Aleksi angled me inward so that the next jet spattered across my chest and belly. He continued to fuck me aggressively, filling me with his own white-hot fluids. He pressed his face into my hair, muffling his whimpering cries.

I was still cumming. Aleksi milked every last drop out of me; it painted my front and pooled upon the sheets. The dancing lights faded at last, my jaw went slack, and I softened in his hand. I could feel my own thundering heartbeat in all my extremities.

"Aleksi," I whispered.

He, too, softened, and slipped out of me. I didn't want to lose that sensation of being filled, but even though his cock was no longer inside me, I still felt complete.

"Aleksi," I repeated. "Oh...."

"I knowww," he sighed, withdrawing a little and letting me roll onto my back. He looked over me with a euphoric smile, the blush of pleasure in his cheeks standing out intensely against the pale tone of his porcelain skin. He settled down and began to lick me clean, unbothered by the thick, dark hair that carpeted my chest and trailed down the centre of my abdomen. I breathed heavily and petted his long, soft, blonde hair. I could feel his cum leaking out and soaking the sheets beneath me, and I didn't even care. I repeated his name again. His name was like a sweet taste in my mouth; I savoured it.

He finally worked his way up to my mouth and kissed me slowly, deeply.

"Thank you," I whispered against his soft lips. "Thank you, thank you."

"Mmmm... my baby," he breathed. "My love. My man." He rubbed his soft cheek against my stubbly one, and then fixed his stunningly blue eyes on me. "Did you like having a cherry for me to pop?"

"Hell yes!" I growled. I gripped his face between my hands and stroked his cheeks with my thumbs. "My ass is gonna be sore tomorrow, but... damn. You... you did things to me I never thought were possible."

He smiled dreamily. "I do so love to please you. Jason... would it scare you if I told you I love you like crazy?"

I felt a warm swelling in my chest. "The only thing that would scare me... is if you said I couldn't be with you," I whispered. "I love you like crazy too. Aleksi... fuck! I love you so much!"

He collapsed atop me and I enclosed him snugly in my arms. He told me he loved me several more times, and I told him the same. I ran my hands all over him, worshipping his soft skin, his graceful limbs, his perfect ass. I found his left hand and brought it to my lips, kissing his palm. I examined his long, slender fingers. I smiled privately. Someday soon, I knew I would have to put a ring on that.

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Summer1987Summer19874 months ago

This story is seriously so beautiful and it's so fucking impressive you were able to pack so much character and relationship development into such short stories. I would seriously fucking LOOOOVE reading this as a novel. If you ever decide to write a book, reworking this story as a novel or even novella would be golden!

This is one of the first stories I ever read on this site and I find myself coming back to it regularly.

Beautiful work, seriously!

Thank you for sharing your talent with us!

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

So erotic and romantic at the same time, their love is so pure ❤

Bi75tedBi75tedalmost 2 years ago

That was one beautiful tale. Enjoyed the plot immensely and the way you developed the characters. Not just in this chapter but thought your descriptions of sex are equally well crafted and erotic. Well done.

dnsontndnsontnabout 3 years ago

In one word: Beautiful

monocatmonocatabout 3 years ago

Favorite story so far, has such raw emotion...I'm so glad the mom excepted them being together. Hoping there will be a sequel even though this is an old story… ( o=^•ェ•)o ┏━┓

liz33ndliz33ndover 3 years ago

oh wow, so erotic

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Got my heart racing and other parts throbbing!

So hot!!! Plus it's romantic. I love these kinds of stories.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Wow nice ending

Very nice ending to a hot and sensual story. Three cheers to the author. Oh my I think I need a need a hot long haired bf now.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Very impressed!

Not even gay, but definitely didn't matter in this story. Lovely story!

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