Pilots Get Lucky Ch. 03


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"Oh....my....god!" Kristi's eyes burst with overflowing mirth. Nonetheless, she grabbed a long stare at the guy, using my head as a shield.

"...and then, we were discussing if he was cute, or not," Delaney finished, matter-of-factly.

"What?" Kristi queried softly, burrowing her gaze into my greenies. "Oh really?" she smirked, raising her eyebrow.

"No...no no no," I muttered quickly, caught off guard.

"Tell me the truth now, Sammie!" Kristi's light fingers marched quickly, but tantalizingly softly, up to my crotch.

"Well....actually," Delaney admitted, not seeing Kristi's actions, "we didn't get quite that far."

She threw Delaney a momentary glance, but addressed me.

"Please tell me more," she asked demurely. "This sounds soooo interesting."

"Del was just talking about guys we see in bars....you konw...some of them look so ridiculous, and others are so full of themselves....."

"Yeah.....go on." Kristi looked at Delaney then. "I'm sure there's more, huh?"

Delaney looked a little uncomfortable, but he was the one who'd dug this hole, and besides, he was pretty far gone.

"We were just saying that sometimes," unconsciously, Delaney slid his hand nervously along my thigh, "...sometimes we look around and see a guy that looks kinda cute....you know...once in awhile."

I immediately noticed that he had said "we".

"Like that guy over there," Kristi contributed, nodding across the room.


Kristi looked me directly in the eye.

"and you think he's cute, huh Sammie?"

I turned my head in the guy's direction, buying time to think of a possible reply.

"Yeah....I guess," I answered finally.

"H'mmmmmm," she murmured, studying the guy again, having found an excuse to check him out once more.

"You have very good taste in men," she smiled, plying her fingers a little more strongly to outline my bulge.

"Why am I not surprised, I wonder?" Her eyes twinkled an unprintable message to me.

"What about you, Delaney? You think he's cute, I'll bet. Tell me why you think he's hot," she demanded.

"Yeah.....I'm the same as Sam, I guess," he started slowly. "Nice deep eyes....blue I think....and what a jaw."

"Oh yeah....all good. What else?"

I listened, somewhat abstractly, as Delaney sized up the guy, haltingly, as though he had just become a teenage girl at her first dance. It was definitely hard to concentrate, because I'd hardened up completely under the busy fingers. Delaney's words floated above me, almost surreally.

"I like his arms too.....very strong, all the way down to nice hands..."

"Yeah," breathed Kristi, totally in agreement, "and?"

"and," Delaney paused, "I think he'd look pretty good if he lost his shirt."

"Oh yeah....good," Kristi beamed, looking back at me. "Tell me you'd like to see him without his shirt too."

Since a denial would only prolong this conversation, I started to agree, and at that very moment, Kristi lifted her left hand up to the bar to grasp her wineglass. Like a devil in heat, she stabbed me with white-hot eyes above the rim. The fingers which were still feeling me up, did not belong to her. She had set me up.

Reflexively, I quickly glanced at Delaney, and suddenly understood why he'd been babbling on so much. He'd gotten to first base, so easily, but without my knowledge or approval. He looked so dumbly happy, which immediately wiped clean my consternation and concern.

"Sam likes looking at guys," Kristi explained softly to Delaney, before I could object, silencing my dissenting countenance. "We've talked about guys many times."

"Whatthafu..?" I blurted half-heartedly.

"Sam is just soooo open and free-thinking," she interjected firmly, "and that's what makes him so unbearably sexy to me."

"Really?" Delaney looked at me with new light in his alcohol-dazed eyes.

"That's why you find him sexy too, Delaney. I know it."

Finally, Delaney couldn't find any words: not immediately, anyway.

"Sam's not afraid to say it when he finds a guy attractive, or even sexy. He's so .... fucking cool." Kristi kissed my lips warmly, but quickly enough not to make a scene. The wine on her lips was fragrant and sweet.

"Sam, I....I, uh,..... yeah, you're right. He is sexy." Delaney mouthed the words, without much sound, but with a lot of meaning. Delaney so much wanted the respect and admiration that Kristi was showering on me.

"Thanks Del," I replied quietly, but with my eyes burning into Kristi's.

"Kristi likes to get me into trouble," I said as Kristi made an innocent face, "so you can't always trust what she says or does....."

"Like every woman should," smirked Kristi.

Ignoring her, I silently put my hand over his, softly retarding his exploring fingers.

"...and I like what you're doing Del, but honestly, I'm gonna have an accident if you don't stop soon."

I smiled to remove any hint of offence.

His fingers stopped immediately, but he rested his hand there for a moment, under mine.

"I'm sorry.....I guess I got carried away." His hand reversed, so that his fingers slipped loosely through mine as he pulled away.

"It's okay....sometimes that's a good thing."

"Obviously," sputtered Kristi, with her mischevous grin.

We ignored the interruption.

The next morning

I woke up with the sun streaming through the windows. I'd forgotten, or been too tired, to draw the heavy drapes before crashing last night. I felt groggy and lay there immobile, hoping to fall back to sleep. After an unknown period of time, I realized it was of no use. The sun was too hot on the bed, so I would either have to get up and close the curtains, or just get up and start the damn day. In fact, I did both. The sun was as bright as it was hot, so pulling the gauzy drapes saved my eyes. Naked, I padded straight to the shower. What a delight, when I felt the hot water cascading over my tired frame!

For some reason, I draped a huge bath towel around my hips today, as I shaved. Then I realized why my subconcious had commanded me to cover up. Delaney had come back with me to my room to crash, since it was the easiest solution. I walked through my bedroom and quietly opened the ensuite glass door.

"You okay?" I asked the contorted form that was sitting up, rubbing it's eyes.

"Yeah....a shower would be awesome." Delaney's voice was gravely and deep.

"It's all yours. Lots of towels."

I watched him lurch off the couch, and gather himself up into an ungainly tree of flesh and bone. His blue and white jockey shorts clung haphazardly to his hips, only suggesting what lay beneath, as he stumbled off to the bathroom. I couldn't resist a smile as I picked up the phone and ordered room service.

The lady that brought our breakfast tray didn't even blink when she saw the two of us, bathed and wrapped only in big white towels around our hips. She got a nice tip for that. Hot water, soap, and some food and coffee brought Delaney back from the land of the dead.

"I'm fine now," he was saying. "I woke up with a headache, but it's long gone now. I feel great. You?"

"Yeah, I'm good."

"Hey, would you mind if I used your computer to check my email? My phone is dead, and I'm expecting an email that tells me to drive over to Staton today, instead of going home."

"Sure, I'll get it going."

Once I got him setup, I stepped out onto the balcony to sip my coffee. The sun was very hot already, so I didn't stay out there long. Quietly, I re-entered and sat down in an easy chair. Delaney sat at the desk, nearby, with his back to me, as he searched his email and did whatever business he had to do. Sipping my coffee, it was all too easy to let my eyes linger on his exposed upper body. Thin, but not bony, his frame was long with a touch of gracefulness. His square shoulders made him look bigger than he was, while his sharply defined collar bones, and vertebrate were inviting to study. He had no waist at all, almost like a girl's, since his only bad diet was alcohol. I lifted my eyes up to slide down his long, slender arms. Similarly, his fingers were long and lean, as they typed busily on the computer.

I picked up a section of newspaper, to at least disguise, if not divert, my interest. Delaney's face was totally occupied on the screen, unaware of my presence. I could see the profile of his eyes, but not the nice color (bluish green in the daylight), and admired the intensity on his face. I smiled. If I were a girl, I'd definitely think that this guy was a hottie. Oh Christ, I thought, if I were honest with myself, I'd admit that he's a hottie no matter who's looking. Thoughts like this could only be happening to me because of the 'Kristi effect'.

Suddenly, Delaney turned to me and caught me smiling at him.

"What's up with you?" he asked, returning the smile, a little uncertainly.

"Oh, I was just thinking about the waitress who brought our breakfast, and what she must have thought when she saw us, dressed like this.

"Oh yeah, I know," he laughed back at me.

I got up and walked over to pour some more coffee for me.

"Would you like some more too?" I turned, waving the pot in his direction, to find him staring at me.

"What? Am I covered in green paint, or have 3 heads, or what?" I laughed, as he stared without speaking.

"No," he smiled gently, speaking slowly. "It's just my turn now."

I'm sure I reddened immediately. Quickly, to try and hide my embarassment, I laughed and turned around several times, as though I were modeling the towel.

"These come in taupe, tangerine, and sky blue," I joked, hiking up the towel with a flare.

As I filled his cup, his eyes never left me.

"So," I spoke lightly, "are you going over to Staton then?"



"Oh-oh". I barely murmured, but it was loud enough to catch his attention.

"Well, well, what do we have here?"

Delaney whipped his eyes back to the computer, surprised by the screensaver that had just come up. It was a photo of a tall, curvaceous brunette woman, leaning gracefully in a backwards arch to let her long, lustrous mane of hair flow downwards like a waterfall from her head. Except for an exceptionally tiny orange thread resting gingerly in the right place, she was entirely naked. Endowed with large breasts, she appeared to have smooth hills rising elegantly from her extremely stretched torso.

"What a beautiful sight!" Delaney croaked.

"She's gorgeous," I agreed.

"Who is she?" Delaney asked, looking back at me and then back at her.

"Oh, I don't know......I was just looking around yesterday, playing with the settings on the computer, and came across this and had to paste it up." Then I added, "I didn't mean to leave it though."

"Sure, sure." Delaney's smile was from ear to ear.

"No no. Of course not. I can't have Kristi, or other people I work with, or much less my wife, seeing something like that."

"Oh yeah. That's for sure." Delaney still grinned. "But I'm sure glad you left it on for me."

Something in his eyes made me dare to suggest an idea.

"You need to get going soon?.....or?"

Delaney's eyes were puzzled, but only for a moment.

"I'm only going home.....ah....is there something you need to get done....or?" His smile suggested that he knew that I might be on the verge of doing something interesting.

"Okay," I said, crossing the room with more confidence than I should have felt. "Have a look at these....."

Before I let my better judgement countermand my inner voice, I sat down and entered several quick inputs to the computer. In less than a minute, I had a slideshow opening on the screen. I turned my head to catch the first expression on his face.

"Oh my goddddd!" then "Oh my GOD! Shit man.........that's fucking fantastic!"

Floating across the screen were beautiful, high-definition images of girls, women, whatever, kissing. The scenes were beautifully shot, whether they were elaborate, studio productions, or natural, outdoor, real-life moments. Not one of the models appeared to be posed: and all of them were drop-dead gorgeous, clothed in everything from furs to lingerie to nothing at all. Most of the photos depicted only two women kissing, softly, hotly, deeply, wetly, sometimes up very close and sometimes from a distance.

I looked back at Delaney, to see his eyes bulging out. I was already hard, making it awkward to get up, but I rose to get out of his way.

"Go ahead....sit down and enjoy."

"God Sam.....where did you ever get something like this......oh god I love that one....and that one....and that one."

I smiled at him, clenching his towel knot to keep it from loosening as he bulged out below. I had to do the same.

"I thought you might like it." I looked over at him, finding his aroused body much more interesting to me than the pictures that I'd already seen a thousand times. His muscled arms were tight, as he hunched forward. Down his lower back, the muscles tensed like steel, creating two small hollows where they flowed into tight buttocks that were suggested so teasingly by the drooping towel. I was as hard as a rocket and enjoying my own personal view, without stopping to analyze why he looked so good to me.

"Anything else?" Delaney breathed as the screenshow ended. His face turned back to me, and noticed my condition, but made no remark.

"Maybe...." I pondered, "after what we were talking about last night....maybe you'd like to see something completely different???"

"Huh?....yeah sure....whatever."

"One more show, and then....." I leaned past him and typed a few quick clicks.

"Sure....anything," he agreed.

"Oh....I see."

Then..."Oh ....yeah yeah....this is different" he nodded, as though afraid to be too excited about what he saw.

On the screen now, were quickly changing photos of males, in various attire, mostly without shirts.

"Oh god .......h'mmmmm," he muttered. Obviously he liked something he saw.

"That was Scott Andreasen," I explained quietly.

"You know these guys?" Delaney sounded surprised, but didn't take his eyes from the monitor.

"Just a couple.....that was Domenique Melchior," I answered quickly. "The only other one I know here is Eden Gray....he's coming up soon...."

A few more photos flipped by without a sound from us.

"There.....that's him," I said.

"Very ....ah....good looking."

The show stopped soon afterwards, with a final picture of Andreasen frozen on the screen.

"H'mmm....that's him again, huh?" Delaney made no move to get up.

"Yeah....Scott Andreasen," I replied. "He's......like....uh pretty hot I guess."

"Oh yeah...yeah," Delaney just looked at the guy. "Love those white bermudas on him."


Delaney turned in the chair then to address me.

"You keep surprising me......"

I smiled.

"You know," he began ruefully, "I was scared as shit when I started babbling to you about guys, last night."

"Oh come on," I laughed lightly. "You know me well enough.....you know I'm just a little puppy. Look at how Kristi pushes me around."

"Yeah, yeah," he laughed easily. "You're a very cool guy......but...." he turned and waved at the screen.

".....but I don't think any of my other friends have any pics of hot guys on their computer."

"Oh that," I shrugged. "Well, they're only hot to people who can appreciate them."

"Okay," he agreed inconclusively.

"And I've been saving them to show to Kristi."

"Bullshit." That sounded harsh, so he continued quickly, "You know three of these guys.....that means they're your favorites."

I shrugged. Delaney wasn't stupid.

"Can you put the other two guys back up on the screen?"

"Sure." It took only a few seconds to find them, and I put both on the screen together.

"H'mmmmmmm." Delaney took a good look.

"Your favorites, huh? These guys and Scott?" he smiled. Then, after a few seconds, he turned around to me. "I can see what you like."

"I like the girls best." I laughed.

"Me too," he laughed back. "But....." waving at the screen, "....one of these wouldn't be too bad, either."

Silently, I was thinking the same thing, but there was no point in admitting it. Besides, I was getting itchy to get on with the day. It was getting close to noon already.

"You, ah...want to take a shower before you go?" I suggested innocently.

"Why? To get rid of this?" he laughed, getting up to show me the profile of his tented groin.

I smiled and looked, because he obviously wanted the attention.

"Better be a cold one," I smiled.

"Yeah," he smiled only a little.

He stood there, immobile, as we checked each other out.

"I think there'll be a better time." I squeezed the words out softly, leaving the full meaning of my thoughts for him to interpret however he wished.

I thought I heard Delaney sigh, but he turned and ambled towards the bathroom. He'd only taken a couple of steps before turning back momentarily. "Is it okay to say that I'd like to see what's under that towel someday?" he requested in a low, but urgent voice.

I checked out his eyes. They were definitely hungry. Probably mine looked the same.

"Yeah...." I smiled.

Delaney said nothing, but turned and headed for the bathroom. Then, of course knowing that I was watching, he dropped the towel as he stepped inside and closed the door behind him. I had been right about his butt.

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LarryInSeattleLarryInSeattleabout 13 years ago

Don't stop now, please.

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