Pirates Slave


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"I see, well I guess we will have to try something different. Lie down please."

Janice found her body obeying and she was stretched out on the bed her arms over her head again. The Captain flicked the switch and the web took hold of her again.

"We will try again tomorrow."

Janice watched him leave and opened her mouth to beg him, but still no sound came out. She lay there shivering in fear at the thought of going through another day like the last one, but then the hands started again and she felt the familiar heat start in her body. As her mind recoiled in fear as the pleasure centers of her brain reacted and she felt the fingers start to manipulate her body. They stroked softly and with more care than any lover she had had before. Their caresses were feather light and worked the right part of her body at exactly the right time to bring her to the height of ecstasy. This time she felt lips and tongues added to the mix.

She felt a mouth on each of her diamond hard nipples and groaned out loud, the only sound she could make. Butterfly kisses rained down on her skin from her multiple unseen lovers and she found herself spiraling higher and higher. They attacked her toes and feet, her fingers and even her armpits. Not tickling just caresses and feather gentle kisses. Finally a mouth attached itself to her dripping center and she sighed in relief, hoping against hope that this time she would actually achieve her release.

The mouth suckled her essence from her well and a separate one attacked her love button. Janice felt the tension climbing in her body and started to arch off the bed, knowing that at this point all the pleasure would be taken from her. The expert hands and mouths, too many for her to know how many continued to take her to the very edge of delight and when she started to cross over she felt them attack even harder.

Janice screamed in delight as the attack continued this time. She sprayed her oil all over the bed, her toes curled so tight she could have cracked walnuts and her eyes were rolling in her head. She rocked from side to side trying to keep the feeling going and the invisible lovers obliged her. They kept her climaxing for so long she thought she had stopped breathing. Finally the pleasure stopped and she collapsed onto the bed breathing as though she had run a marathon.

Before she could catch her breath the hands started again and the mouths attacked her pleasure zones. Even through her pleasure fogged mind she knew that this was indeed torture. Janice feebly tried to fight the feelings coursing through her, but her invisible lovers were too good. They knew her body better than she did. They attacked without mercy or respite. The phantom oral assault continued for three more shattering releases, her fluids had completely soaked the bed and were pooling under her when she felt something else start to work its way into her body.

With a scream she fought her eyes open and saw that she was still alone, but there was no mistaking the feeling of someone slowly filling her aching portal. This was the biggest intrusion that she had ever felt, it was as though a starship was invading her body and she could nothing about it. Her hips moved of their own accord and she started rocking against the pressure only to feel it slide even deeper into her core. It pulled out and just as slowly started back in. She was being fucked whether she wanted it or not. As the pistoning member slowly began to pick up speed Janice found herself responding to it. There was nothing she could do; her body was reacting on instinct alone.

Janice felt the hands and mouths still arousing her and fought for control only to have her body betray her. She could hear the liquid sounds coming from her lower regions and she felt her hips thrust up to meet the pounding appendage. Her release approached and she felt a tongue slip into her bottom and screamed as she was shoved over the edge again. The phantom lover didn't stop though; he continued his movements and speed, dragging her over the edge again and again. Janice went completely hoarse from screaming in orgasm, only to have a different scream erupt from her as she felt another member replace the tongue in her other entrance.

She twisted as well as she could, but it would not be denied and the mouth attached to love center flicked its tongue at just the right second to cause her to thrust down, impaling herself on both ghost lovers. Her eyes rolled up into her head and she passed out, completely exhausted and mind blank. An electric shock twisted her body in pain and Janice jolted as upright as she could. Her phantoms were still thrusting into her and would not allow her sleep through it.

Wearily her body responded to the unwelcome force invading her and she found new strength that rocked her hips in time with both of the intruders. She opened her mouth to scream and a third force entered her body and she found that her jaw was locked open as if a tremendously large prong was shoved down her throat. It pistoned in and out with the other two, sometimes all three were in sync, but most often not. She had little trouble breathing as there was nothing in her mouth, but the feeling was the same and she learned to breathe only on the out stroke. How long this went on Janice did not know, but the electric shocks were coming more and more often to keep her awake, until finally not even they could rouse her.

Janice's eye lids slowly parted and she realized that she could move and was not being assaulted anymore. Her joints felt like sandpaper as she tried to move out of the bed. She couldn't stand and again had to crawl on her hands and knees to head. She just went straight into the shower and sat on the floor, the water streaming down her body. She drank the hot water directly from the falling rain and slowly slaked her thirst. She was so dehydrated that she felt she had lost ten kilos.

As the water massaged her aching body she slowly moved her hands around her skin and checked for damage. Her openings were as tight as ever and she found it hard to believe that she could not shove her fist into either one. She had been fucked by a train the night before, in all her openings and had lost count of the times she had cum. She slowly pushed herself to her feet and rinsed the rest of her body clean of fluids and sweat. She turned off the shower and turned on the drier. Warm air blasted her and she felt the water run from her skin. The smell of food permeated the shower stall and against her better judgment she moved out of the head to her cabin to find the Captain standing in the by the small table, a full breakfast sat waiting for her.

"Please come and sit." He invited gently. Janice followed his instructions without hesitation. "Good, now how about some breakfast, you must be hungry." Her stomach answered for her with a loud rumble. "Excellent, I think you will enjoy the eggs Benedict. Our chef is one of the best in space, I only employ the best."

"You mean kidnap." Janice said softly, instantly regretting it as the collar tightened slightly in warning and then loosened to its original size.

"You would be well advised to behave Commander." He said simply, "now how about a little chat."

"Before we do, I would like to ask you a few questions." Janice said still not touching the food before her.

"Very well, I have some time, but suppose you eat while we talk, I wouldn't want it to get cold."

"How do I know it's safe?" She asked suspiciously.

"Your implants would stop anything that could harm you, so there is no point, however if you insist." He picked up the fork and took a large bite of the eggs and then handed her the fork with a flourish.

"What are you doing to me?"

"We want you to answer some of our rather important questions and that requires you to be ah...prepared in a very special way. Your implants and conditioning would prevent us from extracting the information from you with any um...extreme measures and you are well trained to resist physical punishment, but the implants that you have are not programmed to resist the method that we are using."

"And that method is?"

"Pleasure by nerve induction," he said simply. "The pleasure centers of your brain are the only place your implants and nannites have no control, so we go there. The collar you now where is feeding directly into that section of your mind. I have complete control of how much pleasure you will feel. Now on to my questions, what does the Alliance want me for?"

"Nothing," Janice answered truthfully. "We didn't even know that you were out here."

"What were you doing out by that freighter then?"

"Routine patrol and practice run, we scanned the freighter and saw that it was in the asteroid belt and went into investigate."

"Commander," he said threateningly.

"You know that I am telling you the truth or the collar would react." Janice said quietly but firmly. "We had no idea that you were out here and we hadn't even received a missing ship report on the freighter. We were out here only for routine training. With systems getting so crowded, it is getting harder and harder to find places where there is no traffic for flight teams to exercise."

He looked at her for a few moments more and then nodded.

"Very well Commander, I will accept your answers for now, but we will speak again." He stood to leave and then paused at the hatchway. "Oh, one more thing, I left you the news fax on your tray, there is an interesting item on page four." He walked out and she heard the hatch slam shut with dreadful finality. She picked up the fax and turned to relevant page and saw the item instantly. It was a report on the loss of her flight section during routine maneuvers. All were listed as dead. She pushed the plate away, her appetite suddenly gone.

The Alliance thought she was dead, obviously they had travelled far enough that they couldn't read her implants, but that wasn't very far, without her ship to relay the range was barely outside the ship. She was truly on her own. She only had to hold out for a few days and then her information would be obsolete and they would get rid of her, one way or another.'Most likely another,'she thought despondently.

The shrill sound of call to actions stations sounded throughout room and Janice leapt to her feet and rushed to the closet with her suit without thought. She had no station, but if the ship was attacked and lost pressure, then she would need the suit. She dressed with customary haste, checked all her telltales and connected the umbilical's to the ships systems. She would not need her own suits power unless she needed to move around the ship, and that wasn't likely. Just as she got her helmet seated and locked she heard the sound of the atmosphere being vented from her compartment and the corridor.

The corridor made sense, if the ship was hit, then the lack of atmosphere would prevent the transmission of shock and fire from spreading, but she couldn't think of a reason for her compartment to be vented. The suit umbilical's would hold her in place the same as a tether, but it was still disconcerting. She took a step and found herself rising in the compartment, and realized that the gravity had been shut down. Janice knew all the procedures for moving in micro gravity or even zero g, but before she could put them to use she found herself floating in the middle of the room, her arms and legs spread and her suit connections locked. She was completely immobilized and then a voice came over her suit com.

"Commander," she heard the Captain say, "please enjoy your day off from questioning." And then the lights went out.

Janice had never been afraid of the dark, but this was different. She could feel nothing, and know that the ship still surrounded her was of no comfort as there was no atmosphere in her cabin. She was in a sensory deprivation tank as efficient as any she had ever heard of.

She checked her telltales only to find that the lights were out and the HUD would not function. Somehow they had invaded her suit and removed control. She could still feel the air in her suit move about her and knew that she was attached to the ships system but that was little comfort against the thought of complete sensory decoupling.

Janice hung in her cabin for what felt like days and held the incipient panic at bay only by training. She had been in a deprivation tank before and she knew how to deal with it but it was still a chore. She ran through every song, poem and tongue twister that she could think of. When those ran out, she went over the flight manual of her fighter, but all that did was put her to sleep.

She awoke with a start as the temperature in her suit dropped quickly. She tried to move to find the control panel, but was still locked in place. The air was flowing gently, so it wasn't a leek, but someone else controlling her suit functions. Just as the chill reached the point where she started to chatter, the suit started to warm up, and then heat up. She started to sweat and have difficulty breathing but the temperature continued to climb. This went on back and forth for more time than she could identify until she passed out again after the heat in her suit soared passed her ability to withstand.

The lights in her cabin blinked on and she awoke with a start. She felt a subtle wash of gravity flow over her and she settled gently to the deck. She heard the pumps come back on and a green light lit on her suit indicating that breathable atmosphere surrounded her again. Janice pulled off her helmet and removed her suit, hanging both of them in the storage niche and hooking up the recharge lines. She now looked at her suit as a means of inflicting more torment on her than a comfortable suit.

Suddenly she felt her body turn of its own will and walk towards the bed. She whimpered in fright as she lay down and the tractor web grabbed her wrists and ankles and the torment started again.

The hands and fingers and tongues caressed her sensuously, working into every nook and cranny and within seconds she was panting in desire. The phantom digits found pleasure points that she never knew that she possessed, the underside of her knee, the arch of her foot, the junction of her shoulder to her neck and others that took her higher and higher. As she approached her release the feeling stopped and she shuddered.

"Not again," she moaned aloud.

"Not this time," a voice in her head answered.

She felt her body relax from the edge and the fingers started again. She fought all she could but it was too much. The feelings were inside her head and she couldn't fight it. She closed her eyes and found herself suspended from the ceiling, wrists and ankles bound tight holding her in a spread cross as the Captain sat in a comfortable chair before her.

"Now you will tell me everything I want to know." He said darkly and a whip crashed down on her exposed flank.

Janice screamed in agony and her body bounced at the impact, another strike and she screamed even louder. The whip found her most tender spots and struck again and again as the Captain kept ordering her to tell the truth, but he asked no questions, nor would he let her answer. Every time she opened her mouth to speak the whip struck and she screamed. If she said nothing it struck again with greater force. The whip attacked her nipples and her cunt, her clit was a special target and received considerable attention. Somehow the whip was even able to find her asshole and strike there without mercy.

"I can keep this up all day you know." The Captain said conversationally.

Janice passed out and when she awoke she found herself lying on the bed, panting and sweating, but not a mark on her. She crawled again to the shower and shuddered and sobbed in the water. She didn't know how long she sat there but she knew when she got out that it was over. She couldn't fight him anymore.

She crawled out of the head and found him standing in her bedroom and she crawled over to him quickly. She bowed her head and touched it to the floor before him. "I will tell all you wish to know Captain."

"Master," he corrected her gruffly.

"Yes Master."

"What was your call sign?"

"Sparky, Master," she replied instantly.

"Then from now on you are my kitten Sparky." He said smoothly.

"Thank you Master." She said.

"If you obey me and do well in your duties you will be rewarded, if you displease me then today's little session will seem like a five minute warning, do you understand?"

"Yes Master." Sparky replied, her face still on the deck.

"Good, now dress, your new outfit is on the bed. Report to the guard outside when you are done." He turned and left the cabin before Sparky lifted her head and saw the clothing waiting for her. The clothing was worse than what she had seen in the wardrobe a lifetime ago when she came aboard. The metallic supports for her breasts were only cups that would sit on her chest, but not cover anything. Beneath them on the bed was a metallic cod piece that would cover her slit and up her back crack to the small of her back. It had two extending prongs attached that she knew with certainty would fit her openings and a mechanical tail that matched her hair. The boots by the bed were silver thigh high with twelve centimeter spike heels, she could see that the knees were padded and didn't like what that implied, but she had had more than enough torture to make her compliant. There was also a head band with cat's ears attached and a pair of gloves, with padded palms and the finger tips removed.

The breast supports slipped under her tits and automatically adhered to her skin and cradled the underside of her breasts, giving them more support but leaving her nipples exposed while clamps attached to each. They were tight, but not painful, Sparky was sure that could change in a heartbeat. The cod piece slipped onto her body as well, the extensions, soft and flexible worked their way into her body on their own and then stiffened inside her. Sparky moaned against her will as she was filled up and the cod piece locked into place. As she moved over to the bed, she noted that the tail moved of its own accord. The boots were made of smart fabric that looked like leather, but was far tougher. They were far too large until she had them both on and then they locked onto her legs, matching her shape and shrank to fit like a second skin. She slipped the head band on and it disappeared into her hair and the ears looked almost natural. The gloves also locked in place. She knew that she wouldn't be getting out of this outfit anytime soon.

Sparky staggered into the head again and dried her hair and checked the mirror to try to make herself look presentable before making her way to the hatch She noticed that the ears she now wore looked natural and as her expression changed, the ears moved. She concentrated on the ears and figured that they were connected to her implants and collar. She left the head and moved the hatch, it opened as she approached and she saw the same guard that had taken her to her quarters from the Captains dining room and he waved her out and she followed him up ship. Now that she knew what to look for, she could see the collar around his neck.

"I see that you are like me." Sparky said quietly, struggling to keep up with the giant.

"Yes, just like you," he said with a sad smile. "And if you are smart, you will not cross him, follow all, and I mean ALL his orders and try to improve you lot on this ship." He turned to look at her and for the first time, she met his eye and then recognition flashed across her face.

"Yes, I was that Senator." He said with sadder smile yet. "But now I follow my orders here and I am moving up the ranks. Just keep your mouth shut and do as you are told. What you have experienced for the last few days is only a tithe of what that collar can do to you."